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Summary Combined injections of 3H-leucine and HRP were made into the monkey cerebellar cortex in order to identify any reciprocal connections between the corticonuclear and the nucleocortical pathways. These combined intraaxonal labeling experiments have demonstrated a considerable overlap of orthogradely labeled Purkinje cell axons and terminals with retrogradely labeled HRP-positive neurons in the ventrolateral region of the dentate nucleus following combined injections into the lateral hemisphere, and in the dorsal area of the dentate following combined injections into medial cortical areas of the anterior lobe. There were also areas within the deep cerebellar nuclei where orthogradely labeled corticonuclear terminals did not overlap with retrogradely labeled nucleocortical neurons.  相似文献   
This study draws on an evolutionary model of exchange in relationships to examine the nature of perceived reciprocity in the context of kin and non-kin relationships among a sample of visually impaired older adults (age 63–99). Further, we examined the direct and moderating impact of functional impairment and adaptation to visual impairment on the nature of perceived reciprocity. Results showed that the greater the degree of genetic relatedness the more imbalanced the exchange. It was also found that degree of adaptation to visual impairment moderated the association between genetic relatedness and perceived exchange, such that the greater the degree of genetic relatedness the more people reported they gave rather than received except at very low levels of adaptation, when people received more than they gave the greater the degree of genetic relatedness. Thus, an evolutionary model was supported such that imbalanced exchange was found more with greater degrees of genetic relatedness, but the direction of exchange was different for high versus low levels of adaptation to vision impairment.  相似文献   
In 1990, a Regional Examination for Nurse Registration was approved by the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Health in the Commonwealth Caribbean. The examination allows for standardization and improvement of nursing education, as well as reciprocity and ease-of-movement for Registered Nurses among the countries of the region. A Planning Committee and a Blueprint Committee were established to develop the examination process. Committee membership included the Principal/Chief Nursing Officers, Nurse Tutors, and General Nursing Council representatives of each country, as well as educators from the two universities of the region. The accepted model, based on mutually agreed competencies for the Registered Nurse to practice in the region, forms the basis for the elaboration of the blueprint and the administrative manuals. The treatment of test items, assembling and conducting the examinations, which consist of four papers, as well as scoring the examination results, and notifying students of the results, are the responsibility of each General Nursing Council. The 13 General Nursing Councils with responsibility for Schools of Nursing meet annually as a regional committee to prepare the examinations, using a different country for each meeting; countries are rotated alphabetically. There is no permanent site for the administration of the examination. Membership to the regional committee, known as the Regional General Nursing Councils (RGNCs), is for 3 years. This staggering of membership allows for continuity.  相似文献   
Area 18 of cat visual cortex was examined for intrinsic axons following small, columnar injections of an anterograde tracer,Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). Locally projecting axons radiated from the injection site and branched to form 10–15 discrete, approximately circular patches 500–750 μm in diameter consisting of many bouton-studded terminal arborizations. Labeled fibers and boutons ramified densely in layers I, II/II, V, and VI, and were noticeably less dense in layer IV. Afferent and efferent pathways originating from the same cortical columns were studied by injecting a mixture of PHA-L and wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). Between 10 and 15 patches of cells retrogradely labeled by WGA-HRP surrounded each injection site. Within a patch, labeled cells were found in all layers and included both pyramidal and non-pyramidal cells. The distribution of PHA-L labeling was similar to that obtained when PHA-L was injected alone. Most often, the labeled patches resulting from injections of such mixtures contained both anterograde and retrograde labeling. However, patches consisting of retrograde labeling alone and of anterograde labeling alone were also observed, indicating that the local connections linking neighboring cortical columns were not always reciprocal.  相似文献   
Romantic relationships can have a profound effect on adults' health and well-being whereas the inability to maintain intimate bonds has been associated with physical and emotional distress. Studies in monogamous mammalian species underscore the central role of oxytocin (OT) in pair-bonding and human imaging studies implicate OT-rich brain areas in early romantic love. To assess the role of OT in romantic attachment, we examined plasma OT in 163 young adults: 120 new lovers (60 couples) three months after the initiation of their romantic relationship and 43 non-attached singles. Twenty-five of the 36 couples who stayed together were seen again six months later. Couples were observed in dyadic interactions and were each interviewed regarding relationship-related thoughts and behaviors. OT was significantly higher in new lovers compared to singles, F(1,152)=109.33, p<.001, which may suggest increased activity of the oxytocinergic system during the early stages of romantic attachment. These high levels of OT among new lovers did not decrease six months later and showed high individual stability. OT correlated with the couples' interactive reciprocity, including social focus, positive affect, affectionate touch, and synchronized dyadic states, and with anxieties and worries regarding the partner and the relationship, findings which parallel those described for parent-infant bonding. OT levels at the first assessment differentiated couples who stayed together six months later from those who separated during this period. Regression analysis showed that OT predicted interactive reciprocity independent of sex, relationship duration, and the partner's OT. Findings suggest that OT may play an important role at the first stages of romantic attachment and lend support to evolutionary models suggesting that parental and romantic attachment share underlying bio-behavioral mechanisms.  相似文献   
