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The present study investigated relationships between global QOL perceptions and well-being dimensions. Especially our goal was to evaluate the impact of generally recognised four broad dimensions of QOL (physical, functional, social and emotional well-being) on global QOL perceptions, additionally person's satisfaction with life achievements and economical situation were measured as well as social demographic variables. The subjects were a representative sample of Finns (n = 4613, from 25 to 65 years) of the FINRISK-97 study. Correlation coefficients and models of hierarchical regression indicated that physical, functional and social well-being as well as sociodemographic factors and satisfaction with life achievements are important factors of global QOL perceptions both among males and females. However percentages of variances explained with these measures were only moderately high, ranging from 1 to 10%. After measures of emotional well-being were entered into the models of hierarchical analyses of regression, variances explained grew dramatically over 20%. The results of the study indicated that global QOL judgements are likely to be based on current emotional state.  相似文献   
对水平管密相气力输送系统的混沌动力学行为进行了分析,对煤粉浓度信号时间序列的最大Lyapunov指数和关联维数进行了计算。结果表明,系统的最大Lyapunov指数均大于零,这充分说明煤粉在水平管中的密相气力输送存在混沌特征。从密相移动床流区到沉积层流区,混沌吸引子由大变小,关联维数从1.5359减小到1.0764。说明从密相移动床流区到沉积层流区,流体系统运动的混沌程度逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
Boehmite (γ-AlOOH) is often the initial product in sol–gel syntheses of high surface-area alumina powders. Depending on the processing routes, the microstructure of an AlOOH powder can be tailored to exhibit nanometer particle size and complex interfacial OH sites. Neutron small-angle scattering (SANS) and spectroscopy were utilized to characterize the microstructure and hydrogen vibrations of a nanostructured pseudoboehmite and a highly crystallized boehmite powder. The SANS data reveal a mass-fractal-like microstructure in pseudoboehmite. The vibrational bands of hydrogen atoms in pseudoboehmite are broad, which is indicative of a high degree of proton delocalization and disordered OH sites.  相似文献   
神经网络分析方法用于心脏病诊断的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
神经网络可以很好的拟合任意的非线性函数。我们从 QRS波群的高频三维频谱中提取出一些定量的特征参数 ,用神经网络的方法对这些参数进行有监督的学习训练 ,最终能在由这些特征参数张成的 m维空间中构建出一个 m维的曲面来区分病人和健康人的 QRS波群高频三维频谱 ,从而使得训练后的网络能基于 QRS波群的高频三维频谱自行诊断出病人和健康人  相似文献   
In our previous study, -type power spectrum with the spectral exponent significantly greater than zero was found in the variability of soleus H-reflex amplitudes. This result indicated that the H-reflex variability was time-correlated owing to fractal characteristics. Furthermore, it was also suggested that the fractal characteristics were generated at the spinal level. The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether the fractal nature of the H-reflex variability was influenced by the loss of supraspinal input. Six healthy normal subjects and seven patients with spinal cord injury participated in this study. Soleus H-reflexes were evoked every l s from both legs simultaneously (stimulation intensity: motor threshold) and 1050 successive amplitudes of the H-reflex were recorded. The H-reflex sequence evoked from each leg was analyzed by coarse graining spectral analysis to calculate the spectral exponent . The value of was used to evaluate the level of time-correlation (fractal correlation). Cross-spectral analysis was used to evaluate the degree of synchronization between the H-reflex sequences evoked from both legs. The values for normal subjects (0.84±0.33, left leg; 0.88±0.34, right leg) were significantly greater (P<0.001) than those for patients (0.31±0.18, left leg; 0.32±0.14, right leg), suggesting that the H-reflex sequences for normal subjects were more time-correlated than for patients. In the frequency range less than 0.2 Hz, the coherence of both legs was high (0.41±0.14) for normal subjects as compared to 0.20±0.12 for patients (P<0.005). In this frequency range, the phase was almost 0 rad for normal subjects, indicating that the H-reflex variabilities of both legs were synchronized. These results suggested that (1) the strong fractal correlation observed in the H-reflex sequences for normal subjects was associated with supraspinal input, and (2) such supraspinal input had equal influence on the reflex arcs of the soleus of both legs.  相似文献   
正常国人腰间盘纤维软骨粘弹性实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了正常国人急性外伤致死的成人新鲜尸体10个腰间盘L3-4、14-5纤维软骨的力学性质。以一维拉伸的方法得出了L3-4、L4-5腰间盘纤维软骨的破坏载荷、伸长比、Lagrange张应力、Lagrange张应变等数据。以多项式,用回归分析方法得出椎间盘L3-4、L4-5纤维软骨的应力-应变关系表达式及应力-应变曲线。还对椎间盘L3-4、L4-5纤维软骨进行拉伸应力松弛、蠕变实验。得出了椎间盘L3-4、L4-5纤维软骨的归一化应力松弛函数、蠕变函数G(t)、J(t)表达式。以冯元桢教授的软组织大变形准线性理论,构建了L3-4、L4-5椎间盘纤维软骨的松弛函数K(λ,t)=G(t)T^(e)(λ)的表达式,对实验结果进行分析讨论。  相似文献   
