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Isolated pure dislocations of the fifth carpo-metacarpal joint are extremely rare injuries. The dorsal form was described in mere 12 cases. The diagnosis can be easily missed. The lesion is also often overlooked in the routine diagnostic X-ray. Lateral and oblique views are important for the recognition of the true extent of the lesion. Treatment of these injures is still controversial and both closed reduction with percutaneous pinning or open reduction with internal fixation are advocated. The goal of treatment is early reduction and fixation of the metacarpal. Early diagnosis is the key to success. The aim of this paper is to review literature and present two new cases.  相似文献   
These studies demonstrate the presence of pontomedullary areas in the rat brainstem which, when stimulated electrically, serve to set postural muscle tone in the hindlimbs. Low amplitude stimulation of the dorsal tegmental field (DTF) was found to inhibit postural muscle tone and, in some rats, was found to decrease mean arterial pressure. Low amplitude stimulation of the ventral tegmental field (VTF) was found to increase postural muscle tone and, in all cases tested, was found to increase mean arterial pressure.  相似文献   
A series of experiments examined the effects of lesions of the dorsal noradrenergic bundle (DNAB), induced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), on the behavioural response to systemic and intra-accumbens amphetamine, using a rat analogue of Leonard's 5-choice serial reaction time task for humans. Although the 6-OHDA DNAB lesion produced a profound depletion of cortical noradrenaline (NA) (to around 5% of control levels) it did not impair any aspect of performance on this task. Both systemic and intra-accumbens amphetamine increased behavioural measures of impulsivity of responding, but neither impaired discriminative accuracy in the sham-operated control rats. However, the DNAB lesioned rats did show a discriminative impairment following both low doses of systemic amphetamine, and intra-accumbens amphetamine. The latter effect was antagonised by systemic administration of the specific dopaminergic (DA) antagonist alpha-flupenthixol. The DNAB lesion did not alter the effect of amphetamine on any other behavioural measure, including speed and impulsivity of responding. These results suggest that although DA and NA participate in qualitatively different behavioural processes, the effects of DNAB lesions on attentional processes depend on the level of DA activity within the nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   
The present investigation introduces an in vitro model to study macrophage properties during demyelination. Rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were cultured for obtaining myelinated peripheral nerve fibers. These cultures were exposed to non-resident macrophages. In untreated control cultures, there was no indication of myelin removal by the added macrophages. DRG were exposed to enzymatically generated oxygen radicals using the xanthin/xanthin oxidase or the glucose/glucose oxidase system. Assessment of Schwann cell viability and ultrastructural morphology revealed different patterns of cell cytotoxicity and morphological changes in different experiments. High concentrations caused complete tissue necrosis of the DRG, while low concentrations did not affect either cell viability or ultrastructural morphology. Under intermediate experimental conditions, oxygen radicals caused non-lethal Schwann cell damage leading to Schwann cell retraction and myelin sheath rejection. Myelin lamellae were disrupted and decompacted. These changes were followed by a selective macrophage attack on myelin sheats, resulting in demyelination. Axons, Schwann cells and sensory ganglion cells survived this attack. The specificity of the oxygen radical effects was tested in experiments using the oxygen radical scavengers catalase and superoxide dismutase. Catalase prevented the described effects on cell morphology and subsequently blocked demyelination by non-resident macrophages.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Br 1274/1-1)  相似文献   
