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目的探讨海绵窦区肿瘤切除的手术入路,以提高手术全切率,降低残障率.方法对14例海绵窦内肿瘤行硬膜下入路切除5例,行硬膜外入路切除9例,比较两种入路的方法及疗效.结果行硬膜下入路者中全切除2例,大部切除3例;术后出现新的神经功能障碍4例.行硬膜外入路者中全切除5例,次全切除3例,大部切除1例;术后出现新的脑神经功能障碍3例,其中1例完全恢复.结论针对不同类型的肿瘤及生长特性,选择适当的手术入路和显微神经外科技术,可有效提高全切率,降低残障率.  相似文献   
The application of basic science concepts to clinical problem-solving   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study looks at the relationship between anatomical concepts held by medical students and their clinical application, and develops a testable model of how students use basic science concepts for clinical problem-solving. According to the model, the essential prerequisites to solve a clinical problem using basic science information include the appropriate basic science knowledge, the ability to collect and interpret clinical information, with the key concept being the link that must then be made between clinical data and basic science. A detailed analysis of the individual components of the model should help to clarify and resolve some of the debate about the nature and balance of basic science and clinical education. A neurological diagnostic problem was used to test the assumptions of the model in a group of medical students who had minimal clinical experiences. There was no demonstrable relationship between anatomical knowledge as assessed by conventional tests and the diagnosis. There was a powerful relationship between measures of organization of knowledge and diagnosis, suggesting that the organization and development of concepts is the key to correct diagnosis. The findings have significant implications for assessment purposes and suggest that standard methods as generally practised may not measure the appropriate conceptual development and are not congruent with curricular objectives. Through the examination of its different learning outcome measures, the model may also be used to provide a profile of individual students or classes, which should help teachers and students deal with difficulties that may be experienced in learning to link clinical and basic science concepts.  相似文献   
The distribution of serotoninergic fibers in the guinea pig cochlear nucleus was studied with serotonin immunohistochemistry. In addition, the origin of the serotoninergic fibers was determined by combining the retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-apohorseradish peroxidase (gold conjugated) with serotonin immunohistochemistry. Immunoreactivity was present in varicose and nonvaricose fibers that were unevenly distributed throughout the cochlear nucleus. The fibers were most prominent in the superficial layers of the dorsal cochlear nucleus and the anterior spherical cell area of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus. Although less prominent, serotonin-positive fibers were also present in the remaining part of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus and the posteroventral cochlear nucleus. A few positive fibers were present in the auditory nerve root and the dorsal and intermediate acoustic stiae. Double-labeled cells were found throughout the rostral- caudal extent of the serotoninergic system from the caudal linear nucleus to the nucleus raphe pallidus. However, most were confined to the dorsal (52%) and median (18%) raphe nuclei. Some serotoninergic cell groups contained retrogradely labeled cells that were not serotonin immunoreactive, indicating nonauditory afferents to cochlear nucleus containing other neurotransmitter substances. Serotonin may tonically modulate auditory processing within the cochlear nucleus as well as influence certain ascending auditory pathways. Most of the serotonin in the cochlear nucleus comes from superior raphe nuclei that also project to basal ganglia motor systems and limbic strctures. Therefore, the effect of serotonin on the cochlear nucleus may be related to level of arousal or behavioral state. © 1995 Willy-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
目的:报道经眉弓锁孔入路对鞍区结构的显微外科解剖和显微技术。方法:在15例(30侧)经颈内动脉、椎动脉灌注红色乳胶的成人头标本上模拟经眉弓锁孔入路,借助手术显微镜(6~25倍)观察鞍区显微解剖结构,并在神经导航下量化Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ间隙面积,颈内动脉及分支、视神经长度。结果:眉弓锁孔入路对5间隙结构有很好暴露,通过第Ⅱ间隙打开Liliequist膜后可见基底动脉(BA)分叉,大脑后动脉(PCA),小脑上动脉(SCA)及其穿通血管和动眼神经出脑干处及其行程,各间隙面积Ⅰ(85.64±6.87mm2)、Ⅱ(46.62±5.34mm2)、Ⅲ(18.97±2.78mm2)、Ⅳ(49.27±4.86mm2)、Ⅴ(35.95±3.41mm2);颈内动脉眼段长(6.64±1.45mm),交通段长(3.35±0.46mm),脉络膜段长(3.75±0.67mm),仔细分离切断周围的蛛网膜小梁,充分游离血管及其分支,在视交叉后上方可充分显露大脑前动脉(ACA)A1、A2段,前交通动脉复合体及Heubner返支,A1长(22.12±3.65mm)。左侧视神经为(15.15±2.54mm),右(14.42±1.89mm)。结论:眉弓锁孔入路可对鞍区结构很好暴露,第Ⅰ间隙面积最大,Ⅰ、Ⅳ与入路方向一致,显露更为满意,通过Ⅱ间隙可观察Willis后环周围结构;处理鞍区肿瘤,以鞍区4个常规解剖间隙为主,联合第Ⅴ间隙可获得满意效果。  相似文献   
Recent evidence suggests that kappa opiate receptors may play a key role in the regulation of appetite. Such evidence implies that kappa receptors might be localized within specific brain areas known to regulate ingestive behaviors. On the basis of this implication we employed an in vitro film autoradiographic technique using 3H-ethylketocyclazozine as ligand to identify putative kappa receptors within CNS "taste" nuclei and surrounding areas. Coronal cryostat sections of rat brain were incubated with ligand in the presence of D-Ala2, D-Leu5-enkephalin (DADLE) and morphine, apposed to LKB Ultrofilm for 60 days, processed and kappa receptor densities evaluated with the aid of a hand held photometer and video image analyzer. Highest kappa receptor densities were found within various gustatory and feeding sites including the rostral pole of the nucleus of the solitary tract, parabrachial nuclei, ventral posterior and medial portions of the thalamus, medial hypothalamus, medial nuclei of the amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Various other midline and medial limbic areas also showed significant kappa densities.  相似文献   
