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阿育吠陀是印度的传统医学,在梵文中意为生命的科学。阿育吠陀与中医有相似的特点,这两种系统与其说是科学倒不如说都是旨在提高生活质量的哲学。这两种亚洲传统医学中最常用的草药在使用和特点解释上是相同的,比如药物都有寒热的属性。中医有阴阳五行、脏腑、气血津液的理论体系,阿育吠陀医学有三元体液理论。中医有古代医学典籍《黄帝内经》,包括《素问》和《灵枢》两部分,阿育吠陀有《遮罗迦集》和《妙闻集》。《遮罗迦集》的主要内容是基本理论、草药、治疗原则和预防,这点和《素问》以中医基础理论为主很相似。中医有阴阳理论,而阿育吠陀的理论基础是三个dosha。阿育吠陀的术语如同中医术语一样难以用英语解释。Pitta大概对应中医术语"火"比较合适,Kapha可以对应"痰",Vata可以对应"风",Rasa和中医的"谷气"相似。中医伤寒有六经传变,温病学理论有卫气营血传变。阿育吠陀认为疾病的发展有doshas的积累、doshas加剧发展和doshas溢出三个阶段。中医所重视的血瘀理论,在阿育吠陀看来不是内科的重点问题。针灸在西方的推广、中医师在发达国家开业、中国政府中药出口政策和海外人员来中国学习中医使中医的海外加速发展成为可能。相比而言,印度传统医学阿育吠陀做的还不够。  相似文献   
Kaṣāya or decoction is an Ayurvedic dosage form, prescribed based on the stage of the disease according to the principles of Ayurveda. This dosage form is traditionally prepared fresh and consumed on the same day but for the sake of convenience; the process of preparation has been modified so that it can be stored with longer shelf life, easy availability and produced in large quantities. There is a need to understand the implications of this modification in terms of chemical changes. This work attempted to check the phytochemical profile of both freshly prepared decoction and commercially available decoction with reference to some analytical parameters like pH, total soluble solids, phenols, alkaloids, potassium and to assess the changes in the thin layer chromatography profiling of the decoction. The results showed that phenols and potassium are found to be two fold higher in freshly prepared decoction, compared to commercially available decoction diluted to dosage in practice (1:4 ratio). However, the total alkaloid content was found to be approximately ten fold higher in commercially available decoction. It was observed that the thin layer chromatography profile of decoctions was extracted into petroleum ether and chloroform was similar and consistent with different batches though the bands in commercially available decoction were slightly more intense compared to freshly prepared decoction. The total soluble solids in commercially available decoction were four times higher than freshly prepared decoction. The study reveals that there are differences in the phytochemical profiles of the freshly prepared decoction and commercially available decoction of the same formulation. However, the significance of these differences can be determined only by further clinical studies. On the other hand, the study lends support to the practice of diluting the commercially available decoction to make it equivalent to freshly prepared decoction.  相似文献   
The clinical syndrome of parkinsonism was identified in ancient India even before the period of Christ and was treated methodically. The earliest reference to bradykinesia dates to 600 bc . Evidences prove that as early as 300 bc , Charaka proposed a coherent picture of parkinsonism by describing tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and gait disturbances as its components. The scenario was further developed by Madhava, Vagbhata, and Dalhana all through history. The 15th‐century classic “Bhasava rajyam” introduced the term kampavata, which may be regarded as an ayurvedic analogue of parkinsonism. The pathogenesis of kampavata centered on the concept of imbalance in the vata factor, which controls psychomotor activities. The essential element in therapy was the administration of powdered seed of Mucuna pruriens, or atmagupta, which as per reports, contains 4%?6% of levodopa. In addition to proving the existence and identification of parkinsonism in ancient India, the study points to the significance of ancient Indian Sanskrit works in medical history. © 2013 Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   
PSAPP mice expressing the ‘Swedish’ amyloid precursor protein and the M146L presenilin 1 mutations are a well‐characterized model for spontaneous amyloid β plaque formation. Centella asiatica has a long history of use in India as a memory enhancing drug in Ayurvedic literature. The study investigated whether Centella asiatica extract (CaE) can alter the amyloid pathology in PSAPP mice by administering CaE (2.5 or 5.0 g/kg/day) starting at 2 months of age prior to the onset of detectable amyloid deposition and continued for either 2 months or 8 months. A significant decrease in amyloid β 1–40 and 1–42 was detectable by ELISA following an 8 month treatment with 2.5 mg/kg of CaE. A reduction in Congo Red stained fibrillar amyloid plaques was detected with the 5.0 mg/kg CaE dose and long‐term treatment regimen. It was also confirmed that CaE functions as an antioxidant in vitro, scavenging free radicals, reducing lipid peroxidation and protecting against DNA damage. The data indicate that CaE can impact the amyloid cascade altering amyloid β pathology in the brains of PSAPP mice and modulating components of the oxidative stress response that has been implicated in the neurodegenerative changes that occur with Alzheimer's disease. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
印度作为人类文明的摇篮之一,不仅孕育出内涵丰富的文化体系,而且也有自己独特的成熟的医学体系,其中阿育吠陀医学的历史最为悠久、最具有代表性,而且是印度传统医学的构成主体。由于丝绸之路的开辟和佛教交往的频繁,自古中国和印度就有着密切的经济文化、医药知识交流,其对中国传统医学的发展影响深远,尤其是现在的藏医学,在理论上和印度医学有很多的相似之处。从理论、疾病发生发展、诊断、治疗全方位简单论述中医学与阿育吠陀医学,以促进更多中医学子对传统医学的理解和学习。  相似文献   
Ayurveda is the oldest system of Medicine in the world, its antiquity going back to the Vedas. It adapts a unique holistic approach to the entire science of life, health and cure. The areas of special consideration in Ayurveda are geriatrics, rejuvenation, nutrition, immunology, genetics and higher consciousness. The Ayurvedic texts describe a set of rejuvenative measures to impart biological sustenance to the bodily tissues. These remedies are called Rasayana which are claimed to act as micronutrients. Some of these Rasayanas are organ and tissue specific. Those specific to brain tissue are called Medhya Rasayana. Such Rasayanas retard brain aging and help in regeneration of neural tissues besides producing antistress, adaptogenic and memory enhancing effect. In addition to the long tradition of textual and experience-based evidence for their efficacy, certain recent studies conducted on these traditional remedies on scientific parameters have shown promising results which have been reviewed in this paper for providing lead for further studies. The popular Medhya Rasayanas are Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri Linn), Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica Linn) and Sankhapuspi (Convolvulus pluricaulis Chois).  相似文献   
Obesity is recognized as a social problem,associated with serious health risks and increased mortality.Numerous trials have been conducted to find and develop new anti-obesity drugs through herbal sources to minimize adverse reactions associated with the present anti-obesity drugs.The use of natural products as medicine has been documented for hundreds of years in various traditional systems of medicines throughout the world.This review focuses on the medicinal plants such as Achyranthus aspera, Camellia sinensis,Emblica officinalis,Garcinia cambogia,Terminalia arjuna,etc.,being used traditionally in Ayurvedic,Unani,Siddha and Chinese,etc.,systems of medicine.The review also highlights recent reported phytochemicals such as escins,perennisosides,dioscin,gracillin,etc.,and the various extracts of the plants like Nelumbo nucifera,Panax japonicas,Cichorium intybus,Cyperus rotundus,Paeonia suffruticosa,etc.,which have been successfully identified for the treatment of obesity.  相似文献   
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