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Summary In rabbit jejunal arteries, the membrane potential of single smooth muscle cells decreased on the application of noradrenaline 3 mol/1. LY 171555 1 mol/1 did not change, whereas SKF 38393 10 mol/1 reversed the effect of noradrenaline. When prostaglandin F2 (PGF2) was used to evoke depolarization in the presence of prazosin 0.1 mol/1, rauwolscine 1 mol/1 and propranolol 1 mol/1, both SKF 38393 10 mol/1 and dopamine 10 mol/1 repolarized the membrane. SCH 23390 1 mol/1 antagonized the effects of SKF 38393 10 mol/1 and dopamine 10 mol/1. Thus, the change in membrane potential is mediated by a DA1-recep-tor.  相似文献   
An assortment of drugs was injected into one or both ventromedial nuclei of the thalamus, to see how these influenced stereotypy, locomotion and posture in spontaneously behaving and actively rotating rats. Unilateral intrathalamic muscimol promoted weak ipsiversive circling, while bilateral treatment gave catalepsy. Similar injections of 4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid, which inhibits γ-aminobutyrate metabolism, raised γ-aminobutyrate levels in the ventromedial nuclei more than three-fold yet had none of these behavioural effects. The indirectly acting γ-aminobutyrate agonists flurazepam and cis-1,3-aminocyclohexane car☐ylic acid had little effect on posture and locomotion and, like muscimol and 4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid, elicited only very weak stereotypies. Procaine behaved like the γ-aminobutyrate antagonist bicuculline, provoking vigorous locomotor hyperactivity and teeth chattering if given uni- or bilaterally. Pretreatment of one ventromedial nucleus with muscimol or 4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid, and to a lesser extent flurazepam or cis-1,3-aminocyclohexane car☐ylic acid, gave rise to pronounced ipsilateral asymmetries when combined with a large systemic dose of apomorphine. Contraversive rotations were initiated by unilateral stereotaxic injection of muscimol into the substantia nigra pars reticulata, or with apomorphine from the supersensitive striatum in unilaterally 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats. Drug treatments in the ipsilateral ventromedial nucleus showed a similar rank order of potency at inhibiting these circling behaviours, seemingly by reducing apomorphine-induced posture and muscimol-induced hypermotility. The suppression of circling by muscimol in these tests was highlighted by introducing the compound into the ventromedial nucleus at the height of circling activity. Both types of circling stimulus lost the capacity to increase locomotion, but still caused head turning and stereotypy in rats made cataleptic with bilateral ventromedial muscimol. Treating one ventromedial thalamus with muscimol greatly intensified any pre-existing posture directed towards that side, and vice versa.

These data suggest that the ventromedial nucleus is not involved with the expression of stereotyped behaviours, but can profoundly influence posture and locomotion, especially in the presence of some other motor stimulus. The recovery of circus movements in rats with impaired ventromedial nucleus function implies this nucleus is not essential for the execution of circling in these models.  相似文献   

The turnover rates of adrenaline in the medial preoptic area and mediobasal hypothalamus, areas which, respectively, include the cell bodies and terminals of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neurons, have been measured in female rats on pro-oestrus, the day of the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone, and on dioestrus, the preceding day. A rise in the rate of turnover was found in the medial preoptic area coinciding with the surge of luteinizing hormone in the late afternoon of pro-oestrus; the rate of turnover at this time was higher than at the same time on dioestrus. No changes in turnover rate were found in the mediobasal hypothalamus within either of these days.The results indicate that the adrenaline-containing projections to the preoptic area may be actively involved in the production of the spontaneous preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone in rats.  相似文献   
C W Coen  M C Coombs 《Neuroscience》1983,10(1):187-206
The preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone reaches a maximum at 18.00 h on the day of pro-oestrus in female rats maintained with regular lighting from 06.00 to 20.00 h. This surge is initiated by a discharge of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone into hypophysial portal blood. In this study, drugs which affect catecholamine-mediated neurotransmission were administered on the day of pro-oestrus and the effects on serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone and on subsequent ovulation were observed. alpha-Methyl-p-tyrosine, diethyldithiocarbamate and SKF 64139 inhibit catecholamine synthesis at the level of tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine beta-hydroxylase and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase, respectively. Although alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine suppressed ovulation, it had a negligible effect on the incidence of the preovulatory surge. In contrast, the various treatments with diethyldithiocarbamate and SKF 64139 resulted in a minimal occurrence of the 18.00 h surge; at relatively low doses, however, these drugs frequently elicited a surge at 22.00 or 24.00 h which invariably resulted in ovulation. The failure of the surge after diethyldithiocarbamate or SKF 64139 was not associated with a loss of pituitary sensitivity to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone. In terms of the hypothalamic concentration of dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine at 18.00 h on pro-oestrus, the only common effect of diethyldithiocarbamate and SKF 64139, given in a dose which blocks the surge, was a severe depletion of adrenaline; alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine failed to produce this effect despite inducing a marked depression of dopamine and a moderate loss of noradrenaline. Neither the increase in hypothalamic dopamine after diethyldithiocarbamate, nor the alpha 2 receptor blocking properties of SKF 64139 appear to be relevant in this context since injections of L-dopa or piperoxane, an alpha 2 receptor antagonist, were without effect on the surge or ovulation. The failure of the surge after prazosin, an alpha 1 receptor antagonist, indicates that the function of adrenaline may be mediated postsynaptically by alpha 1 receptors. Clonidine, an alpha 2 receptor agonist which reduces the turnover rate of hypothalamic adrenaline, had effects of the surge and ovulation which were comparable to those of diethyldithiocarbamate and SKF 64139, the relatively low doses causing some of the surges to occur at 24.00 instead of 18.00 h and higher doses suppressing the surge at both times and thus preventing ovulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The role of several motor and intralaminar thalamic nuclei in the regulation of dopamine release from terminals and dendrites of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons was investigated in halothane-anaesthetized cats. For this purpose, the effects of the unilateral electrical stimulation of various thalamic nuclei on the release of newly synthesized [3H]dopamine were simultaneously determined in both substantiae nigrae and caudate nuclei using the push-pull cannula method. The electrical stimulation of the motor nuclei was the only one to induce asymmetric changes in the four structures since [3H]dopamine release was enhanced in the ipsilateral caudate nucleus and reduced in the contralateral structure while opposite responses were observed in the corresponding substantiae nigrae. A reduction of [3H]dopamine release occurred in the four structures or only in the contralateral substantia nigra and caudate nucleus following the stimulation of the parafascicularis nucleus and the adjacent posterior part of the nucleus centrum medianum or of the nucleus centralis lateralis and the adjacent paralaminar part of the nucleus medialis dorsalis, respectively. The stimulation of the anterior part of the nucleus centrum medianum, which in contrast to other thalamic nuclei examined, receives few nigral inputs, selectively enhanced [3H]dopamine release in the contralateral substantia nigra. No significant changes in [3H]dopamine release were seen either in the substantiae nigrae or in the caudate nuclei following the stimulation of midline thalamic nuclei. These results indicate that the motor and intralaminar thalamic nuclei exert multiple and selective influences on the release of dopamine from terminals and/or dendrites of the dopaminergic neurons. They also further support a role of thalamic nuclei in the transfer of information from one substantia nigra to the contralateral dopaminergic neurons. The possible involvement of connections between paired thalamic nuclei was underlined by the observations of evoked potentials in contralateral homologous nuclei following unilateral stimulation of motor, or some intralaminar, nuclei. The present report provides new insights on the mechanisms contributing to the reciprocal and/or bilateral regulations of nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways.  相似文献   
