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《Australian critical care》2020,33(5):436-440
IntroductionBrown or dark brown eyes make it difficult to distinguish the contrast between a black pupil and the surrounding iris, which may result in clinical assessment errors. The pupillometer can be used to derive an indexed value, the Neurological Pupil index™ (NPi) for pupillary light reflex. However, there are limited data associating the NPi and iris colour. We examine the NPi and eye colour association.MethodsData were pooled from the Establishing Normative Data for Pupillometer Assessments in Neuroscience Intensive Care (END-PANIC) Registry. The analysis includes 14,168 observations collected from 865 patients with neurological conditions who were admitted to the intensive care unit. Summary statistics and statistical models were developed to examine the association using Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) summary procedure.ResultsThe mean age of the cohort was 56 years (standard deviation = 17). Eye colour included dark brown (n = 339), blue (n = 234), brown (n = 173), green (n = 82), and other (n = 37). There was significant differences (p < 0.0001) between mean NPi values by eye colour [blue = 4.08 (0.92), brown = 3.34 (1.45), dark = 3.71 (1.33), green = 4.08 (0.67), other = 3.76 (1.25)]. However, a further random-effects mixed model after controlling for confounding variables revealed no significant difference in NPi values among different eye colour groups.ConclusionsThe pupillary light reflex, when assessed using the pupillometer, is not dependent on the eye colour. Practitioners are not required to consider eye colour as a confounder when they perform pupillary assessment for examining patients with neurological conditions.  相似文献   
目的:探讨海绵窦上段动眼神经的应用解剖并讨论其临床意义。方法:经血管灌注后观测10例尸颅的海绵窦上段动眼神经及其毗邻与血供。结果:海绵窦上段动眼神经与海绵窦上段背侧紧邻海马钩回,内侧与视交叉、后交通动脉毗邻,外上与脉络膜前动脉相邻,腹侧紧贴鞍背突。海绵窦上段动眼神经80%未见神经外营养血管,可见20%后交通动脉发出1~2根分支进入神经。结论:海绵窦上段动眼神经毗邻结构复杂,滋养血管细小;在海绵窦上缘手术时,应特别注意辨认和保护动眼神经。  相似文献   
It is well known that the removal of a fixation point prior to the presentation of a peripheral target dramatically reduces saccadic reaction time (SRT). This effect has become known as the “gap effect”. The present study examined several detailed kinematic variables to determine whether the removal of the fixation point also affects the manner in which saccades are produced. The findings indicate that saccades that were initiated after the removal of the fixation point had higher average velocities and reached greater peak velocities, accelerations, and decelerations than did saccades produced in the presence of the fixation point. The results suggest that the removal of the fixation point may affect the force-time curves of saccades in addition to affecting the time needed to initiate the saccades. Received: 21 February 1997 / Accepted: 24 July 1997  相似文献   
We present a patient who developed a painful third nerve galsy two days after angiography had demonstrated a large aneurysm on the P1 segment of the left posterior cerebral artery. CT at this stage demonstrated extensive thrombus within the previously uncomplicated aneurysm. The haemodynamics of this aneurysm resulted in incomplete clearance of contrast medium from its fundus and we posit that this may have promoted thrombus formation. Six months later the aneurysm was shown angiographically to be completely occluded.  相似文献   
取生后两天、两周和两月的雄性Wistar大鼠双眼上直肌,进行硝酸银染色和乙酰胆碱酯酶染色,用光镜观察大鼠眼上直肌神经在生后的发育情况。在大鼠生后两天时,动眼神经的分支从眼上直肌的中后三分之一交界处由眶面进入该肌,它向该肌的球面区发出细小的神经纤维束,这些神经束抵达同一条肌纤维上。眶面层神经纤维细小,单条并且平行于肌纤维方向走行。此时,眼上直肌对乙酰胆碱酯酶染色着色浅,反应区未形成某一特定轮廓,说明此时运动神经的发育是不成熟的。在生后两周时,动眼神经的分支开始向眼上直肌的眶面层发出神经纤维;球面区中的神经纤维有明显的粗细两种。这时眼上直肌中的运动神经轴索对乙酰胆碱酯酶染色反应,出现葡萄状运动神经末梢及斑点状运动终板的雏形。生后两月时,眼上直肌中出现了肌梭及典型的葡萄状运动神经末梢和斑点状运动终板。生后两周是大鼠睁眼初期,由此可见,大鼠从闭眼至睁眼的时期,是运动神经发育的关键时期,此时,运动神经形成一些特定神经末梢,而睁眼后运动神经的发育主要在此基础上运动神经末梢日趋完善和成熟。  相似文献   
Summary Sigma-movement is an apparent movement seen when a stationary periodic visual pattern of the period Ps is illuminated Stroboscopically at the flash frequency fs and smooth gaze pursuit eye movements are performed across the pattern at an angular velocity Ve = Ps · fs deg · s–1. Sigma-movement leads to an optokinetic nystagmus (Sigma OKN) which in turn sustains Sigma-movement perception. (1) Sigma-movement was also seen in an apparent three-dimensional periodic stripe pattern generated by two periodic monocular stimulus patterns with a certain degree of horizontal binocular disparity. (2) Sigma-movement perception and Sigma-OKN were also elicited by a Stroboscopically illuminated, stationary, random dot stereostripe pattern. The periodicity Ps of this pattern is generated on the cyclopean retina (Julesz 1971). The equation described above was also valid. When the time delay t between left eye and right eye flashes was varied, the apparent depth of the random dot stereostripe pattern decreased with increasing t, but the Sigmaeffects were not affected. (3) Sigma-movement illusion and Sigma-pursuit movements can also be induced when real three-dimensional objects composed of periodic components are Stroboscopically illuminated and adequate gaze or eye pursuit movements are induced. Sigma-movement is related to gaze movement and is therefore elicitable by eye, head or body movements. (4) Sigma-movement is presumably caused by the interaction of efference copy signals (generated in a cortical gaze pursuit system) and afferent visual signals. The present data indicate that neuronal mechanisms for this interaction are located — at least in part — at or beyond the level of binocular fusion and stereopsis.Supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Gr161)  相似文献   
