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泵式自体输血过滤引流系统在急症救护中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
自体输血、胸腔闭式引流,是缓解血源矛盾、赢得抢救时机、防治心肺衰竭及ARDS/MOF的重要措施。笔者研制成功的手控泵式储血过滤引流系列在战地、灾害现场,以及平时的心肺手术中,共应用3000余例,现重点对其功能设计和用于自体输血、紧急救护做讨论和评估。  相似文献   
控制性肺膨胀在食管癌术后应用的临床对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖凌  郭川 《重庆医学》2003,32(10):1372-1373
目的 观察在食管癌术后应用控制性肺膨胀防止急性呼吸衰竭的疗效。方法 随机设立应用控制性肺膨胀组 4 3例和对照组 33例 ,年龄和手术时间等无显著差异。观察撤离呼吸机时间。撤机后 1 2、2 4h的呼吸频率、心率、血氧饱和度和氧分压。结果  (1 )应用控制性肺膨胀后 ,撤机时间由 (1 0 4± 1 5 )min缩短到 (87± 1 3)min。 (2 )撤机后 1 2h ,控制性肺膨胀组血氧饱和度和氧分压异常的患者率分别由 30 .30 %下降到 6 .98% ,2 4 .2 4 %下降到 6 .98%。 (3)撤机后 2 4h ,血氧饱和度异常的患者率由1 8.1 8%下降到 2 .33%。结论 食管癌术后应用控制性肺膨胀能有效防止急性呼吸衰竭的发生。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONAdultRespiratoryDistressSyndrome(ARDS)isanacuteprogressiverespiratoryfailurecausedbymanyreasons.Thetherapeuticactionofthissyndromeisuncertain,becausethemechanismisnotwellknown.Thatis,theprognosisiscritical,themortailityisquiteheigh(50%f)ti--63'Butintherecenttenyears,manyscholarsinourcountryhavehadmuchexperienceintheaspectofusinganisodaminetorescueARDSpatientsandhavedecreasedthemortality(')'Howeveverthescholarsexplaintheprincipleofitindifferentways'Thechangesofmicrovascula…  相似文献   
We develop tidal-ventilation pulmonary gas-exchange equations that allow pulmonary shunt to have different values during expiration and inspiration, in accordance with lung collapse and recruitment during lung dysfunction (Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 158 (1998) 1636). Their solutions are tested against published animal data from intravascular oxygen tension and saturation sensors. These equations provide one explanation for (i) observed physiological phenomena, such as within-breath fluctuations in arterial oxygen saturation and blood-gas tension; and (ii) conventional (time averaged) blood-gas sample oxygen tensions. We suggest that tidal-ventilation models are needed to describe within-breath fluctuations in arterial oxygen saturation and blood-gas tension in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) subjects. Both the amplitude of these oxygen saturation and tension fluctuations, and the mean oxygen blood-gas values, are affected by physiological variables such as inspired oxygen concentration, lung volume, and the inspiratory:expiratory (I:E) ratio, as well as by changes in pulmonary shunt during the respiratory cycle.  相似文献   
Summary The past decades have seen considerable shifts of emphasis in surgical care. The recognition that pus was not laudable, was followed by a realisation that not all complications were inevitable and that prophylaxis could effectively reduce the incidence of most common problems in the post-operative period. As anaesthesia has become safer, it has been possible to embark on more intricate and prolonged procedures and for sufficient time to be available to ensure adequate intraoperative care.These two phenomena have firstly increased the complexity of management in the post-operative period, and have brought this aspect of surgical care more obviously to the limelight. However, many separate disciplines are involved in the care of the patient post-operatively, and the Symposium was organised1 to bring the different groups together to identify the areas of recent development in the different specialities and to integrate the overall care of the individual patient.Abbreviations ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome - DIC disseminated intravascular clotting  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Nach multiplem Trauma sinken intracelluläre Aktivität und Konzentration der Elastase in polymorphkernigen Leukocyten (PMNL), die aus Blut ( = 67 U und 6154 g/109 PMNL) und bronchoalveolärer Lavage (BAL)-Flüssigkeit ( = 44 U und 5957 g/109 PMNL) isoliert wurden im Vergleich zu PMNL Gesunder ( = 106 U und 9962 g/109 PMNL). Gleichzeitig wurde ein Anstieg der extracellulären Elastase-Konzentration in Plasma von = 84 g/1 auf = 399 g/1 und in BAL Flüssigkeit von = 8 g/1 auf = 561 g/1 beobachtet. Die durch Stimulation freigesetzte Elastase wird teilweise von einem spezifischen Receptor auf PMNL erneut gebunden. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die PMNL-vermittelte ARDS-Pathogenese.  相似文献   
