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The dermal absorption of niclosamide, a drug shown to prevent Schistosomiasis by blocking the dermal penetration of cercariae, has been examined in Sinclair minipigs and rats. Radioactivity in the urine and feces collected daily for 7 days after application of 14C-niclosamide accounted for less than 2 per cent and 10 per cent of the labelled compound applied to pig and rat skin, respectively. Approximately 20 per cent of the radioactivity from the dose solution was recovered on the skin excised from the area of application in both minipigs and rats. No radioactivity was detected in organs removed from the pig 7 days after application of radiolabelled drug while less than 6 per cent of the dose could be accounted for in the rat organs/carcass. Radioactivity in swine blood, removed 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and at 24 h intervals after dosing, was at or below three times background in all of the samples. Total recovery of the applied radioactivity was 78 per cent in pigs and 57 per cent in rats. These studies indicate that niclosamide is very poorly absorbed after dermal application. The results are consistent with earlier comparative studies showing that dermal penetration of xenobiotics in rats is generally higher than in swine.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung.   Bei einem 39 j?hrigen ?sterreichischen Staatsbürger chinesischer Herkunft wurden nach einer Latenzzeit von etwa 20 Jahren nicht nur in dem chirurgisch entfernten Rectumcarcinom, sondern auch in der das Carcinom umgebenden chronisch entzündlich ver?nderten Rectumschleimhaut mit verschiedenen Schweregraden der Dysplasie und in einem tumor?s befallenen benachbarten Lymphknoten, Wurmeier nachgewiesen und daher ein kausaler Zusammenhang angenommen. W?hrend aber der ?tiologische Zusammenhang einer chronischen Infektion mit Schistosoma haematobium und dem geh?uften endemischen Auftreten von Blasenkrebs als gesichert gilt, wird bei den intestinalen Formen der chronischen Schistosomiasis eine erh?hte Carcinomkoinzidenz kontrovers beurteilt. ?tiologisch und pathogenetisch ist die Kausalit?t zwischen Wurmeiablage und sp?terem Carcinom ?hnlich zu sehen wie bei anderen entzündlichen Dickdarmerkrankungen, wo es über die Sequenz chronische Entzündung/schwere Dysplasie zur sp?teren Carcinomentstehung kommen kann. Neben einer übersicht über die Parasitologie und Pathologie dieser Trematodenerkrankung wird der ?tiologische und pathogenetische Zusammenhang zwischen Rectumcarcinom und Schistosomiasis japonicum anhand entsprechender Literaturstellen hergestellt.   相似文献   
山丘型血吸虫病流行区因地制宜进行沟渠硬化、沼泽地改塘等小环境改造措施后,钉螺面积减少了66.16%,活螺密度、活螺框出现率分别下降了76.54%和76.13%,阳性螺密度下降了100%;居民血吸虫病患病率略有下降,14岁以下人群感染率为0,无急性感染发生。而实施药物灭螺的对照组9年来钉螺面积仅下降了27.62%,活螺密度及活螺框出现率分别上升了26.35%和151.01%,是小环境改造点的9.84倍和11.13倍,同时居民血吸虫病患病率较1987年上升了37.44%,14岁以下人群感染率为1.21%,并有零星急性感染病例发生。小环境改造一次性投资费用高于药物灭螺,但与农田水利相结合的小环境改造措施能够产生一定的间接经济效益,因此远期效果仍将优于药物灭螺。  相似文献   
目的:动态观察结缔组织生长因子(CTGF)蛋白在血吸虫病肝纤维化鼠肝窦内皮细胞表达水平的时相变化,探讨其与肝窦内皮细胞下基底膜形成的关系。方法:采用腹部敷贴法建立血吸虫病肝纤维化模型,HE、Masson染色和透射电镜观察其病理变化;免疫组化技术检测CTGF、Ⅳ型胶原(ColⅣ)和层粘连蛋白(LN)在小鼠肝脏组织中的表达和分布;并应用彩色图像分析仪进行定量分析。结果:与正常对照组比较,模型组鼠肝窦内皮细胞表达CTGF蛋白阳性或强阳性,肝窦壁LN、ColⅣ表达水平增高,且随着肝纤维化的发展,CTGF和LN、ColⅣ表达逐渐增强,肝窦内皮下基底膜逐渐增厚。图像定量分析两组平均吸光度值、平均灰度值和阳性面积比具有统计学差异;CTGF蛋白与LN、ColⅣ水平呈正相关。结论:血吸虫病肝纤维化时小鼠肝窦内皮细胞通过CTGF蛋白表达上调,调控细胞外基质产生,导致ColⅣ、LN分泌增加,参与肝窦内皮下基底膜形成,从而引起肝内微循环障碍。  相似文献   
