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紫石英和寒水石超微饮片粉末粒径的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:为矿物类药材超微粉末粒径提供试验数据。方法:采用电镜扫描,X射线定性,原子发射光谱定量。结果:选择粒度为K4的微粉制备超微饮片,Ca^2 成分溶出度较高。结论:使用超微紫石英和寒水石,会减少服用量。  相似文献   
Relatively easy treatment of glass aggregates can lead to the formation of a highly porous zeolite aggregate. This study focuses on the possibility of using such an aggregate as an active additive to a gypsum binder. The physical properties of hardened gypsum composites with zeolite fillers doped with various metal ions (Ni2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+) have been compared. In addition to studies of the basic physical properties of the composites, structural and microstructural studies as well as antimicrobial tests were performed. It was found that the parameters of the composites with the addition of various ions do not differ significantly from the reference but modifies the microstructure. Among other things, the ions analyzed reduce the microporosity of gypsum composites. Using all aggregates, a product with adequate strength (above 2 MPa) and thermal conductivity (about 0.35 W/m·K) appropriate for typical lightweight gypsum composites can be obtained. The bacteriostatic effect of formulations with copper and zinc against Escherichia coli and with copper against Staphylococcus aureus was found.  相似文献   
Salt (NaCl), as a by-product from the potash and desalination industry, can be the solution to the scarcity of building materials and might replace more energy-consuming materials. However, salt carries the risk of deliquescence in humid environments. This study conducted fundamental research on the hygrothermal performance of salt for internal surface applications in the building envelope in six different climate conditions. In addition, salt’s performance was also compared with that of gypsum in similar applications. The simulation models (using WUFI®Pro, WUFI®Plus) and in situ measurements were applied to investigate the hygrothermal consequences of the incorporation of salt on the thermal envelope, indoor environment, and energy consumption. Our studies revealed that salt provided the best hygrothermal responses without Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) in very hot-dry and the worst in very hot-humid climates. With an energy-efficient thermal envelope and HVAC, salt can also find an indoor application in temperate, continental, and subpolar climates. In comparison to gypsum, salt has a slightly higher energy demand (heating, cooling, and dehumidification) due to its higher thermal conductivity and moisture resistance. This study fills the knowledge gap on salt’s hygrothermal performance and shows the potential in its utilization.  相似文献   
The implemented new legal regulations regarding thermal comfort, the energy performance of residential buildings, and proecological requirements require the design of new building materials, the use of which will improve the thermal efficiency of newly built and renovated buildings. Therefore, many companies producing building materials strive to improve the properties of their products by reducing the weight of the materials, increasing their mechanical properties, and improving their insulating properties. Currently, there are solutions in phase-change materials (PCM) production technology, such as microencapsulation, but its application on a large scale is extremely costly. This paper presents a solution to the abovementioned problem through the creation and testing of a composite, i.e., a new mixture of gypsum, paraffin, and polymer, which can be used in the production of plasterboard. The presented solution uses a material (PCM) which improves the thermal properties of the composite by taking advantage of the phase-change phenomenon. The study analyzes the influence of polymer content in the total mass of a composite in relation to its thermal conductivity, volumetric heat capacity, and diffusivity. Based on the results contained in this article, the best solution appears to be a mixture with 0.1% polymer content. It is definitely visible in the tests which use drying, hardening time, and paraffin absorption. It differs slightly from the best result in the thermal conductivity test, while it is comparable in terms of volumetric heat capacity and differs slightly from the best result in the thermal diffusivity test.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of microwave irradiation in disinfecting gypsum casts and also to compare its efficacy with validated method of chemical disinfection. The present study is an ex vivo study conducted on a sample of five irreversible hydrocolloid impressions in vitro and on ten patients gypsum casts in vivo following standard impression techniques to check the efficacy of microwave oven irradiation and compare its efficacy with standard chemical method of disinfection. Results were analysed using Mann–Whitney test and Wilcoxon signed rank test. Untreated gypsum casts showed cfu/ml counts with a median log value of 6, while microwave-irradiated ones had median cfu/ml counts of 0. Casts poured from chemically disinfected impressions demonstrated cfu/ml counts with a median log value of 5. Microwave irradiation was found to be effective in disinfecting gypsum casts when compared to chemical disinfectant in disinfecting dental impressions.  相似文献   
大青散治疗臁疮89例疗效观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
[目的]探讨大青散治疗臁疮的近期疗效。[方法]对89例臁疮患者外敷大青散包扎,对照组18例外敷凡士林纱条包扎,疗程3周。[结果]3周后治疗组痊愈及显效例数明显高于对照组,经统计学处理比较差异有非常显著意义。[结论]大青散是一种治疗臁疮的良效外用药。  相似文献   
目的:测定用2%戊二醛喷雾消毒方法处理阴模后,牙科石膏模型材料的精度及硬度,为临床模型消毒提供参考。方法:在60mm×30mm×30mm体积的不锈钢模块上用藻酸盐印模材料制取阴模60个,分成2组,每组30个。试验组用2%戊二醛均匀喷洒置于密封塑料袋中30min;对照组清水喷雾置于密封塑料袋中30min。用普通石膏灌注,24h后分别测量其表面精度及硬度,用SPSS11.0软件对试验结果进行统计学分析。结果:2组资料精度和硬度差别无显著统计学意义。结论:2%戊二醛喷雾密封消毒操作简便同时减少了戊二醛的用量,可用于印模材料的消毒。  相似文献   
慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)重度通气功能障碍临床治疗效果较差,目前西医推荐用沙美特罗替卡松干粉吸入剂吸入,也仅能减少COPD急性发作,延缓肺功能下降速率[1]。笔者曾运用大剂量石膏辨证治疗COPD重度通气功能障碍1例,取得了良好的临床疗  相似文献   
目的比较研究生、煅石膏及赛霉安散对大鼠创伤愈合的作用。方法制作大鼠外伤动物模型,用生石膏、煅石膏及赛霉安对创口进行给药,肉眼观察创伤愈合情况,并对6天、12d的创口处新生肉芽组织作组织切片,观察创口新生组织生长情况。结果给药12d后,生石膏组创口愈合速度较慢,与对照组没有显著差别,而煅石膏组与赛霉安散组创口恢复速度较快,基本完全愈合。结论石膏经高温煅制后生肌功效明显增强。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨生石膏对小儿发高烧的治疗效果。[方法]36例临床患者,均予以大剂量生石膏治疗,或适当加辅佐药配合治疗。[结果]36例患者用药后都达到了退烧的满意效果。其中24h内退烧者4例,占11.1%;24~48h退烧者25例,占69.4%;48h后退烧者7例,占19.5%。[结论]生石膏治疗小儿发高烧有较好疗效。  相似文献   
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