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The authors report a case of a pregnant woman with Takayasu's arteritis and Crohn's disease. The course of pregnancy was uneventful. It is suggested that these two inflammatory diseases may be immunologically related. A brief review of the literature confirm that fetal and maternal prognosis are generally excellent.  相似文献   
Free‐living amoebae (FLAs) are protozoa developing autonomously in diverse natural or artificial environments. The FLAs Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris, and Naegleria fowleri represent a risk for human health as they can become pathogenic and cause severe cerebral infections, named granulomatous amoebic encephalitis (GAE), Balamuthia amoebic encephalitis (BAE), and primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), respectively. Additionally, Acanthamoeba sp. can also rarely disseminate to diverse organs, such as the skin, sinuses, or bones, and cause extracerebral disseminated acanthamebiasis (EDA). No consensus treatment has been established for cerebral FLA infections or EDA. The therapy of cerebral and disseminated FLA infections often empirically associates a large diversity of drugs, all exhibiting a high toxicity. Nevertheless, these pathologies lead to a high mortality, above 90% of the cases, even in the presence of a treatment. In the present work, a total of 474 clinical cases of FLA infections gathered from the literature allowed to determine the frequency of usage, as well as the efficacy of the main drugs and drug combinations used in the treatment of these pathologies. The efficacy of drug usage was determined based on the survival rate after drug administration. The most efficient drugs, drug combinations, and their mechanism of action were discussed in regard to the present recommendations for the treatment of GAE, EDA, BAE, and PAM. At the end, this review aims to provide a useful tool for physicians in their choice to optimize the treatment of FLA infections.  相似文献   
Uveitis, recurrent oral and genital ulcerations associated with skin lesions are the major symptoms of a chronic multisystemic inflammatory disorder known as Behçet’s disease (BD). High prevalence of this dreaded disease has been observed in the Mediterranean basin, including Algeria and along the Silk Road. Although the etiologic agent of this disease remains uncertain, many hypotheses have been advanced in its pathogenesis. Our team has previously reported high levels of nitric oxide (NO) in sera of BD patients, suggesting its deleterious effect during chronic inflammation. In our current study, the aim is to investigate the ex vivo immunomodulatory effect of all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) on NO pathway in Algerian BD patients. First, peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from active and inactive BD patients and healthy controls were cultured with different concentrations of ATRA. NO production was estimated with the Griess method. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of ATRA effect on NO production, we analyze inducible nitric oxide synthase expression and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activity by immunofluorescence test. Our results revealed a higher production of NO in active BD compared with the inactive stage and healthy controls. We observed that ATRA inhibits NO production in BD both in active and inactive stages and inhibits NF-κB translocation. In conclusion, we report a relationship between NO production and the disease activity. ATRA down-regulates NO production in BD patients. This immunomodulatory effect seems to be mediated through NF-κB pathway. All these findings suggest that ATRA could be considered as a promising therapy for BD.  相似文献   
Oncolytic adenoviral vectors are a promising alternative for the treatment of glioblastoma. Recent publications have demonstrated the advantages of shielding viral particles within cellular vehicles (CVs), which can be targeted towards the tumor microenvironment. Here, we studied T-cells, often having a natural capacity to target tumors, for their feasibility as a CV to deliver the oncolytic adenovirus, Delta24-RGD, to glioblastoma. The Jurkat T-cell line was assessed in co-culture with the glioblastoma stem cell (GSC) line, MGG8, for the optimal transfer conditions of Delta24-RGD in vitro. The effect of intraparenchymal and tail vein injections on intratumoral virus distribution and overall survival was addressed in an orthotopic glioma stem cell (GSC)-based xenograft model. Jurkat T-cells were demonstrated to facilitate the amplification and transfer of Delta24-RGD onto GSCs. Delta24-RGD dosing and incubation time were found to influence the migratory ability of T-cells towards GSCs. Injection of Delta24-RGD-loaded T-cells into the brains of GSC-bearing mice led to migration towards the tumor and dispersion of the virus within the tumor core and infiltrative zones. This occurred after injection into the ipsilateral hemisphere, as well as into the non-tumor-bearing hemisphere. We found that T-cell-mediated delivery of Delta24-RGD led to the inhibition of tumor growth compared to non-treated controls, resulting in prolonged survival (p = 0.007). Systemic administration of virus-loaded T-cells resulted in intratumoral viral delivery, albeit at low levels. Based on these findings, we conclude that T-cell-based CVs are a feasible approach to local Delta24-RGD delivery in glioblastoma, although efficient systemic targeting requires further improvement.  相似文献   
