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目的建立一种快速检测布鲁氏菌抗体的新方法。方法利用胶体金免疫层析技术,以大肠埃希菌表达、纯化的OMP31与BP26重组蛋白作为检测抗原,以金黄葡萄球菌A蛋白(SPA)作为胶体金标记物,制备胶体金免疫层析试纸条,用于检测布鲁氏菌抗体,并分析方法的敏感性和特异性。结果以粒径为40nm胶体金制备的试纸条检测布鲁氏菌抗体的敏感性最高,胶体金最佳标记pH为6.2,SPA蛋白最适标记量为6μg/ml。交叉试验证明试纸条不与其他非相关疾病感染血清反应,特异性高。试纸条检测结果与琥红平板试验方法的符合率为92%。结论制备的布鲁氏菌抗体胶体金免疫层析试纸条具有敏感、特异、简便、快速的特点,可用于鉴别布鲁氏菌自然感染和人工免疫,并可区分牛、羊种布鲁氏菌感染,可在基层推广使用。  相似文献   
布鲁氏菌猪种标准株外膜蛋白OMP25的原核表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的克隆布鲁氏菌外膜蛋白Omp25基因并构建基因的原核表达系统。方法用聚合酶链反应技术扩增得到布鲁氏菌基因组,得Omp25基因片段,T—A克隆后测定核苷酸序列,将目的基因定向插入原核表达载体pGEX-4T-1,经双酶切和DNA测序测定,将构建的重组质粒转化大肠杆菌(E.coli HB101,TOP10),经IPTG诱导后,用SDS—PAGE检测重组蛋白rOrap25表达情况。结果经DNA测序显示Omp25DNA序列和插入位点正确,成功构建了重组质粒DGEX-4T-1-Omp25,经IPTG诱导,特异性表达出以包涵体形式存在48kDa的Omp25融合蛋白。结论制备、克隆了布鲁氏菌外膜蛋白Omp25基因片段,并在大肠杆菌中表达出Omp25融合蛋白。  相似文献   
Orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase of human hemolysates exhibits triphasic kinetics with Km values of 33, 1.7 and 0.082 μM. Inhibition of this enzyme at low OMP concentrations (<3 μM) by several naturally occurring purine and pyrimidine nucleotides was investigated. No significant inhibition was observed with IMP, GMP, TMP, ADP, and TTP at 5 mM. Inhibition constants for CMP, AMP, and dAMP were 31 μM, 0.11 mM and 0.21 mM, respectively. The results are discussed in relation to inhibition by nucleotides of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, previously measured with a method which depends on orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase activity.  相似文献   
ErbB-4 is expressed by the periglomerular and the mitral/tufted cells of the adult mouse olfactory bulb (OB) and in the present work we tested whether this expression is regulated by the olfactory nerve input to the OB. Reversible zinc sulphate lesions of the olfactory mucosa were made in adult mice and the deafferented OB analysed by immunohistochemistry, Western blotting and semiquantitative RT-PCR. Following deafferentation, the expression of erbB-4, erbB-2 and neuregulin-1 (NRG-1) mRNAs in the OB was altered. At early stages (7-14 days) after lesion the levels of expression of olfactory marker protein (OMP), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), erbB-4 and NRG-1 mRNAs were decreased, whilst expression of erbB-2 increased and that of NRG-2 was not significantly altered. We observed at least two distinct time courses for these expression changes. The lowest amounts of mRNA for erbB-4 and NRG-1 were observed at day 7 after lesion, whilst mRNAs for TH and OMP were lowest at day 14. At day 28 after the lesion, when olfactory receptor neuron axons had reinnervated the olfactory bulb, the expression levels of OMP, TH, erbB-2, erbB-4 and NRG-1 were identical to control values. These results indicate that the expression of erbB-4 mRNA and protein in periglomerular and mitral cells is controlled by peripheral olfactory innervation. The tight correlation in NRG-1 and erbB-4 expression levels also suggests a possible functional link that deserves further exploration.  相似文献   
Brucellosis caused by the bacterium Brucella affects various domestic and wild species. The outer membrane proteins 25 and 31 play key roles on stimulation of cell‐mediated immune response against Brucella. GroEL as one of the major Brucella antigens stimulates the immune system and increases intracellular survival of bacteria. In the present study, we assumed injection of GroEL in combination with OMP25 and OMP31 would offer higher immunity levels. So, the impact of GroEL with different concentrations of recombinant outer membrane proteins emulsified in Chitosan Nanoparticles on immune responses was evaluated in mice model. Results showed both univalent (except rGroEL) and divalent immunized groups induced higher IFN‐γ, TNF‐α, and IL‐4 titers in comparison to negative control groups. While GroEL showed negative effect on TNF‐α titer, there were positive increase trends in IFN‐γ in some treatments. Analysis of humoral antibody response revealed both univalent and divalent immunized groups induced higher IgG2a titer than IgG1 titer, indicating strong bent of Th1 immune response. Also, results showed GroEL can have positive impact on lymphocyte proliferation response. Overall, mice immunization using individual OMP25 or OMP31 demonstrated more effective cell‐mediated immunity, although some combinations of rGroEL and rOMP31 vaccines were more efficient than other divalent ones.  相似文献   
目的沙眼衣原体感染是最常见的性传播疾病,本文拟建立一种准确快速、标准化的感染动物组织衣原体载量检测体系。方法体外扩增感染用沙眼衣原体血清E型,克隆衣原体特异基因OMP1基因片段作为标准品,用Real time PCR法测定衣原体基因组拷贝数进行衣原体定量。结果 Real time PCR在OMP1基因片段200至2×108拷贝检测结果成线性,在模板中加入小鼠基因组未出现非特异扩增,同时未影响扩增效率。结论针对衣原体特异基因OMP1的实时定量PCR方法可以较为灵敏的特异的定量检测感染动物样本中的衣原体。  相似文献   
