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大鼠小脑皮质内突触素P38免疫反应产物的分布及年龄变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用免疫组织化学方法结合图像分析研究突触素P38免疫反应产物在Wistar大鼠小脑皮质的分布及年龄变化,结果显示:小脑皮质内的突触素P38免疫反应产物呈板层分布,各层之间的 产物密度差异很大;在三个年龄组,小脑V,Ⅶ叶分子层突触素P38免疫反应产物校正光密度值以青年组最大,成年组次之,老年组最小,各组间差异显著。  相似文献   
PC12 cells can differentiate into neuron-like cells after treatment with either nerve growth factor (NGF) or transduction with a retrovirus which expresses the K-ras oncogene. The concomitant treatment of NGF plus ras differentiates PC12 cells further than either agent alone with respect to neurite outgrowth, acetylcholinesterase levels, and most strikingly, the number of synaptic vesicle (SV) clusters. These SV clusters in PC12 cell neurites closely resemble those in the presynaptic terminals of neurons. Such SV clusters have not been described in cell lines previously. The SV clusters from all three differentiated groups (NGF, ras, and NGF plus ras) were similar in size, shape, and configuration, except that the ones in the doubly treated group occur in higher frequency and have more vesicles. The synaptic nature of these vesicle clusters was demonstrated by their regulated depletion after potassium stimulation. Furthermore, these vesicle clusters stained positively for two SV-associated proteins, synapsin I and synaptophysin, by EM immunocytochemistry (ICC). Such SV clusters in a cell line are very useful for characterizing the regulated release of SVs and the distribution of SV-related antigens in intact cells. Analysis by SDS-gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting indicated that synapsin I levels are higher in all three differentiated groups compared to untreated cells; whereas synaptophysin levels are lower in cells exposed to NGF alone or with NGF and ras double treatment. Possible convergence and/or divergence on the mechanisms of NGF and ras differentiation in PC12 cells are discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Summary Aged-related spinal cord changes such as neuronal loss have been related to the degree of clinical severity of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); morphological data on synapses are, however, wanting. Variations in synaptophysin (Sph) expression in aging and ALS were thus studied at the level of lower motor neurons in 40 controls with non-neurological diseases and 11 cases of ALS. Control sections of formalin fixed paraffin embedded cervical (C7/8), thoracic (T10) and lumbar spinal cord (L5) and C6, C7, C8 and L5 of ALS cases were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, luxol fast blue (LFB), and immunostained with a mouse monoclonal antibody against Sph. The neuropil of the anterior horn (AH) in all control cases demonstrated Sph positivity. A dot-like pattern of positivity of presynaptic terminals on soma of motor neurons and fine immunoreactivity along neuronal processes were observed. A significant reduction of Sph immunostaining was observed in the neuropil with increasing age and 3 different somatic patterns were seen: a-well preserved Sph reactivity around the soma and the proximal dendrites of histologically normal neurons; b-few chromatolytic neurons showing large numbers of dot-like presynaptic terminals around the cell body and in a fused pattern; c-intense, diffuse, and homogeneous reactivity of some neurons. Attenuation of Sph reactivity in the AH neuropil, to its complete loss, was observed in all ALS cases. In addition to patterns a-c, two additional microscopic findings were noted in ALS: d-chromatolytic neurons showing complete absence of Sph reactivity; e-absence of Sph reactivity around the soma and the proximal dendrites of histologically normal surviving neurons.Our findings demonstrate that there is a decrease in Sph immunostaining with aging, thus suggesting an alteration in dendritic networks of the AH with aging. Changes in the pattern of Sph immunoreactivity in cell bodies may represent synaptic plasticity and/or degeneration. Reinnervation may also be a possible mechanism as a response to neuronal loss in oldest control cases. Sph reactivity results may thus lend support to the presence of superimposed aging components in ALS cases which may give an insight into explaining the increasing severity of the disease which is encountered with advancing age.  相似文献   
    Neurone damage and eventual loss may underlie the clinical signs of disease in the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). Although neurone death appears to be through apoptosis, the trigger for this form of cell death in the TSEs is not known. Using two different murine scrapie models, hippocampal pyramidal cells were studied through microinjection of fluorescent dye, and synaptic integrity, using p38-immunoreactivity (p38-IR), both visualized using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Intradendritic distensions and dendritic spine loss were found to co-localize to areas of vacuolar and prion protein pathology in the hippocampus of mice infected with ME7 or 87 V scrapie. A significant reduction in p38-IR was found concomitantly in the hippocampus in ME7 scrapie mice. These results indicate that both pre- and post-synaptic sites are altered by scrapie infection; this would disrupt neuronal circuitry and may initiate apoptotic cell death, giving rise to the neurological disturbances manifested in clinical TSE cases.  相似文献   
    为了探讨突触素(SYN)在不同周龄阶段胎儿端脑额叶中的表达与胎儿额叶皮质突触发育的关系,本研究采用免疫组织化学方法观察突触素在不同周龄阶段胎儿额叶的表达水平,利用计算机图像分析技术测量不同周龄阶段胎儿额叶突触素表达的平均光密度;同时取材、常规电镜技术处理、透射电镜观察额叶突触发育的超微结构变化。结果显示:(1)光镜下各组均可见SYN免疫阳性产物主要表达于胎儿的额叶皮层,其表达量随周龄的增加而增强,各组间呈现显著性差异(P<0.05),其中16~24周胎儿额叶的阳性产物位于神经元的胞浆内,呈均匀的浅黄色,神经元突起内未见阳性产物;25~29周额叶的阳性产物呈黄色,在胞浆和突起内均可见,但阳性产物的量却下降;而30~39周额叶的SYN阳性产物呈棕黄色的点状或颗粒状,主要位于神经元的突起内,神经元胞浆内未见阳性产物,阳性产物的量显著增加;(2)透射电镜下19~36周胎儿大脑额叶均可见到突触样结构,随着周龄的增加,突触的数量逐渐增多,结构逐渐清晰和完整。上述结果提示SYN的表达可以反映胎儿神经系统发育的程度,SYN的表达与突触的发育是一致的;SYN在胎儿大脑额叶的表达部位经历由神经元胞浆内表达为主到神经元终末表达为主的这一过程,可能是由于SYN先是在神经元胞浆内合成,再随着神经元的发育而逐步转移到神经元突起的末梢部位。  相似文献   
    目的 探讨苯甲酸雌二醇对大鼠海马CA1区、齿状回突触素(synaptophysin, Syn)及钙结合蛋白(calbindinD28k, CaBP, parvalbumin, PV)的调节作用。方法 用大鼠卵巢切除(OVX)动物模型,用免疫组化结合图象分析的方法。结果 OVX组大鼠海马CA1区及齿状回突触素、PV,CaBP积分光密度及面积密度均显著低于对照组,补充苯甲酸雌二醇35 d,这3项指标的积分光密度及面积密度均告恢复,与OVX组相比,呈显著性差异。结论 苯甲酸雌二醇可能通过调节海马、齿状回神经元突触密度,为改善学习记忆功能,缓解AD病人的症状提供结构基础,并通过维持胞内Ca2+的恒定达到保护神经元的目的。  相似文献   
    目的:探讨过量谷氨酸毒性损伤豚鼠视网膜内突触小泡蛋白(SYP)的表达及碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)对其表达的影响。方法:豚鼠随机分成谷氨酸钠损伤组、对照组和bFGF治疗组。采用免疫组织化学方法和图像分析技术,对各组豚鼠视网膜内SYP免疫反应产物的表达进行检测。结果:对照组豚鼠视网膜内SYP的表达为强阳性,主要定位于外网状层和内网状层,损伤组视网膜相应区域内阳性反应产物的光密度值明显低于对照组,bFGF治疗后SYP的阳性表达明显高于损伤组,且与对照组相比,无显著性差异。结论:bFGF可抑制过量谷氨酸钠诱发的视网膜内SYP的表达减少,上调SYP的表达,对视神经损伤有显著地促功能修复作用。  相似文献   
    CgA和SYN在非小细胞肺癌中的表达及与预后的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    目的研究神经内分泌分化(ND)标志物嗜铬蛋白A(CgA)和突触素(SYN)在可切除的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)组织中的表达及其与预后的关系。方法2000年1月~2003年1月收治NSCLC且接受手术治疗的患者共123例。收集手术切除标本以及患者临床和术后随访资料等。应用免疫组化二步法检测肿瘤组织标本中CgA和SYN的表达;分别采用Kaplan-M eier生存曲线和Cox风险比例模型进行单因素和多因素生存分析。结果切除的肿瘤组织标本中CgA和SYN的阳性表达率分别为22%和17.9%;SYN阳性表达与肿瘤分化程度相关(P=0.001);NSCLC伴ND(NSCLC-ND)(CgA和SYN任意一项表达阳性)与患者性别、年龄、吸烟指数、TNM分期和病理类型无明显相关。耐受化疗次数在CgA、SYN呈阳性表达与阴性表达的NSCLC患者之间无明显差异(P=0.406)。Kaplan-M eier生存分析显示,CgA和SYN表达与患者生存期相关;Cox多因素分析表明,肿瘤组织中SYN阳性表达(P=0.001)、TNM分期(P=0.02)和最大直径(P=0.049)是影响患者预后的独立危险因素。结论NSCLC-ND患者预后较差,其标记物SYN可作为临床判断预后的指标之一。  相似文献   


