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Segregation analysis of leprosy in families of northern Thailand   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sixty-three families with multiple instances of leprosy were identified through a major leprosy treatment center in northern Thailand. Complex segregation analyses for single major genes or polygenic inheritance were performed using the maximum-likelihood routine POINTER to determine the most likely etiologic model of genetic susceptibility. Liability differences between men and women were considered in these models. When individuals were considered to be affected because they had any form of leprosy, a generalized major gene model with nearly dominant parameters on the liability scale, but additive penetrances, was found to be the most likely. When only those individuals who had tuberculoid forms of leprosy were considered to be affected, a recessive model was found to be the most likely; however, the discrimination between various models was poor. Further analyses are necessary to delineate genetic mechanisms to explain these apparently divergent results. In particular, methods of testing two locus models should be considered.  相似文献   
118 multibacillary leprosy patients with differential manifestations were studied for the antigens they expressed at MHC loci to investigate the role of human leukocyte antigens in the differential response to the same causative agent. While the lepromatous leprosy (LL) patients showed a significant increase of Bw60, DR2, DRw8 and DQw1, borderline lepromatous (BL) patients had Bw52, DR9 and DQw7 significantly more often as compared to the normal controls. A comparison of LL, BL and mid-borderline (BB) patients showed a significantly higher frequency of Bw60 in LL patients as compared to the BL. However, Bw52, Bw53, DR9 and DQw7 were found significantly more often in the BL patients as compared to the LL patients but the difference failed to reach significance after pc. A comparison of HLA antigens in BB patients with those of either the LL or BL patients did not show any significant differences.  相似文献   
Leprosy patients undergoing phase II trials in two hospitals of New Delhi, India, were HLA typed to see the association of HLA with differential responsiveness toMycobacterium w vaccine. The vaccine comprises an atypical, nonpathogenic mycobacterium,Mycobacterium w, which has cross-reactive antigens withM. leprae. Multibacillary patients who are lepromin negative are vaccinated at an interval of 3 months. Considerable improvement is evident in the patients in terms of a decline in bacterial indices and histopathological and immunological upgrading. But all the patients do not respond to the vaccine in the same manner; some are slow responders, while others are good responders. HLA-A28 and DQw3 (DQw8+9) were found to be associated with slow responsiveness, while DQw1 and DQw7 were found to be associated with a more rapid responsiveness to theM. w vaccine. However, these associations were not significant afterP correction for the number of antigens tested for each locus except for HLA-DQw3 (DQw8 and DQw9) and DQw7. DQw7, a new defined split of HLA-DQw3, seems to be associated with the responsiveness toM. w vaccine.  相似文献   
In the present study, the concentration of TGF-beta1 secreted by adherent cells isolated from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and either stimulated with PGL-1 or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or left unstimulated was determined by ELISA. The cells were isolated from untreated patients with different clinical forms of leprosy and healthy individuals. The adherent cells exhibited spontaneous release of TGF-beta1 in all clinical forms of leprosy and in healthy individuals; however, lepromatous leprosy/borderline leprosy (LL/BL) patients presenting erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) displayed significantly higher concentrations of TGF-beta1 than either the other patients studied or the controls. These high TGF-beta1 levels were consistently observed when LL/BL ENL cells were stimulated with phenolic glycolipid (PGL-1) or LPS, and even in the absence of a stimulus (P < 0.01). The most significant differences in TGF-beta1 levels were observed when comparing the results in the presence of PGL-1 from ENL with, in order of significance: tuberculoid leprosy (TT) patients (P < 0.001), LL/BL patients without ENL (P < 0.01), healthy individuals (P < 0.01) and borderline-borderline/borderline-tuberculoid (BB/BT) patients with reversal reaction (RR) (P < 0.01). The BB/BT patients produced equivalent levels of TGF-beta1 compared with LL/BL patients without ENL, for all types of stimuli (P > 0.05). In contrast, TT patients produced the lowest levels of TGF-beta1 among all the subjects studied (both patients and healthy controls), especially following PGL-1 stimulation (P < 0.001, and P < 0.05, respectively). In conjunction with our previous data regarding TGF-beta1 expression in dermal lesions, it appears that TGF-beta1 probably plays different roles in leprosy: (i) to mediate a suppressive action locally, associated with the presence of PGL-1, and (ii) to induce proinflammatory effects when secreted systemically by monocytes, thereby acting as a modulatory cytokine in the acute inflammatory reactions of ENL and associated with the Th2 immune response in multibacillary forms of leprosy.  相似文献   
