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在13只恒河猴精索内注射长效局麻药后,睾丸发生明显变化;而且给药剂量不同,睾丸曲精小管改变的程度和恢复正常的时间亦不同。睾丸间质细胞无明显变化;睾酮分泌不减少,无毒性反应。对临床男性节育应用及生殖生理研究均具有意义。  相似文献   
本研究用酶联免疫吸附术观察8只家兔在附睾注射鱼肝油酸钠后血清及精浆中的抗精子抗体。血清抗精子抗体阳性率为37.5~50.0%,最早检出率为术后2个月,6~7月达高峰。精浆抗精子抗体阳性率为25%,最早检出率为术后4个月,且此时己达高峰。与输精管结扎资料相比,发现血清抗精子抗体检出率偏低,而精浆相应抗体偏高,表明向附睾注射鱼肝油酸钠引起的免疫反应有别于结扎,以生殖道局部为主。  相似文献   
Paneth cell-like metaplasia has been reported in the epithelium of the epididymis and prostatic adenocarcinomas. We studied the expression of group II phospholipase A2 (PLA2), a marker of Paneth cell differentiation, in six orchiectomy specimens with Paneth cell-like metaplasia. Both immunohistochemistry for group II PLA2 protein and in situ hybridization for the mRNA of group II PLA2 gave negative results in all six cases but positive reaction for lysozyme. The results show that the cells of the Paneth cell-like metaplasia are not true Paneth cells.  相似文献   
40日龄雄性Wistar大鼠21只,分为对照(C)组,腹腔内注射赋形剂和糖尿病(D)组,腹腔内注射链脲菌素(streptozotocin,STZ),55mg/kg体重,观察60天。结果表明,D组大鼠的睾丸、附睾、附睾尾重量显著低于C组(P<0.01);D组附睾尾精子计数显著少于C组(P<0.001)。ACE活性测定结果表明,D组睾丸和附睾尾组织ACE活性显著低于C组(P<0.05),而血清ACE显著高于C组(P<0.01),相关检验显示,附睾重量,附睾尾精子计数与附睾尾ACE水平呈显著正相关(P<0.01),与血清ACE呈显著负相关(P<0.05,P<0.01)。  相似文献   
Summary Testicular spermatozoa are functionally immature in that they cannot fertilize ova. It was first demonstrated by Young [171, 172] that spermatozoa undergo certain changes as they migrate through the epididymis. He proposed that spermatozoa ripen during epididymal transit. It is now known that specific maturational changes occur in spermatozoa during epididymal transit which result in their developing the ability to fertilize ova. Concomitant with this functional maturity are changes in spermatozoal morphology, motility, chemistry, permeability, density and metabolism. It is apparent that in some way not understood these changes are necessary for sperm to achieve the ability to complete the fertilization process. When these mechanisms are understood, we may be able to effectively treat conditions such as necrospermia or abnormally low sperm motility. Furthermore, with the development of the hamster-egg penetration test a new type of male infertility has become evident in recent years; the inability of otherwise normal sperm to penetrate an ovum. It is during epididymal transit that this ability is normally acquired. Thus, any insight into how sperm attain the capacity to penetrate an ovum could lead to an effective treatment of patients whose sperm do not have this ability. In addition, the epididymis holds significant promise as the site of action for a male contraceptive. Thus, it is the purpose of this review to describe the structure and function of the mammalian epididymis with particular emphasis on the factors regulating sperm maturation.  相似文献   
雄性成年SD大鼠随机分为5组,分别于右侧睾丸内注射生理盐水、70%甘油和PN。7天后重复1次。第15天取样,进行精子分析、睾丸及主要副性腺测量和组织病理学观察。结果显示,睾丸内注射PN引起了性腺、副性腺萎缩,精子性状改变以及组织病理学改变。推测可能是:(1)PN或PL与PLP竞争结合部位和抑制PLP的合成,干扰细胞代谢;(2)通过转化形式或直接作用于Sertoli细胞,损害细胞骨架。(3)直接透过血睾屏障而损害管腔小室内的生精细胞  相似文献   
本文介绍了3-氯丙二醇和2,3-氧丙醇合并长期间歇用药对猴及大鼠的毒性观察,结果表明,以日剂量5mg/kg 3-氯丙二醇和75mg/kg 2,3-氧丙醇合并应用,可导至大鼠可逆性不育;对猴及大鼠的内脏器官、骨髓细胞增生度及微核数量、末梢血液细胞计数、分类,以及猴的染色体常规检查未见明显影响。表明合并用药有用药量小,给药时间短、起效快、毒性低等优点。  相似文献   
鉴定精子特异蛋白的目的是阐明其在生殖过程中的作用,将其作为有效调控的靶点。哺乳动物的精子在睾丸的曲细精管内生成后,虽然形态上已成为蝌蚪状,但并不具备运动和识别卵子并使其受精的能力。精子必须经过附睾内的加工才能成熟,即精子的附睾成熟。该过程主要是修饰精子膜表面的蛋白,随着精子在附睾管腔中的运行,某些蛋白被移除或结合其上,还有经历糖基化或磷酸化等修饰。因此,对附睾中蛋白的鉴定研究,特别是附睾特异合成的蛋白,始终是揭示精子功能的重要切入点之一。综述近年对附睾特异蛋白参与精子成熟以及保护精子的较系统的研究。  相似文献   
正常阴囊及其内容物的超声应用解剖   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
器官和组织的病理解剖是超声诊断疾病的客观基础。了解阴囊、睾丸、附睾的正常解剖特征和血管分布特点,是超声诊断这类器官疾病的必要条件。文中指出,睾丸大小形态、血管分布、动脉血流速度和阻力指数、附睾的大小、形态以及阴囊壁厚度等等都是诊断和鉴别诊断的主要线索,同时以大量的图片辅助说明。此外还阐述了应用彩色多普勒超声检查阴囊时如何提高仪器灵敏度,尽可能发现更细微、更全面的病变信息的技术要领。  相似文献   
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