R P Vertes 《Neuroscience》1984,11(3):669-690
The origins of projections within the medial forebrain bundle from the upper brainstem were examined with the horseradish peroxidase technique. Labeled cells were found in approximately 15 upper brainstem nuclei following injections of a conjugate of horseradish peroxidase and wheat germ agglutinin at various levels of the medial forebrain bundle. Labeled nuclei included (from caudal to rostral): dorsal and ventral parabrachial nuclei; Kolliker-Fuse nucleus; dorsolateral tegmental nucleus; A7 (lateral pontine tegmentum medial to lateral lemniscus); median and dorsal raphe nuclei; distinct group of cells oriented mediolaterally in the dorsal pontine tegmentum below the central gray; B9 (ventral midbrain tegmentum dorsal to medial lemniscus); retrorubral nucleus; nucleus of Darkschewitsch, interfascicular nucleus; rostral and caudal linear nuclei; ventral tegmental area; medial part of substantia nigra, pars compacta; and the supramammillary nucleus. With the exception of the ventral parabrachial nucleus, Kolliker-Fuse, A7, B9 and substantia nigra, pars compacta, each of the nuclei mentioned above sent strong projections along the medial forebrain bundle to the rostral forebrain. Sparse labeling was observed throughout the pontine and midbrain reticular formation. With the exception of the dorsal raphe nucleus, projections to the most anterior regions of the medial forebrain bundle (level of the anterior commissure) essentially only arose from presumed dopamine-containing nuclei-retrorubral nucleus (A8 area), interfascicular nucleus, rostral and caudal linear nuclei, substantia nigra pars compacta, and ventral tegmental area. Evidence was reviewed indicating that major forebrain sites of termination for these dopaminergic nuclei are structures that have been collectively referred to as the 'ventral striatum'. It is concluded from the present findings that several pontine and mesencephalic cell groups are in a position to exert a strong, direct effect on structures in the anterior forebrain and that the medial forebrain bundle is the main communication route between the upper brainstem and the forebrain.  相似文献   
A calcium-dependent release of 5-hydroxytryptamine from the neural and intermediate lobe of the rat pituitary gland has been demonstrated following electrical stimulation of the pituitary stalk with stimulation parameters thought to evoke propagated action potentials. The 5-hydroxytryptamine release from the intermediate lobe was double that from the neural lobe. The mass of the intermediate lobe of the rat is about 80% of that of the neural lobe [Holzbauer, Racké, Mann, Cooper, Cohen, Krause and Sharman (1984) J. Neural Transm. 59, 91-104]. The relatively high overflow of 5-hydroxytryptamine from the intermediate lobe agrees with immunohistochemical studies in which a larger number of 5-hydroxytryptamine fibres were seen in the intermediate lobe than in the neural lobe. The present results have demonstrated that the rat hypophysis contains neuronal 5-hydroxytryptamine. They also suggest that this amine may act as a neurotransmitter substance in the neural and intermediate lobe.  相似文献   
Dopaminergic mechanisms were Anatyzed in an isolated preparation of the turtle olfactory bulb. Field potentials were evoked by antidromic or orthodromic stimulation, and the effects determined of pharmacological manipulations of the bathing medium. In the presence of dopamine or a dopamine agonist, apomorphine, there was a reduction of amplitude and delay of onset of the component of the field potentials due to granule cell responses; fluphenazine, a dopamine antagonist, had generally opposite effects. Using paired volleys, it was found that the suppression of the response to the second test volley was reduced in the presence of dopamine or apomorphine, but enhanced in the presence of fluphenazine.The most likely explanation of these results is that exogenous dopamine depresses the response of mitral cells, which in turn decreases the dendrodendritic synaptic excitation of granule cells and reduces their inhibitory feedback onto mitral cells. This suggests that the dopaminergic cells in the bulb may suppress mitral cells by modulating excitable mechanisms in the mitral dendritic membrane, or modulating long-lasting synaptic potentials.  相似文献   
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