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脑血管意外尿失禁的机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨脑血管意外引起尿失禁的可能机制。方法对42例诊断为脑血管意外伴有尿失禁的患者进行尿动力学检查(包括静止期尿道压测定、充盈期及排尿期膀胱尿道功能测定)并按Burney分类进行分析,同时研究病变部位、脑血管意外性质和病变半球侧与尿动力学的关系。结果42例脑血管意外患者中,表现为逼尿肌反射亢进者31例(73.8%):其中外括约肌无抑制性松弛19例(45.2%),逼尿肌-外括约肌不协调3例(7.1%),逼尿肌-外括约肌协调9例(21.4%);逼尿肌反射减低,外括约肌协调者11例(26.2%);无逼尿肌功能正常者。发生膀胱顺应性减低5例(11.9%),发生尿感缺失者11例(26.2%)。初感尿容量(140.00±46.97)ml;膀胱最大容量(293.20±60.71)ml;最大尿道闭合压(65.14±19.83)cmH2O。逼尿肌最大收缩力(Pdetmax)为(60.98±31.11)cmH2O;最大尿流率时逼尿肌压力(Pdet-Qmax)为(35.98±17.46)cmH2O;逼尿肌收缩时间(Tcon)为(86.07±36.09)sec;最大流量(Qmax)为(9.02±5.62)ml/s。中风后尿失禁患者其发病部位多见于基底节、皮层多灶以及额顶叶,脑出血与脑梗塞患者的尿动力学表现无明显差异,左右半球病变对尿动力学也无明显差异。结论脑血管意外后尿失禁的尿动力学异常主要为逼尿肌反射亢进,部分出现逼尿肌反射减弱,但感觉正常,感觉缺失者较少见;外括约肌功能以无抑制性松弛为主,其次为逼尿肌-外括约肌协调,少数出现不协调;较少出现膀胱顺应性降低。  相似文献   
The epidemiology of urinary dysfunction in a Chinese population living in Hong Kong was investigated. Fifteen hundred ethnic Chinese women answered a telephone questionnaire including symptoms of urinary dysfunction, anthropometric measurements, obstetric history and place of birth. The relative predictive value of these factors was analyzed using logistic regression. The prevalence of urinary dysfunction was 13%. Ten percent reported stress incontinence, and 4% had urgency or urge incontinence. The strongest predictor was place of birth, with women born in mainland China having the highest prevalence of pure stress incontinence (OR 1.33, CI 1.1–1.6). For the symptoms of detrusor instability age was the strongest predictor, with women over 50 years being at greater risk (OR 2.8, CI 1.6–5.0). Contrary to earlier beliefs, urinary dysfunction in Chinese women is as common as in Caucasian women. Place of birth is the strongest predictor for pure stress incontinence, with women born in mainland China being at greater risk. This suggests that environmental factors in early life have a differential effect on the development of urinary incontinence. EDITORIAL COMMENT: Taiwan Chinese women have a comparable prevalence of urinary dysfunction with Hong Kong Chinese women. A survey representing a multistage sample of 82 678 women aged 18 years or older was conducted in the Taipei area from January to June 1993. A total of 818 cases were interviewed by trained students. One hundred and eighty-nine (23.1%) of the respondents reported having had some degree of incontinence in the preceding 12 months, 28 (3.4%) reporting regular incontinence. Most presented with stress urinary incontinence, whereas urge incontinence and mixed incontinence were more commonly seen in the elderly group (aged 60 years or older). The risk factors for urinary incontinence included age, number of vaginal deliveries (>3), number of abortions (>2) and maternal history of incontinence. Voiding symptoms (irritative or obstructive) and constipation were significantly more prevalent among respondents with incontinence than those without (P<0.001). This evidence also indicates that the long-held belief that Chinese women have a much lower prevalence of urinary dysfunction than western women has all but ended.  相似文献   
Anorectal function was evaluated in eight patients who had low anterior resection of the rectum with a low anastomotic line, using an EEA stapler, with determination of function based on periodic manometric studies and clinical symptoms. Immediately following surgery all patients suffered from frequent bowel actions and soiling. These symptoms improved with time and most patients could enjoy almost normal daily life by the sixth postoperative month. One month after surgery, anal canal resting pressure and maximum squeeze pressure were significantly reduced and rectoanal inhibitory reflex was absent; neither showed a distinct tendency to improve thereafter. Rectal sensation and reservoir capacity, which also were seriously impaired, recovered satisfactorily by the time of the six-month examination. This suggests that an improvement of clinical symptoms following this operation is dependent upon the recovery of reservoir capacity and sensation of the neorectum, and that this operative procedure is a functionally acceptable option for low rectal cancer.  相似文献   
