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The purpose of this article is to elucidate inherent limitations to the performance of parallel MRI. The study focuses on the ultimate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which refers to the maximum SNR permitted by the electrodynamics of the signal detection process. Using a spherical model object, it is shown that the behavior of the ultimate SNR imposes distinct limits on the acceleration rate in parallel imaging. For low and moderate acceleration, the ultimate SNR performance is nearly optimal, with geometry factors close to 1. However, for high reduction factors beyond a critical value, the ultimate performance deteriorates rapidly, corresponding to exponential growth of the geometry factor. The transition from optimal to deteriorating performance depends on the electrodynamic characteristics of the detected RF fields. In the near-field regime, i.e., for low B0 and small object size, the critical reduction factor is constant and approximately equal to four for 1D acceleration in the sphere. In the far-field wave regime the critical reduction factor is larger and increases both with B0 and object size. Therefore, it is concluded that parallel techniques hold particular promise for human MR imaging at very high field.  相似文献   
Image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) limits many MRI applications. Here we propose a method to improve SNR based on continuous sampling (CS) during each TR without significant increases in acquisition time. The general concept of CS is defined here as sampling the NMR signal immediately after slice excitation including ramp times, both the dephase and rephase lobes, the phase-encoding (PE) gradient application, and the slice refocusing gradient. This study analyzes several cases of CS and demonstrates a specific case where sampling occurs during an isolated and balanced readout gradient in order to increase SNR in a rectilinear Cartesian sequence without significantly increasing overall acquisition time. The noise correlation consequences of rectilinear CS are mathematically derived and proven through simulation. The SNR improvement of up to approximately 40% measured in both phantom and asymptomatic human volunteer images is comparable to theoretical prediction of increased SNR proportional to the increase in the square root of the sampling time.  相似文献   
An assortment of drugs was injected into one or both ventromedial nuclei of the thalamus, to see how these influenced stereotypy, locomotion and posture in spontaneously behaving and actively rotating rats. Unilateral intrathalamic muscimol promoted weak ipsiversive circling, while bilateral treatment gave catalepsy. Similar injections of 4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid, which inhibits γ-aminobutyrate metabolism, raised γ-aminobutyrate levels in the ventromedial nuclei more than three-fold yet had none of these behavioural effects. The indirectly acting γ-aminobutyrate agonists flurazepam and cis-1,3-aminocyclohexane car☐ylic acid had little effect on posture and locomotion and, like muscimol and 4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid, elicited only very weak stereotypies. Procaine behaved like the γ-aminobutyrate antagonist bicuculline, provoking vigorous locomotor hyperactivity and teeth chattering if given uni- or bilaterally. Pretreatment of one ventromedial nucleus with muscimol or 4-amino-hex-5-enoic acid, and to a lesser extent flurazepam or cis-1,3-aminocyclohexane car☐ylic acid, gave rise to pronounced ipsilateral asymmetries when combined with a large systemic dose of apomorphine. Contraversive rotations were initiated by unilateral stereotaxic injection of muscimol into the substantia nigra pars reticulata, or with apomorphine from the supersensitive striatum in unilaterally 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats. Drug treatments in the ipsilateral ventromedial nucleus showed a similar rank order of potency at inhibiting these circling behaviours, seemingly by reducing apomorphine-induced posture and muscimol-induced hypermotility. The suppression of circling by muscimol in these tests was highlighted by introducing the compound into the ventromedial nucleus at the height of circling activity. Both types of circling stimulus lost the capacity to increase locomotion, but still caused head turning and stereotypy in rats made cataleptic with bilateral ventromedial muscimol. Treating one ventromedial thalamus with muscimol greatly intensified any pre-existing posture directed towards that side, and vice versa.

These data suggest that the ventromedial nucleus is not involved with the expression of stereotyped behaviours, but can profoundly influence posture and locomotion, especially in the presence of some other motor stimulus. The recovery of circus movements in rats with impaired ventromedial nucleus function implies this nucleus is not essential for the execution of circling in these models.  相似文献   

