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矿区居民预防艾滋病/性传播疾病同伴教育效果研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 调查对矿区居民开展预防艾滋病 /性传播疾病同伴教育的效果。方法 以自愿报名的方式选取山西省大同市永定庄矿区矿工 2 5名 ,均为男性 ,平均年龄为 3 4 0± 8 3岁 ;矿工家属 2 5名 ,均为女性 ,平均年龄为 46 8± 1 1 7岁。在矿工组和矿工家属组中各随机抽取 1名作为同伴教育者进行培训。培训合格的同伴教育者以不同的形式对其余 2 4名同伴进行 1个小时的教育。于教育前和教育后 1周对每组的 2 4名同伴就艾滋病/性传播疾病的知、信、行做问卷调查。并于 1周后按单纯随机抽样方法在每组选取 8人分别进行访谈。结果 在同伴教育者中 ,关于艾滋病 /性传播疾病的一般知识答对率培训前为 2 6 4% ,培训后为 77 6% ;关于传播途径 ,培训前为 2 3 2 % ,培训后为 90 8% ;关于相关的预防措施 ,培训前为 3 5 4% ,培训后为 74 9%。所有的同伴教育者认为艾滋病 /性传播疾病健康教育是必要的 ,同伴教育是一种有效的方式。结论 在矿工及其家属中开展艾滋病 /性传播疾病同伴教育是有效的  相似文献   
心理咨询门诊与普通专科门诊抽样对照分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奚巍 《精神医学杂志》2006,19(4):245-247
目的调查本院心理咨询门诊与普通专科门诊就诊疾病谱的差异,了解两者在精神分裂症治疗上的差异以及对预后的影响。方法以1/20抽取1995~2002年间的门诊病例进行统计分析,其中心理咨询门诊病例79份,普通专科门诊病例143份。自行设计表格对就诊者的性别、年龄、初诊诊断和服药、住院情况进行统计,比较两者就诊疾病谱的差异,以及两者在精神分裂症治疗上的差异和对预后的影响。结果(1)心理咨询门诊就诊者以心境障碍和神经症为主(分别达25%和27%),普通专科门诊以精神分裂症为主(48%,t=14.66,P<0.005);(2)在精神分裂症的治疗上,心理咨询门诊第二代抗精神病药(SGAs)的应用率较高(50%vs 14%,P<0.005),两处就诊者的预后也存在差异。结论心理咨询门诊与普通专科门诊在初诊中存在一定的分工;两者对精神分裂症治疗存在差异,这种差异可能直接导致精神分裂症的预后,我国有待建立规范的精神分裂症治疗指南;全社会对非重性精神疾病的重视程度仍有待加强。  相似文献   
Ethnic minorities in British diabetic clinics: a questionnaire survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A questionnaire was sent by the British Diabetic Association to hospital consultant physicians caring for diabetic patients in the UK to estimate the number of ethnic minority patients attending British Diabetic clinics, and the availability of special facilities for their care. Sixty-two clinics were estimated to have at least 50 Asian patients, and 25 had at least 200 Asian patients. For Afro-Caribbeans the corresponding figures were 33 and 14 clinics, respectively. Clinics serving a relatively high proportion of these patient groups were situated primarily in Greater London, the Midlands and the North West. Approximately 40% of clinics with over 50 Asians had no specifically adapted diet sheets, and 34% had no hospital interpreter service. Tapes, slides or video presentations were available in only eight clinics. There is an urgent need to improve the provision of special facilities to clinics with substantial numbers of ethnic minority patients.  相似文献   
海南省黎族中学生艾滋病知识干预效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:通过干预提高黎族中学生的艾滋病知识水平,降低黎族人群感染艾滋病的危险。方法:采用集中授课、播发VCD等方式进行干预,利用自行设计的调查表对干预对象进行相关知识调查。结果:干预后中学生对艾滋病相关知识的认识均有不同程序的提高,最高提高22.90个百分点,最低提高6.50个百分点,平均提高15.46个百分点;艾兹病知识主要来源于电视广播和医生,分别占58.00%和22.00%。结论:在黎族中学生中开展艾滋病健康教育是完全可行且是十分必要的,应该引起重视。  相似文献   
在265例女性S T D病人中,检出加特纳菌性阴道炎55例(20.75%),与其他S T D混合感染者80例(31.21%).  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To assess the personality characteristics of patients with repeated sexually transmitted diseases (STD). METHOD: A case-control study comparing 101 STD repeaters (subjects with a lifetime history of three or more STDs) with 182 controls who had no history of STD. All subjects attended the City Department for Skin and Venereal Diseases in Belgrade (Yugoslavia) from June 1997 to April 1998. Personality characteristics was assessed by the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI). RESULTS: The analysis of MCMI test showed that STD repeaters had higher