Summary Minimally invasive treatment of urinary incontinence has become a subject of major interest in recent years. We examined the use of transurethral collagen injection for incontinence treatment. A total of 48 patients were selectet for this procedure from April 1993 to February 1997 – 26 male patients (19 post-RPX incontinence and 7 post-TUR incontinence) and 22 female patients (all after previous incontinence surgery) were treated by injection of collagen into the continence region. The whole group underwent an average of 1.8 sessions, and a mean collagen injection volume of 14.5 ml was delivered per session. Mean follow-up was 9.2 months. Of the female population, 68.2 % were cured or greatly improved. In the male population only 47.3 % of the post-RPX patients and 6/7 of the post-TUR patients benefited from the procedure. In males, treatment outcome depends on the degree of pretreatment incontinence, because all grade III incontinence patients did worse. Therefore we conclude: transurethral collagen injection is an interesting method in the treatment of urinary incontinence if proper patient selection is assured.   相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 63 Patienten wurden wegen eines Rektumprolaps durch eine abdominale Rektopexie (Operationsverfahren nach Ripstein-Corman) therapiert. Als Rektopexienahtlagermaterial wurden lyophylisierte Dura-Streifen, ein Vicryl-Netz oder ein Dexon-Netz verwendet. 71,4% (n = 45 von 63) des Kollektivs konnten nachuntersucht wurden, der Nachbeobachtungszeitraum betrug im Mittel 52,5 Monate. Die postoperative verfahrensbedingte Mortalität betrug 0%, im 30-Tage-Intervall nur 1,6% wegen kardialer Komplikationen. Intraoperative Komplikationen traten in 4,7% der Fälle auf. Die postoperative Morbiditätsrate betrug 25,4% (n = 16 von 63), infektbedingte Komplikationen wurden in 12.7% (n = 8 von 63) der Fälle beschrieben, davon 1 Fall mit einer spontan ausgeheilten pelvikutanen Fistel. Ein Rektumprolapsrezidiv zeigte sich in 4,4% (n = 2 von 45) der Fälle (nur Dura-Rektopexie), ein Schleimhautprolaps trat bei 15,5% (n = 7 von 45) der Fälle auf. Postoperativ reduzierten sich Obstipationsbeschwerden um 28,6% (n = 18 von 63) auf 22,2%. Bei Patienten mit einer präoperativen Inkontinenz wurde eine Verbesserung in 60,7% (n = 17 von 28) der Fälle erreicht, 35,7% (n = 10 von 28) waren vollständig kontinent. Die Steigerung der Kontinenzgrade durch eine abdominale Rektopexie ist statistisch signifikant (Wilcoxon-Test, p = 0,05). Die Einflußgrößen hohes Lebensalter, Prolapsanamnesedauer, Geburtenzahl und präoperative Inkontinenzdauer
Clinical and functional results after abdominal rectopexy: a comparison of dura strips. Vicryl and Dexon gauze as fixation material and suture placement (Ripstein-Corman procedure)