The evolution of the dorsal thalamus in various vertebrate lineages of jawed vertebrates has been an enigma, partly due to two prevalent misconceptions: the belief that the multitude of nuclei in the dorsal thalamus of mammals could be meaningfully compared neither with the relatively few nuclei in the dorsal thalamus of anamniotes nor with the intermediate number of dorsal thalamic nuclei of other amniotes and a definition of the dorsal thalamus that too narrowly focused on the features of the dorsal thalamus of mammals. The cladistic analysis carried out here allows us to recognize which features are plesiomorphic and which apomorphic for the dorsal thalamus of jawed vertebrates and to then reconstruct the major changes that have occurred in the dorsal thalamus over evolution. Embryological data examined in the context of Von Baerian theory (embryos of later-descendant species resemble the embryos of earlier-descendant species to the point of their divergence) supports a new ‘Dual Elaboration Hypothesis’ of dorsal thalamic evolution generated from this cladistic analysis. From the morphotype for an early stage in the embryological development of the dorsal thalamus of jawed vertebrates, the divergent, sequential stages of the development of the dorsal thalamus are derived for each major radiation and compared. The new hypothesis holds that the dorsal thalamus comprises two basic divisions—the collothalamus and the lemnothalamus—that receive their predominant input from the midbrain roof and (plesiomorphically) from lemniscal pathways, including the optic tract, respectively. Where present, the collothalamic, midbrain-sensory relay nuclei are homologous to each other in all vertebrate radiations as discrete nuclei. Within the lemnothalamus, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of mammals and the dorsal lateral optic nucleus of non-synapsid amniotes (diapsid reptiles, birds and turtles) are homologous as discrete nuclei; most or all of the ventral nuclear group of mammals is homologous as a field to the lemniscal somatosensory relay and motor feedback nuclei of non-synapsid amniotes; the anterior, intralaminar and medial nuclear groups of mammals are collectively homologous as a field to both the dorsomedial and dorsolateral (including perirotundal) nuclei of non-synapsid amniotes; the anterior, intralaminar, medial and ventral nuclear groups and the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of mammals are collectively homologous as a field to the nucleus anterior of anamniotes, as are their homologues in non-synapsid amniotes. In the captorhinomorph ancestors of extant land vertebrates, both divisions of the dorsal thalamus were elaborated to some extent due to an increase in proliferation and lateral migration of neurons during development. Mammals are unique in the degree to which their synapsid ancestors further elaborated the lemnothalamus, so that the identity of and previous experience with objects in their environment has become their most salient priority.  相似文献   
The subcellular localization of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor protein, P400, was studied in the vestibular complex, an area to which Purkinje cells project, as well as in neurons of the dorsal cochlear nucleus and in ectopic Purkinje cells of adult rat brain. The receptor was demonstrated by electron microscopical immunocytochemistry using the avidin-biotin peroxidase complex procedure, with the monoclonal antibody 4C11 raised against mouse cerebellar inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor protein. Immunoreactivity was found in preterminal fibres and terminal boutons in the nuclei of the vestibular complex, generally associated with the subsurface systems and stacks or fragments of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Ectopic Purkinje cells and cartwheel cells of the dorsal cochlear nucleus also displayed immunoreactivity, but this was much less intense in the latter. The results of the present study suggest that this receptor protein, involved in the release of Ca2+, is located in sites that enable it to influence the synthesis, transport and release of neurotransmitters.  相似文献   
Neural responses in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) to topical administrations of sodium and portal infusions of hypertonic saline were investigated electrophysiologically by using multibarrel electrodes in anesthetized rats. Of 102 neurons that showed antidromic response to electrical stimulation of the ventral gastric vagus or the accessory celiac vagus, 51 neurons increased and 13 neurons decreased their discharge rates in response to the electrophoretic administration of sodium. The other 38 neurons did not respond to this stimulation. The portal infusion of hypertonic saline elicited neural responses of some DMV neurons whose axons are involved into either the ventral gastric or the accessory celiac vagus. Further, effects of the topical administration and the portal infusion of hypertonic saline were examined on 33 neurons. Typical response was characterized by an increase in discharge rate responding to both of the portal infusion and the topical administration. In conclusion, the DMV neurons receiving the afferent inputs from hepatoportal osmoreceptors may have an enteroceptor function detecting the change in osmotic pressure of their environment.  相似文献   