scores on narcissistic, antisocial and paranoid scales. The difference between STD repeaters and the controls was significant on antisocial, psychotic thinking and psychotic delusion scales, although scores on clinical syndromes were low for both cases and controls. Discriminant analysis showed that antisocial personality was predictive for STD repeaters. CONCLUSIONS: This study support the hypothesis that STD repeaters are different from controls in terms of their psychological characteristics. The behaviour of STD repeaters is ego-syntonic, which makes the treatment of their personality difficult and emphasizes the importance of work on primary and secondary prevention of STD.  相似文献   
用邮寄问卷的方式,对安徽省合肥市不同级别的计划生育服务机构的服务人员进行了AIDS/STD相关知识,技能以及服务意愿的调查。结果发现,基层计划生育服务人员具有一定的AIDS/STD知识和开展预防服务的技能,并且具有开展AIDS/STD预防服务的意愿,结果提示,基层计划生育服务人员是预防AIDS/STD的重要人力资源,对其进行AIDS/STD知识/技能的专门培训,对控制AIDS/STD在妇女人群中流行和减少母婴传播方面都能起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
目的 评价广西“十三五”以来村卫生室卫生资源配置公平性,为优化村卫生室卫生资源配置提供依据。方法 运用洛伦兹曲线、基尼系数、泰尔指数,从人口和地理两个角度,分析2016—2019年广西村卫生室卫生资源配置状况及公平性。结果 2016—2019年,广西村卫生室卫生资源数量逐年减少并低于同期全国、东部、中部和西部平均水平。桂北与桂东地区卫生资源拥有量较高,桂西地区较少。各卫生资源指标的基尼系数按人口分布在0.113 2~0.484 3之间;按按地理分布在0.371 7~0.652 6之间。总泰尔指数在0.225 2~0.791 6之间,区域内的泰尔指数贡献率大于区域间。结论 广西村卫生室卫生资源总量不足,分布存在地区差异;卫生资源配置按人口分布的公平性优于按地理分布;卫生资源配置的不公平性主要受区域内差异的影响。  相似文献   
Background: One hundred sixty-eight peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs)were reviewed according to the Revised European–American Lymphoma (R.E.A.L.)Classification.Patients and methods: The cases, originally diagnosed on the basis of theUpdated Kiel Classification (UKC), were all provided with histologicalpreparations, immunophenotype, clinical information, and follow-up data. Theslides were reclassified by five observers, who integrated the R.E.A.Lcriteria with cell size measurements. The prognostic value of clinical andpathologic findings was assessed by univariate and multivariate analysis.Results: The R.E.A.L. Classification was reproducibly applied by all of theobservers. Clinically, anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCLs) differed fromthe remaining PTCLs by mean age (29.5 vs. 52.9 years), bulky disease(52.3% vs. 11.3%; P = 0.000), mediastinal mass (52.7% vs.32%; P = 0.004), and disease-free survival (68.0% vs.38.2%; P = 0.0001). Although each histological type displayed specificclinical aspects, PTCLs other than ALCL were basically characterised by a poorclinical outcome which was not influenced by the UKC malignancy grade. Atmultivariate analysis, the risk of a lower complete remission rate was relatedto bulky disease (P = 0.001), histologic group (non-ALCL) (P = 0.01), andadvanced stage (III–IV) (P = 0.0002).Conclusions: The present study supports the classification of T-celllymphomas proposed by the R.E.A.L. scheme.  相似文献   
一年级工科大学生艾滋病/性病同伴教育的近期效果研究   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:7  
为探讨在一年级工科大学生中开展预防艾滋病、性病同伴教育的可行性,1998 年10- 11 月,在某工科大学整群抽样选取183 人为干预组,207 人为内对照组;在另一所工科大学一年级抽取207 人为外对照组。对干预组实施预防艾滋病、性病同伴教育,通过教育前后两次问卷进行近期效果评价。结果表明,干预组在教育后艾滋病、性病知识均分及问题答对率均有大幅度提高,与内、外对照组比较差异有高度显著性( P< 0-01),而内、外对照组提高不明显。提示在一年级工科学生中开展艾滋病/ 性病/ 安全性行为同伴教育是可行而有效的  相似文献   
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