In Arab communities, several cultural factors, derived mainly from the subordinate position of women, have been shown to affect the prevalence, clinical picture, health seeking behaviour, course and management of psychopathology in women. Women are definitely at a greater risk of developing mental disorders such as depressive, somatoform, anxious or eating disorders, as well as suicidal behaviors. Furthermore, mentally ill women are more stigmatized, have less access to care and suffer from a worse social outcome. This paper describes a series of culture-related risk factors such as education, work, sexuality, marriage, and infertility, which significantly contribute to triggering mental disorders in females, or to worsen their course and outcome. The authors recommend that mental health providers should play a critical role by addressing the cultural as well as psychological conditions that create and maintain threats to women's mental health.  相似文献   
In search for more effective and eco-friendly adsorbent materials, this study comprehensively investigated Cd2+ adsorption onto phosphorylated cellulose paper (PCP). For this, cellulose microfibers (CMF) was extracted from Alfa fibers and phosphorylated using the solid-state phosphorylation approach. Then, the prepared PCP samples were characterized by SEM, EDX, XRD, FTIR, TGA, conductometric titration and zeta potential measurement. The adsorption of cadmium ions, the effect of time, pH and Cd2+ initial concentration were systematically studied in batch experiments. Based on the results, the highest adsorption capacity achieved was 479 mg of Cd2+ per g of PCP, which was remarkable compared to other modified cellulose capacities cited in the literature. Furthermore, the Cd2+ removal mechanism was investigated based on characterization results before and after adsorption and also based on the kinetics results. It was concluded that cation exchange and electrostatic attraction between phosphorylated cellulose and the cadmium ion mainly dominated the adsorption process. These findings highlighted that the phosphorylated cellulose paper has a broad application prospect in removal of divalent metal from aquatic solution.

In search for more effective and eco-friendly adsorbent materials, this study comprehensively investigated Cd2+ adsorption onto phosphorylated cellulose paper (PCP).  相似文献   
The characterization of Neandertals’ diets has mostly relied on nitrogen isotope analyses of bone and tooth collagen. However, few nitrogen isotope data have been recovered from bones or teeth from Iberia due to poor collagen preservation at Paleolithic sites in the region. Zinc isotopes have been shown to be a reliable method for reconstructing trophic levels in the absence of organic matter preservation. Here, we present the results of zinc (Zn), strontium (Sr), carbon (C), and oxygen (O) isotope and trace element ratio analysis measured in dental enamel on a Pleistocene food web in Gabasa, Spain, to characterize the diet and ecology of a Middle Paleolithic Neandertal individual. Based on the extremely low δ66Zn value observed in the Neandertal’s tooth enamel, our results support the interpretation of Neandertals as carnivores as already suggested by δ15N isotope values of specimens from other regions. Further work could help identify if such isotopic peculiarities (lowest δ66Zn and highest δ15N of the food web) are due to a metabolic and/or dietary specificity of the Neandertals.

Over the last 30 years, analyses of nitrogen isotopes in collagen (δ15Ncollagen) have provided direct evidence for Neandertal diets across Europe and Asia. These studies all indicate a carnivorous (112), or at least a meat-heavy, diet for European Neandertals. However, one peculiarity of Neandertal δ15Ncollagen remains the subject of an ongoing debate. From the one Siberian and eight western European sites, where both Neandertal and associated fauna have been analyzed, nitrogen isotope ratios in Neandertal collagen are systematically higher than that of other carnivores (3, 68, 10, 11, 13, 14). An explanation for such elevated values could be the consumption of herbivores, such as mammoths, which themselves exhibit elevated δ15N values due to the consumption of plants growing on arid soils (1, 2, 7). While mammoth remains are usually scarce at Neandertal fossil localities, they were nonetheless occasionally consumed, as suggested by remains with cut marks and other human butchery signatures (15). The absence of mammoth remains at Middle Paleolithic sites could be a result of 1) Neandertals chose to leave large bone elements at the kill site and transport other edible carcass products, mainly meat, back to the habitation site (15), or 2) mammoths were not frequently consumed, and the δ15N peculiarity consequently reflects the consumption of other resources enriched in 15N.Alongside