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目的探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)不同剂量、用药方法对扩张组织的影响.方法以白色家猪为实验动物,采用持续恒压扩张技术,观察不同剂量和不同给药时间,bFGF和硫糖铝对扩张组织的影响及组织结构变化.结果扩张术同时每日2次局部应用bFGF 9AU/cm2 硫糖铝100μg/ml,共7 d,浸于明胶海绵上缓慢持续释放对扩张组织的影响最明显,效果最佳,扩张器内实际注液量、扩张所获得的皮肤净增面积明显增加,皮瓣回缩率降低.表皮细胞层数增多,胶原纤维、弹力纤维、成纤维细胞密度和毛细血管密度显著增高.药量增加效果未随之增加.结论持续恒压扩张术时合用bF-GF 9AU/cm2 硫糖铝100μg/ml,每日2次注药浸入明胶海绵持续缓慢释放效果最佳.  相似文献   
Visual Basic作为一门可视化的高级编程语言,已经在各高等院校作为计算机基础教育的一门主干课程,随着多媒体技术、校园网建设和互联网技术的发展,原来滞后的教学方法势必影响高校计算机基础教学的效果。本文针对医学院校的计算机基础教育,着重探讨在新的历史时期Visual Basic的教学方法。  相似文献   
We examined the localization of basic fibroblast growth factor (basic FGF) in the adult rat brain by immunohistochemical and Western blotting analysis using a specific antibody against a synthetic basic FGF fragment (N-terminal 12 residues). The antibody did not cross-react with acidic FGF. Basic FGF-like immunoreactivity was located exclusively in the neuronal elements and had very heterogenous distribution. Immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in the paraventricular, supraoptic and circular nuclei of the hypothalamus. Numerous immunoreactive neuronal processes originating from these basic FGF-positive cells extended lateroventrally and then caudally to the internal layer of the median eminence. In addition, the neurohypophysis contained a significant number of basic FGF-like immunoreactive fibers. Western-blotting analysis revealed that the hypothalamus and the hypophysis contained a main band of basic FGF immunoreactive with an apparent molecular weight of 17 kDa. These results show that the hypothalamo-hypophyseal neuroendocrine pathway contains basic FGF.  相似文献   
米利酮是非洋地黄,非儿茶酚胺类强心药,具有明显的正性肌力和扩血管作用。国外用于治疗难治性心衰及洋地黄中毒的心衰病人。本文用豚鼠乳头肌及主动脉条进行实验,结果表明合成与进口米利酮的正性肌力作用效价相同,对抗去甲肾上腺素缩血管的作用也等同。  相似文献   
借用非平衡热力学理论,分析自然界水火运动的规律,得出结论——阴阳交感过程是熵减少过程,阴阳反作过程是熵增加过程;机体的许多阴阳变化也遵循同一规律。并在此基础上论证了新陈代谢过程是机体从外界输入负熵以抵消体内正熵产生的过程,从而推知阴阳交感现象发生的原因是新陈代谢。  相似文献   
A carpet factory worker, exposed to a number of different dyes, developed a severe hand dermatitis. The handling of warm, wet and freshly-dyed yarn with unprotected hands was thought to have caused the onset of dermatitis. Patch testing indicated that the patient was sensitive to only one of the dyes handled, namely Synacril Red 3B liquid, which is based on the single dyestuff Basic Red 22 (CI 11055). Chemical analysis revealed the dyestuff to be of high purity (greater than 95%), suggesting that sensitization was caused by the Basic Red 22 dyestuff itself and not by an avoidable impurity.  相似文献   
活性氧自由基在生物体内参与生理,病理过程并起重大作用,在筛选和评价抗氧化药物时,越来越需要一种快速,简便,价廉而又可靠的抗氧化活性测定方法,本文发展了一种具备了上述优点新方法,SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)及其模拟物的工作已有很多,很多文献报道了其活性一;Cu(Ⅱ)。本文着重研究了另一个金属辅基,Zn^2+并且发现了Zn^2+独特的,但为人们忽视了的;抗氧化活性加强作用。  相似文献   
Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF-2) is a trophic factor for neurons and astrocytes and has recently been demonstrated in the vast majority of dopamine (DA) neurons of the ventral midbrain of the rat. Potential neuroprotective actions of FGF-2 in the l-methyl-4-phenyl-l,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) model have also been reported. The actions of the FGF-2 have now been further analyzed in a combined morphological and behavioural analysis in the MPTP model of the adult black mouse, using a continuous human recombinant FGF-2 (hrFGF-2) intraventricular (i.v.t.) administration in a heparin-containing (10 IU heparin/ml) mock cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) solution. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunocytochemistry in combination with computer assisted microdensitometry demonstrated a counteraction of the MPTP-induced disappearance of neostriatal TH-immunoreactive (ir) nerve terminals following the FGF-2 treatment. Unbiased estimates of the total number of nigral TH ir neurons, using stereological methods involving the optical disector (Olympus), showed that the MPTP-induced reduction in the number of nigral TH ir nerve cell bodies counterstained with cresyl violet (CV; by 56%) was partially counteracted by the FGF-2 treatment (by 26%). The behavioral analysis demonstrated an almost full recovery of the MPTP-induced reduction of the locomotor activity after FGF-2 treatment. This action was maintained also 1 week after cessation of treatment. The hrFGF-2 produced an astroglial reaction as determined in the lateral neostriatum and in the substantia nigra (SN) far from the site of the infusion, indicating that the growth factor may have reached these regions by diffusion to activate the astroglia. Immunocytochemistry revealed FGF-2 immunoreactivity (IR) in the nuclei of the astroglia cell population in the dorsomedial striatum and the microdensitometric and morphometric evaluation demonstrated an increase in the number, but not in the intensity, of these profiles on the cannulated side, suggesting the possibility that hrFGF-2 stimulates FGF-2 synthesis in astroglial cells with low endogenous FGF-2 IR. These results indicate that hrFGF-2, directly and/or indirectly via astroglia, upon i.v.t. infusion exerts trophic effects on the nigrostriatal DA system and may increase survival of nigrostriatal DA nerve cells exposed to the MPTP neurotoxin.  相似文献   
目的 通过观察人体内痔不同分期粘膜及血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)及碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF2)的表达,探讨内痔的发生及发展机制。 方法 收集南方医院肛肠科门诊手术切除的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ期内痔标本134例(Ⅰ期42例,Ⅱ期45例,Ⅲ期47例),内痔周围正常肠壁组织40例作为对照,采用HE染色观察组织的病理学变化,采用免疫组织化学方法检测血管内皮细胞VEGF及FGF2的表达。 结果 正常组及Ⅰ期内痔黏膜层被覆上皮完整,未见扩张血管;Ⅱ期内痔黏膜层被覆上皮破坏,黏膜肌层破坏,黏膜层内见新生血管;Ⅲ期内痔黏膜层被覆上皮破坏,见血管管壁增厚迂曲,管腔扩张;与正常粘膜成纤维细胞相比VEGF在粘膜层成纤维细胞表达水平明显升高,并随分期增高而增高(F=883.961,P<0.01),FGF2也存在相同表达(F=656.013,P<0.01);与正常组相比VEGF在血管内皮细胞表达水平明显升高,并随分期增高而增高(F=776.561,P<0.01),FGF2在血管内皮细胞的表达水平存在相同趋势(F=1066.458,P<0.01)。 结论 VEGF及FGF2在内痔的形成过程中具有促进血管内皮细胞和粘膜下成纤维细胞增生的作用,同时可作为内痔发生发展的分子标志物。  相似文献   
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