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目的探讨有精神病性症状的躁狂发作的临床特征。方法使用自编的一般情况问卷及有精神病性症状的躁狂发作的精神症状调查问卷,共收集135例"有精神病性症状的躁狂发作"患者,并根据患者的精神病性症状是否与心境相协调进一步分成两组(非典型组59例和典型组76例),比较两组间临床资料的异同。结果在有精神病性症状的躁狂发作中,伴有与心境不协调的精神病性症状的非典型躁狂发作占43.7%、伴有与心境协调的精神病性症状的典型躁狂发作占56.3%,非典型躁狂发作在起病形式、病程特点、病前社会功能、病前性格、首发症状及近期疗效与典型躁狂发作相比有显著性差异(P<0.05),典型组在起病形式上以急性起病者居多,病程多表现为间歇性病程,病前社会功能良好,性格以外向者居多,多以情感症状为首发症状及近期疗效相对较好。结论伴有与心境协调的精神病性症状的典型躁狂发作和伴有与心境不协调的精神病性症状的非典型躁狂发作在临床上均极为常见,非典型躁狂发作为躁狂发作的一个特殊的亚型,我们应对其加强认识。  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine the morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs of intravenous drug-abusing patients with Type 1 diabetes (IVDA-DM), who are admitted to hospital. METHODS: Retrospective case note analysis of admissions, complications and cost estimation over a 6-year period. Each drug-abusing patient (IVDA-DM) (n = 9) was compared with two controls (n = 18) with Type 1 diabetes but without a history of intravenous drug abuse (DM-controls). Admissions were also analysed for patients with intravenous drug abuse, but without Type 1 diabetes (IVDA-controls) (n = 198). Admissions were at a University teaching hospital in Liverpool, UK. DM-controls were drawn from a population attending diabetes outpatient clinics between 1997 and 2002 at the same hospital. The main outcome measures were: the duration and healthcare costs of hospital admissions per year, outpatient attendances per year, glycated haemoglobin (HbA(1c)), weight, micro- and macrovascular complications and mortality. RESULTS: Multiple admissions, mainly related to ketoacidosis, led to marked differences in mean (95% CI) inpatient days per year per patient [IVDA-DM 28.1 (13.6-42.7) vs. DM-control 1.1 (0.2-1.9); P < 0.0001], mean inpatient days per year per patient in critical care bed (IVDA-DM 1.7 (-0.7-4.2) vs. DM-control 0; P < 0.02) and mean costs of admission, per patient per year (pound sterling 7320 vs. pound sterling 230). The IVDA-DM group frequently omitted insulin, were underweight, failed to attend as outpatients and five had died by the end of 2002. The IVDA-controls spent considerably less time in hospital [3.4 (2.8-3.9) days per patient per year]. CONCLUSION: IVDA-DM patients have higher rates of diabetes complications, are admitted more frequently and have a high mortality compared with DM and IVDA-controls. The cost of inpatient care of this small group of patients was considerable.  相似文献   
Reports of intracranial self-multilation by psychotic individuals are associated with severe mental disorders, criminality, or both. We describe a psychotically depressed male who drove a ballpoint pen through his right medial canthus and into his intracranial compartment. The patient developed a cavernous sinus syndrome and a traumatic dissection of the cavernous portion of the carotid artery. The pen was removed intraoperatively. Postoperatively, the patient was placed on a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics, antidepressants, and antipsychotic medications, and he has received long-term psychiatric follow-up. The literature related to these unusual cases is reviewed, and relevant surgical, medical, and psychiatric aspects of treatment are discussed.  相似文献   
目的:通过对医院平均住院日情况的简要分析,以探索缩短平均住院日的有效途径。方法:从统计室提取数据,与病案核对,计算相对指标。结果:我院的平均住院日呈下降趋势,但与卫生部颁布的标准还有差距,中医各科和康复科科别的平均住院日更长一些。结论:我院的平均住院日还有潜力可挖,术前住院日多数病种都较长,应在医疗质量和护理质量上狠下功夫,加强科室间的协作,降低平均住院日,减少无效住院日。  相似文献   
Phenomenology and family history in DSM-III psychotic depression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Depressed inpatients with psychotic features were compared to those without them in terms of demographic features, depressive symptoms at intake and family history. These variables were then used to compare patients with mood-congruent psychotic features to those with mood-incongruent psychotic features. Patterns of familial psychopathology were similar for psychotic and non-psychotic patients. In accord with other studies, the families of mood-incongruent patients had slightly more schizophrenia and significantly less depression than did the families of mood-congruent patients. Depressive symptoms, particularly those used to define major depression and melancholia, were more severe in psychotic patients. Moreover, these particular depressive symptoms were more likely to distinguish mood-congruent from mood-incongruent patients than were other depressive symptoms. Thus mood-congruent psychotic features accompanied a more typical depressive syndrome than did mood-incongruent psychotic features.  相似文献   
目的:研究分级诊疗制度下患者就医流向的态势和影响因素。方法;利用安徽太湖县2015~2018年新农合数据,采用Logistics模型和随机森林分析患者流向及影响因素。结果:县域内就医比例增加,县域外就医费用明显增加。年龄、患者所在地,政策实施等对就医流向影响显著。结论:太湖县分级诊疗有效促进患者合理分流,新农合支付手段对患者县内就医起到一定作用。  相似文献   
目的:调查我院住院精神病患者镇静催眠药物使用情况.并对相关因素进行分析.方法:通过对591例住院精神病患者的病历进行回顾性调查,获取相关资料并进行分析.结果:住院精神病患者应用镇静催眠药物主要集中在40~49岁,住院时间≤5年,且女性相对用药率明显高于男性.结论:镇静催眠药物在住院精神病患者中的滥用倾向与患者的性别、年龄、住院时间及医师的工作情况有关.  相似文献   
老年住院患者口服药使用情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解某医院老年住院患者口服药使用情况,并调查不良药物相互作用发生情况。方法:随机抽取2002年9月2日、9月11日及9月27日住院者中>60岁老年患者摆药单452份,统计患者的基本情况及口服药应用种类,使用《合理用药软件系统》2002版检查每份摆药单中存在的药物相互作用。结果:超过40%的老年患者口服6种以上的药物;117份病例存在中度的不良药物相互作用,26份存在严重的相互作用。结论:该院老年住院患者口服药使用种类过多,产生不良药物相互作用情况较多,部分病例中存在可能危及生命的药物联合应用。  相似文献   
社会因素对城镇医保患者住院医疗费用支付方式的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的探讨影响城镇职工基本医疗费用支付方式的社会因素。方法选择某县2004年度所有在县、镇级12个医院住院治疗的城镇参保职工1145例,从社会因素的7个方面对医疗费用支付方式进行分析,组间比较采用t检验及单因素方差分析(one way ANOVA)。用多元逐步回归分析方法对住院费用不同支付方式的社会影响因素进行多因素分析。结果影响个人账户和统筹金支付费用的主要因素为医院级别、年龄、性别,影响现金支付费用的因素主要为医院级别、年龄两个因素。结沦医院级别、性别、年龄是影响医保患者3种支付方式医疗费用的主要社会因素。  相似文献   
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