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Lingual lymph nodes are an inconstant group of in-transit nodes, which are located on the route of lymph drainage from the tongue mucosa to the regional nodes in neck levels I and II. There is growing academic data on the metastatic spread of oral cancer, particularly regarding the spreading of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma to lingual nodes. These nodes are not currently included in diagnostic and treatment protocols for oral tongue cancer. Combined information on surgical anatomy, clinical observations, means of detection, and prognostic value is presented. Anatomically obtained incidence of lingual nodes ranges from 8.6% to 30.2%. Incidence of lingual lymph node metastasis ranges from 1.3% to 17.1%. It is clear that lymph nodes that bear intervening tissues from the floor of the mouth should be removed to improve loco-regional control. Extended resection volume, which is required for the surgical treatment of lingual node metastasis, cannot be implied to every tongue cancer patient. As these lesions significantly influence prognosis, special efforts of their detection must be made. Reasonably, every tongue cancer patient must be investigated for the existence of lingual lymph node metastasis. Lymphographic tracing methods, which are currently implied for sentinel lymph node biopsies, may improve the detection of lingual lymph nodes.  相似文献   
慢性原发性肾小球疾病127例舌象分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程晓霞 《中医杂志》1993,34(2):108-109
通过对127例慢性原发性肾小球疾病的舌象(舌质)分析,发现不同的中医辨证肾病分类,肾功能分期其舌象的表现也各异,并有一定的规律性可循,为本病的诊断和病机的认识提供了一个有效的手段。  相似文献   
Summary The effects of hyperthermia on blood flow and oxygen consumption of the tongue were investigated in anesthetized dogs. For comparison, blood flow through the skin and deep muscle of the hind leg was also measured in some animals. Increasing blood temperature revealed a biphasic response of lingual blood flow. At 41°C blood temperature respiratory frequency was twice that of control and there was a reduction of lingual blood flow, while resistance of the lingual bed was increased significantly. The arterio-venous oxygen difference (AVDO2) of lingual blood was markedly increased at this level and the of the tongue was like-wise significantly greater than control. At 41.9°C, the steep increase of respiratory frequency was accompanied by a marked fall in lingual resistance as evidenced by a four-fold increase of lingual blood flow. The systemic AVDO2 rose at this temperature, while the lingual AVDO2 fell dramatically. There was no further increase of lingual . At both temperature levels the blood flow through the skin did not change substantially, while the deep muscle blood flow slightly increased. The mean arterial pressure showed a progressive fall during hyperthermia. It is assumed that the decrease of lingual blood flow at elevated blood temperature without panting is due to a redistribution of cardiac output to areas other than the tongue. The increase of lingual blood flow without an additional increase of lingual during panting may be explained solely as a mechanism for heat dissipation. The fact that the decrease of lingual resistance was demonstrated in immobilized animals concomitant with high frequency phrenic burst activity suggests that the decrease of lingual resistance and panting may be induced by a common central integrating mechanism.  相似文献   
Human visual evoked potentials were recorded during presentation of photos of human and animal faces and various face features. Negative waves with approximate peak latencies of 165 msec (N170) were bilaterally recorded from the occipito-temporal regions. Mean peak latencies of the N170 were shorter for faces than eyes only. Analyses of amplitudes of evoked potentials indicated that the N170 elicited by faces reflected activity of a specific neural system which was insensitive to detailed differences among individual faces regardless of species, and consequently suggest that this system might function to detect existence of faces in general. On the other hand, the mean amplitude of the N170 elicited by human eyes was significantly larger than those by animal eyes. These differences in response latencies and amplitudes of the N170 suggest existence of at least 2 different visual evoked potentials with similar latencies (i.e., N170) which are sensitive to faces in general and human eyes, respectively. Dipole source localization analysis indicated that dipoles for the N170 elicited by eyes were located in the posterior inferior temporal gyrus, and those for faces, located initially in the same region, but moved toward the fusiform and lingual gyri at the late phase of the N170. The results indicated that information processing of faces and eyes separated at least as early as the latency of the N170 at the posterior inferior temporal gyrus as well as the fusiform and lingual gyri, and might provide neurophysiological and anatomical bases to an initial structural encoding stage of human faces.  相似文献   
