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Several neurons from different nuclei give rise to descending spinal tracts and project to various levels in the spinal cord of goldfish, Carassius auratus. These were visualized by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) administered to the bilaterally transected spinal cord at 6 levels, corresponding to 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25gh segments of the vertebral column. As many as 16 brain nuclei or neuronal aggregations and the Mauthner cells project posteriorly up to the 20th spinal segment. Restricted neurons of the dorsolateral area in the nucleus preopticus magnocellularis and those of the ventromedial nucleus of the thalamus projected up to the 20th and 25th segments respectively. In the mesencephalon, the nucleus ruber and the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus revealed retrogradely labeled somata; the former extended up to the 20th segment, while the latter projected up to the 25th segment. The remaining descending projected neurons of the brain belonged to the rhombencephalon. The nucleus of the lateral lemniscus; anterior, magnocellular, descending and posterior divisions of the octaval nucleus: raphe nucleus; Mauthner cell and the neurons located adjacent to the trigeminal tract and those in the vicinity of the secondary gustatory tract sent their processes up to 20th segmental level. However, somata of the superior, medial and inferior divisions of the reticular nucleus and restricted neurons of the facial lobe extended up to 25th segmental level. The pattern of neuronal projections into the spinal cord suggests a topographic organization.  相似文献   
Summary There are some occasions when it is better to use the Laplacian of the scalp voltages (e.g., for topographic displays and dipole source localization) and other occasions when it is better to use the original voltages (e.g., for comparison to non-Laplacian topography maps). This paper presents a simple algorithm for going between these two representations of the data. The inverse Laplacian involves iterative feedback. An Excel spreadsheet implementation of the algorithm is presented.This research was supported by grant AFOSR 89-0238 from the Air Force Office of Sponsored Research.  相似文献   
We recorded neurons extracellularly in layers II/III, IV, and V of the hindpaw representation of primary somatosensory cortex in anesthetized rats and studied laminar features of receptive fields (RFs) and representational maps. On average, RFs were smallest in layer IV and largest in layer V; however, for individual penetrations we found substantial deviations from this rule. Within the hindpaw representation, a distinct rostrocaudal gradient of RF size was present in all layers. While layer V RFs were generally largest independent of this gradient, layer IV RFs recorded caudally representing the proximal portions of the paw were larger than layer II/III RFs recorded rostrally representing the digits. The individual scatter of the locations of RFs across laminar groups was in the range of several millimeters, corresponding to about 25% of the average RF diameter. The cutaneous representations of the hindpaw in extragranular layers were confined to the areal extent defined by responsive sites in layer IV. Comparison between RFs determined quantitatively and by handplotting showed a reliable correspondence. Repeated measurements of RFs revealed spontaneous fluctuations of RF size of no more than 5% of the initial condition over an observation period of several hours. The topography and variability of cortical maps of the hindpaw representation were studied with a quantitative interpolation method taking into account the geometric centers of RFs and the corresponding cortical recording sites. On average, the overall topography in terms of preservation of neighborhood relations was present in all layers, although some individual maps showed severe distortions of topography. Factors contributing to map variability were overall position of the representation on the cortical surface, internal topography and spatial extent. Interindividual variability of map layout was always highest in the digit representations. Local topographic orderliness was lowest in layer V, but comparable in layers II/III and IV. Within layer IV, the lowest orderliness was observed in the digit representations. Our data emphasize a substantial variability of RF size, overlap and position across layers and within layers. At the level of representational maps, we found a similar degree of variability that often co-varied across layers, with little evidence for significant layer specificity. Laminar differences are likely to arise from the specific input-output pattern, layer-specific cell types and the connectivity between different layers. Our findings emphasizing similarities in the variability across layers support the notion of tightly coupled columnar interactions between different layers.  相似文献   
