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Substance P is one of the peptides released from sensory nerves that mediate "neurogenic inflammation." Although substance P-immunoreactive (SP-IR) axons are known to be present within the mucosa of the respiratory tract, the relative extent of the innervation of various components of the mucosa is not known. Therefore, we determined the distribution and number of SP-IR axons in the rat trachea and bronchi, by using immunohistochemistry on tissue whole mounts. Specifically, we sought to learn whether these axons directly innervate the postcapillary venules involved in neurogenic plasma extravasation, the arterioles involved in neurogenic vasodilatation, and the airway smooth muscle involved in bronchoconstriction in pathogen-free, adult male F344 rats. We found that 90% of the SP-IR axons were single axons, usually having varicosities. Eighty-five percent of these were in the epithelium, 6% innervated arterioles, and the remainder elsewhere in the lamina propria. Only 10% of the mediator-sensitive postcapillary venules (i.e., venules labeled with Monastral blue pigment after challenge with capsaicin or substance P) were within 10 microns of SP-IR axons. SP-IR axons were more than 10 times as frequent in the smooth muscle of the distal bronchi as in the trachea. Capsaicin pretreatment (168 mg/kg over 7 days) reduced the number of SP-IR axons in the trachea by 96%, which is consistent with their being sensory. Unilateral vagotomy reduced the number of SP-IR axons bilaterally in the trachea and ipsilaterally in the main stem bronchus. Using an antibody to Protein Gene Product 9.5 as a nonspecific marker for all nerves in the trachea, we determined that SP-IR axons constituted 90% of the axons in the epithelium, 32% of the axons on arterioles, and only 4% of the axons in the smooth muscle. We conclude that most SP-IR nerves in the trachea are sensory axons and most of these axons end in the epithelium. SP-IR axons innervate mucosal arterioles, but few innervate postcapillary venules. Therefore, the mechanism by which sensory axons evoke plasma extravasation from these venules is likely to involve the diffusion of the peptide or a secondary mediator from the epithelium or from the arterioles upstream.  相似文献   
Characterization of the human placental membrane receptor for human 125I-IgG is described. The receptor bound specifically both monomers and aggregates of human IgG. Human colostral IgA, bovine, sheep, pig, and horse IgG were not bound. No effect of pH in the range 6.6–7.4, ionic strength in the range 0.1–0.5, and temperature between 4 and 45°C on the binding was found. A water-soluble fraction containing the active receptor (glycoprotein fraction-PGP) was obtained from the placental membranes using lithium diiodosalicylate. The solubilized receptor interacted with IgG better at 4°C than at 20°C or 37°C. The results on replacement of monomeric IgG by aggregated IgG, and vice versa, suggest that both monomers and aggregates of human IgG, were bound to the same receptor sites. The apparent association constant for monomeric human IgG was 0.86 ± 0.2 × 107 mole?1, and 2.0 ± 0.16 × 1015 IgG molecules were bound per l mg of the membrane protein. Formaldehyde (0.1%), 2-mercaptoethanol (50 mM), and periodate (4 mM) showed no effect on the binding properties of the membrane-bound and on the solubilized receptor, as well. Higher concentrations of periodate (10 mM or 20 mM) decreased the binding of IgG to membranes but showed no effect on the water-soluble receptor. Both the membrane-bound and the solubilized receptor were sensitive to papain. Pronose abolished the receptor activity after prolonged proteolysis only. Neuraminidase did not affect the activity of the receptor. The decrease of the binding activity of the membrane-bound receptor by trypsin and phospholipase C was due to a release of a material containing an active receptor. No effect of trypsin or phospholipase C on the activity of solubilized receptor was observed. The results obtained suggest a protein character of the placental Fc receptor. After electrophoresis of 125I-labeled solubilized receptor in polyacrylamide gel in the presence of SDS, 2 major protein peaks with molecular weights of 74,000 and 104,000 and 3 minor peaks with molecular weights of 56,000, 144,000, and 163,000 were found.  相似文献   