Potency testing is mandatory for vaccine registration and batch release. Due to various limitations to in vivo potency testing, there is need for relevant in vitro alternatives. These alternative tests should preferably comprise cells from the target (human) species. The whole suite of immune responses to vaccination that occur in vivo in humans cannot be tested in vitro using a single cell type. Even so, dendritic cells (DC) form an important candidate cell type since they are pivotal in inducing and orchestrating immune responses. Cell lines are preferred over ex vivo cells for reasons of safety, accessibility, and reproducibility. In this first feasibility study we used the human cell line MUTZ-3, because it most closely resembles ex vivo human DC, and compared its response to monocyte-derived DC (moDC).Haemophilus influenzae type B (HiB) vaccine was chosen because its components exert different effects in vivo: while the HiB antigen, polyribosyl ribitol phosphate (PRP) fails to induce sufficient protection in children below 2 years of age, conjugation of this polysaccharide antigen to outer membrane protein (OMP) of Neisseria meningitides, results in sufficient protection. Effects of PRP, OMP, conjugated PRP-OMP, and adjuvanted vaccine (PedVax HiB), on cytokine production and surface marker expression were established. PRP induced no effects on cytokine production and the effect on surface marker expression was limited to a minor decrease in CD209 (DC-SIGN). In both MUTZ-3 and moDC, OMP induced the strongest response both in cytokine production and surface marker expression. Compared to OMP alone conjugated PRP-OMP generally induced a weaker response in cytokine production and surface marker expression. The effects of PedVax HiB were comparable to conjugated PRP-OMP. While moDC showed a larger dynamic range than MUTZ-3 DC, these cells also showed considerable variability between donors, with MUTZ-3 DC showing a consistent response between the replicate assays. In our view, this makes MUTZ-3 DC the cells of choice. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the MUTZ-3 DC assay allows discrimination between compounds with different immunogenicity. The potential of this cell line as (part of) an in vitro immunogenicity assay should be further explored.  相似文献   
Kaur R  Casey JR  Pichichero ME 《Vaccine》2011,29(5):1023-1028
Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is the most common bacteria responsible for episodic acute otitis media (AOM; non-otitis prone), recurrent AOM (rAOM; otitis prone) and AOM treatment failure (AOMTF) in children. In this 3.5 years of prospective study, we measured the serum antibody response to outer membrane proteins D, P6 and OMP26 of NTHi in children with AOM (n = 26), rAOM (n = 32), AOMTF (n = 27). The geometric mean titers (GMTs) of IgG at their acute AOM visit against Protein D in otitis prone children were significantly lower compared to AOMTF (p value < 0.01) and non-otitis prone (p value < 0.03) children; otitis prone children had significantly lower IgG levels to P6 compared to AOMTF children (p value < 0.02); otitis prone children had significantly lower IgG levels to OMP26 compared to AOMTF children (p value < 0.04). Comparing acute to convalescent titers after AOM, otitis prone and AOMTF children had no significant change in total IgG against all the three proteins, while non-otitis prone children had significant increases to Protein D. Anti-protein D, P6 and OMP26 antibody levels measured longitudinally during NP colonization between age 6 and 24 months in 10 otitis prone children and 150 non-otitis prone children showed <2-fold increases over time in otitis prone children compared to >4 fold increases in the non-otitis prone children (p value < 0.001). We conclude that otitis prone children mount less of an IgG serum antibody response toward Protein D, P6 and OMP26 after AOM which may account for recurrent infections. The data on acute sera of otitis prone vs non-otitis prone children and the acute-to-convalescence response in non-otitis prone children point to a possible link of anti-PD to protection. Moreover, the data suggest that otitis prone children should be evaluated for their responses to Protein D, P6 and OMP26 vaccine antigens of NTHi.  相似文献   
目的OMP18的B细胞抗原表位多肽为包被抗原,建立检测空肠弯曲菌感染的ELISA方法。方法 以不同浓度梯度(0.1,1,10 μg/mL)OMP18的B细胞抗原表位多肽进行包被,以空肠弯曲菌全菌兔抗IgG为一抗,HRP标记的羊抗兔抗体IgG为二抗,检测对原浓度1 mg/mL的不同稀释度(1:10,1:100,1:1 000)抗体IgG水平。分别以空肠弯曲菌感染兔血清、健康兔血清及沙门菌感染兔血清为一抗,1:3 000稀释的HRP标记的羊抗兔IgG为二抗,比较各抗原表位多肽的免疫特异性。结果 OMP18的B细胞抗原3个表位多肽在稀释度在1:1 000、1:4 000、1:16 000、1:64 000时免疫反应性均有明显增高。其中稀释度在1:1 000时增高最明显。OMP18的B细胞抗原表位多肽具有免疫特异性。结论OMP18的B细胞抗原表位多肽作为包被抗原对空肠弯曲菌感染的血清进行ELISA检测,免疫反应性高,具有免疫特异性。  相似文献   
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