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应激是一种涉及心身两个方面的紧张状态,引起这种状态的刺激物称为应激原,应激源分为社会性、心理性、躯体性和文化性。“非典”成为社会应激源,给人类躯体与心理带来双重伤害,要战胜“非典”,必须同时依靠医学、生物化学、医学心理学、心身医学、行为医学、中医药学等多学科的理论、研究方法和防治手段。鉴于“非典”具有传染性强、病情重的特点,采用支持性心理治疗较为妥当。  相似文献   
Objectives: Previous studies have been inconsistent with regard to the extent to which stress perception, rather than stressor exposure, predicts negative health symptoms. Because sex differences have been observed in all three of these variables, in this study the possibility that sex differences also exist in the relationships between them is investigated. Methods: Self‐report inventories of perceived stress, stressor exposure, and negative health symptoms were given to 107 young‐adult participants (65 females, 42 males). Results: Sex differences were observed in the associations among perceived stress, stressor exposure, and negative health symptom rates. Specifically, while higher perceived stress and higher stressor exposure rates independently predicted higher negative health symptoms rates in females, only higher stressor exposure rates independently predicted higher negative health symptoms in males. Indeed, unexpectedly, after controlling for exposure to stressors there was a trend towards higher perceived stress predicting lower negative health symptoms in males. Conclusions: While exposure to stress was a significant negative predictor of health for both sexes, perception of stress was predictive only for females. One implication of this finding is that different psychological models are needed to predict health symptoms in the two sexes. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The ICD-10 and DSM-IV classifications have both given low priority to “reactivity” to acute stress as a classificatory principle for functional psychoses. In Scandinavia, reactivity is still considered an important factor in the development of such psychoses. Reactivity is a complex concept, and its various components are historically examined. The Reactivity of Psychosis Rating Form (RPRF) was developed in order to operationalize reactivity. Seven of the 10 elements of RPRF can be rated reliably. Factor analysis of the RPRF yields three factors: stressor, onset and change, that also show high interrater reliability. Our results indicate that RPRF has both construct and discriminant validity. Further studies with the RPRF may elucidate the true status of reactivity in functional psychoses.  相似文献   
系统脱敏与冲击疗法治疗社交恐怖症的疗效比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用系统脱敏疗法和冲击疗法各治疗一组社交恐怖症,随访一年,两组疗效比较,治愈率系统脱敏组为30.7%,冲击组为26.6%。差异不显著(u-0.2397,p>0.05),而系统脱敏疗法循序渐进、病人乐意接受,冲击疗法,虽疗程较短,但患者心理似不易承受.  相似文献   
目的 调查妇产科规范化培训医师工作压力现状,分析影响其工作压力的因素。方法 选取2019年6月至2020年5月北京市某三甲医院规范化培训基地的住院医师232名为研究对象。采用问卷调查方法,收集一般情况,包括性别、年龄、专业、学历、工作经历、规培时间、收入满意度和对规培必要性的认同度。通过工作压力源量表进行压力现状与影响因素分析。其中工作压力源量表得分越低,反映其压力越大。采用SPSS 22.0软件对数据进行t检验和卡方检验。结果 妇产科规培医师工作压力总分在所有科室中偏低(67.02±12.65)分(P<0.001),其中“工作量及时间分配”(7.11±2.42)分、“工作环境及资源”(7.21±2.34)分、“管理及人际关系”(15.66±3.69)分为主要压力源,与其他各科室比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。单因素分析结果显示:不同收入满意度之间工作压力得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.003)。结合多重线性回归方程结果,收入满意度不同的妇产科规培医师在“专业及工作”“工作量及时间分配”和“工作环境及资源”3方面压力源总分随满意度下降,得分越低压力越大,差异有统计学意义(P值分别为0.006、0.008、0.012)。而涉及“病人诊疗”和“管理及人际关系”方面,收入满意度不同的规培医师总分差异无统计学意义(P值分别为0.067和0.057)。结论 妇产科规培医师压力普遍偏大,来自临床与医疗相关的事务是其工作压力的主要来源,而收入满意度是其工作压力的主要影响因素。  相似文献   
目的了解慢性HBV感染孕妇主要的心理压力源。方法采用质性研究中的现象学方法,深入访谈9例慢性HBV感染孕妇,了解其心理压力状况。结果HBV感染孕妇妊娠期心理压力源主要包括:担心孩子被传染、对在传染病医院分娩的顾虑、对分娩方式和喂养方式选择的顾虑、担心自身健康、对承担母亲角色的顾虑。结论医护人员应结合乙肝孕妇的自身特点做好相应的健康指导和心理支持以减轻乙肝孕妇的心理压力。同时应进一步加大对公众的宣传力度,为乙肝患者营造一个公平、友好的社会氛围。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between different types of family resilience and various specific forms of family crisis. In recent decades, numerous studies have examined how people manage crisis and how resilience is developed to overcome periods of chaos and disruption. Most of these studies look only at individual cases, or focus on general concepts, theories, or fundamental frameworks addressing the basic interaction between resilience and crisis. This study uses the Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response model (Paterson, 1988) and the Family Strength Index (Orthner et al., 2003) to measure how family resilience relates to different kinds of family crisis. The results show that of the 6 types of family strength which comprise general family resilience, only economic, problem-solving, and family cohesion strength significantly predicted participants’ level of confidence in managing family crisis. Such a discrepancy from the findings of previous work may be explained by cultural factors, which are further discussed in this article.  相似文献   


