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By substituting the saturated vapour phase tension of the pure normal hydrocarbons described by the Clausius-Clapeyron law into the accepted expression of the specific retention volume (Vg,T), a theoretically coherent and relatively simple mathematical evidence of the elution behaviour of the homologous members has been deduced. It gives exponential retention time dependence on carbon number for isothermal, and nearly equidistant (i.e., approximately linear retention-time dependence on carbon number) elution for linear temperature programmed gas chromatographic runs. The final equations are in close correlation with the experimental results. Special emphasis is placed on the fact that a good approximation—not strict physical laws—have been found.  相似文献   
目的 探讨中药大陷胸汤高位保留灌肠对流行性出血热(EHF)急性肾衰的治疗作用。方法 将60例EHF急性肾衰患者随机分为对照组与治疗组各30例,对照组予以常规治疗,治疗组在常规治疗的基础上加用大陷胸汤高位保留灌肠,观察两组患者治疗前后的疗效。结果 治疗组治愈23例,好转6例,无效1例,总有效率96.7%;对照组治愈17例,好转7例,无效6例,总有效率80.0%;两组疗效比较,有显著差异性p〈0.05(x^2=4.630)。结论 大陷胸汤高位保留灌肠治疗EHF急性肾衰疗效显著,且简便、安全、经济、病人乐于接受等优点。  相似文献   
目的 观察中药高臀位灌肠治疗慢性肾功能衰竭(chronic renal failure,CRF)的临床疗效.方法 将100例CRF患者随机分为两组,治疗组70例采用中药高臀化灌肠治疗,对照组30例口服活性炭治疗.结果 治疗组总有效率为88.6%,对照组总有效率为50.0%.结论 中药高臀位灌肠治疗CRF有效.  相似文献   
食品添加剂KAl(SO4)2中Al的吸收,排泄,蓄积实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨我国主要含铝食品添加剂——硫酸铝钾中铝的吸收、排泄和贮留的基本情况。方法:1.采用6月龄日本雄性大耳兔8只进行3天的代谢平衡实验。2.选用2~3月龄21只雄性兔进行32周的蓄积实验。结果:代谢实验表明铝的表观吸收率平均在10%左右,约90%的口服铝在粪中排出。尿铝随摄入铝的增加而增加,但肾排铝能力不足吸收的10%。兔的蓄积实验证明在32周实验后实验兔随铝摄入的增加其主要脏器均有不同程度的铝蓄积。其蓄积量的顺序为:骨>肝>肾>脑>心(3.89~105.46mg/kg干重);蓄积增长倍数为:肝>脑>肾>骨>心(1.51~4.58倍)。结论:1.食品添加剂硫酸铝钾中铝的表观吸收率平均在10%左右。尿铝随摄入铝的增加而增加,但肾排铝量不足吸收的10%。2.长期大量摄入含铝食品添加剂可导致机体铝蓄积,其中脑、骨、肝、肾蓄积较明显。  相似文献   
腹腔镜卵巢穿刺内凝治疗多囊卵巢不孕症的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨腹腔镜卵巢穿刺内凝对多囊卵巢不孕症的治疗价值。方法151例腹腔镜卵巢穿刺内凝术(实验组)和151例开腹卵巢楔切术(对照组)治疗多囊卵巢不孕症配对对比研究。结果实验组的手术时间33.1±7.2min,术中失血15.6±4.7ml,总排卵率92.05%,总妊娠率49.67%,均优于对照组(P<0.01);术后雄激素、LH/FSH下降幅度小于对照组(P<0.01)。随时间推移,两组术后排卵巢、妊娠率均有下降倾向,而术后雄激素、LH/FSH则有逐渐回升的倾向。结论腹腔镜卵巢穿刺内凝术对多囊卵巢不孕症有较好的治疗效果  相似文献   
The D2-dopamine receptor antagonist raclopride was administered to eight healthy male subjects, who had previously experienced akathisia following antipsychotic drugs. The influence of administration rate on onset, severity and duration of akathisia and on prolactin response was studied. Raclopride 3,5 or 9 mg or placebo (P) was administered as single IV infusions during 10 min (R10 min/3 mg), 1 h (R1h/5 mg) or 4 h (R4h/9 mg) according to a randomized double-blind design. Despite a 24-fold difference in administration rate a similar peak raclopride concentration of about 350 nmol/l was obtained after all three infusions. Three of the eight subjects experienced akathisia following R10 min/3 mg and R1h/5 mg, respectively. After R4h/9 mg seven subjects experienced akathisia of longer duration but not more severe than after the short infusions. The incidence and duration of akathisia seem to be mainly related to the plasma raclopride concentrations over time, whereas the rate of administration might be more important for the severity. A maximal prolactin response was induced which was not markedly affected by the rate of administration.  相似文献   
目的 观察磁性附着体的临床效果。方法 采用Magfit磁性附着体修复11例患者下颌全口义齿。观察固位力及基牙情况。结果 11例患者黏固磁体后固位力明显提高,基牙无松动,牙周指标良好。结论 磁性附着体能满意地解决义齿的固位稳定问题,提高义齿的修复质量。  相似文献   
