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关于中医药防治SARS的若干思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
SARS病因为疫疠之气,病变部位在肺,以传染性强为特点,故其命名似以肺疫、肺毒疫、或肺温疫为宜。其治疗:在实证阶段可使用泻下通液法,早期用药可阻断病情,减轻症状,极期用药可泻毒清热,降低病死率。加用芳香除湿化浊药物,以针对此次发病温毒挟湿侵犯人体的病机。并介绍截断疗法、综合治疗在SARS的治疗中均有积极意义。应从多层面、多角度进行治疗。  相似文献   
络病既包括络脉功能障碍及结构损伤的自身病变,也涵盖了因络脉病变引起的继发性脏腑组织病理变化。络病与脑小血管病共同具有病位迂曲、易于阻滞,病机复杂、难以治愈,症状多样、难以辨识等特点。"初为气结在经,久则血伤入络"是络病理论的重要组成部分,也是脑小血管病的病变过程。脑小血管病初起在气,脑络郁滞;久病在血,虚瘀互结。治疗脑小血管病应在病变初期理气通络,在药物选择上宜重视辛味药的应用;久病则应通补兼施、虚实兼顾,在补气养血、荣养络脉的基础上可适当应用虫类药及解毒药。  相似文献   
基于病证结合的中药复方临床拆方研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的: 探讨基于病证结合的中药复方临床拆方疗效, 以期进一步阐明复方作用机理与证的病理机制。方法: 123例冠心病心绞痛病人随机分为血府逐瘀汤原方组、精制血府逐瘀组、药对配伍组、安慰剂组四组进行干预治疗。结果: (1) 四组心绞痛疗效经秩和检验依次为血府逐瘀组, 精制血府逐瘀组, 药对组, 安慰剂组(P < 0. 01);(2)四组血瘀气滞证证候疗效经秩和检验依次为血府逐瘀组, 精制血府逐瘀组, 药对组, 安慰剂组(P < 0. 01); (3)四组治疗后血脂及氧化低密度脂蛋白变化均无显著性差异(P > 0. 05)。(4)炎症指标: 血府逐瘀组、精制血府逐瘀组、药对组治疗后IL - 6均降低, 安慰剂组治疗后IL- 6升高, 经t检验有显著性差异( P < 0. 05)。四组间比较有显著性差异(P < 0. 05)。结论:(1)理法拆方可在一定范围内保持原方病证疗效, 随着复方配伍的改变, 复方功能靶向出现差异; (2)临床拆方研究对于明晰复方作用的物质基础, 研究#证?病理机制, 观察证% 方、方% 证的相互关系以及进一步加强中药复方的针对性, 提高中医药临床疗效有着切实意义。  相似文献   
[目的]探究《内经》脉时合参思想和经验,以期更全面地学习中医学脉学理论,提高临床疗效。[方法]撷选《内经》相关原文,对脉诊理论中的时间因素做简要分析,探讨昼夜、月相、季节等时间因素对脉象的影响,总结《内经》脉时合参思辨方法。[结果]昼夜、月相、季节等时间因素与脉象关系密切,自然界的阴阳消长等具有明显的时间性,人体脉象与其相适应。脉时合参不仅可以知晓脉象随昼夜、月相、季节等的生理变化,还可根据脉、脏、时的关联准确判定病位,通过脉逆四时与否细测病情轻重,依据脉象随病情发展的阶段性规律预判病势预后,以及因时制宜指导临床治疗。[结论]《内经》脉时合参思想,内容丰富,在临床中运用广泛,蕴涵着天人一体的整体观和中医学哲学思辨方法,值得深入挖掘和学习。  相似文献   
Gluten is found in food containing wheat, rye, and barley, and it may be introduced into medicines through the use of starch or any modified form of starch derived from these grains. The ingestion of gluten poses serious health hazards to people with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and they must avoid the oral ingestion of gluten. In 2011, the Food and Drug Administration solicited information and public comments on ‘gluten in drug products.’ However, the ‘final rule’ that the Agency issued in 2013 involved only the voluntary ‘gluten-free’ labeling of food, and it did not include drug products. In this commentary, we are proposing that all drug products can and should be made gluten free. This is especially important since there is currently a global trade in medicines, and patients and health care providers do not know whether a product is gluten free or not unless they are labeled as such. All drug products can be made gluten free as there are many alternatives to gluten-containing starch that can be used as excipients during their formulation. Global collaborative efforts of regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and excipient manufacturers will be needed to implement a gluten-free medication policy and new regulatory guidelines.  相似文献   