目的 :为前臂皮神经伴行血管蒂皮瓣提供形态学基础。方法 :在 34侧红色乳胶灌注的成人上肢标本上 ,解剖观测了前臂皮神经及其伴行血管的起源、走行、分支及外径。结果 :所有皮神经均有营养血管伴行 ,所有穿支血管均有 1~ 2条伴行静脉 ,且在穿出深筋膜部位上有一定的规律性。结论 :可以设计以皮神经伴行血管为蒂的岛状皮瓣。  相似文献   
目的了解斜角肌间隙内臂丛下干与邻近组织结构及胸1神经干与第1肋的关系,为临床诊治臂丛下干卡压症提供解剖学依据。②方法在21具42侧成人标本上观测臂丛下干与邻近结构的位置关系。③结果在42侧标本的斜角肌间隙内,有33侧在前斜角肌的后内侧存在孤立的肌束,臂丛下干分别从其前下方(23侧)或后上方(10侧)通过;组成臂丛下干的胸1神经干在斜越第1肋前内侧面时部分穿行于骨纤维管内。④结论该肌束的压迫或拱抬均可成为臂丛下干受压的因素之一;组成臂丛下干的胸1神经干在越过第1肋时易受压迫。  相似文献   
The results of electrical stimulation experiments [Bullier et al., (1988) Exp. Brain Res., 70, 90 - 98] demonstrated that afferents from areas 18 and 19 contact different functional types of neurons in area 17. We were therefore interested in examining whether these results could be explained by differences in the morphology of the terminals of these two groups of afferent connections to area 17. We also wanted to confirm, by a direct method, our earlier results [Salin et al. (1989) J. Comp. Neurol., 283, 486 - 512] that cortical afferents to area 17 in the cat present extensive divergences. We therefore placed small injections of anterograde tracers in areas 18 and 19 and examined the laminar distributions of terminals thus revealed and the extent of the surface of area 17 contacted by these terminals. Three tracers were used: wheat germ agglutinin - horseradish peroxidase (WGA - HRP), Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (Pha-L) and biocytin. The results show that the divergence of these afferent connections are very extensive: 7 - 8 mm in the rotrocaudal direction and 3.5 - 6 mm in the mediolateral direction. In other words, neurons located in a region a few hundreds micron wide in areas 18 or 19 contact a region of area 17 covering several millimeters. Corticocortical connections are therefore not organized in a point-to-point fashion but are strongly divergent. The laminar distributions of terminals from areas 18 and 19 displayed a specific pattern. Area 19 projects most heavily to layers 5 and 6, also terminates in layers 1 - 3 and very little is present in layer 4. In contrast, the afferent terminals from area 18 are heaviest in layers 1, 2, 3, 4A and 5 and are rare in layer 6. Injections placed at different depths in area 18 revealed that upper layer neurons in that area mostly project to layers 1, 2, 3 and 5 in area 17, whereas lower layer neurons send their heaviest projections to layers 4A, 5 and 6 and hardly project to layers 1, 2 and 3.  相似文献   
Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and surface-based morphometry (SBM) are two widely used neuroimaging techniques for investigating brain anatomy. These techniques rely on statistical inferences at individual points (voxels or vertices), clusters of points, or a priori regions-of-interest. They are powerful tools for describing brain anatomy, but offer little insights into the generative processes that shape a particular set of findings. Moreover, they are restricted to a single spatial resolution scale, precluding the opportunity to distinguish anatomical variations that are expressed across multiple scales. Drawing on concepts from classical physics, here we develop an approach, called mode-based morphometry (MBM), that can describe any empirical map of anatomical variations in terms of the fundamental, resonant modes—eigenmodes—of brain anatomy, each tied to a specific spatial scale. Hence, MBM naturally yields a multiscale characterization of the empirical map, affording new opportunities for investigating the spatial frequency content of neuroanatomical variability. Using simulated and empirical data, we show that the validity and reliability of MBM are either comparable or superior to classical vertex-based SBM for capturing differences in cortical thickness maps between two experimental groups. Our approach thus offers a robust, accurate, and informative method for characterizing empirical maps of neuroanatomical variability that can be directly linked to a generative physical process.  相似文献   
There is increasingly a call for clinical relevance in the teaching of biomedical sciences within all health care courses. However, this presupposes that there is a clear understanding of what can be considered core material within the curricula. To date, the anatomical sciences have been relatively poorly served by the development of core syllabuses, particularly for specialized core syllabuses such as neuroanatomy. One of the aims of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) and of the European Federation for Experimental Morphology (EFEM) is to formulate, on an international scale, core syllabuses for all branches of the anatomical sciences using Delphi Panels consisting of anatomists, scientists, and clinicians to initially evaluate syllabus content. In this article, the findings of a Delphi Panel for neuroanatomy are provided. These findings will subsequently be published on the IFAA website to enable anatomical (and other cognate learned) societies and individual anatomists, clinicians, and students to freely comment upon, and elaborate and amend, the syllabuses. The aim is to set internationally recognized standards and thus to provide guidelines concerning neuroanatomical knowledge when engaged in course development. Clin. Anat. 28:706–716, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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