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SK&F 86466, 6-chloro-3-methyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1-H-3-benzazepine, is a potent and selective antagonist of the α2-adrenoceptor in vitro. This compound produced a small pressor response accompanied by a marked bradycardia when administered i.v. to the pithed normotensive rat. The pressor response was not affected by reserpine treatment, pretreatment with α- or β-adrenoceptor antagonists, atropine, or hexamethonium. The bradycardia was markedly reduced by bilateral vagotomy and pretreatment with atropine and attenuated by hexamethonium. The negative chronotropic action of SK&F 86466 was abolished by a combination of vagotomy and atropine. Mediation of the bradycardia by a baroreceptor reflex was ruled out by the observations that a lack of change in heart rate was associated with the vasopressor response to phenylephrine in the pithed rat pretreated with propranolol. It is concluded that the negative chronotropic action of SK&F 86466 in the pithed rat is mediated indirectly by activation of the cholinergic innervation of the heart.  相似文献   
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia is regarded as indicative of cardiac vagal integrity. A ratio of the longest R-R interval to the shortest R-R interval during deep breathing test (E:I ratio) was calculated in controls (n=49), cluster headache (n=33) and CPH (n=4) patients, E:I ratio decreased with age but was not dependent upon sex or upon smoking habits. Furthermore, there were no significant differences as regards E:I ratio between cluster headache patients in and outside a bout, or between patients with right-sided and left-sided headache. However, the E:I ratio was found to be significantly lower in the cluster headache group as such, when compared with controls, but the number of patients disclosing pathological or borderline results was small, 2 and 2, respectively. This may indicate that a putative vagal dysfunction in cluster headache is usually less marked than in patients with e.g. diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Significant attack-related change in the E:I ratio were detected in all individual patients though these changes were not of a uniform nature from individual to individual. E:I ratios were rather high in 3 out of 4 CPH patients examined. However, the number of patients in this group is too small to allow definite statements about the difference between CPH end cluster headache with regard to E:I ratios. There was no significant difference between E:I ratios outside and during a mild, short, mechanically precipitated attack in a single CPH patient.  相似文献   
刺激犬的颈迷走神经外周端时可引起心动过缓,而对心脏的抑制作用则逐渐减弱,表现为心率逐渐恢复(但比对照慢)。刺激后DBP立即下降,而SBP系逐渐下降,且下降程度没有DBP大。在刺激时及停止后均出现ES,其分别占刺激次数的47%和53%。在刺激停止后出现PVT(平均加速24.5次/min),PVT期间R波和BP波数不等,SV和BP轻度降低。LVET缩短和PEP/LVET比值升高,出现ES时,SV和BP较ES前显著降低。反映PVT时心脏功能降低。PVT的要理不太清楚,本研究表明反射性迷走撤退在PVT中不起作用。Q-T/Q-S_2比值增大是CA释放的间接证据。心得安可减弱PVT,阿托品可增强PVT,说明PVT由迷走静经释放CA所致。  相似文献   
The primary general visceral nucleus in goldfish (Carassius auratus) and catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) is located at the ventroposterior boundary of the vagal gustatory lobe and receives coelomic visceral, but not gustatory inputs. The neuronal tracer horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was employed to visualize sources of input to and ascending projections from the primary general visceral nucleus in these species. In addition, immunocytochemical techniques were utilized to define the cytological divisions within the pontine gustatory-visceral complex. The pontine secondary visceral nuclei in both catfish and goldfish contains numerous somata and fibers immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). In contrast, the secondary gustatory nuclei are devoid of fibers and cells immunoreactive for CGRP. In both the goldfish and the channel catfish, the primary general visceral nucleus receives input from the vagal gustatory lobe, as well as the medullary reticular formation. In the channel catfish, the primary general visceral nucleus projects bilaterally to the secondary visceral nucleus, which lies rostrolateral to the secondary gustatory nucleus in the dorsal pons. Fibers cross the midline via the rostral part of the isthmic commissure. Injection of HRP into the primary general visceral nucleus of a goldfish labels ascending fibers that project to a secondary visceral nucleus situated ventral, lateral, and rostral to the secondary gustatory complex. In general, the results indicate that general visceral systems ascend in parallel to gustatory systems within the brainstem, and that general visceral but not gustatory nuclei are immunoreactive for the peptide CGRP.  相似文献   
Neural responses in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) to topical administrations of sodium and portal infusions of hypertonic saline were investigated electrophysiologically by using multibarrel electrodes in anesthetized rats. Of 102 neurons that showed antidromic response to electrical stimulation of the ventral gastric vagus or the accessory celiac vagus, 51 neurons increased and 13 neurons decreased their discharge rates in response to the electrophoretic administration of sodium. The other 38 neurons did not respond to this stimulation. The portal infusion of hypertonic saline elicited neural responses of some DMV neurons whose axons are involved into either the ventral gastric or the accessory celiac vagus. Further, effects of the topical administration and the portal infusion of hypertonic saline were examined on 33 neurons. Typical response was characterized by an increase in discharge rate responding to both of the portal infusion and the topical administration. In conclusion, the DMV neurons receiving the afferent inputs from hepatoportal osmoreceptors may have an enteroceptor function detecting the change in osmotic pressure of their environment.  相似文献   
损毁家兔单、双侧室旁核,观察迷走神经对皮层诱发的下颌运动抑制性影响的变化,发现损毁单侧室旁核不影响刺激迷走神经中枢端对皮层诱发的下颌运动的抑制作用;损毁双侧室旁核,迷走神经对皮层诱发的下颌运动的抑制作用消失。  相似文献   
Administration of neurotensin against the background of sinus arrhythmia caused by burst stimulation of the vagus nerve in cats restores synchronization of the cardiac and vagal rhythms or modulates the proportion between them. This either stops the arrhythmia or changes its parameters. The effects of the peptide are similar to those of epinephrine and are abolished by β-adrenoreceptor blockage. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 123, No. 5, pp. 494–497, May, 1997  相似文献   
Acute experiments on cats show that DAGO, a selective μ-opiate receptor agonist, elicits a pronounced antiarrhythmic effect in ischemia-induced arrhythmias. The protective effect of DAGO is observed only under conditions of intact parasympathetic innervation of the heart and apparently depends on then. vagus activity and stimulating effect of DAGO on acetylcholine release. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 124, No. 10, pp. 377–379, October, 1997  相似文献   
Effects of hepatoportal osmo-receptive (or sodium-receptive) afferents on neurons within the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) were investigated electrophysiologically in urethane-chloralose anesthetized rats. Responses of 56 spontaneously active neurons to antidromic stimulation of the ventral trunk of the subdiaphragmatic vagus were recorded in the left DMV. Among them, 35 neurons were inhibited by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus nerve (inhibitory neurons), except two neurons that were slightly excited. Effects of portal infusion of 3.6% NaCl were examined on 26 inhibitory neurons. Sixteen neurons increased their discharge rates and one neuron decreased its discharge rate in response to portal infusion of hypertonic saline. Thirty-five DMV neurons responded to electrical stimulation of the dorsal trunk of the subdiaphragmatic vagus were inhibited by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus. Four neurons were excited by this stimulation. Relatively smaller number of neurons (5 out of 22 inhibitory neurons) increased their discharge rates in response to portal infusion of hypertonic saline. In conclusion, the response of DMV neuron observed in this experiment was characterized by increasing the frequency of spike discharges in response to portal infusion of hypertonic saline. However, these neurons were inhibited by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus nerve. These results suggest that the hepatoportal osmoreceptive afferents may be conveyed to the DMV via inhibitory synapses.  相似文献   
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