Limited information is available on the clinical course of outpatients with mild coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This information is critically important to inform public health prevention strategies and to provide anticipatory guidance to patients, primary care providers, and employers. We retrospectively assessed the daily prevalence of symptoms in 313 COVID-19 outpatients for the first 20 days of illness. Generalized estimating equations were used to assess the probability of symptom occurrence over time. Fatigue (91%), cough (85%), and headache (78%) were the most common symptoms and occurred a median of 1 day from symptom onset. Neurologic symptoms, such as loss of taste (66%) and anosmia (62%), and dyspnea (51%) occurred considerably later (median 3–4 days after symptom onset). Symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to those of other respiratory pathogens, so symptomatic patients should be tested more frequently for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 during influenza season to prevent further spread of COVID-19.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Beschrieben wird ein tierexperimentelles Sepsismodell, das der Problematik chirurgischer Intensivpatienten entspricht. Nach rezidivierender Applikation von E.-coli-Endotoxin W0111:134 unter standardisierten Bedingungen konnten spezifische hämodynamische, biochemische (TNF, TXA2, PG I2, IL-6, PAF) und morphologische Veränderungen (pulmonales Endothel) nachgewiesen werden. Die sepsisinduzierten ARDS-Veränderungen werden mit einer Hochfrequenzdruck-und-flowmessung mit 385 Meßpunkten fiber einem Atemzyklus analysiert. Die Rolle des Darms in der Sepsis wurde mit ionenselektivem Kaliummonitoring vergleichend auf der Mukosa and Serosa untersucht. Jede Endotoxingabe wurde vom Dünndarm mit selektiven Anstiegen der Kaliumaktivität als Ausdruck einer Endotoxin-induzierten relativen Ischämie beantwortet. Das Profil der Oberflächenkaliumwerte korreliert sowohl mit dem cardiaco output als auch mit den Prostazyklinspiegeln. Die während der Versuchsdauer kontinuierlich abnehmende Mukosa-Serosa-Kaliumdifferenz kann als Nachweis einer die Sepsis katalysierenden intestinalen Permeabilitätsstörung interpretiert werden.
Septic shock and multiple organ failure during surgical intensive care. Evaluation of pulmonary and intestinal dysfunction assessment in a porcine model
The study deals with an animal model for the problems of surgical intensive care patients. Following repeated applications of E. coli endotoxin W0111:134 under standard conditions, specific hemodynamic and biochemical (TNF, TXA2, PGI2, IL-6, PAF) and morphological (endothelium of the lung) alterations were detected. ARDS patterns induced by the sepsis were analyzed by high-frequency measurement of pressure and flow (385 measurements per breathing cycle). The role of the intestine in sepsis was investigated by ion-selective monitoring of surface potassium activity comparing mucosa and serosa. Every injection of endotoxin was followed by a selective increase of the potassium activity revealing relative ischemia induced by the endotoxin. The profile of the potassium levels on the surface correlates both with the cardiac output and with the prostacyclin levels. The continuous narrowing of the difference between mucosa and serosa, potassium during the period of investigation can be regarded as evidence for pathologic change in permeability fostering the septic course.
外源性肺表面活性物质在ARDS中的治疗作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several studies have demonstrated that alterations of pulmonary surfactant system contribute to the lung dysfunction associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). There have been many animal experiments and clinical investigations evaluating exogenous surfactant in ARDS models or patients. Exogenous surfactant administration has proven inconsistent as a therapeutic modality for patients with ARDS. Various factors that may influence a host response to exogenous surfactant, these factots include: the nature and severity of the underlying injury,the surfactant preparation utilized, the amount, frequency, and method of surfactant administration, the mode of ventilation used during and after surfactant delivery, and the timing or surfactant administration over the course of the illness  相似文献   
[目的]通过观察大承气汤对急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)大鼠血小板及凝血系统的作用,探讨其防治ARDS的机理,为临床用药提供依据。[方法]清洁级大鼠24只,分为对照组,模型组和治疗组。每天灌胃2次,7日后检测血小板和凝血系统的变化。[结果]三组的平均血小板体积及活化部分凝血酶时间有明显差异(P<0·01)血小板计数,凝血酶时间及凝血酶原时间有明显差异(P<0·05)。[结论]大承气汤可通过影响大鼠血小板和凝血系统而使大鼠肺部微血栓减少。大承气汤可通过影响大鼠血小板和凝血系统从而有效地治疗大鼠急性呼吸窘迫综合征。  相似文献   
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