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Summary In this work, we have studied the time-course of the effects of pharmacological administration of ovarian steroids on tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity in the limbic forebrain of ovariectomized rats. Administration of estradiol produced a late decrease in TH activity. This effect was found 24 hours after the last steroid injection, disappearing at 32 hours. It was antagonized by progesterone, since a single injection of this steroid to estradiol-pretreated rats reversed to control values the estradiol-induced decrease. Nevertheless, the administration of progesterone after estradiol treatment caused a short-time decrease in the limbic activity of TH, which was observed 4 hours after the last steroid injection, disappearing subsequently. On the other hand, the administration of progesterone alone produced a biphasic effect, with a reduction at 24 hours, followed by an increase at 32 hours. These effects were only observed in the animals non-treated with estradiol, disappearing with a previous treatment with estrogens. Hence, it can be concluded that both ovarian steroids may affect the limbic TH activity. Thus, estradiol produced a late inhibitory effect on the activity of this enzyme, which was antagonized by progesterone. Administration of the last one to estradiol-treated rats produced a short-time inhibitory effect, whereas its administration to non-treated rats produced a late biphasic effect (inhibition followed by stimulation), which was not observed in estradiol-treated rats.  相似文献   
The neuroendocrine and clinical effects of transdermal 17β-estradiol (rated at 50 μg/day; TTS 50) were studied in 40 postmenopausal women; ten additional postmenopausal women did not receive any drugs. The changes in LH and rectal temperature induced by the infusion of the opioid antagonist naloxone (10 mg i.v. bolus plus 10 mg/h for 4 h) were used to evaluate the central activity of endogenous opioid peptides. TTS 50 increased opioid activity, as evidenced by the restoration of the LH response (P < 0.01) and the enhancement of the hypothermic effect (P < 0.05) of naloxone. A greater reduction in hot flushes was observed in TTS 50-treated subjects than in untreated women, with the maximal effect of TTS 50 achieved after 3 months of therapy. TTS 50 did not modify the concentrations of circulating lipids, glucose or liver enzymes but reduced the biochemical parameters indicative of bone reabsorption. Bone density of the distal radius significantly increased during TTS 50 (P < 0.02), reaching its maximum value after 6 months of therapy. Thereafter bone density declined, but more slowly than in untreated women.

Our data suggest that TTS 50 has marked neuroendocrine effects, that it diminishes the incidence of hot flushes and reduces bone demineralization. By contrast, it has a very little, if any, metabolic impact on the liver or on glucose and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

乳腺囊性增生病癌变过程中部分因素变化的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
检测乳腺囊性增生病(FCD)经不典型增生到癌变部分因素的变化。结果提示:从因明显FCD症状活检至癌变为2~10年;从Ⅱ级以上不典型增生到临床癌变需2~7年;癌变率为3.1%。FCD患者存在性激素分泌调控失常,血浆雌激素和催乳素含量增加,导致上皮细胞增生。乳腺一般性增生细胞的DNA含量和超微结构与正常乳腺上皮细胞相似;无肿瘤相关抗原及异常基因产物表达。而发生在一般性增生基础上的不典型增生则呈现细胞基因物质DNA含量增加,部分为超4C的多倍体细胞;同时出现细胞膜和细胞核超微结构异常;雌激素受体含量增加,对性激素的依赖性和敏感性增强;部分不典型增生细胞出现胚胎性肿瘤相关抗原和异常基因产物表达。随不典型增生程度加重至乳腺癌,上述诸因素的变化趋势具有明显规律性。提示FCD上皮细胞从一般性增生经不典型增生至乳腺癌为细胞生物学连续逐渐变化的过程。部分不典型增生细胞中具有癌倾向的细胞生物学行为异常和表型变化与乳腺癌发生密切相关。细胞核DNA含量等异常变化及程度可作为乳腺癌前病变发展程度的客观标志  相似文献   
A single intramuscular injection of 2 mg estradiol valerate (EV) results in neuronal degeneration and β-endorphin depletion in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of adult female rats. We have hypothesized that peroxidase-positive astrocytes in this brain region oxidize estrogens and catecholestrogens to semiquinone radicals which mediate oxidative neuronal injury. In the present study, dietary administration of the potent antioxidant 21-aminosteroid, U-74389F, completely blocked EV-induced β-endorphin depletion in the hypothalami of adult female rats. Neither EV nor 21-aminosteroid treatment had any effect on hypothalamic concentrations of neuropeptide Y and Met-enkephalin, confirming that the estradiol lesion is fairly selective for the β-endorphin cell population. The present findings support the hypothesis that the toxic effect of estradiol on hypothalamic β-endorphin neurons is mediated by free radicals.  相似文献   
