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老鼠有惊人的繁殖力,这是人们的共识。1对老鼠经1年繁育究竟可产下多少后代,这是令许多人感兴趣而又疑惑的问题。不同鼠种其繁殖能力不一样,笔者就以褐家鼠为例,有的说1对褐家鼠经1年繁殖子子孙孙可超过1500只,还有人说25000只,更有甚者说超过35000只,当然,也有的说得很具体:“  相似文献   
Diaphragmaticmuscleisanimportantrespiratorymuscle,anddiaphragmaticfatiguecanleadtomanydisorders .Onlyintherecent 2 0 yearshavethesys temicresearchesbeen performedtoinvestigatethefunctionofdiaphragmanditspathophysiology .Di aphragmaticfatiguecanbeinducedby…  相似文献   
动物小村里,每一家都很富足。哦。不。除了小老鼠。小老鼠贫困,可不是因为他好吃懒做.而是因为他的力气太小了,别的动物干一件事一天就干完了,他十天还没干完呢。  相似文献   
Injection of TFP (a specific antagonist of CaM) into the lateral ventricles of the rat brain on the fourth day of pregnancy causes marked antifertility effect in 83% of the rats (0% in the control group). Examination with the pontamone blue reaction for the implantation elucidated that the antifertitity effect was due to the blockage of implantation of the follicle. Injection of TFP into the lateral ventricles of the brain markedly reduced the concentration of CaM in hypothalamus, ovary and uterus. Serum progesterone was also reduced. However, injection glven on day 7 was ineffective to terminate the pregnancy. Injection given on certain time of pregnancy was able to reduce the cellular CaM content and to cause antifertitity. This finding demonstrated that CaM played an important rote during the course of pregnancy.  相似文献   
应用透射电镜研究了老年大鼠切牙造牙本质细胞的超微结构变化。该细胞核出现凹陷和切迹,常染色质减少,异染色质增加。胞浆内粗面内质网扩张,变短,线粒体水肿,嵴断裂,最后空泡化,高尔基复合体由复杂到简单,最后消失。  相似文献   
菱叶红景天形态组织学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
菱叶红景天Rhocliolahenryi(Diels)S.H.Fu为景天科红景天属植物,又名豌豆七(植物分类学报增刊)、一代宗(中国高等植物图鉴)、白三七。打不死、辽阳参、接骨丹、三步接骨丹(秦岭植物志)、还阳参景天(拉汉种子植物名称)、岩还阳。岩老鼠、岩田三七、岩见血参、岩豌豆、水三七(湖北植物志)。分布在四川、湖北、甘肃、陕西。河南等省区,生长在海拔1000~330米的山坡沟边岩石上。湖北省主要分布在鄂西自治州、宜昌地区及神农架林区。现将菱叶红景天的形态组织特征的研究结果报道如下。1实验材料…  相似文献   
Aim: To find out the toxic effect of endosulfan on the tesficular function of pubertal rats, Methods: Male rats of pu-bertal age were orally administered endosulfan at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg body weight for 30 days. Twenty-four hours af-ter the last tmagnent, the rats were sacrificed and the testis, epididymis, seminal vesicles and ventral prostate were re-moved and weighed. A 10 % testicular homogenate was prepared for biochemical estimations. Results: In endosul-fan-treated rats, there were a reduction in the body weight and the weights of testis and accessory sex organs, a de-crease in the testicular lactate and pyruvate activities, and in the testicular DNA and RNA concentrations, whereas thetesticular protein concentration was slightly increased; the specific activity of testicular steroidogenic enzyme, 33OH-steroid dehydrogenase and the ascorbic acid level were decreased, which were correlated with a decrease in steroidoge-nesis. The lysosomal enzyme acid phosphatase and brush-border enzyme alkaline phosphatase activities were also de-creased in the testis of treated rats. Conclusion: In puhertal rats, endosulfan treaanent inhibits the testicular functions.(Asian J Androl 1999 Dec; 1 : 203 - 206)  相似文献   
我是长得脑满肠肥。可绝对不是饕餮之徒:我是有些贼眉鼠眼,可绝对不是鼠目寸光;我是老鼠们的天敌,可绝对不是滥杀无辜;我是叫声有些凄厉。可绝对不与迷信有关:我是夜里神出鬼没,可绝对不干见不得人的勾当;我的姑爷老鹰是翱翔天空,可绝对不是我的靠山。  相似文献   
老鼠霸是红树林的重要植物之一,在各国民间有多种医药用途。近年研究发现,该植物中含有生物碱、黄酮、三萜类等化学成分,具抗氧化、抗肿瘤、杀利什曼原虫等药理活性。综述了从老鼠霸中分离得到的化学成分及提取物与主要成分的药理作用。  相似文献   
Thereexistdifferentdegreesofpathophysi ologicchangesinthetissuesaroundhemorrhagefocusafteracutecerebralhemorrhage[1 ] .Cere bralhemorrhageoftenleadstodysfunctionoftheneuronsinthebrain ,manifestingabnormalelec tricalactivity .Followingacutecerebralhemor rhage,duetotheoppressionofthehematomaandthetoxiceffectofthebloodcontentsaswellaschangesofthemicro environmentaroundthehemorrhagefocus,theelectricalactivityofthecerebralneuronsissuppressedatdifferentde grees.Electroacupuncture (EA)therapyworkell…  相似文献   
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