Cumulative lifetime exposure to potentially traumatic events and serious life stressors has been linked with both mental and physical health problems; however, less is known about the association between exposure to potentially traumatic events and serious life stressors with health care use. We investigated whether a higher number of potentially traumatic events and serious life stressors were prospectively associated with an increased number of doctor visits and nights spent in the hospital.


Participants were drawn from the Health and Retirement Study, a prospective and nationally representative study of adults aged 50 + in the United States (n = 7168). We analyzed the data using a generalized linear model with a gamma distribution and log link.


A higher number of potentially traumatic events and serious life stressors were associated with an increased number of doctor visits and nights spent in the hospital. On a 10-point scale, each additional potentially traumatic event or serious life stressor was associated with an 8% increase in doctor visits after controlling for sociodemographic factors (RR = 1.08, 95% CI = 1.06–1.11; p < .001). Each additional potentially traumatic event or serious life stressor was also associated with an 18% increase in the number of nights spent in the hospital after controlling for sociodemographic factors (RR = 1.18, 95% CI = 1.10–1.27; p < .001).


Exposure to potentially traumatic events and serious life stressors is associated with increased doctor visits and nights spent in the hospital, which may have important implications for the current standard of care.  相似文献   
More than 2 y have passed since the BP-Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, yet we still have little understanding of its ecological impacts. Examining effects of this oil spill will generate much-needed insight into how shoreline habitats and the valuable ecological services they provide (e.g., shoreline protection) are affected by and recover from large-scale disturbance. Here we report on not only rapid salt-marsh recovery (high resilience) but also permanent marsh area loss after the BP-Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Field observations, experimental manipulations, and wave-propagation modeling reveal that (i) oil coverage was primarily concentrated on the seaward edge of marshes; (ii) there were thresholds of oil coverage that were associated with severity of salt-marsh damage, with heavy oiling leading to plant mortality; (iii) oil-driven plant death on the edges of these marshes more than doubled rates of shoreline erosion, further driving marsh platform loss that is likely to be permanent; and (iv) after 18 mo, marsh grasses have largely recovered into previously oiled, noneroded areas, and the elevated shoreline retreat rates observed at oiled sites have decreased to levels at reference marsh sites. This paper highlights that heavy oil coverage on the shorelines of Louisiana marshes, already experiencing elevated retreat because of intense human activities, induced a geomorphic feedback that amplified this erosion and thereby set limits to the recovery of otherwise resilient vegetation. It thus warns of the enhanced vulnerability of already degraded marshes to heavy oil coverage and provides a clear example of how multiple human-induced stressors can interact to hasten ecosystem decline.  相似文献   
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