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Background: Interleukin-6 is a pleiotropic cytokine with a wide range of physiological activities. It plays an important role in the immuno-neuro-humoral axis during stress and surgery.
Methods: Serum interleukin-6 in parturients was measured on hospital admission, immediately after birth and 12 and 24 hours later. All parturients had uncomplicated pregnancies, and delivered vaginally without (n=31) or with (n=20) epidural analgesia, or underwent Caesarean section under epidural (n=20) or general (n=10) anaesthesia.
Results: Serum interleukin-6 assayed immediately following Caesarean section was low, but peaked 12 hours later, irrespective of the anaesthetic technique or other foetomaternal characteristics. Patients who delivered vaginally showed the highest interleukin-6 levels immediately after delivery. These were positively correlated with serum interleukin-6 on admission and duration of labour. Serum interleukin-6 was significantly higher in parturients who had epidural analgesia, and was significantly lower in those receiving intravaginal prostaglandins compared to those without prostaglandins.
Conclusion: The interleukin-6 response after Caesarean section can be explained by a generalized acute phase response to surgery, with no anaesthetic, maternal or neonatal interference. The rapid increase in peripartum serum interleukin-6 levels after vaginal delivery reflects, in part, cervical ripening or labour, their physiological triggers and psychological or physical stress. Regional anaesthesia, duration of labour and exogenous prostaglandin administration can modulate the peripartum interleukin-6 response and subsequently the physiological effects of this cytokine.  相似文献   
Background: The placental transfer of the a2 receptor agonist clonidine, earlier used as an adjuvant in obstetric epidural analgesia, was compared with the transfer of the newer and more %-selective agonist dexmedetomidine.
Methods: Term placentas were obtained immediately after delivery with maternal consent and a 2-hour recycling perfusion of a single placental cotyledon was performed. Disappearance from the maternal circulation, accumulation in placental tissue and appearance in the fetal circulation of clonidine or dexmedetomidine with the reference compound antipyrine were followed in 4 experiments for both drugs.
Results: At 2 hours the percent dexmedetomidine found in the fetal circulation was 12.5 (SD 5.1)%, while 48.1 (SD 20.3)% was found in the perfused placental cotyledon. A higher mean clonidine than dexmedetomidine concentration was achieved in the fetal circulation (1.90 vs. 0.56 nmol/l, P <0.05). At 2 hours the percent clonidine found in the fetal circulation was 22.1 (SD 2.4)% ( P <0.05), while 11.3 (SD 3.3)% ( P <0.05) was re tained in the perfused placental cotyledon. The transfer indexes, describing maternal-to-fetal transfer of dexmedetomidine and clonidine normalized with the transfer of antipyrine, were 0.88 (SD 0.07) and 1.04 (SD 0.08) respectively ( P <0.05).
Conclusions: Dexmedetomidine disappeared faster than clonidine from the maternal circulation, while even less dexmedetomidine was transported into the fetal circulation. This was due to its greater placental tissue retention, the basis for which probably is the higher lipophilicity of dexmedetomidine.  相似文献   
目的测定产妇硬膜外分娩镇痛时不同浓度舒芬太尼混合罗哌卡因的半数有效浓度(EC50),寻找舒芬太尼混合罗哌卡因的适宜浓度。方法100例ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级的足月初产妇,妊娠37~42周,随机分为2组:0.4μg/ml舒芬太尼混合罗哌卡因组(A组)(n=45)和0.6μg/ml舒芬太尼混合罗哌卡因组(B组)(n=55)。2组均在宫口扩张至2~3 cm时行硬膜外穿刺,置管。2组第1例产妇罗哌卡因浓度均为0.12%,随后的罗哌卡因浓度按序贯法确定:即前1例若镇痛有效(注药后30 min时VAS评分≤3分)。则下1例接受的药物降低一个浓度梯度,若镇痛无效,则上升一个浓度梯度,浓度梯度0.01%。若镇痛效果可疑,则下1例接受的药物维持原浓度,计算罗哌卡因的EC50及其95%可信区间。观察镇痛期间发生的不良反应。结果A组、B组皮肤瘙痒发生率分别为11.9%、29.4%(P< 0.05),A组、B组各有1例发生恶心呕吐(P>0.05)。A组罗哌卡因的EC50为0.059%(95%可信区间为0.056%~0.062%),B组罗哌卡因的EC50为0.054%(95%可信区间为0.053%~0.055%)。结论硬膜外混合0.4、0.6μg/ml舒芬太尼分娩镇痛时,罗哌卡因的EC50分别为0.059%、0.054%;舒芬太尼的推荐浓度为0.4μg/ml。  相似文献   
