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In a model of dyskinesia induced by the administration of iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) in the rat, we evaluated the effects of ceruletide, an analogue of cholecystokinin, on behavioral abnormalities and monoaminergic neuronal function. Vertical head twitching in the IDPN-treated animals was inhibited for over 5 h following a single subcutaneous dose of 160 micrograms/kg ceruletide. In animals dosed daily for 2 or 3 days, the number of head twitches at 24 h after the last dose was about one-third of the number before treatment. After repeated daily doses of ceruletide for 6 days, the number of head twitches was reduced to low levels and remained significantly below pretreatment levels until the 4th posttreatment day. These results indicate that the inhibition of dyskinesia by ceruletide was long-lasting. Assays of monoaminergic neurotransmitters and their metabolites in various brain regions indicate that an imbalance between dopaminergic and serotonergic neuronal systems plays a major role in the pathogenesis of the IDPN-induced dyskinesia, i.e. the ratio of (DOPAC+HVA)/5-HIAA was significantly greater in the striatum but significantly smaller in the hippocampus of the IDPN-treated vs normal animals. This initially abnormal ratio of (DOPAC+HVA)/5-HIAA in the striatum and hippocampus of IDPN-treated animals returned to normal following treatment with ceruletide, corresponding with the reduction of the head twitching. The alterations in monoaminergic neuronal function induced by repeated administration of ceruletide persisted for at least 3 days, even though its plasma half-life is several minutes. Ceruletide also exerted a marked effect on monoaminergic neuronal function in the IDPN-treated rats, in contrast to only a slight effect in normal animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary The RNA content of single nerve cell bodies from the anterior horn of rat spinal cord shows no increase during the 12 weeks of feeding of IDPN (,-iminodipropionitrile), but a slight decrease is noted during the last four weeks.The RNA concentration in the axonal balloons is only 0.23% as compared to 5.3% in the nerve cell body.The A/U ratio of RNA in the axonal balloons is 0.61 as compared to 0.90 in cell bodies of normal nerve cells. The A/U ratio of RNA in cell bodies of rats fed IDPN is also reduced to 0.68 (6–8 weeks) while the A/U for rats fed IDPN for 1–12 weeks is 0.77.
Zusammenfassung Der RNS-Gehalt einzelner Nervenzellkörper aus dem Vorderhorn des Rückenmarks der Ratte zeigt keine Zunahme während der 12 wöchigen IDPN (,-Iminodipropionitril)-Fütterung, doch wurde während der letzten 4 Wochen eine geringe Verminderung beobachtet.Die RNS-Konzentration in den Axon-Ballons beträgt 0,23%, verglichen mit 5,3% in den Nervenzellkörpern.Der Adenin/Uracil (A/U)-Quotient der RNS in den Axonballonen beträgt 0,61 gegenüber 0,90 in den Perikaryen der normalen Nervenzellen. Der A/U-Quotient von RNS in den Zellkörpern von Ratten, die mit IDPN gefüttert wurden, ist auf 0,68 reduziert (6–8 Wochen), während er für Ratten, die 1–12 Wochen lang mit IDPN gefüttert wurden, 0,77 beträgt.
Iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) is a prototype nitrile compound that produces excitation, chorea and circling (ECC) syndrome in rodents. Previous studies have implicated vestibular hair cell degeneration in IDPN-induced behavioral abnormalities. Although the pathological changes in vestibular labyrinth of IDPN-treated rats are well documented, the effects of IDPN on other organ systems are not clearly understood. We therefore examined the histopathological alterations in inner ear, brain, liver and kidneys of rats exposed to IDPN. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into two groups of six animals each. Control rats received normal saline whereas the IDPN group was treated with IDPN (100 mg/kg, i.p.) daily for 7 days. All the animals were carefully observed for any behavioral abnormality and the dyskinetic movements including the vertical and horizontal head weaving, circling and backward walking were quantified. The animals were sacrificed on day 9 and the samples of cochlea, brain, liver and kidney were collected for histopathology. The results showed a direct correlation between the severity of behavioral deficits and the cellular damage in crista ampullaris in IDPN-treated rats. Histopathology of liver was severely influenced by IDPN treatment, leading to vacuolization of cytoplasm, distorted sinusoids, infiltration of mononuclear cells and necrotic zones. However, the severity of hepatic damage in IDPN-treated rats was independent of the magnitude of vestibular hair cell degeneration as well as the severity of behavioral deficits. Administration of IDPN in the vestibulotoxic doses did not produce any histological changes in the brain cortex and kidneys of rats.  相似文献   
Previous reports have suggested that IDPN may be ototoxic (Wolff et al., 1977; Crofton and Knight, 1991). The purpose of this research was to investigate the ototoxicity of IDPN using behavioral, physiological and morphological approaches. Three groups of adult rats were exposed to IDPN (0–400 mg/kg/day) for three consecutive days. In the first group, at 9–10 weeks post-exposure, thresholds for hearing of 5.3- and 38-kHz filtered clicks were measured electrophysiologically and brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAERs) were also recorded to a suprathreshold broadband click stimulus. A second set of animals was tested at 9 weeks for behavioral hearing thresholds (0.5- to 40-kHz tones) and at 11–12 weeks post-exposure for BAER thresholds (5- to 80-kHz filtered clicks). A third group of animals was exposed (as above), and killed at 12–14 weeks post-exposure for histological assessment. Kanamycin sulfate was used as a positive control for high-frequency selective hearing loss. Surface preparations of the organ of Corti were prepared in order to assess hair cells, and mid-modiolar sections of the cochlea were used to examine Rosenthal's canal and the stria vascularis. Functional data demonstrate a broad-spectrum hearing loss ranging from 0.5 kHz (30 dB deficit) to 80 kHz (40 dB deficit), as compared to a hearing deficit in kanamycin-exposed animals that was only apparent at frequencies greater than 5 kHz. Surface preparations revealed IDPN-induced hair cell loss in all turns of the organ of Corti, with a basal-to-apical gradient (more damage in the basal turns) at the lower dosages. At higher dosages there was complete destruction of the organ of Corti. There was also a dosage-related loss of spiral ganglion cells in all turns of the cochlea, again with a basal-to-apical gradient at the lower dosages. These data demonstrate that IDPN exposure in the rat results in extensive hearing loss and loss of neural structures in the cochlea.  相似文献   
Chronic administration of iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) is known to produce a persistent dyskinetic syndrome. Recent neurochemical reports seem to point out the dopaminergic system as having an important role in mediating IDPN syndrome. In order to identify a possible role for the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway in determining at least some aspects of the IDPN-induced dyskinetic syndrome, we used the neurotoxin, 1-methyl, 4-phenyl,1,2,3,6-tetrahydropiridine (MPTP), as a tool for investigating which aspects of the IDPN-related syndrome could be due to enhanced dopaminergic activity in the neostriatum. In mice made permanently dyskinetic with IDPN, MPTP administration produced dramatic and biphasic effects on all behavioral patterns characteristics of the dyskinetic syndrome. Six weeks after the syndrome occurred, IDPN failed to produce any change in striatal DA levels with respect to controls. By contrast, IDPN seems to reduce striatal levels of extraneuronal metabolites of DA. These data suggest that the activity of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathway does not play a leading role in the maintenance of IDPN-related syndrome. The transient modification of all behavioral parameters immediately after MPTP administration could be explained by acute effects of MPTP on other dopaminergic areas which are not permanently lesioned by this neurotoxin, or by the acute effects of MPTP on the release of other neurotransmitters.  相似文献   
