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A cohort of 30,940 male and 11,529 female seafarers registered in the files of Seafarers' Pension Fund in Finland was followed up through the Finnish Cancer Registry for cancer in 1967–92. Among male seafarers, there were 1,199 cases of cancer, which corresponds to the average cancer incidence in Finnish men. There was a statistically significant excess of non-melanoma skin cancer (standardized incidence ratio [SIR]=1.8, 95 percent confidence interval [CI]=1.2–2.5) and mesothelioma (SIR=2.9, CI=1.2–5.6) in the follow-up category of 20 or more years since the first employment. Alcohol-related cancers were increased among seafarers (SIR for cancer of the mouth and pharynx = 1.; esophagus = 1.4; and liver = 1.5; combined CI=1.1–1.9). Deck crews had a significantly high risk of cancer of the pancreas (SIR=2.0) and also prostate after 10 years since first employment (SIR=1.6). Occupational asbestos exposure among seafarers is likely strong enough to cause excess cases of mesothelioma but not of lung cancer. Occupational exposures also may be associated with increased risk of cancers of the kidney, pancreas, prostate and old-age brain cancer in some of the main occupational categories. Cumulative ultraviolet radiation likely doubles the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer among older men and repeated sunburns that of skin melanoma in ages below 30 (SIR among deck and engine crew = 4.6, CI=3.1–6.5). Female ship personnel had a significantly elevated total cancer risk (observed number of cases = 732) which increased over follow-up time (SIR in the category 20 years since the first employment was 1.3, CI=1.1–1.5). This excess was attributable primarily to lung cancer (SIR=2.6, CI=2.0–3.3). Also cancers of the cervix uteri, vulva, and vagina showed significant excess after 10 to 20 years since first employment aboard.Address correspondence to Dr Pukkala, Finnish Cancer Registry, Litsankatu 21 B, FIN-00170 Helsinki, Finland. The Finnish Work Environment Fund financially supported this project.Dr Pukkala is with the Finnish Cancer Registry, Helsinki, Finland. Dr Saarni is with the Regional Institute of Occupational Health, Turku, Finland.  相似文献   
[目的]探讨上海地区海员职业性外伤分布特征。[方法]随机抽取上海地区475名海员 ,对其最近一次工作航行作流行病学调查。[结果]海员单部位伤的发生率和10万工作日外伤率分别为13.89 %和58.60/10万 ,明显高于多部位伤 (P<0.05) ,但其平均损失工作日 (7.06d/人 )低于多部位伤者 (11.57d/人 ) ;单部位伤的10万工作日外伤率外籍船船员 (34.50/10万 )低于中国籍船船员 (66.95/10万 ) (P<0.05)。不同吨位船只上的船员外伤的发生无明显差异 (P>0.05)。海员单部位伤的发生率和10万工作日外伤率随年龄升高而降低 (P<0.01) ,多部位伤的发生率和10万工作日外伤率在30岁以下和40~49岁年龄段较高。每天工作时间大于14h的海员外伤发生率和10万工作日外伤率升高明显(P=0.05或P<0.05)。[结论]为防止海员外伤的发生 ,建议改善其工作环境 ,加强职业卫生安全教育 ,并制定每天工作时间限值。  相似文献   
目的  探讨海上封闭隔离环境及暴露年限对海员脑功能活动的影响,为预防职业环境暴露对海员脑功能损伤提供依据。方法  于2023年8月招募30名长期从事海上作业的男性职业海员作为海员组,年龄19~29岁,工作年限1~11年,在三亚市人民医院采用Magneton Skyra 3.0 T磁共振扫描仪进行静息态脑功能磁共振成像;匹配无海上作业经历的普通被试30名作为对照组,年龄18~28岁,Magneton Skyra 3.0 T静息态磁共振数据从OpenNeuro公共数据库下载。计算两组静息态ALFF、fALFF和ReHo指标,采用双样本t检验比较两组间脑区ALFF、fALFF和ReHo的差异,进一步采用偏相关分析法分析ALFF、fALFF和ReHo值与海员工作年限和出海年限的相关性。结果  与对照组相比,海员组右侧中央后回和右侧小脑脚1区的ALFF值较高,左侧嗅皮质的ALFF值较低;左内侧和旁扣带脑回以及右颞级颞上回的fALFF值较高,右侧枕中回、左侧顶下缘角回、左侧中央前回和右侧中央前回的fALFF值较低;右侧海马旁回ReHo值增高,右侧颞下回、右侧眶部额中回、左侧顶下缘角回、左侧角回、右侧颞中回和左侧颞中回ReHo值降低,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),采用GRF校正,体素水平P < 0.001,团块水平P < 0.05。海员组右侧中央后回ALFF值与海员工作年限呈弱正相关(r=0.369,P=0.049),右侧枕中回fALFF值与海员工作年限呈弱负相关(r=-0.370,P=0.048)。结论  长期职业封闭隔离环境暴露对海员多个脑区的脑功能活动造成影响,海员右侧中央后回的ALFF值与工作年限存在弱正相关性,右侧枕中回的fALFF值与海员的工作年限呈弱负相关。