Summary In the rat, prolonged administration of the luteinizing, hormone-releasing hormone agonist buserelin (25 μg/kg body wt/day s.c.) lowers blood estradiol, raises bone resorption, and induces osteopenia. The present study was undertaken to determine whether withdrawal of buserelin normalizes blood estradiol, slows bone resorption, and corrects buserelin-mediated osteopenia. Four groups of female rats with45Ca-labeled bones were studied: group 1A received 0.2 ml saline s.c. daily for 4 weeks; group 2A received 0.2 ml buserelin s.c. daily for 4 weeks; group 1B received 0.2 ml saline s.c. daily for 8 weeks; group 2B received 0.2 ml buserelin s.c. daily for 4 weeks followed by 0.2 ml saline s.c. daily for 4 weeks. Bone resorption was monitored by measuring urinary45Ca and hydroxyproline. The rats in groups 1A and 2A were killed after 4 weeks and those in groups 1B and 2B after 8 weeks. The mineral contents of the femoral bones and the whole skeletons were measured. Buserelin lowered blood estradiol, elevated urinary45Ca and urinary hydroxyproline, and lowered femur and total body calcium and45Ca in group 2A vs. 1A (P<0.05). By contrast all these measurements became similar in groups 2B and 1B. Thus, osteopenia generated by a 4-week period of buserelin-mediated hypo-estrogenism is reversible by withdrawing buserelin for 4 weeks. Consequently, buserelin administration and withdrawal may be used to study effects of inducing and reversing estrogen-deficiency bone loss in the rat.  相似文献   
Sex differences in adult patterns of mating behavior and gonadotropin secretion in rats are determined in part by the presence or absence of gonadal steroids during a perinatal critical period. For example, male rats and female rats exposed neonatally to androgen do not exhibit LH surge patterns when treated appropriately with ovarian hormones in adulthood, and there is evidence that this may be due to a failure of ovarian hormones to activate the hypothalamic neuronal systems that stimulate LH secretion in such animals. Because considerable evidence suggests that estradiol formed centrally from testosterone is responsible for the permanent defeminization of mating behavior and gonadotropin secretion, the present studies compared normal females with normal males and with females treated neonatally with estradiol on the ability of ovarian hormones to induce several important neurochemical changes antecedent to the LH surge, including changes in neuropeptide Y (NPY) and LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) concentrations in the median eminence, as well as changes in turnover rates for catecholamine transmitters in the medial basal hypothalamus and medial preoptic area. Normal ovariectomized female rats responded to sequential treatment with estradiol followed by progesterone with afternoon LH and prolactin (PRL) surges, and with sequential accumulation followed by decline in concentrations of LHRH and NPY in the median eminence prior to the LH surge. In addition, administration of progesterone increased the turnover rates of norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) in the arcuate-median eminence region of normal females. Gonadectomized male rats receiving the same ovarian hormone treatment failed to exhibit LH or PRL surges and displayed none of the changes in neurotransmitter turnover or peptide concentrations characteristically seen in the normal female. Unexpectedly however, when females that were treated with estradiol benzoate on days 1–3 postpartum were ovariectomized and treated with ovarian hormones in adulthood, they showed the same accumulation/decline in median eminence NPY concentrations and the same activation of NE and EPI turnover in the arcuate-median eminence region as normal females, even though they showed no LH or PRL surges or changes in median eminence LHRH concentrations. These results suggest that estradiol may not mediate all of the defeminizing actions of androgen exerted during the early neonatal period, and particularly those actions that result in a lack of responsiveness in central noradrenergic, adrenergic and NPY systems in adulthood. However, an action of neonatal estradiol may result in uncoupling of the LHRH neurosecretory system from normal excitatory neurochemical influences.  相似文献   
3例前列腺癌施行双侧睾丸节除术后2-12周的患,每天肌注苯甲酸雌二醇1mg,d。治疗前后分别每10min采血一次,作7h LH脉冲分析。结果表明,3例患平均血清LH水平分别由177.58±3.20,138.30±5.83和145.88±3.82IU/LGHBTGC 174.90±7.60,132.02±5.77和142.80±3.65IU/L(P均<0.01),但LH脉冲幅度和频率无明显变化(  相似文献   