Several recent studies have confirmed the endocrine nature of small cell carcinoma of the lung. In extra-pulmonary sites, small cell 'undifferentiated' carcinomas have classical morphological features similar to their pulmonary counterpart. We therefore investigated, using immunocytochemistry, the possibility that the non-pulmonary neoplasms may also be endocrine in nature. Sections of 29 small cell carcinomas from oesophagus, stomach, larynx, colon and urinary bladder were immunostained using antisera to protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), neuron-specific enolase (NSE), cytokeratin, leucocyte common antigen and peptides including bombesin, the C-flanking peptide of human probombesin, adrenocorticotrophic hormone, neurotensin, calcitonin and pancreatic polypeptide. All the tumours showed immunoreactivity for at least one of the two general endocrine markers PGP 9.5 and NSE. Twenty-three of the 29 cases were immunoreactive for PGP 9.5, 27 for NSE. All were positive for cytokeratin and negative for leucocyte common antigen. Of the regulatory peptides, immunoreactivity was obtained with antisera to bombesin (one case), the C-flanking peptide of human pro-bombesin (14 cases), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (one case) and calcitonin (three cases). No PGP 9.5-, NSE- or peptide-like immunoreactivity was detected in 25 control tumours from similar sites, including lymphomas and poorly differentiated tumours. These results suggest that non-pulmonary small cell carcinoma has an endocrine character.  相似文献   
Background: The identification of new factors predicting relapse,outcome and response to systemic therapy in breast cancer is warranted. Themeasurement of biological markers such as drug resistance parameters (DRPs),which are part of the phenotype of malignant cells and contribute toresistance to anti-cancer drugs may be a possibility, which may ultimatelylead to improvement of therapeutic results.Patients and methods: The level of glutathione (GSH), activities ofglutathione-S-transferase (GST), glutathione-peroxidase (GPx),06-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (ATase), and P-glycoprotein (PGP) weremeasured in tumor and adjacent tumor free tissue samples from 89 consecutive,untreated females with breast cancer and correlated with clinical andprognostic factors. Early breast cancer (EBC) was diagnosed in 56 patients,22 patients had locally advanced (LABC) and 11 patients metastatic breastcancer.Results: All DRPs showed significantly higher expression in tumorthan in tumor free tissues. GPx was positively correlated with GST (R = 0.3, P = 0.0048) and with GSH (R = 0.5, P = 0.0001) in tumor as wellas in normal tissue. GST activity was significantly higher in EBC than in LABCor metastatic breast cancer ( P = 0.02). GSH level was significantlyhigher in grade 1 than in grade 2 or grade 3 tumors ( P = 0.01). Whenclinical characteristics were related to the level of DRP, high GSH wasassociated with age >60 years ( P = 0.01) in EBC, and with grade1–2 tumors ( P = 0.05) in LABC. No differences in OS were apparentbetween groups of high and low DRP-expression. However, the four-yearestimated disease-free survival of EBC tended to be higher in patients withhigh GST ( P = 0.10) and of LABC in patients with high GPx levels( P = 0.06).Conclusion: We conclude that high levels of DRP in tumor tissue ofbreast cancer patients are part of the initial phenotype of the malignantcells. Due to its high prevalence (83% in EBC, 100% in primarilymetastatic breast cancer), PGP did not add to prognostic information. Highlevels of GSH, GST and and GPx were associated with favorable clinicalcharacteristics and good prognosis, whereas low levels of GSH and GST activitywere associated with more aggressive or more advanced disease.  相似文献   
Background: Sensory stimuli are conducted by several cutaneous sensory nerves and tactile corpuscles. The latter are specialized sensory organs that represent the starting point of many afferent sensory pathways. To date, our knowledge about the distribution of the sensory innervation in the umbilical skin of females is incomplete.

Aim of the study: To elucidate the morphology of the cutaneous innervation of the normal female umbilical skin.