通过三年资料实证医院检验科常规项目全成本   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的弄清医院常规检验项目的实际成本,为医院及卫生主管部门进行科学管理和政府物价部门制订科学合理的收费价格体系提供科学依据。方法对某二级甲等医院检验科3年中所开展的全部7大类16个项目组169个检验项目的成本按耗材、设备折旧、劳务费、房屋折旧、业务费与后勤管理费共5大类进行实证分析。结果该科的成本构成比是:耗材成本34.1%、设备折旧24.3%、劳务费30.0%、房屋折旧4.0%、业务费与后勤管理费7.6%;检验项目的每项次平均成本为7.17元;成本最低的两类检验项目是生化及定性免疫,其项次成本分别为3.18元和4.25元;最高的则为微生物和血库,项次成本分别为48.63元和35.21元;项次成本过百元的有7项,多为输血项目;5至10倍于平均成本的28项,2至5倍于全科平均成本的22项,其余112项介于全科平均成本上下。结论实证研究是准确掌握检验项目成本的有效方法。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Coupled pacing (CP), which consists of delivering a premature electrical stimulation to the heart after the effective refractory period of ventricular activation, is a novel method for controlling ventricular rate during atrial fibrillation (AF). It also has been established that CP improves pump function by enhancing external cardiac work and myocardial efficiency. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to determine if two time delays for CP (short and long) would result in similar improvements in ventricular function. METHODS: In a canine model, we applied CP at two time delays (CP-S and CP-L) during two stages: sinus rhythm (SR) and acute AF. The cardiac responses to CP during SR served as the nontachycardic and nondepressed control. During both rhythms, we shortened the coupling interval until we obtained maximal contractility, designated CP-S. Next, we increased the delay until we started to see a measurable secondary contraction (left ventricular pressure development of approximately 20 mmHg). These longer delays were designated CP-L. RESULTS: Our results showed that the ventricular rate of intrinsic activation (VRIA) remained decreased despite prolongation of the time delay of CP during both AF and SR. Also, both delays of CP increased left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) and dLVP/dt, which are indices of myocardial contractility. In contrast, CP increased external cardiac work only during AF. Prolonging this time delay did not markedly decrease the improvement in external cardiac work. Myocardial O(2) consumption (MVO(2)) did not significantly change as the result of CP during either SR or AF. Finally, myocardial efficiency improved during AF as the result of CP at both time delays. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, shorter time delays for CP increased contractile strength during both SR and AF. However, extending the time delay of CP had minimal effects on diminishing the improved ventricular pump function and energetics that resulted from CP during AF. Thus, the maximal enhancement of myocardial contractility via CP-S was not needed to maintain the improved ventricular function during acute AF when CP is applied.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that feeding mice immediately following training enhances memory retention and that one of the gastrointestinal hormones released during a meal, cholecystokinin, also enhances retention after peripheral administration. In the studies reported here we demonstrate that another gastrointestinal peptide, gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), enhances retention after peripheral administration, as does its amphibian counterpart, bombesin. GRP14–27 had the same effect as the intact peptide, while GRP1–16 was ineffective at enhancing retention. The dose-response curves showed a characteristic inverted U-shape with high doses of both GRP and bombesin being amnestic. The effect of both peptides was time-dependent and both reversed amnesia induced by the anticholinergic, scopolamine. I.c.v. administration of the peptides required higher doses to produce an effect on memory retention. suggesting that the effect was mediated predominantly through a peripheral mechanism. Doses of the peptides that enhanced memory retention after peripheral administration failed to increase serum glucose, suggesting that glucose modulation was not the mechanism by which GRP and bombesin modulate memory processing. Vagotomy inhibited the memory-enhancing effects of both GRP and bombesin, suggesting that these peptides produced their effect by stimulating ascending vagal pathways. These studies, together with our previous study with cholecystokinin, suggest the existence of a gastrointestinal hormonal system, which is activated by the passage of food through the intestine, that enhances memory retention.  相似文献   
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