A 23-year-old primigravid patient who received epidural analgesia for pain of labour presented with persistent, apparently irremediable, unilateral analgesia. Computerized axial tomo-epidurography demonstrated absence of circumferential spread due to lateral placement of the catheter. Transforaminal escape of contrast medium into the paravertebral area had occurred and anterior and posterior midline partitioning of the epidural space was obvious. All the usual measures to promote contralateral analgesia, except re-insertion of the catheter, had been tried without success.  相似文献   
This report describes the anaesthetic management of a women with a term gestation, Von Hippel Lindau disease (VHLD), and a phaeochromocytoma, scheduled for a combined phaeochromocytoma resection and Caesarean section. Von Hippel Lindau disease is characterized by diffuse haemangioblastomas of the central nervous system (CNS) and viscera. It is also associated with phaeochromocytomas and renal cell carcinomas. Patients frequently have asymptomatic spinal cord and intracranial pathology. The patient and her fetus presented a challenge because of the anaesthetic restrictions imposed by VHLD, and her pregnancy. She was also at risk of developing malignant hypertension from the phaeochromocytoma. The patient was not a candidate for regional anaesthesia because of the possibility of spinal cord haemangioblastomas. She had received adrenergic blockade with phentolamine (total 30 mg a day) and propranolol (total 40 mg a day) since the 27th wk of gestation in order to control hypertension secondary to the phaeochromocytoma. General anaesthesia was administered with aggressive management of hypertension with adrenergic blockers (labetalol 1.0 mg · kg?1 and esmolol 0.75 mg · kg?1) and sodium nitroprusside 1.5 μg · kg?1 (total). Before delivery of the baby, opioids, which could have resulted in a fetus with CNS depression, were avoided. After delivery, opioids (sufentanil 0.4 ng · kg?1 hr?1) were used to limit the use of inhalational anaesthesia which may contribute to uterine atony. Postoperative pain was managed with an intravenous narcotic infusion. Both patients had uneventful postoperative courses.  相似文献   
We prospectively studied the incidence of concealed aortocaval compression in parturients at term during identification of the extradural space. Forty ASA I or II parturients, at term and in active labour, who requested extradural analgesia were randomly allocated to one of two groups. Parturients in the first group (n = 22) were positioned in the left lateral decubitus position and those in the second group (n = 18) were in the sitting position. Cardiac output (CO) was recorded at one-minute intervals for five minutes before extradural catheter placement (supine position with a 15° wedge under the right side), and during and thereafter for five minutes (in the supine wedged position), using the BoMED NCCOM3-R7 thoracic electrical bioimpedance (TEB) monitor. The average of five COTEB recordings before positioning the patient were compared with the average of five COTEB measurements during and after extradural space identification. A change of >25% COTEB was considered beyond machine variability. Upper limb arterial pressure was recorded at one-minute intervals. In the left lateral decubitus position, 17 of 22 patients demonstrated a >25% reduction in COTEB compared with five of 18 patients in the sitting position (X2,P <0.01). The percentage change in COTEB in the lateral decubitus position (?29.8%, 95% CI ?17% to ?44%) was greater than the sitting position (?9.8%, 95% CI +36% to ?32%) (P <0.01). A decreased incidence of aortocaval compression during identification of the extradural space was demonstrated in the sitting position when compared with the left lateral decubitus position.  相似文献   
目的:观察新型电热手术刀在妇产科手术中的应用效果。方法:对65 例需手术的妇产科病人,用新型电热手术刀做手术,与同期用普通手术刀(25 例) 和高频电刀(20 例) 做手术进行比较。结果:电热手术刀可在锋利切割组织的同时快速止血,止血作用类似于高频电刀;和普通手术刀相比,电热手术刀能明显减少出血量,加快手术速度,且无脂肪液化,无刀片粘连,切口愈合良好,热损伤轻微。结论:电热手术刀结合了普通手术刀和高频电刀的优点,适合在妇产科手术中推广使用。  相似文献   