We report our results with abdominal rectopexy (modified Ripstein procedure, Ripstein/Corman) without resection of the colon in 63 patients using lyophylized dura-strips, Vicryl gauze or Dexon gauze, as the underlying fixation material for the mobilized rectum, presacral fascia and fixation suture material. Forty-five of 64 patients (71.4%) were reevaluated by proctoscopic examination and questioning; the mean follow-up time was 52.5 months (range 3–136 months). Postoperative mortality due to the method was 0%; the mortality was 1.6% (n = 1/63) in general for the first postoperative 30-day period as a result of cardiac complications. There were three complications (4.7%) the durating operation. Postoperative morbidity was 25.4% (16/63); infectious complications occurred in 12.7% (8/63) of cases, with one case of spontaneous closure of a pelvicutaneous fistula after intraoperative injury to the rectal wall. Full-thickness rectal prolapse appeared after rectopexy in 4.4% (2/45) (dura material alone) and mucosal prolapse was seen in 15.5% (7/45) of the follow-up group. Constipation was reduced by 28.6% (18/63) to 22.2% during the follow-up. Seventeen of 28 patients (60.7 %) with incontinence showed an improvement; total continence was registered in 35.7% (10/28). The increase in continence as a result of abdominal rectopexy was significant (Wilcoxon, P = 0.05). The special aspects of being in an older age group, having a long history of procidentia, the number of deliveries, the length of the preoperative incontinence period all showed no influence on the postoperative degree of continence (Spearman's rank correlation). In 7/15 cases with persisting incontinence after rectopexy, postanal repair (Parks) was efficient in 7/7 cases leading to total or partial continence. Abdominal rectopexy with the Ripstein-Corman procedure is generally recommended for the treatment of procidentia. Absorbable material for the Ripstein sling is preferred because of the low prolapse recurrency rate and the low infection rate; the absorbability of Vicryl or Dexon gauze might be of advantage in cases of pelvic sepsis after rectopexy, as removal of the gauze is not necessary. Resection of the colon as a treatment for severe constipation is not generally recommended.
Myoblast therapy for stress urinary incontinence and bladder dysfunction   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The field of tissue engineering and gene therapy has an exciting and promising future. During the past few years we have begun a comprehensive effort to investigate the use of myoblasts to improve and expand the treatment of stress urinary incontinence and bladder dysfunction. Moreover, we can expect the application of myoblast-mediated ex vivo gene transfer in the field of urology. In this paper we discuss the compositions of and methods involving the use of myogenic or muscle-derived cells for tissue engineering and cell-mediated gene therapy.  相似文献   
Incontinenceofurineandstoolisadiseasethatpatientcannotcontrolurinationanddefeca-tionatastateofclearconsciousness.Alotoffactorsofsocialpsychologymaybringaboutthisdisease.51casesofthediseasecausedbyexcessivesorrowandfrightwerestudiedandtreatedwithacupunctur…  相似文献   
经阴道吊带悬吊术(IVS)治疗女性压力性尿失禁   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 观察IVS经阴道吊带悬吊术治疗女性压力性尿失禁临床疗效。方法 采用IVS经阴道吊带悬吊术治疗 2 6例女性压力性尿失禁患者。结果  2 6例患者手术后尿失禁均得到控制 ,经随访 1~ 5个月无 1例出现尿失禁现象。平均手术时间 4 5min ,平均出血 5 6ml,2 6例患者恢复正常排尿后测残余尿均 <5 0ml。结论 IVS经阴道吊带悬吊术治疗女性压力性尿失禁具有手术创伤小、在局麻下手术、吊带悬吊效果可靠、作用持久、手术悬吊适度、手术并发症发生率低等优点。适宜临床推广应用  相似文献   
目的总结预防ICU患者大便失禁性皮炎的循证证据,并评价其临床应用效果。方法应用循证护理的方法系统检索2010年1月—2019年9月国内外相关临床实践指南、专家共识和系统评价。评价并汇总最佳证据,制订审查条目进行基线审查,并基于审查结果分析促进与障碍因素。于2020年5月—9月将证据应用于临床,比较循证实践前后ICU患者失禁性皮炎发生率、护士对失禁性皮炎相关知识的认知水平以及对审查条目的执行率。结果最终纳入8篇文献,包括临床实践指南3篇、专家共识2篇、系统评价3篇,在风险评估和预防策略2方面总结了11条最佳证据。循证实践后,ICU患者失禁性皮炎发生率为19.10%,低于循证实践前(40.48%),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);护士对失禁性皮炎相关知识问卷的得分为(42.35±5.77)分,高于循证实践前(35.65±5.07)分,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。护士对审查条目2、4、5、6的执行率由循证实践前的0、0、66.67%、22.62%上升至100%、84.27%、97.75%、76.40%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论将预防ICU患者...  相似文献   
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