    方法:选用正常新生Long Evans大鼠随机分为正常对照组与弱视模型组,每组16只,两组大鼠均在相同环境下饲养。正常对照组不做任何处理,弱视模型组在出生后第13d采用单眼缝合的方法建立单眼形觉剥夺性弱视经典模型。两组大鼠均于出生后51d进行闪光视觉诱发电位(F-VEP)的检测。检测结束后立即取材,用透射电镜及Image J图像分析软件观察并统计两组大鼠初级视皮层V1M区第Ⅳ~Ⅵ层大锥体细胞周围神经纤维网络的突触密度变化。利用漂染法对视皮层冰冻切片进行免疫荧光组织化学染色,在激光共聚焦显微镜及荧光显微镜下对SYN阳性神经元进行定位观察和定量统计分析。

    结果:F-VEP检查结果显示与正常对照组相比,弱视模型组剥夺眼的P2潜伏期较正常眼明显延长,P2波振幅较正常眼明显降低(P<0.05); 透射电镜结果显示,与正常对照组相比,弱视模型组双侧视皮层的突触密度显著降低(P<0.05),其中弱视眼对侧视皮层下降更加明显(P<0.05); 免疫荧光染色结果显示两组大鼠视皮层脑切片形态完整,镜下组织结构清晰,与正常对照组相比,弱视模型组SYN阳性神经元表达强度值明显降低(P<0.01)。

    结论:视觉发育关键期存在着突触结构可塑性,单眼形觉剥夺可以造成大鼠初级视皮层突触密度的降低,SYN表达水平下降,视皮层功能下降。  相似文献   

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