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本文对名老中医钱育寿主任医师以法系病治疗小儿呕吐、厌食、积滞、泄泻等脾胃系疾病;从肝立论治疗小儿百日咳、盘肠气痛、黄疸、疝气;分证论治治疗小儿咳嗽、麻疹、风痧、奶痧、丹痧等出疹性疾病的经验进行探讨。总结了钱老灵活的辨证思想,分析了他独特的用药方法,并结合现代药理研究,介绍了钱老创制的若干疗效卓著的经效方剂。  相似文献   
我院多年来应用千捶膏和生肌玉红膏治疗感染性伤面。千捶膏用于去腐,生肌玉红膏用于生新。据我们观察二药有较强的抗感染作用,尤其有抗绿脓感染作用。应用千捶膏可以较快地达到脱腐作用,应用生肌玉红膏可以促进肉芽增生,达到伤面早期愈合,值得推广。  相似文献   
孙思邈《千金要方·食治》作为现存最早的食疗专篇,把食物疗法提高到前所未有的高度。其弟子孟说的《食疗本草》无论在食药收录范围方面,还是在学术内容方面,都是对《千金要方·食治》的继承、补充和发展,并载有大量食疗验方,实用性更强。孙、孟二人可谓集唐以前食物疗法之大成,对后世食疗的发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
实验结果表明,前列康宝具有明显的抗前列腺增生,抗炎及改善微循环作用。  相似文献   
The Middle Pleistocene Sima de los Huesos (SH) site has yielded more than 7.500 human fossil remains belonging to a minimum of 29 individuals. Most of these individuals preserve either the complete mandibular molar series or at least the first (M1) and second (M2) molars. The inhibitory cascade mathematical model was proposed by Kavanagh et al. (Nature, 449, 427–433 [2007]) after their experimental studies on the dental development of murine rodent species. The activator–inhibitor mechanism of this model has shown its ability for predicting evolutionary size patterns of mammalian teeth, including hominins. The main aim of this study is to test whether the size molar patterns observed in the SH hominins fit the inhibitory cascade model. With this purpose, we have measured the crown area of all SH molars in photographs, using a planimeter and following techniques used and well contrasted in previous works. Following one of the premises of the inhibitory cascade model, we expect that the central tooth (M2 in our case) of a triplet would have the average size of the two outer teeth. The absolute difference between the observed and the expected values for the M2s ranges from 0.23 to 8.46 mm2 in the SH sample. In terms of percentage, the difference ranges between 0.25% and 10.34%, although in most cases, it is below 5%. The plot of the estimated M3/M1 and M2/M1 size ratios obtained in the SH hominins occupies a small area of the theoretical developmental morphospace obtained for rodent species. In addition, the majority of the values are placed near the theoretical line which defines the relationship predicted by the inhibitory cascade model in these mammals. The values of the slope and intercept of the reduced major regression obtained for the SH individuals do not differ significantly from those obtained for rodent species, thus confirming that the size of the molars of the SH hominins fits the inhibitory cascade model. We discuss these results in terms of dental development. Despite the promising results in the SH sample, we draw the attention to the fact that most Early Pleistocene Homo specimens exhibit a pattern (M1 < M2 > M3), which is outside the expected theoretical morphospace predicted by the inhibitory cascade model. The shift from the M1 < M2 < M3 size relationship observed in early hominins (including H. habilis) to the M1 > M2 > M3 size relationship, which is predominant in modern humans, includes sequences that depart from predictions of the inhibitory cascade model. Additional studies are required to understand these deviations.  相似文献   
从上海图书馆馆藏吴迁抄写《金匮要略方》(简称“吴迁本”)的跋语、印记、纸背文献等角度对吴迁的形象进行推测,在《明代小字本〈金匮要略〉抄写者吴迁生平考》一文的基础上进行新的史料检索,于《复初斋诗集》和《古书画过眼要录》中找到了新的线索,将这些线索与之前的推测进行验证,最终得到新的结论:吴迁为嘉兴檇李人,后为避战乱迁居苏州之洪里,他同父亲吴子才皆为隐士,能诗善画,与元末明初李升、崔永汶等多位名士大夫为友。  相似文献   
目的:钱学森情报研究思想的方法论价值和大数据时代情报研究工作的指导意义。方法:通过对钱学森指导情报研究工作实践的研究,概括了钱学森情报研究思想的方法论特征,并结合大数据时代科技情报工作的发展与变化对钱学森情报研究思想在新时代的方法论意义进行了思考。结果:钱学森情报研究思想体现了高瞻远瞩的战略眼光、综合集成的情报研究思想、融会贯通的知识体系等重要特征。结论:大数据时代情报研究工作发生了深刻变化,钱学森情报研究思想是应对大数据时代情报研究发展变化的重要指导。  相似文献   
超高效液相色谱测定前列安通片中的芍药苷含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:采用超高效液相色谱(UPLC)建立前列安通片中芍药苷的检测方法。方法:采用ACQUITY UPLCTMBEHC18(2.1 mm×50 mm,1.7μm)色谱柱,以乙腈-水-醋酸(15:85:0.15)为流动相,流速为0.2 ml/min,检测波长230 nm,芍药苷的保留时间为2.24 min。结果:实验表明,芍药苷浓度在5~100μg/ml范围内呈良好线性关系(r=0.9998),平均回收率为98.0%(n=6)。结论:本方法快速、简单,分离度和灵敏度高,可用于对前列安通片中芍药苷的快速测定。  相似文献   
钱塘医派述要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱塘医派形成于明末清初 ,延续至清末光绪年间 ,历经 2 0 0余年。早期人物有卢之颐、张遂辰 ,中期代表人物为张志聪、张锡驹、高世 ,晚期有仲学辂。他们尊经崇古学术思想一脉相承 ,办学讲医培养人才风气相袭 ,研究经典医籍前赴后继 ,并凸显出讲学、研经与行医三位一体的特色。在当时特定的时代背景与地域环境中 ,顺时而成 ,乘机发展 ,最终成为中国医学史上唯一的集讲学、医疗与经典医著研究于一体 ,并取得令人瞩目成就的医学流派。  相似文献   
宋代校正医书局改编《千金要方》的新证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐代孙思邈《千金要方》一书,现存有二种传本,一种是宋代校正医书局的校注本《备急千金要方》;另一种是未经宋人校改的宋刊本《孙真人千金方》(现存20卷)。这二种传本无论是在篇目次序(包括同一篇中的条文次序)还是在文字内容上,都有较大的出入。关于这种差异的形成原因,几年前我们已经撰文做了初步分析,而新近的研究又进一步发现了解释这些差异的新证据。  相似文献   
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