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Three representations of the conditional independences due toMendelian segregation of genes in a pedigree are proposed. Thecomputational costs of performing calculations using the techniqueof peeling with each of these representations is compared byconsidering the weights of triangulations of the graph producedby each representation.  相似文献   
Graph algorithms previously developed by the authors are adapted to simulate pedigrees similar to those used in genetic linkage studies which associate disease phenotypes with specific genomic locations. Pedigrees are chosen uniformly at random from the set of those with specified numbers of individuals and matings and which contain no loops. Summary statistics from pedigrees generated in this way can be used to check real pedigrees for anomalies due to biased sampling or phenotypic effects on the pedigree structure.  相似文献   
为了更好地描述基因组序列CGR(chaos-game representation)图形的分形特征,引入多重分形理论进行分析。通过研究3种概率集对标度不变性范围的影响,选取出标度不变性最好的概率集,计算光滑的广义维数谱和多重分形谱。结果表明:以相对概率组成概率集时标度不变性最好,而且标度不变性随尺度变化可被分为3个不同的区域,这反映了基因组序列不同长度的序列片段有不同的分布规律。可见,多重分形方法可以用于描述基因组序列CGR图形的分形特征。  相似文献   
目的:运用知识图谱技术将诊疗指南中的辨证论治过程构建为可视化的知识图谱,通过程序将输入临床表现到输出相应的中医诊断和处方用药的过程进行可视化,为中医医师直观地显示诊疗过程和数据关系,为中医药诊治冠心病的标准化和规范化提供助力,为中医药诊疗的传承和推广提供技术依托。方法:采用Neo4j联合py2neo知识图谱技术,以中华中医药学会心血管病分会发布的《冠心病稳定型心绞痛中医诊疗指南》为模式构建知识图谱,通过编程实现以临床表现的输入调用知识图谱,可视化展示冠心病稳定型心绞痛的中医规范化诊疗过程。结果:使用py2neo库调用Neo4j,从诊疗指南中提取整理好的结构化数据导入Neo4j,构建基于冠心病稳定型心绞痛中医诊疗指南的知识图谱,且该知识图谱支持图数据库查询功能。结论:该研究结合目前中医诊疗经验传承中存在的问题,针对冠心病稳定型心绞痛这个单一病种,笔者提出了一种基于凝结了中医行业专家经验和循证证据所形成的诊疗指南,实现基于中医诊疗指南和专家经验的知识图谱可视化展示过程,为直观地展现从症状输入到遣方用药的整个中医诊疗过程和辅助中医经验传承提供助力,为中医的标准化和规范化诊疗提供了一种可参考的...  相似文献   
设计良好的图形可以增加视面相报告的吸引力、说服力和可信度,它简化了数据间的复杂关系,并描绘了数据的变化趋势.医院统计指标图形的绘制可以使统计信息在现代化医院的管理中起到应有的作用。现利用美国“哈佛图形”软件绘制医院统计图.取得了较好的效果.在医学领域中应用计算机绘图软件绘制医院统计图做了一点尝试。  相似文献   
目的:观察癫痫康(党参、白术、茯苓、陈皮等)对海马内微量注射ZnSO4造成的实验性癫痫发作的影响.方法:以家兔行为,海马电图(EHG)的痫样放电频率,波幅为指标.结果:癫痫康大剂量、中剂量组可明显改善因ZnSO4注射引起的癫痫发作行为改变,降低EHG电位因ZnSO4注射引起的持续性棘慢波的频率和波幅.结论:癫痫康具有改善癫痫家兔脑海马电图作用.  相似文献   
Regional healthcare platforms collect clinical data from hospitals in specific areas for the purpose of healthcare management. It is a common requirement to reuse the data for clinical research. However, we have to face challenges like the inconsistence of terminology in electronic health records (EHR) and the complexities in data quality and data formats in regional healthcare platform. In this paper, we propose methodology and process on constructing large scale cohorts which forms the basis of causality and comparative effectiveness relationship in epidemiology. We firstly constructed a Chinese terminology knowledge graph to deal with the diversity of vocabularies on regional platform. Secondly, we built special disease case repositories (i.e., heart failure repository) that utilize the graph to search the related patients and to normalize the data. Based on the requirements of the clinical research which aimed to explore the effectiveness of taking statin on 180-days readmission in patients with heart failure, we built a large-scale retrospective cohort with 29647 cases of heart failure patients from the heart failure repository. After the propensity score matching, the study group (n=6346) and the control group (n=6346) with parallel clinical characteristics were acquired. Logistic regression analysis showed that taking statins had a negative correlation with 180-days readmission in heart failure patients. This paper presents the workflow and application example of big data mining based on regional EHR data.  相似文献   
目的 构建个性化知识图谱技术和定性访谈法结合,进一步挖掘张忠德教授辨治间质性肺疾病临证特征与用药规律。方法 采用回顾性分析,系统收集张忠德教授广东省中医院门诊2010年8月至2020年8月治疗间质性肺疾病病历,按照诊断标准、纳入标准、排除标准,严格筛选后,通过广东省中医院大数据挖掘团队中医药大数据智能处理与知识服务系统进行数据挖掘分析,并通过多元化视觉定性访谈法,将定量与定性分析有效结合。结果 共筛选出347首方,共141味药物,常用药物频次 ≥ 84次的药物有10味,其中党参、麦芽、黄芪、紫菀、白术等为核心用药,通过症状与药物推理知识地图显示,党参、炒麦芽、黄芪、大枣、太子参、山萸肉、巴戟天等为主要治疗用药;临证遣方用药知识关联分析,得知咳嗽、耳鸣、心悸、水肿、头痛、胸闷、恶寒等为多见,针对咳嗽,首选紫苏子、橘红、桂枝等温肺降气通阳之品等;频繁聚集显示,常用药对炒麦芽-炒白术、黄芪-党参、黄精-菟丝子、前胡-紫菀、炙枇杷叶-浙贝母等;聚类分析结果得到4组关系密切的聚类新药物组合;以脾为中轴,肺肾共扶为主的“平调五脏论”,分期阶梯辨治间质性肺疾病。结论 张忠德教授认为间质性肺疾病,虚实夹杂为多见,应从肺、脾、肾着手,采用平调五脏论分期阶梯辨治,用药配伍精简,以和为贵,以平为期。  相似文献   
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