Control of the neck muscles is coordinated with the sensory organs of vision, hearing and balance. For instance, activity of splenius capitis (SC) is modified with gaze shift. This interaction between eye movement and neck muscle activity is likely to influence the control of neck movement. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eye position on neck muscle activity during cervical rotation. In eleven subjects we recorded electromyographic activity (EMG) of muscles that rotate the neck to the right [right obliquus capitis inferior (OI), multifides (MF), and SC, and left sternocleidomastoid (SCM)] with intramuscular or surface electrodes. In sitting, subjects rotated the neck in each direction to specific points in range that were held statically with gaze either fixed to a guide (at three different positions) that moved with the head to maintain a constant intra-orbit eye position or to a panel in front of the subject. Although right SC and left SCM EMG increased with rotation to the right, contrary to anatomical texts, OI EMG increased with both directions and MF EMG did not change from the activity recorded at rest. During neck rotation SCM and MF EMG was less when the eyes were maintained with a constant intra-orbit position that was opposite to the direction of rotation compared to trials in which the eyes were maintained in the same direction as the head movement. The inter-relationship between eye position and neck muscle activity may affect the control of neck posture and movement.  相似文献   
Summary Turning a rabbit on a turn-table for a few degrees induces compensatory eye-movements and results in an asymmetry of tonus in the optomotor system. If the visual input is discontinued (darkness), this asymmetry decays and the eyes drift back to the mid-position within 12–18 sec. The equalization of such asymmetries of tonus under normal conditions and under curare is described. Tonus asymmetries induced by tilting the animals about the longitudinal axis are neither compensated under visual, nor under non-visual, conditions. Recordings were taken from oculomotor neurons, and changes of their firing frequencies were used as a measure for eye movements.A preliminary report was given at the spring meeting of the German Physiological Society 1973.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 33.  相似文献   
Summary Oculomotor response has been assessed in humans during the presentation of conflicting retinal motion stimuli. In the majority of experiments a background stimulus was made to move with a constant velocity ramp in one direction followed by rapid resets at regular intervals. In the absence of an adequate fixation target this ramp-reset stimulus induced a nystagmus with a slow-phase velocity and saccadic frequency which remained almost constant as reset frequency was increased from 2 to 5 Hz. Moreover, the induced eye velocity could be considerably increased if the subject attempted active matching of display velocity. During both active and passive responses eye velocity gain reached a peak when display velocity was between 2°/s and 5°/s. The presence of small stationary targets induced a suppression of the passive ramp-reset response which was modified by target eccentricity and by tachistoscopic target illumination. When subjects pursued a sinusoidally oscillating target against a stationary structured background, eye velocity gain was significantly less than for pursuit against a blank background. The degree of interaction between conflicting stimuli was found to be dependent on their relative size, peripheral location and velocity. However, it appears that the human observer is able selectively to enhance feedback gain from one particular source in order to dominate stimuli from other unwanted sources.  相似文献   
Summary In anesthetized albino rabbits, electric pulse stimulation was applied to ampullary branches of the vestibular nerve. Reflex discharges evoked from a canal in an extraocular muscle were depressed very effectively by conditioning stimulation at a certain other canal. The present systematic survey revealed that this reflex depression occurred specifically in 3 combinations of conditioning and testing canals; 1. anterior and posterior canals of the same side; 2. anterior and posterior canals of the opposite sides; and 3. horizontal canals of the two sides. Occurrence of postsynaptic inhibition in oculomotor neurons, on the other hand, was indicated by appearance of slow muscle potentials in extraocular muscles. It was confirmed that this motoneuronal inhibition did not contribute to the reflex depression in the above combination (1). Even in combinations (2) and (3), the accompanying motoneuronal inhibition was eliminated by adjusting intensities of canal stimuli or by severing its pathway in the medulla, or it was discriminated from the reflex depression by their different latencies and time courses. Hence, it was concluded that the reflex depression was attributable, at least largely, to non-motoneuronal inhibition, presumably postsynaptic inhibition at relay neurons for vestibulo-ocular reflexes. Slow muscle potentials evoked from a canal were also used as testing responses, but their depression could not be detected after conditioning at other canals.  相似文献   
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