基于脑电复杂度的意识任务的特征提取与分类   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本研究提出了利用事件相关脑电复杂度提取大脑运动意识特征,应用Mahalanobis距离判别式分析法,对人脑想象左右手运动任务进行分类,获得了满意的结果。对受试者想象左右手运动期间在大脑初级感觉运动皮层区记录的脑电信号采用复杂度分析方法量化了事件相关去同步(ERD)和事件相关同步(ERS)时程,结果表明EEG复杂度特征较好反映了ERD/ERS变化时程。最后对测试数据进行分类,最大分类正确率达到86.43%,通过最大分类正确率,最大信噪比,最大互信息等评价指标比较,验证了该方法的有效性,从而为大脑运动意识任务的特征提取及分类提供了新思路。  相似文献   
Sixteen per cent of the substantia nigra cell bodies normally labeled from the injection of a fluorescent retrograde tracer in the caudate-putamen complex could still be labeled by the same procedure after multiple intracisternal 6-hydroxydopamine treatments that depleted dopamine levels in the caudate-putamen complex to 1.0% of control. However, the demonstration of glyoxylic-acid-induced catecholamine histofluorescence in tissue from these lesioned rats revealed that many of the surviving retrogradely-labeled substantia nigra cell bodies still contained dopamine. The persistence of some dopamine in the substantia nigra of the lesioned animals was confirmed biochemically. Therefore, retrograde tracing in 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats overestimated the extent of the non-dopaminergic nigrostriatal tract.The simultaneous combination of retrograde fluorescent tracing and catecholamine histofluorescence in unlesioned animals revealed that only 5% or less of the substantia nigra cell bodies retrogradelylabeled from the caudate-putamen complex were without catecholamine fluorescence. These apparently non-dopaminergic nigrostriatal cells were located primarily in the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra pars reticulata and extreme medial edge of the substantia nigra pars compacta.  相似文献   


To evaluate detectability of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using split-bolus cone-beam CT in intraindividual comparison between cone-beam CT and contrast-enhanced MR imaging.

Materials and Methods

In a retrospective, single-center study, 28 patients with 85 HCC tumors were treated with transarterial chemoembolization between May 2015 and June 2016. All patients underwent arterial and hepatobiliary phase (HBP) MR imaging within 1 month before transarterial chemoembolization. Cone-beam CT images were acquired using a split-bolus contrast injection with 2 contrast injections and 1 cone-beam CT acquisition. Statistical analyses included Friedman 2-way analysis, Kendall coefficient of concordance, and Wilcoxon test. Tumor detectability was scored using a 5-point system (1 = best; 5 = worst) by 2 independent readers resulting in 170 evaluated tumors. Quantitative analysis included signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratio and contrast measurements. P values < .05 were considered significant.


Better tumor detection was provided with split-bolus cone-beam CT (2.91/2.73) and HBP MR imaging (2.93/2.21) compared with arterial MR imaging (3.72/3.05; P < .001) without statistical difference between cone-beam CT and HBP MR imaging in terms of detectability (P = .154) and sensitivity for hypervascularized tumors. More tumors were identified on cone-beam CT (n = 121/170) than on arterial MR imaging (n = 94/170). Average contrast-to-noise ratio values of arterial and HBP MR imaging were higher than for cone-beam CT (7.79, 8.58, 4.43), whereas contrast values were higher for cone-beam CT than for MR imaging (0.11, 0.13, 0.97).


Split-bolus cone-beam CT showed excellent detectability of HCC. Sensitivity is comparable to HBP MR imaging and better than arterial phase MR imaging.  相似文献   
Immunohistochemical and ex vivo anatomical studies have provided many glimpses of the variety, distribution, and signaling components of vertebrate retinal neurons. The beauty of numerous images published to date, and the qualitative and quantitative information they provide, indicate that these approaches are fundamentally useful. However, obtaining these images entailed tissue handling and exposure to chemical solutions that differ from normal extracellular fluid in composition, temperature, and osmolarity. Because the differences are large enough to alter intercellular and intracellular signaling in neurons, and because retinae are susceptible to crush, shear, and fray, it is natural to wonder if immunohistochemical and anatomical methods disturb or damage the cells they are designed to examine. Tissue fixation is typically incorporated to guard against this damage and is therefore critically important to the quality and significance of the harvested data. Here, we describe mechanisms of fixation; advantages and disadvantages of using formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde as fixatives during immunohistochemistry; and modifications of widely used protocols that have recently been found to improve cell shape preservation and immunostaining patterns, especially in proximal retinal neurons.  相似文献   
Wavelet packet transform decomposes a signal into a set of orthonormal bases (nodes) and provides opportunities to select an appropriate set of these bases for feature extraction. In this paper, multi-level basis selection (MLBS) is proposed to preserve the most informative bases of a wavelet packet decomposition tree through removing less informative bases by applying three exclusion criteria: frequency range, noise frequency, and energy threshold. MLBS achieved an accuracy of 97.56% for classifying normal heart sound, aortic stenosis, mitral regurgitation, and aortic regurgitation. MLBS is a promising basis selection to be suggested for signals with a small range of frequencies.  相似文献   
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