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前后挤压型骶骨Ⅱ区骨折与骶丛神经损伤的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨前后挤压致骶骨Ⅱ区骨折造成骶丛神经损伤的机制。方法 经甲醛短期(1年内)浸泡固定的国人尸体6具,12侧。解剖保护骶丛神经,制成前后挤压型暴力致骶Ⅱ区骨折模型,定量测量不同骨折移位时骶丛神经被拉长的距离。另外,利用X线片观察骶从神经受压情况。结果 随耻骨联合分离逐渐增大,骶丛神经张应变呈直线相关逐渐加大,以S1,S4为最显著,且可造成神经的刺伤,多见于L5和S1,X线未发现骶丛神经受压表现。结论 前后挤压型暴力致骶骨Ⅱ区骨折神经损伤以牵拉伤为丰,以S1,S4为主,且与骨折移位程度成正相关关系。神经的刺伤,多见于骨折移位较大的L5和S1。  相似文献   
Objective. We studied long‐term clinical efficacy of sacral neuromodulation (SNM) therapy in patients with refractory urgency incontinence (UI), urgency/frequency (UF) and voiding difficulty (VD), together with urodynamic data at baseline and six   months postimplant. Materials and Methods. Twenty‐two patients were implanted with a neurostimulator after a positive response to a percutaneous nerve evaluation test defined as a greater than 50% improvement in symptoms. Results. At five‐year follow‐up, the number of incontinent episodes and pad usage per day decreased significantly in 10 out of 15 UI patients. Two of five UF patients were successfully treated with SNM; the number of daily voids for all UF patients decreased from 25 to 19 and average voided volume increased from 98 to 212 mL. One of the two VD patients was able to void to completion. Mean first sensation of filling at the six‐month urodynamic investigation for the UI and UF patients increased from 78 to 241 mL and 141 to 232 mL, respectively, and the maximum bladder capacity increased from 292 to 352 mL and 223 to 318 mL, respectively. Five of 22 patients underwent device explant and one patient still has an inactive stimulator implanted. Conclusion. SNM is an effective treatment modality that offers sustained clinical benefit in the majority of patients with refractory UI, UF, and VD that do not respond to other, more conservative therapies.  相似文献   
目的评价神经根修复时间对脊髓前角运动神经元存活的影响。方法采用大鼠颈。神经根性撕脱伤和椎孔外切断实验动物模型,根据动物神经根损伤类型和损伤后修复时间分为A、B、C、D四组,每组16只。A、C组分别将撕脱与切断的神经根即刻回植入脊髓和于椎孔外直接吻合,B、D组将撕脱和椎孔外切断的神经根旷置3周后再重复上述手术。分别于神经根撕脱和椎孔外切断术后3周、3个月、6个月取材。应用组织病理活检、免疫组化技术及神经示踪技术,对神经中枢及吻合口下段神经干检查,观察脊髓病理改变和轴突再生情况,进行A、B组和C、D组间对比。结果臂丛神经根性损伤即刻修复组脊髓前角运动神经元和尼氏体数目、形态、减少程度及周围再生神经纤维数目、发育程度均优于损伤后3周修复组。结论神经根早期修复对脊髓前角运动神经元有明确的保护作用,对外周神经再生有促进作用。  相似文献   
Summary BACKGROUND: Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) is an option for the treatment of fecal incontinence in patients with morphologically intact, but weak external anal sphincter. METHODS: In ten patients a percutaneous test-SNS was performed. Two patients suffered from fecal incontinence after surgery, one patient after incomplete leg palsy after traumatic spine injury and seven patients from idiopathic incontinence. Incontinence score, anorectal manometry and patient diary were performed before and after test-SNS. RESULTS: Intraoperative response (Bellows action) could be achieved in 90% of patients. Test-SNS was successful in 50% of patients. In these patients, resting pressure was increased by 100.1% and squeeze pressure by 84.5%. CONCLUSIONS: SNS is an effective therapy in a subset of patients with fecal incontinence. Fifty percent of patients tested are eligible for implantation of a permanent stimulation device.   相似文献   
目的:分析原发性骶骨肿瘤的病理学分型及影像学表现特点。方法:48例原发性骶骨肿瘤均经手术病理证实,术前均行常规X线平片、CT和/或MR检查,结合病理回顾分析了其影像学表现。结果:原发性骶骨肿瘤以脊索瘤(21例)最多见,其次是巨细胞瘤(7例)、神经源性肿瘤(6例)、软骨肉瘤(4例)、滑膜肉瘤(3例),囊肿(3例),其它相对少见,包括纤维组织细胞癌1例,尤文氏肉瘤1例,梭形细胞癌1例,节细胞神经瘤1例。影像表现包括软组织肿块、骶孔扩大、瘤灶内钙化、骨嵴形成等不同特点。常见原发骶骨肿瘤常有其特征性影像学表现。结论:原发骶骨肿瘤病理分型相对复杂,影像表现多样化,诊断常需综合不同影像检查手段。  相似文献   
The subdivisions of the sacral intermediolateral nucleus (IML) of the cat have been studied by using a double-labeling technique of retrograde Fluoro-gold (FG) and wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) tracing. The parasympathetic preganglionic neurons (PGNs) that were labeled by the FG injected into the pelvic nerve formed a ‘V’-shaped column known as the sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN) in the sacral IML. The neurons that were labeled by the WGA-HRP applied to the lateral parabrachial nucleus (PBL) formed an elongated spindle-shaped column extending throughout the IML of the sacral segments. We designated it by the name of sacral visceral sensory nucleus (SVSN). These findings indicate that the sacral IML of the cat contain two distinct subdivisions, SPN and SVSN.  相似文献   