李莹 《哈尔滨医药》2014,34(4):253-253
在我国,虽然许多专家对患者的权利内容做了具体的论述,然而,医患之间权利的冲突和矛盾却并没有因此而减少,甚至愈演愈烈,从而使医患关系变得敏感和脆弱,影响了医学事业正常和健康的发展。本文通过对医患权利冲突进行分析,来揭示患者权利的现状及其存在的主要焦点矛盾冲突,进而探讨患者权利保护的法律解决机制。  相似文献   
高血压是一种常见病,多发病,在麻醉中常见,麻醉意外发生率高。尤其急诊病人,围麻醉手术期的处理治疗非常必要和重要。本文就高血压病人在围麻醉手术期的相关问题和麻醉处理进行综述。  相似文献   
While the food environment has been implicated in diet-related health disparities, individuals’ ability to shape the food environment by limiting attention to a subset of products has not been studied. We examine the relationship between BMI category and consideration set—the products the individual considers before making a final choice—in an online hypothetical shopping experiment. Specifically, we focus on the healthiness of the consideration set the individual selected. Secondly, we examined the interaction of a health prompt (versus a no-prompt control) with BMI category on the healthiness of the consideration set. We used linear probability models to document the relationship between weight status and consideration set, between prompt and consideration set, and the effect of the interaction between prompt and weight status on consideration set. We found that (1) obese individuals are 10% less likely to shop from a consideration set that includes the healthy options, (2) viewing the prompt increased the probability of choosing a healthy consideration set by 9%, and (3) exposure to the prompt affected individuals in different BMI categories equally. While obese individuals are more likely to ignore healthier product options, a health-focused prompt increases consideration of healthy options across all BMI categories.  相似文献   
目的:探讨基于病证结合的中药复方临床拆方疗效,以期进一步阐明复方作用机理与证的病理机制。方法:123例冠心病心绞痛病人随机分为血府逐瘀汤原方组、精制血府逐瘀组、药对配伍组、安慰剂组四组进行干预治疗。结果:(1)四组心绞痛疗效经秩和检验依次为血府逐瘀组,精制血府逐瘀组,药对组,安慰剂组(P<0.01);(2)四组血瘀气滞证证候疗效经秩和检验依次为血府逐瘀组,精制血府逐瘀组,药对组,安慰剂组(P<0.01);(3)四组治疗后血脂及氧化低密度脂蛋白变化均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(4)炎症指标:血府逐瘀组、精制血府逐瘀组、药对组治疗后IL-6均降低,安慰剂组治疗后IL-6升高,经t检验有显著性差异(P<0.05)。四组间比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:(1)理法拆方可在一定范围内保持原方病证疗效,随着复方配伍的改变,复方功能靶向出现差异;(2)临床拆方研究对于明晰复方作用的物质基础,研究“证”病理机制,观察证—方、方—证的相互关系以及进一步加强中药复方的针对性,提高中医药临床疗效有着切实意义。  相似文献   
后基因组时代生命科学发展的社会伦理思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着后基因时代的到来,生命科学必须取得巨大进展,同时不可避免地面临一些社会伦理问题,本文着重从遗传工程与基因歧视、基因诊断与基因检查知情权及知情同意权的原则、基因治疗基因决定论以及基因争夺战等几个方面涉及到的社会伦理问题加以阐述。  相似文献   
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