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目的探究糖尿病周围神经病变患者开展中药穴位敷贴联合中药汤剂治疗的效果。方法研究时限为2017年8月—2018年11月,研究对象为此期间收治的糖尿病周围神经病变患者42例,将其随机分为常规组(21例)、中药组(21例),分别开展常规治疗、中药穴位敷贴+中药汤剂治疗,比较治疗结果。结果2组患者治疗前中医证候积分、TCSS(多伦多临床评分)相近(P>0.05),治疗后中药组患者以上评分均较常规组具鲜明优势(P<0.05);常规组患者不良反应发生率为14.3%,与中药组0.0%相比,未见鲜明差异(P>0.05)。结论予糖尿病周围神经病变患者开展中药穴位敷贴联合中药汤剂治疗,效果安全有效。  相似文献   
Whereas water loss in land living animals occurs continuously, water intake takes place discontinuously. At the normal operating set point of plasma osmolality, urine is more concentrated than plasma due to secretion of vasopressin. Thus animals operate around a state of mild dehydration. As water loss occurs, the severity of dehydration and thirst increase in intensity and at some point water intake occurs. Sufficient water is consumed to return plasma osmolality to the normal operating set point. Food intake and water balance are interdependent as food provides the osmoles which determine obligatory renal solute excretion. When dry food with the same osmotic content was substituted for canned food (water content 74%), dogs increased water intake from 24.2 +/- 4.3 to 62.2 +/- 8.8 ml/kg. Urine output and urine osmolality were unchanged, as under conditions of normal hydration, near maximal urine concentration is achieved. Changing water intake is the only available variable to maintain water balance. During water deprivation, the major renal mechanism appears to be natriuresis. In rehydration, satiety mechanisms ensure appropriate water intake and renal sodium conservation restores sodium balance.  相似文献   
Twenty female albino rats were adapted to either 0 or 23 hr of food deprivation. Half of each group was then fed 0.125% quinine sulfate adulterated diet for seven days. Following the quinine feeding, ad lib feeding (refeeding) was instituted for 14 days. Several conclusions were drawn from the results: (1) rats on a deprivation schedule fail to show a predicted change to regulation on the basis of taste rather than calories; (2) rats on food deprivation actually increase their relative intake of water; (3) refeeding after a deprivation schedule does not lead to depression of initial intake below normal, but otherwise the process of recovery follows the same course as after total starvation.  相似文献   
1. 1. Behavioural actions of benzodiazepines have a number of significant characteristics. Anxiolytic effects are demonstrable both clinically and experimentally; in addition, there is excellent evidence for a reinforcing effect of these compounds, and a direct involvement in ingestional responses. This review focusses on the effects of benzodiazepines on the latter feeding and drinking responses.
2. 2. A necessary mediator of benzodiazepine action in the central nervous system appears to be the facilitation of inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission. It follows, therefore, that behavioural consequences of benzodiazepine action may depend crucially on enhanced GABAergic activity in the brain. Evidence for some involvement of GABAergic mechanisms in the control of feeding and drinking responses is reviewed. Only a few data are so far available to link benzodiazepines effects on ingestional behaviour directly to GABAergic transmission.
3. 3. A major current theme in the psychopharmacology of feeding and drinking behaviour is the possible involvement of endogenous opioid peptides. There is a strong suggestion in the experimental data that there are links between benzodiazepine and endorphinergic mechanisms in relation to ingestional responses. A promising future line of approach appears to be a delineation of benzodiazepine-GABA-endorphin interrelations in the control of food and water consumption.
Keywords: anorexia; appetite; behaviour; benzodiazepines; drinking; endorphins; GABA; hypothalamus; interactions; opiates; thirst  相似文献   
陈凤  张伟  杨公涛 《世界中医药》2023,(8):1122-1125
类风湿关节炎相关肺间质病变早期以肺泡炎症反应为主,晚期可进展为肺纤维化,预后极差,患者常因呼吸衰竭死亡。中医药在改善该病患者的临床症状,延缓病情进展方面疗效显著。“寒包火”证在肺系疾病中尤为常见,既往所述“寒包火”理论,认为其寒热邪气多属实邪,病机多为外寒侵袭,内火郁结的实证病理状态,但实践发现既往概念不足以涵盖临床方证。现总结前人经验和临床实践,以内火不同性质分为虚火和实火,且提出虚火实火之间存在动态转化和相互兼夹的独特状态。结合类风湿关节炎相关肺间质病变的临床特点,发现风寒湿等外邪侵袭为发病原因;皮痹不已内舍于肺为发病路径;外邪侵袭,营卫不调,诸邪郁而化火,终致五脏皆伤,虚火内生,阴阳俱损为病机演变过程。治疗上应视其病位病性,以早期散寒祛湿、调和营卫,中期顺气降火、逐瘀化痰,晚期达滋温引,攻补兼施为主要治则,动态辨治,截断疾病发展,以期对临床有所裨益。  相似文献   
从经络学说角度来探讨《伤寒杂病论》中蓄血、脾约、小便不利、消渴等4个病证,可以窥见中医理论渊源与经络学说密切相关。  相似文献   
目的:分析《何氏虚劳心传》的用药规律,探讨虚劳的病机和治法特点。方法使用频数表对《何氏虚劳心传》治疗虚劳的21首方剂中所列药物的分类、使用频次、归经进行统计分析。结果虚劳的用药频次以补虚药最高,归经以肾膀胱经、肺大肠经、脾胃经为多。结论虚劳的基本病机在于阴虚,治疗注重补肾、健脾胃、生活调摄。  相似文献   
Torted ovarian cyst with lethal bleeding diathesis in an infant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report a 9-month-old infant with a torted ovarian cyst who presented with an acute consumptive coagulopathy (CC) with lethal outcome. That ischemic tissue can act as a trigger for a CC is well-known, but we did not find any report of a torted ovarian cyst causing a coagulopathy in the pediatric literature. This potential complication constitutes one more reason for the prompt surgical removal of torted ovarian cysts in infants. Accepted: 30 March 1998  相似文献   
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