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The management of poor responders in IVF has always been a big problem. The ideal approach has yet to be formulated. In this study we aim to compare two alternative stimulation protocols. A total of 48 poor responder patients described from previous cycles were included and grouped into two: group I consisted of 24 patients in 24 cycles in which leuprolide acetate (40 microg s.c. per day) was initiated on cycle day 2 followed by exogenous gonadotrophins on cycle day 3; group II consisted of 24 patients in 24 cycles in which ovarian stimulation included gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist (cetrorelix, 0.25 mg daily during late follicular phase) administration. While only the oestradiol concentrations on the day of HCG were lower in group II compared with group I, the clinical pregnancy and implantation rates among groups did not show any significance. The impact of these two regimens in ovarian stimulation of poor responders seem to be same and to establish these results further randomized studies with larger sample sizes are required.  相似文献   
Aim  To investigate the incidence and factors related to endodontic flare-ups in nonsurgical root canal treatment (NSRCT) cases completed by graduate endodontic residents at University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Methodology  Residents at University of Pennsylvania enter all clinical patient records into an electronic database called PennEndo database. Analysis of records of 6580 patients treated from September 2000 to July 2005 revealed a total of 26 patients with flare-ups (0.39%). Patients were categorized to have undergone flare-up when they attended for an unscheduled visit and active treatment, and when they suffered from severe pain and or swelling after initiation or continuation of NSRCT. SAS software was used to develop a logistic regression model with flare-up as a dependent variable. Independent variables included in the model were: history of previous pain, one vs. two visit NSRCT, periapical diagnosis, tooth type, rotary versus hand instrumentation, and lateral versus vertical compaction of gutta-percha.
Results  The odds for developing a flare-up in teeth with a periapical radiolucency were 9.64 times greater than teeth without a periapical radiolucency ( P  = 0.0090). There was no statistically significant difference in flare-ups between one and two visits NSRCT. The odds of developing a flare-up increased 40 fold when NSRCT was completed in three or more visits. However, this result may have been confounded by addition of an unscheduled visit in patients suffering from flare-ups. Other independent variables did not have any statistically significant correlations.
Conclusions  A low percentage of patients experienced flare-ups during NSRCT procedures. The presence of a periapical lesion was the single most important predictor of flare-ups during NSRCT.  相似文献   
One i.p. injection of a sterile suspension of streptococcal cell walls (SCW) induces chronic erosive polyarthritis in susceptible Lewis rats, but not in resistant F344 or nude Lewis rats. Because continuous exacerbations may be one possible mechanism underlying chronic disease, we studied the mechanism of these flare-up reactions in Lewis and F344 rats. Injection of SCW into the right knee joint of rats induced a transient monoarthritis in both strains. Reactivation of the subsided arthritis by i.v. administration of the same antigen could be evoked only in the Lewis rat. Even repeated i.v. challenges with SCW failed to induce a flare-up reaction in the F344 rat, while the Lewis rat went through an exacerbation after every challenge. Removal of T lymphocytes by monoclonal antibodies before induction of an exacerbation rendered Lewis rats refractory to flare-up reactions, thus indicating the T cell-dependence of this reaction. Furthermore, when cell walls from heterologous bacteria were tested for their capacity to induce exacerbations of SCW-induced monoarthritis and to induce proliferation of SCW-specific T lymphocytes in vitro, a strong correlation between both features was found, again pointing to a role for SCW-specific T cells in exacerbations. Together, these data support our hypothesis that chronic arthritis is the result from repeated reactivations of a waning arthritis which are dependent on antigen-specific T lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Dermatitis caused by contact with tentacles of jellyfish was studied on 25 volunteers. Two tentacles cut from a living jellyfish, Carybdea rastonii, were applied on each of the forearms and skin reactions were observed. All volunteers complained of severe pain, which lasted from 10 min to 8 hrs. Erythema and wheal appeared within 3 to 4 min and enlarged for 15 to 20 min. Erythema subsided within 24 hrs to 3 days in all but two individuals. Seven to 13 days after the application, linear erythema and papulo-vesicular lesions with pruritus were observed on the forearms of 15 out of 25 volunteers tested. These flare-up lesions lasted for one week leaving slight pigmentation. Histological findings from the flare-up lesions corresponded to those of allergic contact dermatitis. The lymphocyte response to the jellyfish venom in the subjects who had recurring lesions was greater than that in either the subjects with no recurring lesions or the control group, who was never exposed to jellyfish.  相似文献   
