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The recovery of the ability to read of a patient affected by persistent visuospatial neglect suggests the functional independence of the two phenomena. Neglect dyslexia seems to be an example of a dissociation between an implicit and explicit knowledge of the characteristics of the stimulus.
Sommario Il recupero della capacità di lettura in un paziente con persistente neglect visuo-spaziale suggerisce l'indipendenza funzionale dei due fenomeni. La neglect dyslexia sembra costituire un esempio di dissociazione tra conoscenza implicita ed esplicita delle caratteristiche dello stimolo.
Examined are several measures currently used in the assessment of child abuse, sexual abuse, and trauma. These measures include structured clinical interviews, self report measures, screening inventory, symptom checklist, and some measures that include decision making properties. Issues and implications for clinical practice are explored.  相似文献   
Four neglect patients without visual field defects, one with a lesion of the right basal ganglia and three with a right, predominantly parietal lesion, were examined with a cancellation and a copying task before, during and after neck muscle vibration, during transcutaneous electrical stimulation of neck muscles and during vibration of hand muscles on the left side. In all patients, neck muscle vibration improved task performance, while transcutaneous electrical stimulation and hand vibration had little or no effect. The present results demonstrate that the effect of neck muscle vibration cannot be explained as arousal and activation due to unspecific sensory stimulation on the contralesional side of the body. They rather argue for the assumption that the compensatory effect of neck muscle vibration on neglect is an effect induced by the predominant activation of afferent Ia nerve fibres and their specific contribution to the central representation of egocentric space.  相似文献   
Patients with unilateral neglect following right hemisphere damage may have difficulty in moving towards contralesional targets. To test the hypothesis that this impairment arises from competing motor programs triggered by irrelevant ipsilesional stimuli, we examined 16 right hemisphere patients, eight with left visual neglect and eight without, in addition to eight healthy control subjects. In experiment 1 subjects performed sequences of movements using their right hand to targets on the contralesional or ipsilesional side of the responding limb. The locations of successive targets in each sequence were either predictable or unpredictable. In separate blocks of trials, targets appeared either alone or with a simultaneous distractor located at the immediately preceding target location. Neglect patients were significantly slower to execute movements to contralesional targets, but only for unpredictable movements and in the presence of a concurrent ipsilesional distractor. In contrast, healthy controls and right hemisphere patients without neglect showed no directional asymmetries of movement execution. In experiment 2 subjects were required to interrupt a predictable, reciprocating sequence of leftward and rightward movements in order to move to an occasional, unpredictable target that occurred either in the direction opposite to that expected, or in the same direction but twice the extent. Neglect patients were significantly slower in reprogramming the direction and extent of movements towards contralesional versus ipsilesional targets, and they also made significantly more errors when executing such movements. Right hemisphere patients without neglect showed a similar bias in reprogramming direction (but not extent) for contralesional targets, whereas healthy controls showed no directional asymmetry in either condition. On the basis of these findings we propose that neglect involves a competitive bias in favour of motor programs for actions directed towards ipsilesional versus contralesional events. We suggest that programming errors and increased latencies for contralesional movements arise because the damaged right hemisphere can no longer effectively inhibit the release of inappropriate motor programs towards ipsilesional events. Received: 1 October 1996 / Accepted: 21 October 1997  相似文献   
The effects of early environmental influences on neural plasticity, the limbic system, and social and emotional development are reviewed and an illustrative case study is briefly discussed. Deprived or abnormal rearing conditions induce severe disturbance in all aspects of social and emotional functioning, and effect the growth and survival of dendrites, axons, synapses, interneurons, neurons, and glia. The amygdala, cingulate, and septal nuclei develop at different rates which correlate with the emergence of wariness, fear, selective attachments, play behavior, and the oral and phallic stages of development. These immature limbic nuclei are experience-expectant, and may be differentially injured depending on the age at which they suffer deprivation. The medial amygdala and later the cingulate and septal nuclei are the most vulnerable during the first three years of life. If denied sufficient stimulation these nuclei may atrophy, develop seizure-like activity or maintain or form abnormal synaptic interconnections, resulting in social withdrawal, pathological shyness, explosive and inappropriate emotionality, and an inability to form normal emotional attachments.  相似文献   


Ideomotor apraxia (IMA) is characterized by the inability to correctly imitate hand gestures and voluntarily pantomime tool use. The relationship between IMA and characteristics of stroke has not been totally elucidated.


This study aimed to find out associations between presence of IMA and stroke etiology, site of the lesions, neglect, and temporal and functional parameters of stroke in patients with first ever stroke.


Thirty-nine patients with first ever stroke were included. Patients with severe cognitive deficits were excluded. Assessment tools included Ideomotor Apraxia Test, Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Brunnstrom recovery stages, Mini Mental Test (MMT), and star cancellation test. Etiology (hemorrhagic or ischemic) and site of stroke was assessed through brain imaging methods. Location and size of ischemic lesion was determined by using the Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project system.


IMA was identified in 35.9% of the patients. Patients with IMA had significantly lower FIM scores both on admission and discharge (P?=?0.001, P?=?0.001). Presence of IMA was significantly associated with the presence of neglect (P?=?0.004), total anterior circulation ischemia (TACI) (P?<?0.001), and lower MMT scores (P?<?0.001). Lesion site, patient age, time since onset, and stroke etiology had no impact on the presence of IMA.


