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抑郁障碍患者人格特征与发病关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
目的探讨抑郁障碍患者的人格特征与其疾病发病间的关系。方法采用自评抑郁量表(SDS)、艾森克人格问卷 (EPQ)、应对方式评定量表 (WCRS)和归因方式问卷 (ASQ)对 76名抑郁障碍患者进行测试 ,同时选取 84名健康被试进行对照研究。结果①抑郁组患者在EPQ中神经质 (N)与精神质 (P)的得分显著高于健康组。②WCRS的结果显示在“宣泄接纳”、“退避调节”两个因子上 ,抑郁组的平均得分低于健康组。③在ASQ的得分中 ,抑郁组在负性事件归因的自身性、持久性和整体性均显著高于健康组。④抑郁障碍患者的“神经质”人格特质与应对方式的“宣泄接纳”和“退避调节”因子呈负相关 (r = 0 .474)。结论抑郁障碍患者的人格特征可表现为较强的神经质及孤僻、交往障碍 ,他们这种人格特征及应对和归因方式在其发病过程中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
目的 从微观层面探讨归因、自我效能感、教育观念、人格因素对教师心理健康的影响。方法 使用《教师心理健康问卷》和CPSQ人格问卷》进行问卷调查。结果 能力和努力归因对教师心理健康有正向的预测作用;任务难度和运气归因对教师心理健康有负向的预测作用。工作效能和创造效能对教师心理健康都有正向的预测作用。成功教育、挫折教育和主动探索的教育观念对教师的心理健康都是正向的预测作用。神经质分数低的教师出现心理问题的几率不大;趋向于外向、开放、随和以及尽职尽责的教师,心理健康水平较高。结论 归因、自我效能感、教育观念、人格因素对教师心理健康都有程度不同的影响。  相似文献   
私立学校初三学生考试成败归因特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究私立学校初三学生考试成败的归因特点,为实际教育工作提供依据。方法 采用中小学生考试成败归因量表和自尊量表对236名学生进行了调查。结果 ①“失败”是影响学生进行考试结果归因的主要因素。②学生在归因时存在“自利性归因偏差”,并且有“习得性无助感”。结论 需对学生进行积极的归因训练。  相似文献   
初三学生成就动机与学业成绩的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
编制中学生成就动机量表 ,考察 2 86名初三学生的成就动机状况。运用逐步回归分析探讨成就目标、归因方式、自我效能与学业成绩的关系 ,并对成就目标进行自我效能和归因方式的回归分析。结果表明 :影响初三学生学业成绩的主要成就动机因素是自我效能、表现目标、能力归因和掌握目标 ,努力归因、运气归因和自我效能是影响初三学生成就目标的主要因素 ,客观因素归因也会影响表现目标。对研究结果进行本土化思考 ,建构中学生成就动机的理想模型  相似文献   
目的:探讨大学生成绩不良的原因和转化途径。方法:用学习动机量表、自我效能感量表和学习归因量表对学习优秀和学习不良的大学生进行测量和对比。结果:①学习优秀的大学生比学习不良的大学生的内部动机强,但两类大学生在外部动机上无差异;②学习优秀的大学生的能力和行为的自我效能水平都比学习不良的大学生高;③在成功归因和失败归因方面,两类大学生无差异。结论:采取措施提高学习不良学生学习的内部动机和自我效能水平,是转化大学生学习不良状况的必要环节。  相似文献   
医学是什么?—对现代医学归属的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
什么是医学,从人的属性的多元化,医学的整体化、综合化发展趋势,以及现代医学与人文社会医学和艺术的密切关系,认为现代医学不应该属于自然科学;从医学的本质和人文社会医学的局限性来看,现代医学也不可能属于人文社会科学。提出:为了使生物医学和人文社会医学更好地交叉、融合,协调发展,从而达到医学的目的,完成医学所面临的任务,现代医学应该属于与自然科学和人文社会科学平行的,能独立发展又能相互渗透的科学领域。  相似文献   
Two experiments examined competition between an instrumental avoidance response and a Pavlovian safety signal for association with omission of electric shock in a human fear conditioning paradigm. Self-reported shock expectancies and skin conductance responses were consistent with blocking of learning of the instrumental contingency by prior training of the Pavlovian contingency, and vice versa. The results support the idea that a common learning mechanism underlies both Pavlovian and instrumental conditioning. The expectancy data suggest that this learning mechanism is cognitive in nature, and that Pavlovian and instrumental learning involve external and internal attributions, respectively. The procedure may thus serve as a laboratory model for attributional processes involved in the acquisition of threat expectancies in anxiety and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   
