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IntroductionTranssphenoidal surgical removal is the preferred treatment of most pituitary adenomas. Postoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage is the leading cause of morbidity after this procedure, with an incidence rate that varies from 0,5-15% in the main published series.ObjectivesThe primary objective of this study was to establish the incidence of postoperative CSF leakage in a sample of surgeries performed at the University Hospital of La Ribera by the same surgical team. The secondary objectives were to: ascertain the distinctive features between patients with and without postoperative CSF leakage, identify risk factors for their development, evaluate the relationship between the surgical technique for closing the sella turcica and the onset of postoperative CSF leakage and evaluate different treatment regimens for this complication.MethodsThe data of 302 consecutive transsphenoidal surgical procedures for pituitary adenoma removal which were performed between 1999 and 2017 were retrospectively reviewed.Results and conclusionsThe incidence of postoperative CSF leakage in our series was 2,3% (in accordance with similar published studies). It was possible to correlate intraoperative CSF leakage with two variables: pituitary macroadenoma and tumors with suprasellar extension (P < .005). This correlation did not exist for postoperative CSF leakage. We found a statistically significant correlation between intraoperative and postoperative CSF leakage (P < .005). Due to the low incidence of postoperative CSF leakage in our series, it was not possible to identify risk factors for its development.  相似文献   
This paper outlines the impact of granulocyte‐colony stimulating factor (G‐CSF) used as a single modality therapy in 17 patients with secondary autoimmune neutropenia (S‐AIN) who had been treated a multiple number of times previously. Fifteen of these patients had demonstrable antineutrophil antibodies and two had cellular S‐AIN with haemopoietic inhibitory T‐cells present in the marrow. Prior to treatment, all had had problems with infection. All patients responded within 7 days of commencement of treatment. Provided G‐CSF neutrophil counts were maintained above 1 × 109/l, no further infections occurred. This was achievable by using G‐CSF administered as infrequently as once every 8 days. Eight of the 17 patients remained on G‐CSF, although five switched to the glycosylated form because of side‐effects. None have developed osteoporosis despite 47.29 patient years of total experience with G‐CSF. In conclusion both glycosylated and nonglycosylated G‐CSF can be used effectively in treating AIN on a long‐term basis.  相似文献   
In six patients with slowly progressive sporadic cerebellar ataxia and cortical multifocal action myoclonus, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) IgG index was persistently very high (1.2–6.7) and numerous oligoclonal bands were detected. Progressive cognitive impairment and MRI cerebellar and cerebral atrophy were observed. No serum antibodies were found. Various degenerative, metabolic, inflammatory and systemic diseases were excluded. The cerebellum may be the main target of a degenerative or immune process and releases antigens that, enhancing a compartmentalised (auto)immune response, as suggested by the persistent intrathecal activation, could lead to further cerebellar damage. As the frequency of CSF oligoclonal banding in myoclonic ataxia is unknown, our patients’ disease might represent a hitherto unreported entity or a subset of progressive myoclonic ataxia.
Sommario Descriviamo sei pazienti con atassia cerebellare sporadica e mioclono corticale d’azione multifocale, nel cui liquor i valori dell’indice IgG si mantenevano persistentemente elevati ed erano presenti numerose bande oligoclonali. I pazienti manifestavano un progressivo declino cognitivo e la RM mostrava atrofia cerebellare e cerebrale. In assenza di anticorpi identificabili non era possibile formulare una diagnosi di malattia nota. Suggeriamo che il cervelletto possa essere il principale bersaglio di un processo degenerativo o immuno-mediato e che gli antigeni liberati inducano la produzione di anticorpi che ulteriormente provocano danno cerebrale. Poiché non è nota la frequenza delle bande oligoclonali nel liquor di pazienti con atassia mioclonica, non sappiamo se la malattia qui descritta sia una entità nuova o un sottogruppo delle atassie miocloniche.
本实验用C_(57)BL/6j小鼠CFU-GM集落形成的方法观察了三种CSF和氢化可的松、锂盐及硒盐对CFU-GM的影响及其对IFN的CFU-GM抑制作用的阻断作用。结果表明,三种CSF能部分拮抗IFN的CFU-GM抑制效应;微量的硒酸钠,碳酸锂均可刺激CFU-GM增殖,并使IFN200IU抑制的CFU-GM产率提高200%以上;微量的氢化可的松也能部分阻断IFN的CFU-GM抑制。  相似文献   
A technique whereby immune complexes (ICs) are detected in the CSF and serum from their inhibitory effect on the agglutination of IgG-coated latex particles by rheumatoid factor (RF) has been applied to patients with the following neurological diseases: multiple sclerosis (MS), inflammatory diseases, extradural peripheral neuropathies (EPN), CNS tumors, dementia, and a control group of other neurological diseases (OND). The groups did not differ significantly in respect of IC positivity either in CSF or serum. The MS group was tested for correlations between percentage of IC positives and CSF IgG/Albumin ratio on the one hand and presence of oligoclonal bands on isoelectric focusing on the other. The specificity of ICs to the dysimmune condition is discussed.
