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A case of perivascular epithelioid cell tumor of the uterus is reported, occurring in a 32-year-old woman. The tumor (8.0 cm in dimension) showed exophytic growth from the outer half of the myometrium. Histopathologically, the tumor was composed of thick blood vessels and perivascular epithelioid cells. The neoplastic cells were strongly immunoreactive for HMB45 antigen, CD117 (c-kit), vimentin and the progesterone receptor, but completely negative for S-100 protein, smooth muscle actin, desmin, CD34, the estrogen receptor and p16. The Ki-67 labeling index was low (1.25%). Ultrastructurally, the neoplastic cells had numerous premelanosomes with some glycogen deposits. Single-stranded DNA conformational polymorphism of p53 and methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction of p16 revealed negative results. Definite melanosomes on electron microscopic analysis and coexpression of HMB45 antigen and stem cell factor receptor (CD117) may provide the clue to understanding perivascular epithelioid cell tumor because angiomyolipoma also coexpresses HMB45 antigen and CD117.  相似文献   
Ectothermic vertebrates have a well‐developed system of melanin‐containing cells, which localize in several organs and tissues and compose an extracutaneous pigmentary system. This research aimed at characterizing histological and ultrastructural patterns of pigmented cells in the testes of the anura Eupemphix nattereri (Steindachner, 1963), including the stereological and quantitative evaluation of this cell type in the gonads. Ten adult males were collected in Nova Itapirema, São Paulo, Brazil, and submitted to morphological studies with light and transmission electron microscopy. The testis presents a great number of large cells with many brown granules and long cytoplasmic processes. The pigmented cells found in the testis are structurally similar to melanocytes, characterized by large amounts of melanosomes. The cells may be in intimate contact with the same cell type, with myoid cells surrounded by a large amount of collagen fibers, Leydig cells, and next to fibroblasts. The distribution and amount of extracutaneous melanocytes is variable when other organs and membranes are analyzed, allowing the establishment of species‐specific patterns for the extracutaneous pigmentary system. Anat Rec, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A method combining the DOPA and Warthin-Starry techniques is described in order to positively establish the nature of pleomorphic granules observed in the cytoplasm of cells of putative amelanotic melanoma. The technique identifies these granules as aberrant melanosomes by discretely depositing electron dense silver on suitably prepared sections of DOPA-treated tissue blocks.  相似文献   
An ultrastructural analysis of oral balloon cell nevus of intramucosal type complemented with an immunohistochemical study was performed for the first time. The lesion was composed of large balloon cells with an admixture of small nevus cells and melanophages at the periphery. Balloon cells showed cytoplasmic accumulation of vacuoles of varying sizes and the presence of microgranular and vacuolated melanosomes were found. Residual cytoplasm contained no identifiable organelles. A spectrum of transitional forms between balloon cells and conventional nevus cells with microvacuoles was readily observed. Both cells exhibited intense immunoreactivity to multiple melanocytic markers. Ballooning phenomenon was not evident in melanophages containing a large amount of melanosome complex. It can be inferred, from the present and previous observations, that progressive vacuolization of melanosomes in nevomelanocytes may be responsible for the formation of peculiar ballooning appearance, suggesting an aberrant melanogenesis.  相似文献   
We tested the optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) reflex of various hypopigmented mutant mice and ultrastructurally examined the pigmentation of various ocular structures in these mutants. Using electron microscopy we examined the pigmentation of the choroid and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and measured the numerical density, volume density, and distribution of RPE melanosomes of mice with the following phenotypes: (1) wild type, (2) mutants that have abnormal or no OKN in response to horizontally moving, full-field stimulation, and (3) other mutants that have normal OKN but reduced choroidal pigmentation. We also measured the OKN of all these mice in response to horizontally moving stimuli that were restricted to the nasal or to the temporal retina. We found that in the mutants with normal OKN the numerical density of melanosomes in the RPE was within the range found for wild type, while the numerical density was reduced for the mutants with abnormal OKN. For one mutant with normal RPE pigmentation and normal OKN, the choroidal pigmentation was nearly absent. For the genotypes with abnormal OKN the volume density of the RPE melanosomes and percent apical melanosomes were sometimes greater and sometimes less than normal. The OKN patterns of these mice fell into the following categories: (1) wild type; (2) field-restriction dependent OKN with small following movements but no OKN in response to full-field stimulation, normal OKN in response to stimulation of the nasal retina, and OKN of