Because of the availability of pathogenic microorganisms and the relatively low cost of preparing and disseminating bioweapons, there is a continuing threat of biocrime and bioterrorism. Thus, enhanced capabilities are needed that enable the full and robust forensic exploitation and interpretation of microbial evidence from acts of bioterrorism or biocrimes. To respond to the need, greater resources and efforts are being applied to the burgeoning field of microbial forensics. Microbial forensics focuses on the characterization, analysis and interpretation of evidence for attributional purposes from a bioterrorism act, biocrime, hoax or inadvertent agent release. To enhance attribution capabilities, a major component of microbial forensics is the analysis of nucleic acids to associate or eliminate putative samples. The degree that attribution can be addressed depends on the context of the case, the available knowledge of the genetics, phylogeny, and ecology of the target microorganism, and technologies applied. The types of genetic markers and features that can impact statistical inferences of microbial forensic evidence include: single nucleotide polymorphisms, repetitive sequences, insertions and deletions, mobile elements, pathogenicity islands, virulence and resistance genes, house keeping genes, structural genes, whole genome sequences, asexual and sexual reproduction, horizontal gene transfer, conjugation, transduction, lysogeny, gene conversion, recombination, gene duplication, rearrangements, and mutational hotspots. Nucleic acid based typing technologies include: PCR, real-time PCR, MLST, MLVA, whole genome sequencing, and microarrays.  相似文献   
Understanding adolescents? perceptions of peers with depression is vital in order to tackle peer exclusion and lessen stigmatization. To examine adolescents? perceptions of a hypothetical peer with depression, we test an attributional model: that stigma towards persons with mental disorders is influenced by attributions about the causes of their disorders and inferences of personal responsibility. Participants were 401 adolescents from 4th year/10th grade with an age range of 14.75–17.08 years (M=15.90 years; S.D.=0.403 years). Structural Equation Modeling was employed to assess the relationships among causal attributions (personal control), perceived responsibility, and emotional reactions, in predicting social acceptance/exclusion of a peer with depression. Results indicated that (a) if the peer with depression is perceived as having little control over the cause of depression, responsibility is not inferred, participants feel sympathy and pity, and are likely to socially accept the peer (b) gender of vignette character and participant influence these responses. This study builds on our theoretical understanding of why adolescents with depression may face social exclusion from peers by applying a well‐established theory in social psychology. Findings should be incorporated into the design of interventions aimed at reducing peer exclusion and stigmatization of adolescents with depression.  相似文献   
目的探讨归因训练对老年性抑郁症的增效作用。方法将老年抑郁症患者58例,随机分为归因训练合并西酞普兰组(研究组)和单纯西酞普兰组(对照组),进行对照研究,采用汉密顿抑郁量表(HAMD)和临床疗效总评量表(CGISI)于治疗前及治疗后6周末、半年末,进行评分比较。结果治疗6周末研究组同对照组评分比较有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。治疗半年末,研究组和治疗6周末同组比较有显著性差异(P〈0.01),而对照组无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。两组半年未复发率比较有显著性差异(X^2=6.44,P〈0.05)。结论归因训练能提高老年性抑郁症的近期和远期疗效,降低复发率。  相似文献   
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