Summary The 275 Purkyn cells identified by the criteria of the previous paper have been investigated with respect to their role as units integrating the input to the anterior lobe from various limb nerves. The discharges from single Purkyn cells have been studied in lightly anesthetized (pentothal) or in decerebrate unanesthetized cats, there being averaging usually of 128 responses in the form of post-stimulus time histograms and cumulative frequency distributions.Single Purkyn cells exhibited a wide variation in their responses to the diverse inputs from the various afferent nerves. Attention was focussed on excitatory and inhibitory responses evoked by mossy fibers with a short latency, usually 10–15 msec for hindlimb afferents. With most Purkyn cells these responses were predominantly evoked from cutaneous nerves, low threshold fibers being particularly effective. A few Purkyn cells were preponderantly excited by afferent volleys from muscle nerves, but there was a large group with a mixed input from cutaneous and muscle nerves. Graded strengths of stimulation of muscle nerves showed that sometimes group I volleys were prepotent, but other Purkyn cells were selectively excited by group II volleys. Though sometimes the afferent volleys from antagonistic muscles had a reciprocal action on a Purkyn cell, as on a motoneurone, it was more common to find similar actions. Also convergence of inputs from forelimb and hindlirnb nerves, both cutaneous and muscular, was not uncommon, particularly in marginal areas between hindlimb and forelimb zones. A special design feature is the convergence onto a Purkyn cell of mossy fiber and climbing fiber inputs evoked by the same afferent volley. This convergence was of particular interest along the parasagittal strip of hindlimb climbing fiber distribution in lobule V.It was not possible to translate the observations into some map of the cerebellar cortex on which are marked the territorial distributions from the various limb afferent nerves. Rather, there was an ill-defined patchy character, closely adjacent Purkyn cells often receiving very different subsets of the total input from the various limb nerves. The unitary integrations accomplished by the individual Purkyn cells are further integrated when their axons converge onto and inhibit the neurones of the cerebellar nuclei, and this integration by convergence would occur in each successive relay on the output pathways from the cerebellum.It is pointed out that the experimental findings on the integrative action of the individual Purkyn cells provide basic information for attempts to construct models simulating cerebellar performance and control.Post-Doctoral Fellow NINDS (1F2NB40, 545101 NSRB).Post-Doctoral Fellow UHF Grant No. FTF-3-UB-70.  相似文献   
Objective: Together with spindles, K-complexes are well known hallmarks of stage 2 sleep (S2). However, little is known about their topographical distribution in comparison to delta-waves and to K-complexes superimposed by spindles. Patients and methods: In this study, the topographical distribution of spontaneous K-complexes and delta-waves in S2 and delta-waves in stage 4 sleep (S4) in 10 healthy young adults (aged 20 to 35 years, 7 female) was investigated. K-complexes with and without spindles in S2, delta-waves with and without spindles in S2, and delta-waves in S4 distributed all over the night were visually selected. EEG power maps and statistical parametric maps were calculated. Results: Absolute delta power of S2 K-complexes appeared to be significantly higher than of S2 delta-waves and delta power of S4 delta-waves was higher than of S2 delta-waves. In K-complexes and delta-waves, power was found to be highest over medio-frontal regions in the delta frequency band (0.5 - 4.0 Hz) with a second maximum occipitally in delta-waves, no matter whether superimposed by a spindle or not. Conclusion: K-complexes and delta-waves in S2 differ in topographical distribution. Even though in S2 delta-waves have less power, they have a similar topographical distribution in S2 and S4, supporting the hypothesis that delta-waves in S2 further develop towards delta-waves in slow wave sleep. The delta frequency components of K-complexes and delta-waves are unaffected by spindles.  相似文献   