本实验用HRP注射于大白鼠的一侧球海绵体肌和坐骨海绵体肌后,在脊髓腰骶段的不同平面可观察到支配该两肌的运动神经元胞体出现标记并具有一定的局部定位关系。支配球海绵体肌的运动神经元主要位于L_5~S_1的背内侧群,而支配坐骨海绵体肌的运动神经元主要位于背外侧群和腹侧群。本文认为大白鼠腰骶段前角背内侧群和背外侧群同腹外侧群细胞一样,同属于Onuf's核的同源神经细胞。本文还观察了大白鼠腰骶段脊髓前柱细胞的配布。  相似文献   
Sacral insufficiency fractures develop over a period of time and show time-dependent changes. We report on 15 CT examinations of 5 patients with early-stage insufficiency fractures of the sacrum. In 4 patients only irregular sclerosis without distinct fracture lines was present in 7 of 8 fractures. Of these 4 patients; 3 exhibited intraosseous gas inclusions in a ventral part of a lateral mass; 5 of 8 fractures disclosed a ventral cortical break. When distinct fracture lines had developed in 1 patient, intraosseous vacuum phenomenon had disappeared. Fracture lines evolve over weeks to months and show central bone absorption. The fractures can heal as demonstrated in 4 of 6 fractures in 3 patients, can persist over 1 year without significant changes or can progress to pseudoarthrosis with bone destruction similar to neuropathic joint disease. Intraosseous vacuum phenomena can persist to this stage. Intraosseous vacuum phenomenon is recognized as a potential finding in the early stage of sacral insufficiency fracture, which also is true for irregular sclerosis and ventral cortical disruption. Correspondence to: A. Stäbler  相似文献   
PURPOSES: In this study we present our experience with treating persistent sacral and perineal defects secondary to radiation and abdominoperineal resection with or without sacrectomy. METHODS: Fifteen consecutive patients were treated with an inferiorly based transpelvic rectus abdominis muscle or musculocutaneous flap. RESULTS: Fourteen of the 15 patients achieved healing, and 7 patients had no complications. The remaining eight patients required one or more operative debridements and/or prolonged wound care to accomplish a healed wound. Our technique for the dissection and insetting of the transpelvic muscle flap is presented. CONCLUSION: The difficult postirradiated perineal and sacral wounds can be healed with persistent surgical attention to adequate debridement, control of infections, and a well-vascularized muscle flap. The most satisfying aspects for patients are the discontinuance of foul-smelling discharge, discontinuation of multiple, daily dressing changes, and reduction in the degree of chronic pain.Read at the meeting of the Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons, Bismarck, North Dakota, June 15 to 18, 1992.  相似文献   
Intracellular recording was used to study the effect of cyclothiazide, a selective blocker of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) receptor desensitization, on lumbar motoneurons of the rat isolated spinal cord. Cyclothiazide (25 μM) enhanced the responses to AMPA in a tetrodotoxin-insensitive fashion, without affecting those produced by N -methyl-D-aspartate or γ-aminobutyric acid. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) evoked by dorsal root stimulation were strongly potentiated in amplitude while paired-pulse depression (produced by applying pairs of pulses at 2 s interval) of the EPSP was decreased. In the presence of cyclothiazide the frequency of spontaneous synaptic events was greatly increased and network-driven bursting activity developed with eventual loss of electrical excitability. The present results suggest that pharmacological block of AMPA receptor desensitization led to strong excitation of motoneurons and indicate a physiological role of desensitization in protecting these nerve cells from overactivity.  相似文献   
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