IMA was in concordance with poor cognitive and functional state and was not limited to left hemisphere lesions. The study revealed strong associations between IMA, neglect, and TACI. Every patient with stroke should be evaluated for the presence of IMA on admission to rehabilitation unit.  相似文献   
The impact of spatial neglect remains a substantial challenge to patients undergoing rehabilitation following stroke. Beyond the relatively well-described implications for visuospatial function, neglect is increasingly shown to have a negative impact on the wider aspects of sensori-motor performance with corresponding implications for activities including gait and balance. Caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) administered to the contralesional ear has previously been shown to improve performance in patients with spatial neglect. Here, in Experiment One, we investigated the effect of CVS on clinical measures of spatial neglect and postural control in three groups of patients following stroke; left brain damaged patients (LBD, n?=?6), right brain damaged patients without neglect (RBD–, n?=?6), and right brain damaged patients with neglect (RBD+?, n?=?6). While post-stimulation scores demonstrated an improvement for participants with spatial neglect, further analysis of postural scores indicated that improvement was selective for asymmetrical activities, with symmetrical activities remaining unchanged. We interpret these results with reference to the related problem of extinction which predicts that activities demanding synchronous bilateral activity (symmetrical activities) would cause greater difficulties for patients with neglect. In Experiment Two, we tested a further six RBD+ patients on the same measures following CVS to the ipsilesional (right) ear. There was no significant improvement in perceptual or postural scores. Our findings are supportive of previous studies that demonstrate improvement in perception and movement for patients with spatial neglect following contralesional CVS and suggest that these improvements may have clinical benefits.  相似文献   
The study evaluates the possible relations between cognitive impairment, persisting anosognosia for hemiplegia and peripersonal neglect. Thirty eight chronic right hemisphere stroke patients were divided in three age- and education-matched groups: A (n?=?13) patients with left hemiparesis, peripersonal neglect, and anosognosia for hemiplegia; B (n = 12) patients with left hemiparesis and peripersonal neglect, and C (n?=?13) patients with left hemiparesis only. We used MMSE and WAIS Verbal IQ and verbal subtests to assess cognitive impairment in patients, in order to avoid a bias due to visuospatial deficit, which is common in patients with neglect. VIQ, Information, Digit Span and Vocabulary WAIS subtests as well as MMSE were found to be significantly lower in group A versus group B. No difference was found in any test between groups B and C, indicating a general worse cognition in patients compared to those without anosognosia for hemiplegia. Patients with anosognosia for hemiplegia also showed larger brain lesions and, more frequently, frontal, parietal, temporal and basal ganglia involvement, particularly if they had low verbal IQ, indicating a relationship between cognitive impairment, persisting anosognosia for hemiplegia and large right hemisphere lesions.  相似文献   
We investigated the extent to which the right hemisphere is involved in the control of the ipsilateral hand by analysing the kinematics of right-hand prehension in right brain-damaged (RBD) patients. We required patients to grasp one of five possible objects, equally-sized and distributed over a 40 degrees wide workspace. With the purpose of investigating the right hemisphere contribution to the on-line visuo-motor control, we also assessed patients' ability to correct their movement "in-flight", in response to a sudden change of object position. Patients' performance was compared to that of aged-matched controls. A Younger group of healthy subjects, matching the population classically tested on double-step paradigms, was also evaluated to fully assess whether patients' kinematics could be partially due to normal ageing. As a further aim, the possible influence of hemispatial neglect was evaluated by comparing the performances of right brain-damaged patients with and without neglect. In normal subjects, the results confirmed and extended the notion of (a). positional tuning of grip formation, and (b). fast reactions following a change in object position. In addition, subtle effects of ageing on visuo-motor behaviour were shown by less efficient movement correction in the Elderly group. Patients executing reach-to-grasp actions into the left contralesional hemispace were selectively affected in both temporal and spatial aspects of movements. While their performances were relatively well preserved in the right hemispace, patients did not show positional tuning of grip formation, nor fast corrections of their movements when acting in the left hemispace. Interestingly, similar deficits were found irrespective of the presence of neglect. These results show that the right hemisphere contributes to the processing of visuo-motor information that is necessary for executing actions with the ipsilateral hand in the contralateral space.  相似文献   
The objective of this research was to determine the possible relation between deficits in spatial representation capability and vestibular function following cortical lesions. We thus investigated vestibulo-ocular behaviour in a group of 14 patients with unilateral cortical damage involving the occipito-temporo-parietal junction. Patients were divided in three sub-groups: (1) Group R+: five patients with right sided cortical lesions associated with a left hemi-neglect, (2) Group R−: four patients with right sided cortical lesions with no hemi-neglect and (3) Group L: five patients with left-sided cortical lesions. The patient groups were compared to a group of eight healthy age-matched subjects. The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) was tested in complete darkness by rotating the subject around the vertical axis by sinusoidal rotation at different frequencies, and by steps of acceleration or deceleration. The nystagmus slow phase velocity was measured and plotted as a function of the head velocity and the VOR parameters including gain, bias, time constant and phase were calculated.

The cortical lesions induced a significant VOR asymmetry in terms of: a directional preponderance of the VOR gain to the contralesion side, only during sinusoidal rotation, and, in contrast, a VOR bias and a directional preponderance of the VOR time constant and of the nystagmus frequency to the side of the cortical lesion. These latter VOR deficits were the most significant in the R+ group, i.e. in right cortical lesions with hemi-neglect syndrome. These results demonstrate in man, the existence of a cortical influence on vestibular function related to the mechanisms of spatial representation.  相似文献   

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