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武汉西马街社区成人健康相关危险因素调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨当地成人健康相关危险因素构成,尝试低费用下开展此类监测的方法。方法 依托教育系统对武汉市江岸区西马街地区成人进行随机抽样入户问卷调查。结果 人群吸烟率32.4%,男性吸烟率60.6%,中年人高于老年人,女性吸烟率5.9%;92.5%的人不愿意自己的孩子在将来成为烟民;人群饮洒率为26.5%,其中男性饮洒率51%,23.5%的饮酒者存在违意饮酒情节;33.3%的成人有体育锻炼习惯,其比例随文化程度的升高而升高;19%的人每周户外活动时间达不到1天1小时;35.6%的人存在体重过重问题,分解19.2%为超重,14.7%为肥胖,1.7%为Ⅱ度肥胖。人群自述(非现场测量)高血压患病率为11.1%,自述糖尿病患病率为2.8%,但自觉有糖尿病典型症状而从未检测血糖的比例达16%。结论 落实社区人群基础医学检查任务迫切,依托教育系统进行的成人健康相关危险因素监测方法足当前经济适用的监测方法。  相似文献   
熊艳 《现代护理》2007,13(2):357-358
目的 观察行为干预对慢性乙型肝炎患者健康行为的影响。方法 将300例慢性乙型肝炎患者作为目标人群进行健康教育,建立目标人群管理档案,进行目标人群健康行为干预,比较教育前后相关行为的改变。结果 慢性乙型肝炎患者8项健康行为和8项危险健康行为有明显改观,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论 通过行为干预,有效地使慢性乙型肝炎患者完全遵从医嘱合理用药,完全依从健康行为,从而减少危险行为的发生。  相似文献   
Background Despite considerable interest in the genetic, physical and neurological aspects of Rett syndrome (RS), there have been few studies of associated behavioural and emotional features. Furthermore, few case studiesor surveys have included adult women with RS. The main aim of the present study was to compare behaviour problems in a sample of women with RS against data from normative samples. Methods The primary carers of 50 women with RS completed the community version of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist. Results Women with RS were rated as having lower levels of irritability, hyperactivity and inappropriate speech behaviours than normative samples of adults with intellectual disability. Conclusions A number of factors may affect the presentation of behaviour problems in women with RS (e.g. cognitive impairments or physical disabilities). Therefore, more research is needed in order to generate information about the behavioural phenotype of RS. The implications of the present data for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   
学习不良儿童的智力、行为及非智力因素的对照研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选用《FAT》筛选出学习不良儿童41名,学习优秀儿童35名。对二组儿童进行wics-R智力测试:不良组儿童IQ低于优秀组儿童(P<0.05),但不良组IQ>120有6名(14.60%),优秀组IQ<90有5名(14.50%)。父母教育方法调查结果表明:优秀组父母偏重意志、兴趣培养,不良组父母着重成绩或者放任,二组父母教育方式存在显著差异(P<0.05)。优秀组儿童在学习中比不良组儿童具有较强的非智力个性心理因素(P<0.05)。《CBCL》儿童行为量表测验结果提示:学习不良儿童比优秀儿童行为问题较为突出(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
We present an 8 year follow-up on a group of children with refractory epileptic seizures who participated in the early 1980s in a controlled group study on the effects of a broad-spectrum behavior modification treatment program on children with refractory epileptic seizures. In the original study, 18 children were divided into three groups: behavior modification group, attention control group, and control group. The purpose was to investigate the effects of a learning-based treatment program superimposed on a regular medical treatment program. Also, the effects of professional attention were evaluated. At the 10 week and 1 year follow-ups, only the group receiving the behavior modification intervention had a significantly reduced rate of seizure index. The present study investigates these same children 8 years later using the same methods of investigation for an additional 10 week period. The results indicate that a significant reduction in seizures was obtained only for the behavior modification group at the 8 year follow-up.  相似文献   
Previous studies demonstrated that drug effects on the movement sequences of rats in unconditioned motor activity paradigms can be quantified by scaling measures that describe the average relationship between a variable of interest and an experimental parameter. However, rats engage in a wide variety of geometrically distinct movements that can be influenced differentially by drugs. In this investigation, the extended scaling approach is presented to capture quantitatively the relative contributions of geometrically distinct movement sequences to the overall path structure. The calculation of the spectrum of local spatial scaling exponents,f(d), is based on ensemble methods used in statistical physics. Results of thef(d) analysis confirm that the amount of motor activity is not correlated with the geometrical structure of movement sequences. Changes in the average spatial scaling exponent,d, correspond to shifting the entiref(d) function, and indicate overall changes in path structure. With the extended scaling approach, straight movement sequences are assessed independently from highly circumscribed movements. Thus, thef(d) function identifies drug effects on particular ranges of movement sequences as defined by the geometrical structure of movements. More generally, thef(d) function quantifies the relationship between microscopically recorded variables, in this paradigm consecutive (x, y) locations, and the macroscopic behavioral patterns that constitute the animal's response topography.Exemplary calculations of path segments with different geometrical characteristics can be obtained from the authors. Questions regarding the computational implementation of this method should be addressed to MPP preferably via email (martin@rat.ucsd.edu) or FAX (619-543-2493)  相似文献   
Evidence has been accumulating which supports a role for the cerebellum in motor learning. Motor learning is though to be mediated by complex spikes acting as an error signal, which when firing in conjunction with simple spike activity modify synapses between parallel fibers and Purkinje cells. We studied the activity of neurons in the posterior lateral cerebellar cortex of macaques that were performing reaches to visual targets. We found that simple spike firing in many of these neurons was modulated by whether the monkey successfully hit the target or not. The success–failure modulation was present for reaches using either arm and could persist for several hundred milliseconds into a period when the monkey was constrained from moving its arms. This temporally extended success–failure activity could interact with complex spike firing in order to enhance learning, particularly when the motor command is temporally separated from sensory feedback.  相似文献   
大学生成就动机与情绪和行为问题的关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
目的:探讨大学生成就动机与情绪和行为问题的关系。方法:采用成就动机、自尊、特质焦虑、抑郁、孤独四个量表及问题行为问卷对403名大学生进行测查。结果:(1)大学生追求成功动机显著高于避免失败动机。②追求成功动机与自尊呈显著正相关.与焦虑、抑郁、孤独及外显问题行为呈显著负相关.避免失败动机与自尊等变量的相关模式与追求成功动机相反。(3)追求成功型大学生存自尊上的得分显著高于避免失败型,而在焦虑、抑郁、孤独及外显问题行为上的得分显著低于避免失败型。结论:大学生成功动机与情绪和行为问题存在较密切关系。  相似文献   
孤独症患儿感觉异常行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解孤独症患儿感觉异常行为的特征。方法:93例孤独症患儿,男87例,女6例,平均年龄5.3±2.9岁。参考Harison的《感觉行为列表》,适当修改后制成调查表,对患儿进行感觉异常行为调查。结果:本组患儿以视觉和听觉反应异常最为常见,见于绝大多数患儿;其次为痛觉反应迟钝和嗅觉异常行为,而触觉及味觉异常行为相对少见。重度患儿组多项感觉异常行为的发生率均明显高于轻度组。结论:孤独症患儿存在多种感觉异常行为,而且与孤独症的严重程度有关,其发生机制及对孤独症的影响值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   
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