The lingual papillae and their connective tissue cores (CTC) from Reeves’ muntjac deers (herbivorous artiodactyla) were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy and then compared to those of other mammalian species. At the posterior portion of the tongue, the Reeves’ muntjac has a lingual prominence on which large conical papillae are distributed. On the dorsal surface of the anterior tongue, numerous filiform papillae were found. Externally, each filiform papilla consists of a rod-shaped main process and several small accessory processes. Their CTCs consist of 10 or more rod-shaped processes arranged in a horseshoe pattern and several posterior processes forming a small circular pattern. This structure is a common characteristic of artiodactyla, through which Reeves’ muntjac deer can be categorized in a position in the artiodactyla class lying between the bighorn sheep and the East African bongo. Fungiform papillae are distributed among the filiform papillae on the anterior portion of the tongue. Large fungiform papillae are also sparsely distributed on the lingual prominence and have several taste buds in the epithelium on the surface. Ten or more vallate papillae are distributed at the postero-lateral area of the lingual prominence and numerous taste buds are distributed in the epithelium of their side.  相似文献   
舌脉诊法考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
舌脉诊法主要观察舌腹面血管系统的变化,为我国所特有。《内经》首载舌脉刺血治疟、狂、忧虑无言、心病等,以盛即粗张为施术指征。晋以后发展为诊法,葛洪用于虏黄,巢元方用于噤黄与五色黄病情深浅判断,《医门方》用于预测难产母子吉凶,陈自明编《产难生死诀》以广流传。本法继承了络脉诊法的理论,重视络脉形色观察,以盛与青黑为逆,从血瘀痰郁辨证。明清未见明显发展,但作为奇穴刺血治舌肿、喉闭、黄疸并未中断,周学海发挥刘守真“玄府论”,倡舌细络瘀血说,难能可贵的是与今微循环障碍理论符合。1964年张赞臣再倡,研究者日众,临床多而基础少,认为对瘀证及肿瘤、肝病、肺心病有较高诊断价值。  相似文献   
Oral manifestation of tuberculosis is uncommon Tongue is the most common oral site of involvement, where the presentations are varied. Here we report a case of primary lingual tuberculosis with an unusual presentation as a cold abscess.  相似文献   
目的探讨射频微创治疗舌扁桃体肥大的疗效,进一步分析舌扁桃体肥大的病因及综合治疗策略。方法纤维喉镜下诊断舌扁桃体肥大、舌根部淋巴滤泡增生80例。在间接喉镜下给予射频消融治疗。结果射频治疗后62例随访3个月~3年,未见复发;行二次射频治疗的2例,未见明显并发症;18例失访。结论舌扁桃体肥大的病因及综合治疗非常重要,射频治疗是治疗舌扁桃体肥大的有效方法。  相似文献   
ObjectivesTo analyze the accuracy of planned tooth movements of torque, tip, rotations, and transverse width values with lingual straight-wire technique.Materials and Methods40 Caucasian subjects with mean age of 23.9 years, consecutively treated in private practice with a lingual straight-wire appliance (STb, Ormco, Glendora, Calif) were evaluated. Maxillary and mandibular dental casts were taken before treatment (T0), in the setup (T1), and at the end of treatment (T2) and scanned with an intraoral 3D scanner Carestream CS 3600 (Carestream Dental, Atlanta, GA). Virtual models at the three time points were superimposed on T1 using 3D software, and the coordinates were exported as a set of x, y, and z values. Angular and linear measurements were analyzed to measure torque, tip, rotation movements, and transverse intra-arch widths. Changes among the three time points were analyzed with Friedman''s nonparametric test.ResultsA general increase in torque was recorded in the setup and in the final result, except for the maxillary molars. Torque, tip, and rotation movement mean accuracy was ≥84% for incisors, canines, and premolars. A general increase in transverse width was measured in the setup and in the final models, except for the upper second molars, which showed reduced transverse width during treatment.ConclusionsThe movements planned in the setup to obtain the ideal torque, tip, and rotations actually occurred, except for second molars, which showed less accuracy. Planned expansion of the arches occurred only partially.  相似文献   
目的:探讨舌系带延长术后构音障碍患者异常舌尖前音的语音特点和康复训练方法。方法选择107例(3~26岁,平均7.21±4.55岁)舌系带延长术后构音障碍患者为研究对象,分析舌尖前音的构音障碍特点,再从中选择32例(3~24岁,平均7.59±5.10岁)有舌尖前音构音障碍的患者进行3个疗程的语音康复训练,分析康复效果。结果107例患者中/z/、/s/的构音错误形式主要是与/a/、/o/、/e/、/u/或以其为介母的韵母组合时置换成舌尖中音/d/,分别为35例(32.71%)、28例(26.17%);/z/与/i/组合时置换成/j/有33例(30.84%)、/s/与/i/组合时置换成/x/有43例(40.19%);/c/的构音错误形式主要是与/a/、/o/、/e/、/u/或以其为介母的韵母组合时置换成/d/(6例,5.61%)和/t/(27例,25.23%),/c/与/i/组合时分别置换成/q/(45例,42.06%)、/j/(15例,14.02%);另/z/、/c/、/s/还分别置换成/zh/(15例,14.02%)、/ch/(17例,15.89%)、/sh/(14例,13.08%)及侧化(分别为11、10、12例)。32例患者经过语音康复训练后,舌尖前音构音错误的个数从训练前的34.53±6.08个减少到训练后的7.97±2.52个,差异有统计学意义(t=30.035,P<0.001)。结论本组患者舌尖前音构音障碍错误形式主要为置换及侧化;本研究针对舌尖前音异常患者的训练方法效果显著,值得推广。  相似文献   
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