本实验在血吸虫病兔肠系膜上动脉夹闭休克(SMAO)模型上,测定内脏SOD活力(n=10),并与正常兔合并SMAO组(n=7)和假手术组(n=6)对照。旨在探讨自由基反应及肝脏在多器官功能衰竭(MOF)中的作用。病理检查提示,血吸虫病兔合并SMAO组内脏有明显损伤。SOD活力测定:血吸虫病兔与正常兔合并SMAO时内脏SOD明显低于假手术组(P<0.01)。血吸虫病兔合并SMAO组肝、肺、胃SOD明显低于正常兔合并SMAO组,分别为2541/2993、1235/1656、1072/1578,(P<0.01),肾无显著性差异(1500/1558)。本研究表明,自由基反应是休克并发MOF的原因之一,合并有血吸虫肝病时更易发生MOF。  相似文献   
为探讨日本血吸虫病与原发性肝癌的关系, 对大丰市455 人进行了12年的前瞻性观察。血吸虫病组表抗携带率为14.21% , 比非血吸虫病组的9.56% 高; 肝癌20岁以上截缩标化人年死亡率, 血吸虫病组为283.82/10 万, 非血吸虫病组为38.66/10万, RRM H为5.72,SMR分别为3.76 和0.65,P< 0.01;前者组内男女肝癌死亡率比RRM H 为1.51, P> 0.05,后者组内RRM H 为3.98,P< 0.01。用叉生法分析血吸虫病和表抗携带两因素的作用,则肝癌20岁以上截缩标化人年死亡率,血吸虫病和表抗携带双阴者为21.16/10万, 血吸虫病单阳者为118.47/10 万,表抗携带单阳者为232.33/10 万,血吸虫病和表抗携带双阳者为1228.75/10 万; 后三者与前者相比, RRM H 分别为3.99, 8.47, 34.57, P均< 0.01; 血吸虫病和表抗携带对肝癌联合作用指数S为3.2,Poisson 回归乘法模型拟合良好。结果提示两者与肝癌分别有密切联系,且有明显的相乘作用  相似文献   
Semi-quantitative urinalysis with urine reagent strips (URS) for erythrocyturia (EU), leucocyturia (LU) and proteinuria (PU) was performed in Congolese and Sudanese school children withSchistosoma haematobium and/orS.mansoni infection. Quantitative urinalysis was performed on the same specimen using microscopy and a Neubauer counting chamber for EU and LU and the Coomassie blue dye-binding assay for PU. Microscopically detectable EU of more than 10 cells/l was found in 63% of all samples and LU of more than 20 cells/l was found in 60% of all samples. With the Coomassie blue method, PU of more than 150 mg/l was detected in 51% of all samples. URS gave positive results of grade 1–3 for EU in 69% of all samples, for LU in 63% of all samples and for PU in 66% of all samples. The sensitivity and specificity of URS compared with standard reference methods were as follows: EU 95% and 75%, LU 81% and 81% and PU 90% and 56%. When the results of all three test were combined, URS differentiated abnormal from normal urine specimens with a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 70%. Median quantitative results showed a good correlation with semiquantitative URS readings for all parameters, but there was a wide range of URS scores.We concluded that URS sensitively detect urinary abnormalities and thus may be used as a general screening method under field conditions when more specific methods cannot be performed. In the hospital laboratory,urine microscopy with a counting chamber would be preferred to URS as a sole method for EU and LU detection; URS is useful for the detection of PU in the tropical hospital laboratory where an appropriate quantitative method with a better specificity may not be available.  相似文献   
湖北省日本血吸虫病家庭聚集性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究日本血吸虫病患病是否呈家庭聚集性。方法2001年湖北省日本血吸虫病抽样调查2210户家庭,其中有539例患有日本血吸虫病,分布在470个家庭。本研究针对该数据,采用负二项分布以及二项分布进行拟合,如果该数据服从负二项分布或不服从二项分布,则血吸虫病患病呈家庭聚集性。结果利用负二项分布和二项分布进行拟合,所得统计学检验P值分别为0.2801和0.0007,表明该数据服从负二项分布、不服从二项分布。结论血吸虫病患病呈家庭聚集性。  相似文献   
运用卫生经济学方法,对胶体染料试纸条法(DDIA)、环卵沉淀试验(COPT)和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)等3种免疫诊断方法在血吸虫病低度流行区现场应用的成本—效益进行分析,证实了胶体染料试纸条法更经济实用。  相似文献   
江苏省高邮市血吸虫病防治策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索新形势下的血吸虫病防治策略,为江苏省血吸虫病防治工作特别是湖沼型血吸虫病的防治工作提供决策依据。方法:通过现场调研、专家咨询等方式,对高邮市防治血吸虫病工作进行调查、总结、分析和评价。结果:高邮市的“血防工作”实现了由传统“消耗型”向现代“开发效益型”的成功转变。结论:高邮市血防工作实行政府主导与市场机制相结合、血防工作与地方经济建设相结合、“开发、灭螺、治水”相结合的防治策略,较好解决了湖沼地区血吸虫病防治问题。  相似文献   
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