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仝小林院士将新型冠状病毒肺炎定名为"寒湿疫",并以此理论为基础制定了初期、中期、重症期及恢复期的中医治疗方案,同时基于仝院士学术理论体系中的"脏腑风湿"理论,根据恢复期 "余毒未清,正虚邪恋"的病机特点,探讨其符合具备脏腑风湿行成3个基本要素:即外受寒湿裹挟戾气为必要外因;脏腑内虚为重要基础;邪疫伏留胶着,正邪交争为致病关键。故在辨证施治中可应用脏腑风湿理论以调理脾胃,化湿透邪,补益肺脾,顾护阳气,养阴生津。  相似文献   
就如何提高中医的临床疗效及临床疗效在中医学发展中的重要作用等采访了金实教授,金实教授认为,注重整体观念,正确辨证施治,确保临床疗效是中医学是以延续的保证;辨证与辨互参是提高临床疗效,促进中医学发展的重要方法;中西医结合方法给传统中医学注入了新的活力,明显地提高了临床疗效,现代自然科学的渗透使中医疗效的评判走向客观和微观化,促进了中医学现现代化发展的进程。  相似文献   
自1987年迄今,用金石散(4-6胶囊/次,2-3次/天)治疗胆结石患者177例,3月为一疗程,共2-4疗程。治疗前后均经B超检查以判断疗效。结果显示:1.服药一月,90%病人的发热、腹胀、疼痛等临床症状消失。2、62例胆囊结石经服药平均8.18+7.14月后,3例结石完全消失(4.84%),37例结石减少变小,总有效率64.52%;而临床类型型相似的另外23例,用UDCA治疗作为对照组,总有效率  相似文献   
Rigid external distraction is currently used to correct severe maxillary hypoplasia. The purpose of this retrospective study was to present the clinical results and complications of a two-stage surgical approach using a modified external distraction system that consists of maxillary distraction and then maxillary fixation. We treated eight patients with cleft lip and palate in this way from 2016 to 2018. Lateral cephalograms taken before the first operation, after distraction, two weeks after the second operation, and one year after treatment were used to examine maxillofacial morphology. Velopharyngeal function was evaluated by a speech therapist. The mean movements of the maxilla forwards and downwards at Point A were 12.0 mm and 8.0 mm at the completion of distraction and those at Point B were 5.0 mm backwards and 9.7 mm downwards. Mouth opening was limited at this time, and was relieved after maxillary fixation. The mean relapse one year postoperatively was 24.3% horizontally and 52.5% vertically. Velopharyngeal function was unchanged by the operation. We conclude that the method has advantages that include the short duration of wearing distractors and increased acceptance by patients. The modified external device advanced the midface sufficiently.  相似文献   
"醒脑开窍"针刺疗法是我国著名中医药学家和教育家、中国工程院院士、国医大师、石学敏中医发展基金会理事长石学敏教授于1972年为治疗中风病创立的针刺疗法。该疗法临床应用已达40余年,在中风病等多种疾病治疗中确实显示出其卓越的疗效。通过大量的临床观察和基础实验研究,对机体多系统疾病均有良好的调节作用。该疗法不仅限于中风病的应用,一切脑性麻痹或瘫痪(如小儿脑瘫、一氧化碳中毒和脑外伤后等);严重的疼痛(如神经痛、内脏痛、创伤痛和癌瘤痛等);精神疾病(如癫狂痫、抑郁症、百合病和癔病等);还有部分其他系统(如尿崩症、遗尿和二便失控等疾病)均有非常好的疗效。从脑主神明的认识;"醒脑开窍"针刺疗法的提出与确立;创立中风病机新理论等方面,并探讨中国工程院院士、国医大师石学敏教授对中医脑病的新贡献。  相似文献   
蔡妙珊教授认为泌尿系结石病机多为脾肾气虚为本,湿热气滞血瘀为标,治疗常用清热利湿、通络、补虚三法,自拟金石芍苓汤,融三法于一方,疗效较好。同时结合针刺、穴位注射、总攻疗法及综合疗法等,缩短治疗周期,加快排石,促进中、大型结石的排出,疗效显著。  相似文献   
脾虚血燥型自身敏感性湿疹患者240例被随机分为治疗组和对照组。治疗组采用湿热汤配合薄芝糖肽注射液,对照组采用氯雷他啶片,临床验证其治疗3个月和1年时的总有效率及1年的痊愈率,治疗组分別为89.8%,82.5%,10.5%;对照组分別为60%,50%,1%,两组比较差异均有显著性(P〈0.01)。研究表明湿热汤配合薄芝糖肽注射液可抑制毛细血管通透性增加,具有良好的抗炎和抗迟发型变态反应和提高免疫的作用。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress plays a role in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Yo jyo hen shi ko (YHK) is a complex compound purported to reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) by blocking the propagation of radical-induced reactions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of the effect of YHK in experimental NASH. METHODS: NASH was induced in male ob/ob mice by a high-fat (HF) diet or methionine/choline-deficient (MCD) diet for 4 weeks. YHK-treated animals received YHK solution orally (20 mg/kg/day) in both experimental diets (n=6; each group) while control animals received only vehicle. RESULTS: The MCD and HF groups developed moderate diffuse macrosteatosis, hepatocellular ballooning, and a diffuse inflammatory infiltrate. With the addition of YHK, there was a marked reduction in macrosteatosis in both groups. This was associated with decreased lipoperoxide and reduced glutathione-GSH concentrations as well as reduced serum aminotransferases and improved histological markers of inflammation. These changes were also associated with weight loss in the MCD+YHK group and diminished weight gain in the HF+YHK group. CONCLUSION: YHK therapy blunts the development of macrosteatosis in these models of NASH and significantly reduces markers of oxidative stress. YHK also diminishes weight gain in this obesity prone model. Our findings warrant further study on the mechanisms involved with these effects.  相似文献   
质疑秦艽清虚热的功效。从秦艽功用沿革及历代医家对秦艽的认识,总结秦艽功效为主传尸骨蒸、除日晡潮热骨蒸、治小儿疳积骨蒸,而秦艽的除骨蒸作用不能等同于清虚热,秦艽并不具备治疗阴虚发热的特质,其在治疗阴虚发热方剂中的作用与其性用平和、辛散苦泄通利有关,而它本身并无直接的清退阴虚发热的功用。  相似文献   
李志鸣  徐爽  钟相根 《中医学报》2020,35(2):251-253
各医家对伤寒差后更发热原因的认识主要有:余热未尽、劳复、邪在少阳、重感于邪。对脉浮和脉沉实选用方剂的观点主要有:脉浮用枳实栀子豉汤,脉沉实者加大黄;脉浮用麻桂剂,脉沉实用承气剂;脉浮用柴胡桂枝汤,脉沉实用大柴胡汤。本文认为,伤寒差后更发热应为劳复使然,无明显表里症状者,用小柴胡汤和解之;如脉浮,为病后正气尚虚,重感于寒,可用柴胡桂枝汤微发汗解之;如脉沉实,为饮食失节,里有宿食,可用大柴胡汤下之。  相似文献   
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