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Many epidemiological studies have shown the magnitude and seriousness of mental disorders in developing countries. However, mental health care remains unsatisfactory owing to lack of skilled manpower and many other social and medical priorities. General practitioners and other health personnel can significantly help in extending mental health care provided they receive adequate training during their medical curriculum. With this aim, the Department of Psychiatry at Addis Ababa University runs a 6-week full-time course for undergraduate medical students. Its chief objectives, teaching methods, achievements and shortcomings are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of an educational intervention on medical students' attitudes toward social and sexual contact with patients by doctors from three medical specialties (general practice, obstetrics/gynaecology and psychiatry). Medical students from two consecutive fifth year classes at one medical school participated in one 3 hour session that included instruction on the standards of the profession that prohibit doctor–patient sexual contact. Students were assigned to either intervention groups or control groups and responded to an anonymous questionnaire (overall response rate 66·8% ; n=141). As many as 14·5% of control group students thought it was (sometimes or usually) appropriate for general practitioners to date their own patients and at least 3% thought it appropriate for members of any of these three medical specialties to engage in sexual contact with their own patients. However, there were no significant differences in attitudes toward hugging, dating or sexual contact with current patients between those who had attended the seminar and the control groups. The session significantly influenced attitudes regarding obstetrician/gynaecologists and psychiatrists hugging and having sexual contact with former patients. These findings are discussed in relation to a need for expansion of such instruction.  相似文献   
目的 了解师范大学学生艾滋病相关知识及行为现状,为高校制定艾滋病健康教育规划提供参考。方法 抽取天津师范大学2000年入学新生,通过集体讲座,使用统一的调查问卷在教育前后分别调查学生艾滋病相关知识及态度,并利用EPIinf0软件进行分析。结果 天津师范大学一年级学生健康教育后对艾滋病性质、主要传播途径等的正确回答率都有所提高,能够正确对待艾滋病病毒感染者,教育前后学生对性行为的态度无明显改变。学生希望获得艾滋病知识的前4位方式均为电视、报刊书籍、卫生课和医生。结论 从国情和现实需要出发,在大学生中开展适时、适度、适量的性健康教育和健康行为教育,对预防性病艾滋病有着积极的意义。  相似文献   
A total of 196 intern medical officers who had graduated from the four medical schools in Sri Lanka in 1984 indicated their attitudes towards anaesthesia as a medical specialty in response to a postal questionnaire. Eighty per cent of the graduates considered anaesthesia to be an established specialty in Sri Lanka, while 17% felt that the specialty had limited clinical application. A total of 62% of the graduates were not aware, prior to their entry to medical school, that anaesthesia was related to medical practice. All the graduates indicated that the intra-operative role of the anaesthetist was on a par with that of the surgeon, but 40% felt that the pre- and post-operative roles were of a secondary nature. Overall, 42% considered that an anaesthetist acts as an assistant to the surgeon. The graduates were of the opinion that only 35% of the patients undergoing surgery were appreciative of the services rendered by an anaesthetist. Fifty per cent of the graduates considered exposure to the specialty in the undergraduate curriculum as inadequate. Anaesthesia was chosen as the first career preference by 1.5%. The dominant reasons for not selecting anaesthesia as a career specialty were: minimal patient contact and patient recognition (62%), and lack of recognition of the specialty by society (54%). Anaesthetists in Sri Lanka are challenged to alter the perceptions associated with the specialty, which are probably a result of chronic staff shortages restricting practice to the confines of operating theatres.  相似文献   
A complete annual entry of 181 students were administered a questionnaire in which they were invited to make value judgements about all aspects of their 3-month course in obstetrics and gynaecology. The resulting performance indicators were used to compare individual staff and clinical firms.  相似文献   
目的通过对甘肃农产区居民的饮食习惯、营养知识和态度的调查,从需方的角度对开展面粉营养素强化的可行性进行探讨。方法采用定性和定量调查相结合的方法,对4个地区的城市和农村的男性和女性分别进行现状和原因的调查分析。结果被调查地区多数城市(92.7%)和农村(60.7%)家庭日常饮食以面食为主,94.7%的城市家庭购买面粉,而在农村地区,多数家庭自己种植或购买小麦。城市居民较农村对营养和维生素有更多的了解和关注。农村男性对面粉营养素强化持怀疑态度,女性更加关注孩子的营养,认为目前的饮食单一,孩子可能营养不足。结论与农村地区相比,城市地区的社会经济条件和知识基础较利于开展面粉强化工作。  相似文献   
The emphasis on academic achievement in medical student selection has given rise to the fear that students entering medicine may comprise a homogeneous group with tendencies towards academic and scientific pursuits rather than humanistic and person-oriented health care. The Attitudes to Social Issues in Medicine (ATSIM) scale was administered to first-year Australian medical students and first-year students in other faculties including students with significantly lower academic performance measured by high school examination scores. The medical student group was found to be less conservative towards general social issues than students enrolled in commerce and science faculties and scored equally with arts students. Greater conservatism was, however, apparent in those areas which most closely affect the doctor's role. Medical students were less positive than other student groups in their attitudes towards increased government control of the medical profession, the contribution of allied health professionals and the importance of social aspects of illness. On attitudes to issues such as prevention and doctor-patient relationships which do not challenge the knowledge base or traditional role and status of the medical profession, however, medical students demonstrate equal or greater concern compared with other student groups.  相似文献   
为探讨新婚前后人群对避孕方法(特别是紧急避孕方法)的知识、态度和使用以及新婚前后人群对紧急避孕的需求及对推广EC的意愿的建议。采用描述性流行病学研究方法,以郑州市新婚学校为研究现场,直接收集第一手数据。采用EPI INF6.04软件包,和SPSS7.5 FOR WINDOW95软件包,进行数据处理、统计与分析。统计分析的主要指标有:频数分布,单因素分析,logistic多元回归分析等。结果平均年龄26.41岁,女性占49.4%。在第一次同房时,仅有46.4%的人使用过避孕方法。第一次同房时最常用的避孕方法是避孕套(76.1%)。在女性应答者中,25岁以下开始同房者占76.6%,有9.3%的人有过人工流产史。88.2%的人每周有1~6次同房。有43.2%的人听说过EC方法,有35.9%的人听说过紧急避孕片,有29.9%的人知道使用EC片有时间限制,有24.7%的人听说过上环可作为紧急避孕方法,有17.4%的人知道上环紧急避孕方法有时间限制。仅有12.9%的人使用过某种事后避孕方法,其中有事后3天内使用者占82.0%。92.6%的人赞成开展EC教育。73.7%的人认为,应在未婚青少年中开展EC教育。80.7%的人认为,在本单位进行EC教育是可行的。应答者认为,最易的接受的EC教育形式依次为:阅读材料(40.4%),录相(20.6%)和讲课(15.7%)。认为EC的最可靠的信息来源  相似文献   
目的在综合有关研究文献的观点,以开放问卷调查为基础上,编制适合中国大学生寻求专业心理帮助量表,为研究大学生心理求助提供测评工具。方法从大学生心理求助行为实际出发,对大学生进行开放式问卷调查,随机抽取有代表性的福建省的大学生样本.对问卷作因素分析和效度与信度分析。结果提出信任、需求、容忍度和开放度共4个维度构成大学生寻求专业心理帮助态度的结构和成分;编制的“大学生寻求专业心理帮助态度量表”总量表信度系数为0.8392。结论大学生寻求专业心理帮助态度量表具有良好的信度和效度,可在实际中应用。  相似文献   
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