The differential effects of the pyrethroid tetramethrin on tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) and tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) single sodium channel currents in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were investigated using the outside-out configuration of patch-clamp technique. Channel conductances were 10.7 and 6.3 pS for TTX-S and TTX-R sodium channels, respectively, at a room temperature of 24–26°C. The single-channel current of TTX-S sodium channels at the test potential of −30 mV was −1.27 ± 0.25 pA, and was not changed after exposure to 10 μM tetramethrin (−1.28 ± 0.23 pA). The open time histogram of TTX-S single-channel currents could be fitted by a single exponential function with a time constant of 1.27 ms. After exposure to 10 μM tetramethrin, the open time histogram could be fitted by the sum of two exponential functions with time constants of 1.36 ms (τfast) and 5.73 ms (τlow). The percentage of contribution of each component to the population was 62% for the fast component representing the normal channels and 38% for the slow component representing the tetramethrin modified channels. The amplitudc of TTX-R single-channel currents was slightly changed from −0.72 ± 0.14 to −0.83 ± 0.07 pA by 10 μM tetramethrin. The open time histogram of TTX-R single-channel currents could be fitted by a single exponential function with a time constant of 1.92 ms. In the presence of 10 μM tetramethrin, the open time histogram could be fitted by the sum of two exponential functions with time constants of 2.07 ms (τfast) and 9.75 ms (τslow). The percentage of contribution of each component was 15% for the fast, unmodified component and 85% for the slow, modified component. Differential effects of tetramethrin on the open time distribution of single sodium channel currents explains the differential sensitivity of TTX-S and TTX-R sodium channels.  相似文献   
Effects of hepatoportal osmo-receptive (or sodium-receptive) afferents on neurons within the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) were investigated electrophysiologically in urethane-chloralose anesthetized rats. Responses of 56 spontaneously active neurons to antidromic stimulation of the ventral trunk of the subdiaphragmatic vagus were recorded in the left DMV. Among them, 35 neurons were inhibited by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus nerve (inhibitory neurons), except two neurons that were slightly excited. Effects of portal infusion of 3.6% NaCl were examined on 26 inhibitory neurons. Sixteen neurons increased their discharge rates and one neuron decreased its discharge rate in response to portal infusion of hypertonic saline. Thirty-five DMV neurons responded to electrical stimulation of the dorsal trunk of the subdiaphragmatic vagus were inhibited by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus. Four neurons were excited by this stimulation. Relatively smaller number of neurons (5 out of 22 inhibitory neurons) increased their discharge rates in response to portal infusion of hypertonic saline. In conclusion, the response of DMV neuron observed in this experiment was characterized by increasing the frequency of spike discharges in response to portal infusion of hypertonic saline. However, these neurons were inhibited by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus nerve. These results suggest that the hepatoportal osmoreceptive afferents may be conveyed to the DMV via inhibitory synapses.  相似文献   
Neurones in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) were impaled and filled with biocytin in coronal slices of midbrain taken from young adult rats. The electrophysiological properties and gross morphology of the cells were similar to those reported previously for serotonergic neurones in the DRN. Of 27 cases in which filled neurones were recovered in histological material, almost half (48%) showed labelling of two or three cells, although only one cell had been recorded from. Coupled cells were identified as close or distantly coupled, depending on the distance from the soma of the presumed impaled cell (23.5±15 m, n=7 and 150±26.5 m, n=10 respectively). Whereas close-coupled cells may have been artefactually coupled by the penetrating electrode, coupling between distant cells is most likely to be a result of transfer of biocytin through gap junctions. Camera lucida reconstructions of pairs of labelled cells revealed extensive overlap of dendritic fields and numerous crossings between dendrites. When examined at high magnification under a light microscope, many of the crossing dendrites were found to travel in different focal planes. Nevertheless, for each pair of cells, at least one point of close apposition was observed between dendrites or between the axon and a dendrite of the presumed impaled and coupled cell. The incidence of dye coupling between neurones in the DRN may reflect a relatively high level of electrotonic coupling between the neurones. This form of coupling may be important in determining the synchronous nature of firing of neurones in the DRN.  相似文献   
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