Summary The superior colliculus (SC) of the cat shows a prominent compartmentalized organization at the level of its intermediate layers. The mosaic of these compartments is apparent in the pattern of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) staining. Patches of high AChE-activity are sharply set off from surrounding areas in the caudal SC while they are less distinct anteriorly. The rostral part lacks such obvious compartments. Thus, a structural reorganization apparently cuts across the topographical representations spread out in the SC. In order to test if this compartmental gradient relates to the topographic maps of the colliculus, retinotopic landmarks were visualized in the superficial layers by labeling the retinotectal pathway. In the SC ipsilateral to the eye injected with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) a paucity of labeling indicated the zone representing the ipsilateral visual half-field. Serial reconstructions of collicular sections, cut longitudinally or tangentially, revealed that the non-compartmentalized part of the intermediate layers corresponds to the representation of the ipsilateral visual half-field in the layers above, while an intricate mosaic array of compartments prevail in tectal zones related to the representation of the contralateral visual half-field.  相似文献   
Summary Visual input has a profound effect on the development of binocular maps in the tectum of the frogXenopus laevis. Input from the ipsilateral eye, which is relayed to the tectum via the opposite nucleus isthmi, is normally in register with the retinotectal map from the contralateral eye. However, if one eye is rotated during larval stages while the other eye is left in normal orientation, then the resulting mismatched visual input induces the crossed isthmotectal axons to change their trajectories and to establish a reoriented ipsilateral visuotectal map in register with the contralateral retinotectal map. The major cue which aligns the two maps is the correlation of visually-evoked activity from the two eyes. This experiment was designed to determine whether theuncrossed isthmotectal projection is necessary to organize the map transmitted by the crossed isthmotectal axons. Each NI receives a topographic map from the tectum on the same side of the brain and therefore carries the same topographic information as the retinotectal projection, and each NI transmits that map not only to the opposite tectum but also back to the same tectum from which it received its input. Thus, the uncrossed isthmotectal axons provide each tectum with a map which is essentially topographically identical to the retinotectal map but which is slightly delayed temporally. The uncrossed isthmotectal axons therefore could provide topographic cues to the guide the alignment of the crossed isthmotectal axons as they establish the ipsilateral visuotectal map. In order to determine whether the uncrossed isthmotectal projection is an important source of topographic cues for the crossed isthmotectal axons, the right nucleus isthmi was ablated and one eye was rotated by 90°–150° in midlarval tadpoles. At 23–63 weeks post-metamorphosis, the binocular projections to the right tectum were mapped electrophysiologically. In 7 of the 8 frogs with lesions of at least 44% of the nucleus isthmi, the ipsilateral map was aligned with the contralateral map. Thus, the crossed isthmotectal fibers, which relay the ipsilateral visuotectal projection, do not require the presence of the uncrossed isthmotectal axons in order to form a map in alignment with the contralateral retinotectal projection.  相似文献   
目的 评价AstraMax角膜地形图在圆锥角膜早期诊断中的重要作用。方法 对2002年10月~2004年6月来我院准分子激光治疗中心欲进行准分子屈光性角膜切削术或准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术的2202例术前患者4382只眼行角膜地形图检查,以筛选亚临床期圆锥角膜及可疑圆锥角膜。结果 共筛选出2人4眼亚临床期圆锥角膜(占0.09%),可疑圆锥角膜5人8眼。结论 AstraMax角膜地形图在圆锥角膜的早期诊断中具有简便、快速、准确的优点,是准分子激光术前筛查的重要工具。  相似文献   
Computer-aided morphometry of liver inflammation in needle biopsies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIM: To introduce a computer-aided morphometric method for quantifying the necro-inflammatory phase in liver biopsy specimens using fractal geometry and Delaunay's triangulation. METHODS: Two-micrometer thick biopsy sections taken from 78 chronic hepatitis C virus-infected patients were immunohistochemically treated to identify the inflammatory cells. An automatic computer-aided image analysis system was used to define the inflammatory cell network defined on the basis of Delaunay's triangulation, and the inflammatory cells were geometrically classified as forming a cluster (an aggregation of a minimum of three cells) or as being irregularly distributed within the tissue. The phase of inflammatory activity was estimated using Hurst's exponent. RESULTS: The proposed automatic method was rapid and objective. It could not only provide rigorous results expressed by scalar numbers, but also allow the state of the whole organ to be represented by Hurst's exponent with an error of no more than 12%. CONCLUSION: The availability of rigorous metrical measures and the reasonable representativeness of the status of the organ as a whole raise the question as to whether the indication for hepatic biopsy should be revised by establishing clear rules concerning the contraindications suggested by its invasiveness and subjective interpretation.  相似文献   
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