目的:比较汉族、维吾尔族慢性根尖周炎患者根管治疗术后疼痛发生率,比较布洛芬对汉族、维吾尔族慢性根尖周炎患者一次性根管治疗后疼痛的镇痛效果,优化术后用药方案.方法:选取切牙、尖牙、前磨牙单根管慢性根尖周炎的汉族、维吾尔族患者各250例,均给予一次性根管充填治疗.术后按照随机双盲原则,分别将维吾尔族患者分为实验组(维)、对照组(维),将汉族患者分为实验组(汉)和对照组(汉).其中实验组患者参照说明书,服用布洛芬缓释胶囊,对照组患者则服用安慰剂(淀粉胶囊),医生与患者在整个实验过程中对分组和服药情况均保持不知情.利用VAS痛觉量表记录患者术后6、12、24、48、72 h和1周的疼痛程度,采用SPSS11.0软件包对数据进行x2检验.结果:实验期间,各组患者根管治疗后疼痛的发生率从大至小依次为对照组(维)>对照组(汉)>实验组(维)>实验组(汉),各组两两之间均有显著差异.从时间分布上来看,根管治疗后疼痛多发生于24~48 h之间,疼痛的最大值也多集中在这一时间段.不论是根管治疗术后疼痛的发生率还是剧烈程度,实验组(汉)与对照组(汉)之间的差异,均比实验组(维)和对照组(维)之间的差异更为显著.结论:单根管慢性根尖周炎一次性根管治疗后,维吾尔族患者疼痛发生率高于汉族患者;服用布洛芬对于维吾尔族和汉族患者都能有效预防、缓解根管治疗中疼痛,但是布洛芬对于维吾尔族患者的镇痛效果不如对汉族患者的镇痛效果明显.  相似文献   
Abstract Endodontic flare-ups often occur within 24 h of root canal debridement, during which time a small amount of antigen in the form of necrotic pulp tissue and bacteria within the root canal, may be inadvertently extruded through the apical foramen. Subsequently, preformed mediators such as histamine are released into the tissue, causing symptoms of pain and swelling. The IgE-mast cell mechanism conceivably plays an important role in this development. A rationale for using local injection of Benadryl® prior to canal debridement of infected teeth is given, along with an indication of a lack of adverse reactions and side effects following such treatment.  相似文献   
Flare-up reactions were induced in potassium dichromate hypersensitive guinea pigs by a single oral dose of 55 mg/kg. This dose is systemically toxic and higher than the dose required to induce the same reactions in humans. A total oral dose of potassium dichromate of 90-115 mg/kg induced immunological unresponsiveness for at least 6 weeks. With limitations, the guinea pig model may be helpful in screening the hyposensitization capacity of different haptens dosed orally.  相似文献   
Factors associated with endodontic flare-ups: a prospective study   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The purpose of this prospective study was to assess the incidence of flare-ups (a severe problem requiring an unscheduled visit and treatment) among patients who received endodontic treatment by the two authors in their respective practices during a period of one year, and also to examine the correlation with pre-operative and operative variables. The results showed an incidence of 1.58% for flare-ups from 1012 endodontically treated teeth. Statistical analysis using the chisquare test (P<0.05) indicated that flare-ups were found to be positively correlated with multiple appointments, retreatment cases, periradicular pain prior to treatment, presence of radiolucent lesions, and patients taking analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs. In contrast, there was no correlation between flare-up, and age, sex, different arch/tooth groups and the status of the pulp.  相似文献   
Intra-articular injections of murine recombinant IL-1 (mrIL-1) during the chronic phase of antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) induced a flare-up of the smouldering inflammation. The exacerbation was characterized by acute and transient joint swelling and this coincided with the extravascular accumulation of neutrophils. IL-1 injected into arthritic joints of neutropenic mice demonstrated that joint swelling was independent of the neutrophil influx into the joint. Both phenomena were absent when IL-1 was injected into a naive joint. The IL-1-induced flare-up was not T cell mediated as in the antigen-induced flare-up, and suggestive evidence is presented that IL-1 sensitivity depended on the resident macrophage population. This explained why the hypersensitivity is not restricted to the immunologically mediated arthritis but reflects a more general hypersensitivity of previously injured joints, e.g. zymosan-induced arthritis and IL-1-affected joints. In addition, IL-1 could also potentiate the antigen-specific flare-up of chronic AIA and prolongs the duration of the exacerbation. Our data indicate that joints bearing a chronic infiltrate are at risk from exacerbations in two ways: a T cell mediated rechallenge with antigen, and a non-specific reactivation by systemic and local IL-1 generation.  相似文献   
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