The clinicopathological spectrum of leprosy is associated with an altered immunological reaction. The expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells directs the cellular traffic to sites of local skin and nerve inflammation. Soluble forms of adhesion molecules, which are released upon cytokine activation, can be detected in the circulation and may reflect ongoing tissue inflammation. We determined the serum levels of sICAM-1, sE-selectin and sL-selectin in 74 patients with leprosy (tuberculoid form, n = 23; lepromatous form, n = 36; acute leprous reaction, n = 16) and 15 healthy age- and sex-matched control donors. Patients with lepromatous leprosy had significantly higher levels of sICAM-1 (564 ± 174 versus 450 ± 92 versus 334 ± 57 ng/ml) and E-selectin (90 ± 31 versus 74 ± 29 versus 50 ± 10 ng/ml) than patients with tuberculoid leprosy and normal donors (P<0.01). No differences between groups were detected for L-selectin. Patients with leprous reactions had similar high levels to lepromatous patients. Twenty lepromatous patients were re-examined after 4 weeks of therapy. A significant decrease in sICAM-1 serum levels was observed after 1 month of anti-mycobacterial treatment, which was accompanied by a reduction of mycobacteria in skin biopsies (P<0.01). Patients with leprous reactions (n = 13) also demonstrated a drop in sICAM-1 after anti-inflammatory therapy. sE-selectin and sL-selectin serum values decreased only in lepromatous patients after therapy. It can be concluded that soluble adhesion molecules like sICAM-1 and sE-selectin are promising activity markers in patients with leprosy, which may be useful for treatment monitoring.  相似文献   
Mycobacterium leprae was detected by optical microscopy, fluorescent in situ hybridization, and molecular detection in feces collected for the diagnosis of Entamoeba coli enteritis in a leprosy patient in Burkina Faso. This observation raises questions about the role of fecal excretion of M. leprae in the natural history and diagnosis of leprosy.  相似文献   
We have used different mouse strains to examine in vivo andin vitro responses to the 18 kDa protein of Mycobacterium leprae,which appears to be strongly immunogenic in both mice and humans.B and T cell stimulatory epitopes recognised by different strainsof mice have been mapped using overlapping peptides that spanthe entire 18 kDa protein. Previous work established that Immunizationof mice with the 18 kDa protein results in specific antibodyproduction to common B cell epitopes and immunization of micewith peptides containing these B cell epitopes resulted in theinduction of specific IgG to only a limited subset of epitopesin each strain. Now we report that T cells purified from miceimmunized with peptides that stimulate antibody production,proliferate in vitro when rechallenged. The proliferating Tcells produce levels of IL-2 and IFN-, that indicate antigen-specificT helper type 1 cells are present in significant numbers. Thus,a comparison of in vivo and in vitro data suggests that T cellsbearing the phenotype associated with potentially protectivecell-mediated responses can be primed in vivo by epitopes onsmall peptides. Since T cells from both strains of mice arecapable of responding to the immunogenic synthetic peptidesin vitro, but give different responses to the same peptidesin vivo, factors other than epltope structure appear to influenceT cell subset activation. This may have important implicationsfor diseases such as leprosy where a polarized T cell responseappears to develop and for the development of synthetic subunitvaccines.  相似文献   
目的了解麻风病受累者的心理障碍情况及其相关影响因素。方法采用一般情况调查表、症状自评量表(SCL-90)对浙江省余杭、上虞、海宁3个地区的部分社区和麻风病院整群抽取的392例治愈存活麻风受累者进行问卷调查。结果392例麻风病受累者心理障碍的流行率为24.49%;与全国常模比较,麻风病受累者躯体化[(1.56±0.51)分]、抑郁[(1.63±0.54)分]、恐怖[(1.33±0.51)分]因子得分均高于常模[(1.37±0.48)、(1.50±0.59)、(1.23±0.41)分],人际敏感[(1.47±0.62)分]、焦虑[(1.30±0.39)分]、敌对[(1.33±0.40)分]、偏执[(1.23±0.39)分]、精神病性[(1.24±0.34)分]因子得分均低于常模[(1.65±0.51)、(1.39±0.43)、(1.48±0.56)、(1.43±0.57)、(1.29±0.42)分],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);多因素logistic回归分析表明,年龄、健康状况、经济状况、社会歧视、残疾情况、亲友关心为麻风病受累者心理障碍的影响因素。结论麻风病受累者存在心理障碍,在麻风防治活动中进行相应的心理康复十分必要。  相似文献   
温艳  刘健  潘江武 《热带医学杂志》2007,7(10):1020-1022
目的了解云南省麻风病高发区村民对麻风病健康知识了解的状况,探讨麻风病健康教育的最佳和可行的教育模式。方法采用到村庄集中村民现场随机抽样、现场问卷的调查方法,运用SPSS软件进行统计分析。结果在收到的155份有效问卷中,知道麻风病者99%(153/155);74%(114/155)对麻风病恐惧;认为麻风病是可治之症占92%(143/155);了解麻风病临床症状的为95%(148/155),但了解麻风病早期症状者较少。获取麻风病知识的途径主要为听医生介绍,按年龄组分析(根据年龄分为4组):5~14岁年龄组中81%主要通过广播获取麻风病科普知识;随着年龄的增长,通过接触病人了解该病的比率增多,在大于55岁年龄组中达到32%;而最惧怕麻风病的是最低年龄组,提示曾接触过病人的村民对麻风病的恐惧心理降低。结论在麻风病高发区村民对该病存在恐惧和歧视心理,向村民提供麻风病健康教育普及、咨询和服务,提高当地医务工作人员的麻风病知识水平,是早期发现病人、消除歧视和恐惧心理的关键,。  相似文献   
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