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目的探讨儿童过敏性紫癜的影像学特点及其临床价值。方法回顾性分析32例过敏性紫癜并发肠套叠患儿的临床及影像学资料。结果出现并发症之前过敏性紫癜的腹部X线主要表现为局限性小肠充气扩张,粘膜增粗,肠间隙增宽,可伴有液平;B超显示为不同程度的多发节段性肠壁水肿增厚,肠管狭窄等表现;出现并发症后,其X线表现加重,部分病例伴有肠穿孔;B超及X线监视下空气灌肠可以明确是否并发肠套叠,部分病例可通过空气灌肠达到复位治疗的目的。结论影像学检查的重要临床价值在于能与需要手术治疗的其他急腹症相鉴别,同时可以了解其是否并发常见的并发症,为临床确定治疗方案提供可靠的信息。  相似文献   
The clinical and ultrasonographic (US) features of 15 cases of mesenteric or omental cyst are herein described. This series included seven male and eight female patients, whose age ranged from 2–89 years. Correct clinical diagnosis was made in two children only, but preoperative US examination accurately demonstrated the lesion in 11 of 13 patients (85%). These cystic lesions usually had a thin wall, internal septations, and fluid content with sedimentation. Enteric duplication cysts had a relatively thick wall merging with the muscle layer of bowel loop, and multiloculation was noted mainly with cystic lymphangiomas or pseudocysts. The diagnostic and surgical management of these lesions are briefly reviewed and their US appearance is illustrated.  相似文献   
目的:评价持续靶控输注异丙酚复合硬膜外阻滞有用于上腹部手术的可行性。方法:30例胃癌手术患者,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级。随机分成靶控输注异丙酚全麻(T)组15例,靶控异丙酚复合硬膜外阻滞(T+E)组15例。结果:(T+E)组术后躁动、芬太尼、丙泊酚的用量低于(T)组(P<0.05)。异丙酚单位标准化剂量亦较低。两组苏醒时间相似。诱导后两组血压均显著下降(P<0.05),T+E组在诱导后DBP的下降幅度较T组更为显著(P<0.05),T组在探查、术毕、拨管后的SBP、DBP、MAP比(T+E)组显著增高(P<0.05)。两组诱导后至术毕BIS、SEF显著下降,两组间的比较无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:靶控输注异丙酚复合硬膜外阻滞用于上腹部手术是可行的,具有异丙酚、芬太尼的用量少、苏醒快、术后躁动少,麻醉深度易于调控,血液动力学较稳定,是一种良好的麻醉方式。  相似文献   
Epiploic appendagitis and omental infarction: pitfalls and look-alikes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Epiploic appendagitis and omental infarction are benign self-limiting conditions that are more frequent than generally assumed. Both disorders frequently mimic symptoms of an abdominal surgical emergency, often leading to clinical misdiagnosis of appendicitis or diverticulitis. Because a misdiagnosis can result in an unnecessary laparotomy, a correct diagnosis is of great importance. Ultrasound and computed tomography can be used to make a reliable diagnosis. This pictorial essay illustrates the various ultrasonographic and computed tomographic appearances of epiploic appendagitis and omental infarction and focuses on their radiologic differential diagnoses and pitfalls. Received: 22 February 2001/Accepted: 18 April 2001  相似文献   
目的:观察上腹器官簇移植术实验中血流动力学及血生化变化。方法:杂种猪32只。随机分为供体组和受体组,无肝期行体外静脉转流。测定术中的血流动力学和血生化指标。结果:(1)术中血流动力学在无肝期初期及开放后早期时间内有明显的波动,心输出量、血压、肺动脉压和肺毛细血管楔压下降,心率加快;(2)转流在一定程度上稳定血流动力学;(3)生化变化:开放前行肝冲洗的8例,血钾仅轻度升高;未作冲洗的6例,则血钾明显升高;(4)开放后均有不同程度的代谢性酸中毒。结论:上腹器官簇移植术,机体血流动力学及血生化均有改变,特别是在肝移植阶段明显。其它器官移植期处理也应考虑肝移植后续作用的影响。  相似文献   
Eighty patients who had undergone jejunoileal bypass for morbid obesity were examined by ultrasound at their routine follow-up visits to the clinic. Ultrasonographic evidence of intestinal intussusception was found in 15 patients (19%). Two of these patients were asymptomatic. Ultrasonographic findings were confirmed by operation in 6 patients (5 with intussusception, 1 negative).  相似文献   
目的:探讨螺旋CT血管造影(Spiral CT angiography,SCTA)技术,以期提高SCTA造影的质量。材料与方法:采用Somatom Plus 4螺旋CT扫描系统对10例病人行腹部SCTA检查。扫描技术和造影剂参数按病变范围和性质而定,三维重建采用最大强度投影法(MIP)或表面阴影显示法(SSD)或弯曲平面重建法(CPR)。结果:SCTA检查技术能可靠地显示血管形态和病变,评价腹部肿瘤与邻近血管关系。结论:SCTA是无创伤性的血管成像术,在很大范围可替代创伤性的血管造影。  相似文献   
Ten patients with subhepatic fluid collections complicating laparoscopic Cholecystectomy were successfully treated by interventional radiological procedures. The series included five abscesses, three hematomas, one biloma, and one serous collection. Abdominal pain or fever developed from 3 to 21 days after the laparoscopic intervention. All patients were asymptomatic 72 h after percutaneous drainage and there were no complications related to the procedure. Subhepatic fluid accumulations are common findings after laparoscopic cholecystectomies and have been considered an unreliable indicator of infection or other postoperative complications. However, the significance of these collections should not be underestimated in symptomatic patients. In such cases we propose diagnostic aspiration and drainage, when necessary, to safely and promptly establish the precise diagnosis and treatment. More serious complications can be avoided by early percutaneous intervention.  相似文献   
Thirty patients with metastatic breast carcinoma to the liver underwent systemic chemotherapy. Twentyfour of these patients also received hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy, three in conjunction with hepatic artery embolization. The morphologic changes of the liver believed to be due to chemotoxic effect of treatment occurred in 27 patients, and were evaluated by serial computed tomography (CT) examinations. These included fatty changes in seven patients, severe cirrhotic changes in four, localized atrophy with regional contour changes in three, and areas of low density in the regions of previously treated metastases in 13. The CT features of cirrhosis included density changes along with nodular irregularity of the hepatic borders with marked decrease in liver size and development of ascites.  相似文献   
Heterotopic pregnancy is the combination of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy. This potentially fatal condition rarely occurs in spontaneous conception cycles and consequently its diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion. We report a case of heterotopic pregnancy in a 30-year old primipara with no known risk factors who presented with acute abdominal pain due to a spontaneous heterotopic pregnancy. The ectopic pregnancy was resected via laparoscopy. After surgery, the intrauterine pregnancy was uneventful.  相似文献   
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