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三维骨建模在全膝关节置换术中韧带平衡的作用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的探讨以三维骨建模为基础、无需影像的计算机辅助系统在人工全膝关节置换术(totalknee arthroplasty,TKA)中韧带平衡的作用。方法2002年11月~2003年6月,采用后稳定型人工全膝关节,在Ceravision无需影像资料的三维骨建模系统导航监控下,辅助完成TKA21例。男5例,女16例,年龄64~79岁,平均72.4岁。其中2例既往行胫骨近端截骨术,1例行股骨远端截骨术。14例膝内翻,7例膝外翻。术前下肢全长X线正位片测量,内翻13°~外翻13°,平均2.36°;膝关节X线正位片测量,应力下内翻平均8.47°(内翻2°~内翻20°),应力下外翻平均3.63°(内翻7°~外翻12°)。结果术中导航系统测量,额面内翻12°~外翻10°,平均3.33°,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);额面应力下内翻平均6.47°(内翻0°~内翻24°),应力下外翻平均4.32°(内翻8°~外翻15°),与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术毕导航系统测得膝内外翻平均0.175°(内翻2°~外翻3°),而术后下肢全长X线正位片测量平均0.3°(内翻3.5°~外翻1.5°),二者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后3个月关节活动度为105~130°,平均115°,膝关节额面松弛度0.2~0.5cm,平均0.27cm。人工膝关节胫、股骨假体取得满意的对位置入和韧带平衡,无关节失稳和髌骨脱位等并发症发生。结论以三维骨建模为基础、无需影像的Ceravision系统,具有三维立体定位、优化截骨,并通过旋转对位和韧带松解获得伸屈膝关节等距间隙与韧带平衡稳定的作用,近期临床疗效满意,可在TKA中常规使用。  相似文献   
The accuracy of 2D phase contrast (PC) magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) depends on the alignment between the vessels and the imaging plane. PC MRA imaging of blood flow is challenging when the flow in several vessels is to be evaluated with one acquisition. For this purpose, semi-automatic determination of the plane most perpendicular to several vessels is proposed based on centerlines extracted from 3D MRA. Arterial centerlines are extracted from 3D MRA based on iterative estimation-prediction, multi-scale analysis of image moments, and a second-order shape model. The optimal plane is determined by minimizing misalignment between its normal vector and the centerlines’ tangent vectors. The method was evaluated on a phantom and on 35 patients, by seeking the optimal plane for cerebral blood flow quantification simultaneously in internal carotids and vertebral arteries. In the phantom, difference of orientation and of height between known and calculated planes was 1.2° and 2.5 mm, respectively. In the patients, all but one centerline were correctly extracted and the misalignment of the plane was within 12° per artery. Semi-automatic centerline extraction simplifies and automates determination of the plane orthogonal to one vessel, thereby permitting automatic simultaneous minimization of the misalignment with several vessels in PC MRA.  相似文献   
电脑比配色仪与比色板之间的相近性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过对比色记录的分析,比较Vita比色板、松风Vintage Halo比色板和电脑比配色仪之间的相近性和差异性。方法:随机抽取100名年龄在21~24岁的本地在校大学生,由男女两位测试者使用电脑比配色仪、Vita比色板和松风Vintage Halo比色板对被测试者的左上中切牙进行比色分析。结果:三种比色方法均以A色调最为集中,占总数的55%以上。其次是D色调占总数20%以上。男女测试者的选色在A、R、VR.系列中无明显差异。结论:电脑比配色仪、Vita比色板、松风Vintage Halo比色板均不能完全覆盖本地区青年天然中切牙的色度特征,只在A色调系列中重复率较高。  相似文献   
Two identical groups of first-year dental students were instructed in the pathology of dental caries and periodontitis using computer-assisted learning (CAL) or tutorial teaching (TT). A cross-over arrangement, in which the first group was taught about dental caries by CAL and periodontitis by TT and the second group in the reverse order, allowed comparison of the two methods. The comparison included a knowledge test and completion of a questionnaire. CAL and TT were equally effective as far as acquisition of knowledge was concerned. Students felt pressurized with CAL and had problems with note-taking. They liked a teacher to be present. Nevertheless, CAL was an acceptable method of instruction and was more economical, in terms of staff involvement, than TT.  相似文献   
目的评价计算机辅助带锁髓内钉固定胫骨骨折全程手术规划系统的有效性及临床可行性。方法在分析系统结构和操作流程的基础上,利用塑料胫骨模型(9根)和尸体胫骨(12具下肢肢体)进行基于C型臂透视图像的术中骨折肢体图像拼接、骨折闭合复位及髓内钉置入仿真测量实验;利用胫骨模型及尸体胫骨进行图像拼接精度分析,以验证图像拼接与规划模块的正确性。利用尸体胫骨进行计算机辅助骨折闭合复位试验,分析骨折复位机构模块的操作可行性。结果图像拼接模块只需术中采集7~10张有效的C型臂图像即可拼接出下肢长骨的全景图像,为采集图像所需的术中透视时间为(19.75±0.61)s;计算机进行X线透视图像采集和拼接总时间为(4.17±0.86)min;塑料模型拼接精度达(1.26±0.76)mm。结论该系统实现了基于C型臂拼接图像的计算机辅助胫骨骨折髓内钉内固定全程手术规划,术中可完成骨折复位图像分析、手术规划、虚拟仿真,髓内钉型号选择以及骨折复位等关键操作,为计算机辅助骨科手术系统治疗长骨骨折搭建了精确、安全、稳定的软硬件技术平台。  相似文献   
The use of artificial neural networks for classification of ST-T abnormalities of the electrocardiogram (ECG) was investigated. A training set of 356 lateral leads selected from 105 ECGs was visually classified as exhibiting one particular ST-T morphology (left ventricular (LV) strain) or not. Selected measurements, together with the classification, were fed as input to a three-layer software-based network during the learning process. The performance of the network was evaluated by comparing the results obtained from the network with conventional criteria, using two test sets. Set 1 comprised 63 lateral leads from 32 ECGs with ST-T changes showing atypical forms of LV strain. Set 2 consisted of 80 lateral leads from 20 ECGs containing normal and abnormal T-waves. For set 1, the network outperformed conventional criteria, having a higher sensitivity (96 per cent against 85 per cent) and specificity (67 per cent against 50 per cent). With test set 2, both network and conventional criteria were 100 per cent sensitive and 100 per cent specific. For sets 1 and 2 combined, the network had a higher overall sensitivity (97 per cent agaisst 89 per cent) and specificity (88 per cent against 82 per cent). The results suggest that neural networks may be useful in selected areas of electrocardiography, but care is required when selecting patterns for use in the training process.  相似文献   
