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芪月降脂片制剂处方的优化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的 ]优化芪月降脂片的制剂处方 .[方法 ]采用正交设计和多指标综合评分法对已筛选出的药剂辅料进行处方优化 .[结果 ]最佳制剂处方为糖粉 50 g ,辅料X 50g ,微晶纤维素 75g .[结论 ]该处方合理 ,成型性好  相似文献   
通过对口腔崩解片的特点及主要制备工艺的分析,结合当前中成药工业的现状及具体实际,认为口腔崩解片可以应用于中成药制剂的开发。  相似文献   
目的 探讨自制苏芪合剂对Ⅲ~Ⅳ级IgA肾病患者的疗效及患者T细胞功能的改善.方法 28例Ⅲ~Ⅳ级IgA肾病患者随机分为两组,对照组:醋酸泼尼松-日1mg,kg,隔日晨起顿服,盐酸苯那普利-日10mg;治疗组:在上述用药的基础上加用自制苏芪合剂.8周后,观察患者缓解率、T细胞功能及不良反应.结果 治疗组患者在缓解率、T细胞功能改善等方面优于对照组,且因糖皮质激素的使用而出现的不良反应少于对照组.结论 苏芪合剂联合治疗Ⅲ~Ⅳ级IgA肾病疗效显著并能有效改善T细胞功能.  相似文献   
高效液相色谱法测定石杉碱甲片的含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用高效液相色谱法测定石杉碱甲片的含量。固定相为μBondapak C18,流动相为乙腈-0.02mol/L磷酸二氢钾溶液(12:88),以对乙酰氨基酚为内标,石杉碱甲浓度在10 ̄50mg/L范围内与峰面积呈良好的线性关系,平均回收率为99.93%,RSD为0.41%(n=9)。  相似文献   
采用紫外分光光度法测定长春丁汀片的含量。长春西汀片在274mm波长处有最大吸收,方法线性范围是10-20μg/ml,回归方程Y=30.092X+0.0533,r=0.9999,平均回收率为101.38%(n=5,RSD=0.71%)。  相似文献   
目的:探讨舌下含服米索前列醇预防剖宫产产后出血的效果。方法:将妊娠晚期单胎选择性剖宫产者200例随机分为两组,研究组110例,在第二产程末胎头娩出后舌下含服米索400μg,对照组90例,在胎儿娩出后静脉注射催产素20IU,观察产后2h出血量和用米索前后血压及用药后出现的副作用,结果:产后2h内的出血量,研究组与对照组分别为174.43ml和219.73ml,二组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01),用米索前后血压比较,二组无显著性差异(P>0.05),结论:舌下含服前列醇促进子宫收缩作用强于催产素,能减少产后出血,也适用于某些与血管变化有关的高危孕产妇,预防产后出血。  相似文献   
Oligonol is produced from the oligomerization of polyphenols (typically proanthocyanidin from a variety of fruits such as lychees, grapes, apples, persimmons, etc.) and contains catechin-type monomers and oligomers of proanthocyanidins. The ability of Oligonol to affect infection-dependent eye inflammation, locomotion and longevity in senescence-accelerated prone mice (SAMP8) (a model of senescence acceleration and geriatric disorders with increased oxidative stress and neuronal deficit) was investigated. Oligonol (60mg/kg) significantly modulated the extent of inflammation scores in the eye of SAMP8 mice. Examination of the mice indicated infection with mouse hepatitis virus and pinworm (Syphacia obvelata) in both males and females and with the intestinal protozoa (trichomonad) in males. A comparison of the two groups (using log-rank test) and the difference in the mean life span between groups (using Student's t-test) indicated significant differences in survival (p=0.043) and the mean life span (p=0.033) in male SAMP8 mice. Oligonol increased the mean life span and this was statistically significant. In the open-field locomotive test, the 7-week-old SAMP8 mice crossed more than 40 partitioned lines in 1min. At 48-week-old control untreated male SAMP8 crossed 2 lines. The Oligonol-treated 48-week-old male SAMP8 mice crossed 17 lines however. The improved locomotive activity was statistically significant even after 36weeks in the Oligonol-treated male SAMP8 but this was not the case throughout the time course of the study in the Oligonol-treated female SAMP8. Thus Oligonol treatment to SAMP8 mice modulated the severity of infection-dependent inflammation, prolonged life-span and significantly improved locomotive activity indicating potential benefit to aging-associated diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases. This presents potential for further research to define infection-dependent inflammation associated with degenerative conditions and the molecular mechanism of dietary antioxidant protection.  相似文献   
本文报道了用导数光谱法测定磷酸丙吡胺的尿药浓度,本方法能消除尿中杂质干扰,测定结果准确。6名受试者交叉口服磷酸丙吡胺缓释片和普通片,测得尿药浓度计算消除速度常数K,排泄速率(Δx/Δt)_(max) 所需时间,证明缓稀片药物排泄慢,药效维持时间长,且缓释片的相对生物利用度与普通片基本相同。  相似文献   
根据蓝四氮唑与泼尼松生成蓝色产物,并于525nm 波长处测定吸光度。测定条件为:反应管长度为3.8m(0.5mm id);流速为1.6ml/min;反应温度为55±0.5℃;注射样品溶液为100μl;本测定系统的测定速度可达100次/h;线性范围可达0.09mg/ml;检测限量为1.54μg/ml;测定结果的变异系数小于1%。  相似文献   
研究了卡尔曼滤波紫外分光光度法测定复方新诺明片和增效联磺片中各组分的实验条件,结果复方新诺明片平均回收率分别为100.4±0.2%(SMZ)和100.4±0.5%(TMP);增效联磺片平均回收率分别为99.5±0.7%(SMZ)、100.8±0.6%(SD)和99.2±0.6%(TMP)。  相似文献   
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