The pulse oximeter was evaluated for use in neonates in the delivery room. One hundred neonates, delivered vaginally or by Caesarean section with general or epidural anaesthesia, were studied. After delivery, pulse oximetry probes were placed simultaneously on the ulnar side of the right hand and on the right Achilles tendon to determine whether there was a difference in arterial oxygenation (SpO2). Measurements of SpO2 were taken at 1, 5, 10 min, and 24 hr after delivery. At one and five minutes, SpO2 recorded from the right hand was higher than that recorded from the lower extremities (71.9% +/- 6.5% vs 63.4% +/- 4.3% and 83.3% +/- 4.2% vs 76% +/- 4.1%, mean +/- SD, respectively). At ten minutes these differences diminished, and had almost completely disappeared after 24 hr. These results can be explained by the presence of R-L shunting at the ductus arteriosus level, producing reduced SaO2 in the lower extremities. Oxygen saturation did not differ between neonates delivered vaginally or by Caesarean section, regardless of the presence or type of anaesthesia. We concluded that neonates remain relatively desaturated in the immediate postpartum period and that the SpO2 obtained from the right hand is a better index of neonatal oxygenation than that obtained from the heel.  相似文献   
Residual curarization in the neonate after Caesarean section   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The transplacental transfer and the neonatal effects of atracurium 0.3 mg.kg-1 (ED95) were compared with those of d-tubocurarine at the usual clinical dose of 0.3 mg.kg-1 (ED90) in 46 patients undergoing elective Caesarean section. The atracurium group (25 patients) was similar to the d-tubocurarine group (21 patients) as far as age, parity and time intervals between precurarization, induction, skin incision, muscle relaxant administration, hysterotomy and birth. The transplacental transfer of atracurium was lower than that of d-tubocurarine, with a feto-maternal ratio of 9 +/- 3% for atracurium and 12 +/- 5% for d-tubocurarine (P less than 0.05). The transplacental transfer of laudanosine was low at 14 +/- 5%, with blood levels of 0.101 +/- 0.032 microM.L-1 in the umbilical vein. Newborns in the two groups were comparable in terms of Apgar scores at one, five and ten minutes, as well as for NACS scores (neurological and adaptive capacity scoring test) at two and 24 hours after birth. However, at 15 min after birth, only 55% of newborns in whom the mothers received atracurium had a normal NACS score (greater than or equal to 35/40) compared with 83% of newborns in whom the mothers received d-tubocurarine (P less than 0.05). Further analysis of the five variables related to active muscle tone revealed that the modal score for active extension of the neck of newborns from the atracurium group was lower than for newborns from the d-tubocurarine group (P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A term parturient with documented platelet dysfunction presented to the case room for induction of labour. Since this bleeding abnormality contraindicated the use of lumbar epidural analgesia (LEA), we elected to use an iv fentanyl patientcontrolled analgesia (PCA) technique for pain relief during labour. The patient received a 50 μg fentanyl loading dose after which 20 μg boluses of fentanyl were self-administered every three minutes as required. The patient received a total of 400 μg of fentanyl over the 3 1/2 hr of active labour. Mother and neonate tolerated the fentanyl without sequelae. If facilities to monitor the neonate and mother are present, this method of analgesia is useful in those patients where LEA is contraindicated. Au terme d’une grossesse, une patiente porteuse d’une dysfonction plaquettaire devait avoir une induction de travail au bloc obstétrical. Ecartant l’usage d’une epidurale à cause des risques de saignement, nous avons employé du fentanyl en autoanalgésie (PCA) pour soulager les douleurs du travail. Après une dose initiate de50 μg, la patiente s’injectait des doses de 20 μg de fentanyl iv aux 3 minutes prn. Elle utilisa un total de 400 μg de fentanyl au cours des 3,5 heures que dura le travail. La mère et le nouveau-né tolérèrent fort bien ce mode d’analgésie. L’autoanalgésie offre done une alternative au bloc épidural lorsque ce dernier est contre-indiqué toutefois, nous recommandons de monitorer la mére et le nouveau-né pendant quelques heures.  相似文献   
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