The continued revolution in multidetector-row CT (MDCT) scanning increases the quality of lung imaging but at the cost of a greater burden of data for review and interpretation. This article discusses our preliminary experience with prototype software for lung nodule detection and characterization using MDCT data sets. We discuss the potential role of computer-assisted detection (CAD) as applied to the automatic detection of lung nodules. We also review the process of CAD, outline its potential results, and explore how it may fit into existing radiology practice. Finally, we discuss MDCT data-acquisition parameters and how they may affect the performance of CAD.  相似文献   
This paper presents a syntactic/semantic string representation scheme as well as a string matching method as part of a computer-assisted system to identify dolphins from photographs of their dorsal fins. A low-level string representation is constructed from the curvature function of a dolphin's fin trailing edge, consisting of positive and negative curvature primitives. A high-level string representation is then built over the low-level string via merging appropriate groupings of primitives in order to have a less sensitive representation to curvature fluctuations or noise. A family of syntactic/semantic distance measures between two strings is introduced. A composite distance measure is then defined and used as a dissimilarity measure for database search, highlighting both the syntax (structure or sequence) and semantic (attribute or feature) differences. The syntax consists of an ordered sequence of significant protrusions and intrusions on the edge, while the semantics consist of seven attributes extracted from the edge and its curvature function. The matching results are reported for a database of 624 images corresponding to 164 individual dolphins. The identification results indicate that the developed string matching method performs better than the previous matching methods including dorsal ratio, curvature, and curve matching. The developed computer-assisted system can help marine mammalogists in their identification of dolphins, since it allows them to examine only a handful of candidate images instead of the currently used manual searching of the entire database. © 2000 Biomedical Engineering Society. PAC00: 8780Tq, 4230Sy, 0705Pj  相似文献   
Summary Since 1995 German health maintenance laws require hospitals to document and code all referals, admissions and discharges using the 4-digit ICD. Operative procedures are documented and coded using the ICPM. Beginning in January 1996, reimbursement for health services requires a diagnosis-related billing and payment for special procedures. The decision for billing is based on documented diagnosis and therapy. This extended request for documentation makes an online access to diagnosis and therapy with a computer-assisted coding system advisable. In 1996 in our hospital each diagnosis and operation was manually documented and coded on a form. Since the beginning of 1997, documentation and coding has been exclusively computer-assisted. On the basis of documented diagnosis and therapy the computer provides the route of reimbursement. Retrospectively we evaluated the number of charged diagnosis-related billings and payments for special procedures from January to April of 1996 and 1997. It became evident that with computer-assisted documentation and coding the number of detected and charged diagnosis-related billings and payments for special procedures was significantly increased in comparison with the previous year.   相似文献   
Summary The evaluation of computer expert systems, a promising diagnostic tool for future application in clinical medicine, is of great importance. We present here the evaluation of our expert system, RHEUMA. It is stressed, that repeated retrospective testing and updating of an expert system and its subsequent repeated assessment in clinical use and surroundings is mandatory. This increases the diagnostic accuracy of the system. For our system this is demonstrated under three separate conditions. In the first study the information available for the computer system (mainframe) came from medical histories only. Here an error rate of about 25% — similar to that of physicians themselves using the same information — was observed in 358 outpatients, compared to the final diagnoses of physicians also relying solely on information from medical histories. In a second step a completely new system on a personal computer was developed with all relevant diagnostic information. The error rate of this system (0.4%) was much too optimistic because the knowledge base was changed during the study, affecting about 30% of the 282 prospectively recruited outpatients. In a third step the efficacy of the expert system was tested in an additional hospital without the diagnostic involvement of the first testing clinic. The error rate of the system without changing the knowledge base reached 11% in 51 outpatients in this rheumatology clinic. This result reflects the diagnostic accuracy of the system today. Its ability to specify the same diagnoses which clinical experts reached approached 90%. Considerable time is needed for such prospective testing, with repeated updating of the knowledge base — in our case for both the two systems and field studies of 2 years each. Further prospective field testing with physicians not specialized in rheumatology and with a larger number of patients is necessary before the system can be used in clinical routine.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. N. Zöllner on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   
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