The behavioral effects of 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) were studied using reflex modification of the acoustic startle response and figure-eight maze activity. A number of experiments were conducted with separate groups of adult male Long-Evans hooded rats exposed to saline or 50–500 mg/kg IDPN for 3 consecutive days. Auditory thresholds (reflex modification), motor activity, and grip strength were measured 1 day, and 1, 3, and 9 weeks postdosing. Reflex inhibition was monitored daily, prior to, during, and for 7 days following exposure. Auditory thresholds for 5-and 40-kHz tones were elevated approximately 25 dB and 50 dB, respectively. The onset of this auditory dysfunction in the 200-mg/kg/day group, as demonstrated by a loss of reflex inhibition, was 2 days for the 40-kHz tone and 4 days for the 5-kHz tone. Motor activity was increased up to 400% in the 200-mg/kg group, whereas there was no alteration in hindlimb grip strength. These data demonstrate dosage- and time-dependent alterations in auditory and motor function following IDPN exposure.  相似文献   
Iminodipropionitrile (IDPN), a compound that causes dyskinetic symptoms in animals and has possible use as a model for human dyskinesia, was tested in mice and rats for its effect on cerebral amino acids. In mice, 2 h after IDPN administration, the level of total brain alanine was reduced; after 5 h the levels of aspartic acid and glutamic acid were also reduced, and the level of glutamine was increased. In rats, after chronic administration of IDPN, the level of glutamic acid in the total brain tissue was reduced. After acute administration of IDPN using microdialysis, extracellular GABA and extracellular glutamine levels in the striatum were elevated. This study shows that IDPN causes alterations in total and extracellular levels of neurotransmitter amino acids in the brain, which could have a role in IDPN-induced dyskinesia.  相似文献   
3,3'-Iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) exposure causes a neurofilamentous axonopathy and olfactory, audiovestibular and visual toxicity. Many events relevant to these effects and the neurotoxic properties of nitriles as a class remain to be elucidated. We characterized the gliosis associated with the IDPN-induced retinal degeneration in comparison to other effects on the visual and central nervous systems. Gliosis was quantified using an ELISA for the intermediate filament protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). IDPN (0-400 mg kg-1 day-1x3 days, i.p.) caused corneal opacity and dose- and time-dependent increases in retinal GFAP, up to 26-28 fold of control values at 4 weeks post-exposure; a second peak occurred at 16 weeks. In contrast, GFAP peaked at 1 week in olfactory bulbs (OB), cingulate cortex and hippocampus. Cerebellum and striatum showed no gliosis. Retinal dopamine decreased within 2 weeks. Delayed GFAP increases occurred in superior and inferior colliculi. Retina and superior colliculi also showed increased [3H]PK-11195 binding. Histological analysis demonstrated progressive degeneration and gliosis in retina and colliculi. Taken together, the data indicate that primary and secondary degenerative events occur in the retina, and that this retinal degeneration induces GFAP increases in retina and superior colliculus. In addition, GFAP assays demonstrated that the retinal toxicity of IDPN is enhanced by CCl4 hepatotoxicity and blocked by methimazole inhibition of flavin-mono-oxygenases, similarly to its ototoxicity. GFAP assays also indicated that neither vestibulotoxic doses of crotononitrile nor olfatotoxic doses of dichlobenil damage the retina. The data support the use of GFAP assays for assessing the retinal toxicity of IDPN and other nitriles.  相似文献   
Summary Synthetic substance P (SP) raises glycine levels both in the brain and in the spinal cord. The synthetic polypeptide, as well as the single amino acid, abolishes motor hyperactivity induced by ,-iminodipropionitrile in mice. The amino acid is effective event at very low intrinsic glycine levels, a condition where the polypeptide fails to act. It is suggested that SP action against exaggerated motories is based on its increasing of spinal glycine which, in turn, inhibits the motor neurones.  相似文献   
Balbuena E  Llorens J 《Brain research》2001,904(2):298-306
Animals exposed to allylnitrile develop permanent abnormalities in motor behaviour, similar to those caused by 3,3'-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) and crotononitrile. IDPN and crotononitrile effects have been attributed to vestibular hair cell degeneration, but allylnitrile has been suggested to modify behaviour through neuronal degeneration in the CNS. Adult male Long-Evans rats were exposed to allylnitrile (0, 20, 40, 60 mg/kg per day, for 3 days) and the changes in rearing activity and rating scores in tests of vestibular function were assessed. Surface preparations of the vestibular sensory epithelia and the organ of Corti were observed for hair cell loss by scanning electron microscopy. Corneal transparency and concentrations in retina and olfactory bulbs of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a marker for reactive gliosis, were also determined, as they are known targets of IDPN toxicity. In a dose-dependent manner, allylnitrile caused corneal opacity and gliosis in the retina and olfactory bulbs, decreased rearing activity and increased the rating scores in tests of vestibular dysfunction, and induced hair cell loss in both the vestibular sensory epithelia and the organ of Corti. The behavioural deficits correlated well with the loss of vestibular hair cells. We conclude that allylnitrile causes permanent modifications in behaviour by loss of vestibular function as IDPN and crotononitrile do and that all these chemicals share other toxic targets, such as the cornea, the retina, and the olfactory system. Data reported here and elsewhere indicate that a number of nitriles show similar neurotoxic properties.  相似文献   
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