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目的 探索综合心理疗法对场所恐惧症的效果.方法 在来访者中心的原则下,综合运用认知疗法、行为疗法、精神分析短程疗法整合的综合心理疗法对场所恐惧症进行心理治疗,自然观察疗效.结果 综合心理疗法对于较重的场所恐惧症治疗是有明显成效的,切实起到"标""本"兼治的作用.结论 综合心理疗法是治疗场所恐惧症的行之有效的方法,值得推广应用.  相似文献   
In a previous study, we compared the effects of just over one year of intensive behavior analytic intervention (IBT) provided to 29 young children diagnosed with autism with two eclectic (i.e., mixed-method) interventions (Howard, Sparkman, Cohen, Green, & Stanislaw, 2005). One eclectic intervention (autism programming; AP) was designed specifically for children with autism and was intensive in that it was delivered for an average of 25–30 h per week (n = 16). The other eclectic intervention (generic programming; GP) was delivered to 16 children with a variety of diagnoses and needs for an average of 15–17 h per week. This paper reports outcomes for children in all three groups after two additional years of intervention. With few exceptions, the benefits of IBT documented in our first study were sustained throughout Years 2 and 3. At their final assessment, children who received IBT were more than twice as likely to score in the normal range on measures of cognitive, language, and adaptive functioning than were children who received either form of eclectic intervention. Significantly more children in the IBT group than in the other two groups had IQ, language, and adaptive behavior test scores that increased by at least one standard deviation from intake to final assessment. Although the largest improvements for children in the IBT group generally occurred during Year 1, many children in that group whose scores were below the normal range after the first year of intervention attained scores in the normal range of functioning with one or two years of additional intervention. In contrast, children in the two eclectic treatment groups were unlikely to attain scores in the normal range after the first year of intervention, and many of those who had scores in the normal range in the first year fell out of the normal range in subsequent years. There were no consistent differences in outcomes at Years 2 and 3 between the two groups who received eclectic interventions. These results provide further evidence that intensive behavior analytic intervention delivered at an early age is more likely to produce substantial improvements in young children with autism than common eclectic interventions, even when the latter are intensive.  相似文献   
运用综合心理疗法治疗一例成人考试焦虑症的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合心理疗法是在心理治疗和咨询领域中 ,兼采各家理论和方法体系中某些成分 ,集合成一个综合性的体系和治疗方法 ,是基于折衷主义 (eclesti cism)的心理治疗理论发展起来的。目前我国运用此疗法一般遵循以来访者为中心的氛围中 ,侧重于行为—认知疗法的综合使用的模式。考试焦虑是指考试过程中突然出现的莫名的强烈恐惧和紧张不安的心情 ,并伴心悸、胸闷、气急、头昏、出汗、手抖等一系列的植物神经症状 ,发作时意识清晰 ,事后能回忆发作的经过。考试焦虑症 ,可以存在于各类参加考试的人群中 ,发病急 ,且有反复发作的趋势 ,严重…  相似文献   
我国卫生系统电子认证服务应用已全面开展,电子认证服务框架已初步建立,但各省电子认证服务发展不平衡,"一人多证、重复发证"等问题严重制约了电子认证服务的发展,卫生系统电子认证服务监管体系亟待推出。本文提出了基于卫生系统的电子认证服务监管方案给出了总体模型,详细分析了监管流程及功能设计。  相似文献   
当代心理治疗四大流派治疗方法述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
精神分析疗法、行为疗法、人本疗法和认知疗法是当代心理治疗的4种基本疗法,其他疗法都是建立在这4种基本疗法基础之上而发展起来的。鉴于此,该文分别对这4种疗法的内涵和基本方法进行了述评,并就心理治疗研究及其在中国的发展做了小结与展望。  相似文献   
Despite considerable evidence that programmes grounded in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) should be at the forefront of education and intervention in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) programmes of an eclectic nature are regularly implemented. Theoretical orientations undoubtedly influence the instructional practices adopted by educators but exploration of the significance of educational theory in the development of eclectic programmes remains lacking. This paper outlines the importance of competing theories to autism education, specifically Constructivist and Behavioural theories, and demonstrates how eclectic programmes may be misinformed when educators view approaches through a Constructivist lens. We conclude that it is imperative to interrogate and challenge the theoretical orientations of educators responsible for the development and implementation of comprehensive programmes of education (CEP’s) for young children with autism if we are to bridge the divide between evidence and practice in relation to ASD education.  相似文献   
外语教学研究无法提供最佳教学方法。根本不存在能适合于各种教学环境的固定的教学方法。交际法将传统语法翻译法的理性主义与当代功能教学的实证主义结合起来 ,与其它教学法相比 ,交际法更趋向折中。实践表明 ,当代外语教学是理性主义和实证主义相结合的折中主义教学 ,它是理性与实证、演绎与归纳、结构与功能的结合。大学英语教学 ,在大纲、教材、教法诸方面都体现了折中主义。  相似文献   
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