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排序方式: 共有374条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Abstract: Most individuals concerned about hereditary breast cancer risk will neither order nor benefit from genetic testing at the present time. Many will, however, seek information about their risk and testing. Risk assessment services, in addition to providing information about hereditary risk and genetic testing, need also to include assessment of non-hereditary risks, information about how to evaluate risks, early detection modalities, the etiology of cancer, and assistance in devising follow-up health care plans. Psychosocial factors, particularly those pertaining to the individual's past history with illness and beliefs about causes and prognosis, must be taken into account to provide relevant information that is understood. A case history with examples of some of the types of information that lead to informed consent in a cancer risk assessment setting is provided.  相似文献   
用遗传流行病学调查对245例先天性耳前瘘管进行了系谱分析。揭示了该病的遗传特征为“常染色体显性遗传伴外显不全”,本调查还发现该病的另一特征,即患病体侧的家族一致性。  相似文献   
Three different published heredity-environment analyses of Jencks's summary correlations for IQ have yielded strikingly different results. It is shown empirically that differences in selection of data and in computational procedures and logical inconsistencies in specifying equations are not responsible for the differences in results. Rather, the differences trace to the underlying assumptions made by the various authors. The analyses suggest that the assumptions concerning genetic dominance, assortative mating, and special twin environments were especially critical, while those regarding selective placement and different modes of environmental transmission were not.  相似文献   
The concept of personality disorders is based on deviant personality traits in both the DSM-III-R and ICD-10 classifications. A diagnosis of personality disorder can be made reliably with structured interviews. Many individuals are diagnosed with more than one personality disorder, and other mental disorders are often found at the same time. Among the 11 personality disorders in DSM-III-R, only the schizotypal, borderline, and antisocial have been examined to any considerable extent for gene effects. The problems of studying heredity are here demonstrated for borderline and antisocial personality disorders. Recommendations are given as to strategies for further study of heredity in personality disorders.  相似文献   
山东省潍坊东部地区精神分裂症1号染色体基因扫描研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的对精神分裂症患者及正常对照者的1号染色体进行扫描,查找精神分裂症的关联位点。方法在1号染色体上间隔10cM(厘摩)遗传距离,选择了31个微卫星遗传位点,用DNA混合池的方法对119例精神分裂症患者与119名正常对照者的DNA样本分别混合后进行基因组扫描。经卡方检验分析,对比患者组与对照组的等位基因峰型比率的差异。结果在D1S2878遗传位点患者组与对照组的等位基因频率差异有统计学意义,P〈0.01。结论山东省潍坊东部地区精神分裂症患者群体中存在与1号染色体的关联区域。  相似文献   
This study demonstrates the importance of using a complete set of 16 reciprocal crosses (F1, backcrosses, and F2) to thoroughly investigate both genetic and nongenetic influences on patterns of inheritance of larval pupation behavior inDrosophila melanogaster. Larvae derived from natural populations show significant variation in pupal height, defined as the distance a larva pupates above the feeding substrate. Differences in the distance a larva pupates from fruit in nature is known to affect the fitness ofDrosophila populations. In this study the heredity of pupal height is analyzed by performing crosses between high- and low-pupating strains. We found that the inheritance of pupal height fit a classical additive polygenic model of inheritance, with intermediate F1 pupal heights and greater variances in the F2 generation. In addition, a significant maternal effect was also found by analyzing the reciprocal backcrosses. Progeny with low-pupating mothers had lower pupation heights than those with low-pupating fathers. Similarly, progeny with high-pupating mothers tended to have higher pupal heights than those with high-pupating fathers. This maternal effect was not attributable to strain differences in permanent cytoplasmic factors, sex chromosomes, or developmental time. Finally, we speculate upon the environmental conditions under which a transient maternal effect on pupation behavior would be expected to evolve in natural populations.This work was supported by a University Research Fellowship and Operating Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to M. B. Sokolowski. S. J. Bauer was the recipient of an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.  相似文献   
精神分裂症患者及其亲代的个性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨精神分裂症患者及其亲代在个性上有无关系。方法 采用明尼苏达多相人格调查表(MMPI)对位受试者进行测查,所测结果采用计算机处理,得出各量表T分值,结果用t检验。结果 精神分裂症患者及其亲代在所有量表上经统计处理两组无显著性差异(P>0.5),但两组与正常对照组在抑郁症、癌症、男子气与女子气、妄想狂、精神衰弱、精神分裂症量表上有显著性差异(P<0.001)。结论 精神分裂症患者及其前代均具有分裂样人格,提示两者在个性方面有一定的遗传联系,这种分裂样人格可能是导致精神分裂症发病的素质因素。  相似文献   
Gregor Mendel was an Augustinian priest in the Monastery of St. Thomas in Brünn (Brno, Czech Republic) as well as a civilian employee who taught natural history and physics in the Brünn Modern School. The monastery’s secular function was to provide teachers for the public schools across Moravia. It was a cultural, educational, and artistic center with an elite core of friar-teachers with a well-stocked library and other amenities including a gourmet kitchen. It was wealthy, with far-flung holdings yielding income from agricultural productions. Mendel had failed his tryout as a parish priest and did not complete his examination for teaching certification despite 2 y of study at the University of Vienna. In addition to his teaching and religious obligations, Mendel carried out daily meteorological and astronomical observations, cared for the monastery''s fruit orchard and beehives, and tended plants in the greenhouse and small outdoor gardens. In the years 1856 to 1863, he carried out experiments on heredity of traits in garden peas regarded as revolutionary today but not widely recognized during his lifetime and until 16 y after his death. In 1868 he was elected abbot of the monastery, a significantly elevated position in the ecclesiastical and civil hierarchy. While he had hoped to be elected, and was honored to accept, he severely underestimated its administrative responsibilities and gradually had to abandon his scientific interests. The last decade of his life was marred by an ugly dispute with civil authorities over monastery taxation.  相似文献   
开角型青光眼相关基因的研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
近年来国外在开角型青光眼遗传学方面的研究已取得显著进展,已确定了许多染色体位点与开角型青光眼发病有关,并且进行了相关基因的定位与克隆,以及其突变位点的分析,本文就开角型青光眼相关基因的研究进行综述。  相似文献   
SSH方法对食管癌相关差异基因cDNA文库的建立及初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立河北省磁县具有家族史的食管癌组织与食管正常黏膜组织差异表达的cDNA消减文库,并初步筛选过度表达的食管癌差异基因。方法应用抑制性消减杂交技术(suppression subtractive hybridization,SSH)方法对10对食管癌组织及正常食管黏膜组织进行差异基因的消减、克隆、测序、鉴定。结果建立了食管癌差异表达片段cDNA消减文库;并进一步对初步筛选出的20个食管癌差异表达的基因进行测序和同源性分析,得出与肿瘤密切相关的基因10个,分别为锌指蛋白14、锌指蛋白66、肿瘤相关钙信号转运蛋白1,FMNL2基因、真核细胞转录延长因子1A1、肌小管相关蛋白6、Toll样受体10、次级淋巴趋化因子、细胞色素P450酶4F8、桥粒糖蛋白3。结论应用SSH技术成功建立食管癌差异表达基因cDNA消减文库,并获得10个在食管癌组织中过度表达的基因。  相似文献   
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