Differential cortical activation by cognitive processing was studied using dimensional complexity, a measure derived from nonlinear dynamics that indicates the degrees of freedom (complexity) of a dynamic system. We examined the EEG of 32 healthy subjects at rest, during a visually presented calculation task, and during a moving shape perception task. As a nonlinear measure of connectivity, the mutual dimension of selected electrode pairs was used. The first Lyapunov coefficient was also calculated. Data were tested for non-linearity using a surrogate data method and compared to spectral EEG measures (power, coherence). Surrogate data testing confirmed the presence of nonlinear structure in the data. Cognitive activation led to a highly significant rise in dimensional complexity. While both tasks activated central, parietal and temporal areas, mental arithmetic showed frontal activation and an activity maximum at T3, while the moving shape task led to occipital activation and a right parietal activity maximum. Analysis of mutual dimension showed activation of a bilateral temporal-right frontal network in calculation. The Lyapunov coefficent showed clear topographic variation, but was not significantly changed by mental tasks (p<.09). While dimensional complexity was almost unrelated to power values, nonlinear (mutual dimension) and linear (coherence) measures of connectivity shared up to 37% of variance. Data are interpreted in terms of increased cortical complexity as a result of recruitment of asynchronously active, distributed neuronal assemblies in cognition. The topography of nonlinear dynamics are related to neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings on mental calculation and moving shape perception.  相似文献   
Artificial circulation has been analyzed by decomposing it into parts. However, the sum of the decomposed parts is not equal to the whole system, especially in nonlinear dynamic systems such as biological systems. To evaluate prosthetic circulation as an entity, not as decomposed parts, nonlinear mathematical analytic techniques, including fractal dimension analyzing theory, were used. Two pneumatically actuated ventricular assist devices were implanted as biventricular bypasses (BVB) in chronic animal experiments using four healthy adult goats. For comparison between natural and prosthetic circulation in the same experimental animals, the BVB-type complete prosthetic circulation model with ventricular fibrillation was adopted. All hemodynamic parameters with natural and prosthetic circulation were recorded under awake conditions and calculated by a personal computer system. By the use of nonlinear mathematical techniques, time-series data of the hemodynamics were embedded into the phase space, and correlation dimension analysis was performed to evaluate the reconstructed attractor. Our results suggest that the correlation dimension of the arterial blood pressure does not linearly increase according to the increase of the embedding dimension, even during artificial circulation, suggesting those are the fractal time series data. Dimensional analysis of the hemodynamics revealed that lower dimensional fractal dynamics were observed during prosthetic circulation. Fractal time series data are suggested to have robustness and error resistance. Thus, our results suggest that the circulatory regulatory system with the artificial heart may have these desirable characteristics. Accepted: July 14, 1995  相似文献   
The mechanism of increased preload and its contribution to the rise in blood pressure during intravenous angiotensin infusion were studied in anesthetized dogs. In open-chest dogs angiotensin increased mean aortic blood pressure by 58±12 mmHg. Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension, measured as myocardial chord length (MCL) by ultrasonic technique, increased by 7±1 %. By inflating a balloon in the inferior vena cava, end-diastolic MCL was reduced to control value and the rise in mean aortic blood pressure was almost halved to 32±10 mmHg above control value. A similar preload effect was recorded in closed-chest dogs using end-diastolic left ventricular pressure as an estimate of left ventricular volume. During angiotensin infusion to the upper body only, end-diastolic MCL did not increase. When redistribution of the splanchnic blood volume was prevented, the effect of angiotensin on end-diastolic MCL was reduced to 1/3. Angiotensin reduced liver but not splenic dimension measured by ultrasonic technique. We conclude that about half of the rise in blood pressure during angiotensin infusion is due to increased end-diastolic volume caused by blood redistribution. About 2/3 of this increase in preload is due to redistribution from the splanchnic bed, mainly from the liver.  相似文献   
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