Sommario È stata applicata una tecnica di inibizione della reazione di agglutinazione del Fattore Reumatoide (RF) su particelle di latice, ricoperte di immunoglobuline umane, per il dosaggio degli immunocomplessi (ICs) nel liquor e net siero di pazienti affetti da malattie neurologiche. Sono stati considerati 5 gruppi di malattie neurologiche, rappresentate da: sclerosi multipla (MS), malattie infiammatorie, polinevriti, tumori del SNC, demenza ed un gruppo di controllo composto da malattie neurologiche miste (OND).Non sono state riscontrate differenze significative tra le percentuali di positività nei diversi gruppi esaminati, compreso il gruppo di controllo, tanto sul liquor che su siero.Particolare attenzione è stata posta allo studio della MS, ove la percentuale di positività degli ICs è stata raffrontata con il rapporto IgG/Albumina liquorale e con la presenza di bande oligoclonali IgG all'isoelectrofocusing (IEF).La specificità della formazione degli ICs in relazione alla situazione disimmune è stata inoltre discussa.
目的:观察自体干细胞动员对骨创伤大鼠的免疫功能的保护作用,为战创伤后的免疫抑制及继发性感染、系统性炎症反应等治疗提供依据。方法:挤压折断法复制大鼠双后肢股骨骨折模型,于致伤后0、24、48h连续给模型动物肌肉注射GM—CSF20μg/kg,致伤后72h细胞增殖法检测T、B淋巴细胞活性,ELISA法检测血清IL-1、IL-2、IFN-7、TNF—α浓度,自动系列化分析法检测C3、CA、IgM、IgG浓度,称重法观察脾重与体重的比例变化。结果:股骨骨折模型大鼠致伤后72h,GM—CSF动员骨髓干细胞组大鼠的T、B淋巴细胞活性和血清IFN-γ、IL-2浓度高于对照组(P〈0.01),IL-1、TNF—α浓度低于对照组(P〈0.01),血清C3、CA、IgM、IgG浓度及脾/体重比值高于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论:GM—CSF动员自体干细胞动员对大鼠骨创伤诱导的免疫功能抑制具有保护作用。  相似文献   
rhGM-CSF对小鼠口腔粘膜损伤的防治作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨rhGM-CSF促进口腔腔溃愈合的作用机制。方法:取体外培养的胎儿口腔粘膜成纤维细胞,用rhGM-CSF刺激成纤维细胞后第2、4、6天用细胞计数及^3H-胸腺嘧啶掺入法(^3H-TdR)测定其增殖情况,结果rhGM-CSF对胎儿口腔粘膜成纤维细胞增殖及DNA合成有刺激作用,在80-100ng/ml时,细胞生长达到最佳状态,过高浓度rhGM-CSF的刺激作用反而下降。结论:rhGM-CSF可以通过刺激成纤维细胞增殖及DNA合成促进口腔溃疡愈合。  相似文献   
In a study to elucidate molecular mechanisms in pain, substance P-like immunoreactivity (SP-LI) was measured in lumbar CSF from 75 patients with lower back pain. Two samples – one before and one after lidocaine treatment – were obtained from each patient, and total SP-LI was measured in unfractionated (no HPLC) samples. SP-LI data were separated into three categories: placebo responders, pharmacological responders, and pharmacological non-responders. A significant difference was observed between the total SP-LI measurement of first and second samples of pharmacological non-responders. Distribution of SP-LI immunoreactive molecular species in two CSF patient samples (no ODS) was analyzed with a combination of reversed phase (RP) HPLC and RIA. Immunoreactivity in collected HPLC fractions was measured at calibrated retention times of synthetic SP-sulfoxide (SP-O), SP, and SP5–11. Qualitative and quantitative differences in those HPLC-RIA metabolic profiles were observed within and between those two patients' samples. These data indicate that the type and amount of SP metabolism and SP precursor-processing differs in CSF between these two representative patients and within the short amount of time elapsed between acquiring these two samples.  相似文献   
The dynamics of the speed of transcranial propagation of ultrasonic impulses has been established in humans. The possibility of detecting the changes in mechanical state of intracranial structures by dynamic measurement of the time of transcranial propagation of ultrasonic impulses (TUPT) has been ascertained for 10 healthy persons and 11 patients with different neurological pathology. The cerebrospinal fluid pressure (CSFP) was simultaneously monitored for 4 of the patients. Spontaneous fluctuations in TUPT and the changes caused by jugular veins, inferior vena cava compression, hyperventilation and temporary retention of breathing were detected for all investigated subjects. Spontaneous TUPT changes in the range of 0.25-0.85 x 10(-4) of initial mean value, which are related with cardiac and respiratory cycles, have been found in healthy persons while in patients they ranged from 0.07 x 10(-4) to 4.5 x 10(-4) of mean time. In healthy persons bilateral jugular vein compression leads to a decrease in TUPT by 1.8-3.0 x 10(-4), while the compression of inferior vena cava gives an increase in TUPT by 1.6-2.6 x 10(-4). Changes in TUPT during these maneuvers in neurological patients were found to be of different amplitude and direction. The rise of CSFP by 8.4-20.2 mmHg (mean 12.4 mmHg) was observed in 4 investigated patients during the compression of jugular veins or during the inferior vena cava compression, while the changes in TUPT obtained during each of such maneuvers were of opposite character. The results suggest that dynamic evaluation of acoustic impedance of intracranial system reflects the changes in the mechanical state of brain parenchyma.  相似文献   
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