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印杰 《民航医学》1997,7(2):17-18
厦航是我国第一家地方航空公司,成立于1984年7月25日,伴随着特区的改革步伐逐渐壮大起来。从成立初期仅有的两驾飞机发展至今天拥有16架波音机群的中型航空企业,并成为中国第一家取得了国际航线经营权的地方航空公司。成绩的取得,主要是厦航管理层的正确领导和全体员工的创业精神,同时离不开企业的基础管理。  相似文献   
本调查是为了研究飞行中失能的病因学。将结果与1967年Buley和ICAO发表的调查结果加以比较,以辨明在失能的起因方面有什么可能的变化,并查明在失能事件中飞行员对飞行安全的态度是否有改变。  相似文献   
2005年,小娜刚刚大学毕业,应聘到一家航空公司担任空姐。有一次,她在飞机上服务,乘客林波突然感到不舒服,小娜对他照顾有加。事后,林波请她吃饭表示谢意,两人一来二去谈起了恋爱  相似文献   
美国航空公司一直是美国最大和最赚钱的航空公司之一。美航的成功,源自CEO罗伯·柯南道尔及其管理团队所采取的一系列策略,最主要的一点就是节省成本。为了省钱,柯南道尔甚至开除了一条看门的狗!  相似文献   
在美国西雅图有一个举世闻名的鱼摊,这就是誉满全球的“派克鱼摊”(Pike Place Fish Market),吸引了众多知名企业如波音、阿拉斯加航空公司、万豪酒店等向它学习,它因此也成为西雅图的一处名胜。  相似文献   
吉慧 《大众健康》2010,(6):86-87
2010年4月14日,冰岛埃亚菲亚德拉火山大规模喷发,火山灰横扫欧洲的多个国家,致使欧洲多家航空公司飞机停飞,空中交通出现前所未有的瘫痪,严重影响了经济和社会生活的正常运转;前一段时间,我国各地纷纷降雨,与此同时,大家不约而同收到朋友关切的手机短信,内容大概是提醒人们要防止雨滴粘到身上,因为这些雨水是埃亚菲亚德拉火山喷发后,污染扩散进而污染了的雨水,  相似文献   
Background There is few study to determine whether the use of the lightwand technique alone could achieve effective, safe and successful awake endotracheal intubation (ETI), therefore we designed a prospective clinical study to systematically evaluate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of awake ETI using the lightwand alone in patients with difficult airways.
Methods Seventy adult patients with difficult airways were enrolled in this study. After the desired sedation with fentanyl and midazolam, airway topical anesthesia was performed with 9 ml of 2% lidocaine, which were in order sprayed in three aliquots at 5 minutes intervals into the supraglottic (two doses) and laryngotracheal areas (one dose) using a combined unit of the lightwand and MADgic atomizer. After airway topical anesthesia, awake ETI was performed using a Lightwand. Subjective assessments by patients and operators using the visual analogue scores (VAS), and objective assessments by an independent investigator using patients' tolerance and reaction scores, coughing severity, intubating conditions and cardiovascular variables were taken as the observed parameters.
Results Of 210 airway sprays, 197 (93.8%) were successfully completed on the first attempt. The total time for airway spray was (14.6±1.5) minutes. During airway topical anesthesia, the average patients' tolerance scores were 1.7-2.3. After airway topical anesthesia, the mean VAS for discomfort levels that the patients reported was 6.5. Also airway topical anesthesia procedure was rated as acceptable and no discomfort by 94.3% of patients. The lightwand-guided awake ETI was successfully completed on first attempt within 29 seconds in all patients. During awake ETI, patients' reaction and coughing scores were 1.9 and 1.6, respectively. All patients exhibited excellent or acceptable intubating conditions. Cardiovascular monitoring revealed that changes of systolic blood pressure and heart rate at each stage of airway manipulations were less than 20% of baseline values. The postoperative follow-up showed that 95.7% of patients had no recall or slight memories of all airway instrumentation. The incidence of postoperative mild airway complications was 38.6%.
Conclusion Alone use of the lightwand technique can achieve effective, safe and successful awake ETI in patients with difficult airways.  相似文献   
吕若琦 《健康》2020,(1):25-25
最近,接连出现数起航班上的旅客突发疾病寻求急救的新闻,带给人们新的思考:除航空公司规定不能乘坐航班出行的重症疾病患者以外,普通乘客是否也要提前做好健康准备?哪些健康准备又是必备的?  相似文献   
小秘书刚大学毕业,正是花样年华。进入收入丰厚的航空公司,拿着大把的钞票自然是不遗余力地打扮自己,从化妆品到新款时装,让我每天看得眼花缭乱。我的心便开始花了,尽管还没什么实质性的进展,但我知道跨出那一步只是迟早的事情。  相似文献   
背景在更新公司网站时发现提供关于飞机上医疗紧急事件的信息是必要的。这项研究的目的是分析飞机上发生的医疗紧急事件的种类。民用航空公司使用它可作为旅行者的教育材料,也可以作为飞行中医疗紧急预防计划的参考资料。方法回顾从2002年1月至2006年6月在Asiana航空公司机舱内发生的282件医疗紧急事件。结果最经常发生医疗紧急事件的人群是年龄大于60岁的老人(24.1%)。  相似文献   
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