We examined need-related and reciprocal provision of support in couples facing radical prostatectomy and its sequelae, including patients’ urinary incontinence. Partners’ reciprocal support provision to patients was assumed to drop from prior to until after patients’ surgeries and increase again in the following months, while need-related indicators were assumed to remain unique correlates throughout. In this study of German prostatectomy patients and their partners, N = 141 couples provided data on 4 measurement occasions from presurgery to 1-year postsurgery. Need-based predictors of partners’ support provision were patients’ mobilized support, such as efforts to obtain advice or comfort, and degree of postsurgery incontinence. Strength of association between partner-received and provided supports served as an indicator of reciprocal support provision. Data suggested that partners’ reciprocal support provision dropped significantly postsurgery and then increased again in the following months. This was true for emotional as well as instrumental reciprocal support provision. Findings also indicated that one need-based predictor of partners’ support provision, patients’ mobilization of support from their partners, remained a unique correlate of partners’ support provision to patients. Reciprocal support provision in couples may vary during the adaptation to illness-related functional impairment and coexist with need-oriented support provision.  相似文献   
Focusing and targeting of magnetic brain stimulation using multiple coils   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Neurones can be excited by an externally applied time-varying electromagnetic field. Focused magnetic brain stimulation is attained using multiple small coils instead of one large coil, the resultant induced electric field being a superposition of the fields from each coil. In multichannel magnetic brain stimulation, partial cancellation of fields from individual coils provides a significant improvement in the focusing of the stimulating field, and independent coil channels allow targeting of the stimuli on a given spot without moving the coils. The problem of shaping the stimulating field in multichannel stimulation is analysed, and a method is derived that yields the driving currents required to induce a field with a user-defined shape. The formulation makes use of lead fields and minimumnorm estimation from magneto-encephalography. Using these methods, some properties of multichannel coil arrays are examined. Computer-assisted multichannel stimulation of the cortex will enable several new studies, including quick determination of the cortical regions, the stimulation of which disrupts cortical processing required by a task.  相似文献   
The performance of the finite difference reciprocity method (FDRM) to solve the inverse problem in EEG dipole source analysis is investigated in the analytically solvable three-shell spherical head model for a large set of test dipoles. The location error for a grid with 2 mm and 3 mm node spacing is in general, not larger than twice the internode distance, hence 4 mm and 6 mm, respectively. Increasing the number of scalp electrodes from 27 to 44 only marginally improves the location error. The orientation error is always smaller than 4° for all the test dipoles considered. We have also compared the sensitivity to noise using FDRM in EEG dipole source analysis with the sensitivity to noise using the analytical expression for the forward problem. FDRM is not more sensitive to noise than the method using the analytical expression.  相似文献   
BackgroundCaregivers of the elderly with chronic illnesses are exposed to the burden associated with their caregiving activities. This study described the lived experience of caregivers of older adults in Nigeria.MethodsA qualitative design guided by interpretive phenomenology informed the design of the research, whereby 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with caregivers of older adults with chronic illnesses. The interview sessions were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim and analysed using constant comparison analysis method.ResultsFifteen caregivers, from different parts of Osun State, Nigeria, took part in the in-depth interviews. The caregivers were aged between 19 and 70 years, ten were women, five of them had secondary education, seven were self-employed and six were in a spousal relationship. The study uncovered four interrelated themes with explanatory subthemes—commitment to preservation of life (managing challenges associated with daily routine, problem with mobility, bathing and grooming, feeding, and problem with hygiene) (ii) denial (refusal to accept that burden exists), other things suffer (disruption of family process, suffering from poor health and social isolation), (iv) reciprocity of care (pride in caregiving, caregiving as a necessity and not by choice, and law of karma).ConclusionThis study provides insight into the burden of care of older adults with chronic illness. Caregivers’ commitment to preserving life makes them provide assistance whose performance even run contrary to their own wellbeing. Intervention programme should be designed to support the caregivers thereby improving their wellbeing.  相似文献   
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