Objectives: To assess the efficacy and tolerability of a new matrix patch delivering 0.05 mg estradiol per day (Estraderm MX 50) in postmenopausal women with moderate to severe postmenopausal symptoms. Methods: A multicenter, double-blin, randomized, between-patient, placebo controlled trial in 109 postmenopausal women was carried out. Patches were applied twice weekly for 12 weeks. Patients were assessed at 4, 8 and 12 weeks of treatment. The primary efficacy variable was change from baseline in mean number of moderate to severe hot flushes (including night sweats) per 24 h during the last 2 weeks of treatment. Other variables included Kupperman Index, local and systemic tolerability. Plasma concentrations of estradiol (E2), estrone (E1) and estrone sulfate (E1S) were determined before and after treatment. Results: Estraderm MX was significantly superior to placebo (P < 0.001) in reducing mean number of moderate to severe hot flushes (including night sweats) per 24 h after 4, 8 and 12 weeks of treatment. The estimate of treatment group differences after 12 weeks was 4.2 hot flushes (95% confidence interval: 2.6–5.5). Estraderm MX also significantly reduced Kupperman Index at all time points compared to placebo (P < 0.001). Estraderm MX induced increases in mean E2, E1 and E1S plasma levels as expected (E2: baseline 2.7 pg/ml, 12 weeks 38.9 pg/ml; E1: baseline 18.8 pg/ml, 12 weeks 41.6 pg/ml; E1S: baseline 235.6 pg/ml, 12 weeks 765.1 pg/ml). Overall rates of adverse experiences were similar for Estraderm MX and placebo. The number of patients reporting skin irritation was low and similar in both groups. Conclusions: Estraderm MX 50, a new matrix patch, offers an effective and well tolerated dosage form for transdermal delivery of 0.05 mg E2 per day.  相似文献   
Objective: To describe changes in the withdrawal bleeding pattern and endometrial histology during a sequential 17β-estradiol —dydrogesterone regimen in postmenopausal women. Design: Open-label, non-comparative, prospective study. Setting: Gynecological outpatient department of a university hospital. Patients: Twenty-seven healthy nonhysterectomized postmenopausal women. Interventions: Continuous micronized 17β-estradiol supplementation, 2 mg daily, and cyclic administration of dydrogesterone, 10 mg daily for the first half of each 28 day treatment cycle. Main Outcome Measures: Changes in the characteristics of the withdrawal bleeding pattern and the endometrial biopsy histology during 2 years of treatment. Results: The initial withdrawal bleeding was comparable to normal menstruation with respect to amount and duration. During the 2 years of treatment the bleeding showed a significant tendency to become shorter with less blood loss. This was mainly the result of the decrease (P < 0.001) in the number of days per cycle with bleeding grade II (normal menstruation). None of the women developed endometrial hyperplasia, and in almost all women the given hormone replacement therapy regimen induced secretory or atrophic changes of the endometrium. Conclusions: This sequential 17β-estradiol —dydrogesterone regimen can be regarded as safe with respect to the prevention of endometrial disease and appeared to foster patient compliance.  相似文献   
Effects of aging on estrous cycles and LH release in response to luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), castration, and estradiol benzoate were studied in the female golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). About 80% to 90% of female golden hamsters still cycled regularly when reaching 19–22 months of age. However, some animals showed age-induced irregularity of the estrous cycle which included an interruption of complete absence of estrous vaginal discharge. Young female hamsters (3–5 months) had significantly (p<0.01) higher basal LH concentration than old animals (19–22 months) in the morning of each stage of estrous cycle. LHRH elicited about 20–30 fold increase in serum LH concentrations in both young and old hamsters. No significant difference in LH release was observed between young and old hamsters in response to LHRH. In acyclic hamsters, the peak of LH release in response to LHRH was delayed. LHRH-induced LH release was greater in the morning of proestrus than during diestrus in both young and old hamsters. LH increase was significantly greater in the young than in old hamsters on the 13th and 15th day after castration. However, positive feedback stimulation of LH release by estradiol benzoate was the same in both young and old hamsters. These results indicate that in the female hamster, LH response to acute stimuli such as LHRH and estrogens is the same in the young as in the old animal and that circulating basal LH concentration may decrease or its degradation or clearance may increase during the aging process in female golden hamsters. Irregularity of estrous cycles in aging hamsters may be related to delayed responsiveness of pituitary LH to LHRH stimulation.  相似文献   
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