reversed direction in response to stimulation of the temporal retina; (3) oblique with slow oblique following movements and reduced numbers of OKNs with oblique quick phases in response to horizontally moving, full-field stimulation, nearly normal OKN in response to stimulation of the nasal retina, and OKN of reversed direction in response to stimulation of the temporal retina. The horizontal component of the oblique response to full-field stimulation was in the same direction for the two eyes, but the vertical component was in the opposite direction. (4) Slow, small amplitude, with no or very small following movements in response to full-field stimulation, following movements in response to stimulation of the nasal retina and reversed "following" movements in response to stimulation of the temporal retina but few or no quick phases of the OKN for any stimulus condition. These results show that a variety of abnormalities of the OKN occur for hypopigmentation mutants of the mouse.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
This paper presents evidence that L-tyrosine oxidation products and 5,6-dihydroxyindole, an intermediate of melanin synthesis bind to and modify DNA structure, as tested by extracting cell DNA, using topoisomerase I and denaturation assays. When supercoiled plasmid pCU18 or pBR322 DNAs are treated with 5,6-dihydroxyindole the supercoiled species disappear and are converted to species less mobile in a gel retardation test with respect to relaxed DNA. 5,6-Dihydroxyindole causes an easier acid denaturation of the double helix. The results, that are dose dependent,would point to both intercalation and cross-linking of DNA by 5,6-dihydroxyindole and its oxidation product(s). 3H-L-tyrosine deriving radioactivity, bound to nuclear DNA, is higher at low pH, (5.6) if compared to pH 6.8. The highest radioactivity bound to cell DNA is found during the transition from the amelanotic to the melanotic phenotype in human melanoma cell lines. As a control, the binding of 3H-L-tyrosine radioactivity to human prostate fibroblast DNA was investigated.  相似文献   
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with the death of dopaminergic neurons within the substantia nigra of the brain. Melanoma is a cancer of melanocytes, pigmented cells that give rise to skin tone, hair, and eye color. Although these two diseases fundamentally differ, with PD leading to cell degeneration and melanoma leading to cell proliferation, epidemiological evidence has revealed a reciprocal relationship where patients with PD are more susceptible to melanoma and patients with melanoma are more susceptible to PD. The hallmark pathology observed in PD brains is intracellular inclusions, of which the primary component is proteinaceous α-synuclein (α-syn) amyloid fibrils. α-Syn also has been detected in cultured melanoma cells and tissues derived from patients with melanoma, where an inverse correlation exists between α-syn expression and pigmentation. Although this has led to the prevailing hypothesis that α-syn inhibits enzymes involved in melanin biosynthesis, we recently reported an alternative hypothesis in which α-syn interacts with and modulates the aggregation of Pmel17, a functional amyloid that serves as a scaffold for melanin biosynthesis. In this perspective, we review the literature describing the epidemiological and molecular connections between PD and melanoma, presenting both the prevailing hypothesis and our amyloid-centric hypothesis. We offer our views of the essential questions that remain unanswered to motivate future investigations. Understanding the behavior of α-syn in melanoma could not only provide novel approaches for treating melanoma but also could reveal insights into the role of α-syn in PD. © 2021 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   
We examined, by light and electron microscopy, three cases of malignant lentigo, one of which was in the vertical growth phase. The purpose of our work was to compare the diverse patterns between superficial spreading melanoma and malignant lentigo. The observations suggest the following major findings: 1) the cells of malignant lentigo differ from normal melanocytes, and in the same specimen they differ from one another; 2) in malignant lentigo, melanosomes at stage II-IV are visible; and 3) in spreading melanoma, the melanosomes do not attain complete maturation. These morphological features explain the different behaviour of these two types of tumors.  相似文献   
Summary Isolation of melanosomes from hair or feathers is difficult due to the need to break keratin structures using a strong chemical treatment. All recently published isolation approaches were examined in the isolation of melanosomes from human and dog hair. The best results were achieved from immediate separation of melanosomes by centrifugation after controlled NaOH hydrolysis of the hair. The crucial factor for successful separation is the choice of the optimal amount of time required for disintegration of the hair: if the time chosen is too long, melanosomes are damaged; if it is too short, contamination by residual keratin ensues. High temperatures must be avoided. Attempts to break hair structure by a number of milder reagents have failed.Presented at the Vth European Workshop on Melanin Pigmentation, Marseille 1984  相似文献   
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