Materials and methods: Biopsies of normal umbilical skin were obtained from female patients undergoing umbilical hernial repair. The specimens were processed for both immunohistological (antibodies against PGP9.5, pan-neuronal marker, and S-100 protein, marker of Schwann cells) and ultrastructural (transmission electron microscopy) examinations.

Results: The authors found abundant genital end-bulb-like structures, numerous epidermal and dermal Merkel cells, Meissner and Ruffini corpuscles, intraepidermal nerve terminals, and multiple free nerve endings surrounding the ducts and acini of the sweat glands.

Conclusions: The umbilical skin of females has abundant sensory innervation similar to that of the glans penis.  相似文献   
目的:观察TNF-α、PGP 9.5在椎体后缘离断症软骨终板中的表达、分布,探讨其与椎体后缘离断发生、发展的关系。方法:选取手术治疗的12例椎体后缘离断症患者的病椎软骨终板与4例椎体骨折伤椎软骨终板作对照研究。病椎标本包括离断缘及远离离断缘软骨终板组织。切片行TNF-α和PGP 9.5免疫组织化学染色,应用病理图像分析系统测量光密度值(OD值),观测其在椎体软骨终板的表达与分布。结果:骨折椎体的软骨终板内未见TNF-α和PGP 9.5免疫组化阳性染色。椎体离断缘软骨终板组织中,TNF-α和PGP 9.5表达均高于远离离断缘的软骨终板组织(P﹤0.05)。结论:TNF-α和PGP 9.5在椎体后缘离断症的软骨终板中均有表达,终板不同区域其表达存在差异性,局部高表达与椎体后缘离断有密切关系。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: This study investigates expression of the neural growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) in the oral mucosa of (A) normal dentate subjects, (B) edentulous patients rehabilitated with conventional denture and (C) those rehabilitated with mandibular implant-retained overdentures (MIR-OVD), in the long term. This study evaluates morphological changes in the distribution and representation of sensory terminations and corpuscles in the alveolar mucosa under the action of different masticatory or prosthetic loads, in the three clinical groups. MATERIAL AND METHODS: GAP-43 immunoreactivity (-ir) was compared with the distribution of nerves fibres in the mucosa, as visualised using anti-protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), a general marker for peripheral nerves and terminals. RESULTS: GAP-43-ir was found to be highly expressed in the corium and submucosa in specimens from edentulous subjects wearing conventional denture and presenting a reduced number of PGP 9.5-ir nerves in the mucosa, but not in specimens from control subjects or patients wearing MIR-OVD, which on the contrary show a higher number of PGP 9.5-ir mucosal sensory fibres. CONCLUSION: As the mucosa under traditional denture has been shown to possess reduced innervation and the histological aspect of chronic overloading, these results may be considered indicative of a tentative induction to nerve re-growth in the under-innervated epithelium, or as a response to chronic inflammation. The detection of GAP-43-ir suggests that human oral mucosa presents signs of potential nerve plasticity also in the elderly, and that the type of rehabilitation and the condition of masticatory load transfer to the mucosa have important effects on the nerves underneath.  相似文献   
Sensory innervation of the skin influences wound healing through the release of neuropeptides from the nerve endings. The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the sensory innervation of the normal and the hypospadiac prepuce. The prepuce from 10 healthy children undergoing routine circumcision and 10 age-matched children undergoing hypospadias repair were submitted for immunohistochemistry, using antibodies against protein gene product (PGP) 9.5, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and substance P (SP). The hypospadiac prepuce was found to be hypo-innervated for PGP 9.5 and CGRP positive nerves when compared with the normal prepuce (p<0.05). The number of SP-positive nerves were increased in the hypospadiac prepuce, but not to statistical significance (p=0.06, confidence interval >95%). There may be differences in the sensory innervation of the normal and hypospadiac prepuce. These differences in tissue environment may partly explain the postoperative edema, poor wound healing leading to urethrocutaneous fistula (UF), and increased analgesia requirements in patients undergoing hypospadias surgery.  相似文献   
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