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Work-related fatigue is associated with sickness absence and mental and physical health problems, and may increase the risk of accidents and injuries at work. Relatively little is known about fatigue among seafarers, particularly during a tour of duty. The aim of this study was to describe the pattern of day to day fatigue among seafarers during a tour at sea. METHODS: Participants from the offshore support, short sea and coastal, and deep sea sectors of the UK shipping industry completed daily diaries. Information about sleep and fatigue was collected each day on waking and retiring. RESULTS: Fatigue on waking was a more sensitive measure of cumulative occupational fatigue than fatigue on retiring. Fatigue on waking increased between the start and end of tour. This increase took place in particular during the first week at sea, and was most apparent among those on shorter tours of duty. CONCLUSIONS: Day to day changes in fatigue are measurable, and may vary among particular sub-groups of seafarers. Used among larger groups, such a diary method could help identify times and activities associated with the greatest risk.  相似文献   
新冠肺炎(COVID-19)的流行给海员群体带来了多重困境[1]。各国为防止疫情传播而采取的旅行和个人行动限制导致超过40万名海员无法进行正常换班,超期服务问题突出[2]。本研究针对国际航行海员这一特殊群体,探讨新冠肺炎疫情大流行形势下的抑郁现状及其相关因素,为实施有针对性的干预措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Historically, merchant seafaring was the most hazardous occupation in Britain. However, fatal accident rates have fallen sharply in the last 30 years. AIMS: To establish the causes of all fatal accidents and their trends among seafarers who were employed in UK merchant shipping from 1919 to 2005 and to compare with those in the general workforce and in other industries. METHODS: A historical study, based on examinations of death inquiry files from 1976 to 2005 and official mortality returns from 1919 to 1975, with a total population of 11.90 million seafarer-years at risk. RESULTS: From 1919 to 2005, there were 17,386 deaths from accidents in UK shipping, 6,074 from shipping disasters and 11,312 from personal accidents. Over time, there were large reductions in mortality rates for all the main types of fatal accident, except accidents on deck. Major causes of mortality from shipping disasters were vessels foundering in typhoons, storms and severe gales, explosions in cargo holds and collisions in poor visibility. Fatal accident rates were higher among British seafarers than among Lascars. The relative risk of an accident in UK shipping-compared with the general British workforce-was similar in 2001 to that in 1961. CONCLUSIONS: There have been major improvements in health and safety that have led to substantial reductions in fatal accident rates in UK merchant shipping throughout most of the last 90 years. This mirrors comparable improvements in the fatal accident rate among the general workforce of Great Britain.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Merchant seafaring often involves hazardous occupational operations and several studies have shown increased overall injury mortality. The aim of this study was to describe the risks involved in slip, trip and fall (STF) injuries in merchant seafaring, in order to point out areas for prevention. METHODS: A questionnaire study was carried out in 11 countries with 6,461 participants. The seafarers gave information on whether they were injured during their latest tour of duty, and whether STF preceded the injury. RESULTS: Of the total reported injuries 43% (n=467) were STF related. Fractures and sprains accounted for 42% of the STF injuries compared with 17% for non-STF injuries. The proportions of STF injuries for different types of ships and areas of the ships varied from < 30% to >60%, particularly work on passenger ship decks, where STF injuries were >60%. The proportions of STF injuries increased by age and by severity of the injury. CONCLUSIONS: Injuries related to STF on merchant ships were more frequent than previous estimates. There is a need for improvements in defining, reporting, and preventing STF injuries in merchant seafaring.  相似文献   
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