this δ15N peculiarity, one major obstacle to our knowledge of Neandertals’ subsistence patterns is that the preservation of organic matter limits the application of collagen-bound nitrogen isotope analysis to fossil specimens. Collagen degrades over time at a varying speed depending on climatic and environmental conditions (16). The oldest hominin specimen in which bone protein is preserved is that of Scladina (Belgium), which dates to 90,000 cal BP (calibrated years before the present) (17), but most studied specimens are younger than 50,000 cal BP (13, 68, 1013, 18). Furthermore, these specimens are only from sites in northwestern and central Europe and Siberia, where climatic conditions favored collagen preservation. As a result, the variability of Neandertals’ diet over time and between regions may not accurately be reflected by the currently available isotope data. In Iberia, where the latest surviving Neandertals have been discovered (19, 20), collagen was successfully extracted for only one site (21). Therefore, our knowledge of Iberian Neandertal diets mostly relies on zooarcheological and dental calculus data, which show some inconsistencies (2125). For instance, similar to other western European sites, zooarcheological studies emphasize the consumption of terrestrial mammals and birds (21). In contrast, analysis of dental calculus for microremains and ancient DNA metagenomic analysis (2628) highlight the frequent consumption of plants and mushrooms. Indeed, Weyrich et al. (26) even suggest that Neandertals at El Sidrón (Fig. 1) rarely consumed meat but often ate mushrooms, which would also result in elevated δ15N values (29). The consumption of marine foods is also attested for coastal Neandertals, but its frequency cannot be truly assessed in the absence of isotope studies (21, 2325, 30). Finally, cannibalism has been documented at two Iberian sites (El Sidrón and Zafarraya) (22, 31) (Fig. 1), though such practices appear limited and most likely occurred only during periods of nutritional stress (32). Therefore, it is challenging to confirm the homogeneity of Neandertals’ diets across time and space, calling into question a direct link between their subsistence strategy and disappearance.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.(A) Location of the Gabasa site as well as other Neandertal sites mentioned in the text. (B) Detailed map of the Gabasa region. San Estaban de Litera and Benabarre are nearby modern cities.This study aims to investigate if the Zn isotope proxy could help elucidate the dietary behaviors of Neandertals and the source of their δ15N peculiarity, specifically by studying a Late Pleistocene Iberian food web where the presence of mammoth has not been documented (33). The development of Zn isotope analysis (66Zn/64Zn, expressed as δ66Zn) has proven that trophic level information can be retrieved from mammalian tooth enamel (δ66Znenamel) (34, 35), including fossil samples from Pleistocene food webs where organic matter is typically not preserved (36, 37). Previous studies have demonstrated that δ66Znenamel decreases by ca. 0.30 to 0.60 ‰ with each step in archeological and modern food webs (3438) and that δ66Zn values associated with breastfeeding are higher than postweaning-associated values (39). While the main source of variation of δ66Znenamel values is diet, local geology can also likely influence the isotope ratio of a given animal (36, 39). To date, three modern assemblages from Koobi Fora (Kenya), Kruger Park, and the western Cape (South Africa) (40), a few animals from a historical site (Rennes, France) (41), and three Late Pleistocene sites (Tam Hay Marklot, Nam Lot, and Tam Pa Ling, Laos) (36, 37) are the only terrestrial food webs for which Zn isotope data in teeth and/or bones have been published (SI Appendix, Fig. S14). In the modern Koobi Fora savannah food web, δ66Znenamel differences have been observed between browsers and grazers (35), but this pattern was not seen in any of the three Pleistocene Asian forest food webs (36, 37). Among modern and historical human populations, historically documented diets relying on plants are associated with higher δ66Zn values than those that include a substantial quantity of animal products (4144). Zinc isotopes of ancient hominins have been analyzed only in one Pleistocene Homo sapiens individual (37) from Southeast Asia, but not yet in any Neandertal specimen.This current study contributes significantly to our understanding of Iberian Neandertal diets by providing information on their trophic ecology for a region where traditional nitrogen isotope analyses are unfeasible due to the poor preservation of organic matter. We use the Zn isotopic tool as well as other mobility, ecological, and dietary proxies applied on tooth enamel from hominin and animal remains from the cave site Cueva de los Moros 1 (Gabasa, Pyrenees, Spain; Fig. 1). The site, excavated in the 1980s, is very well documented [for stratigraphic context, see Montes and Utrilla (45) and SI Appendix, Section S1]. All remains come from layers e, f, and g of a single stratigraphic layer directly above layer h dated to 143 ± 43 ka. Numerous carnivore remains were recovered along with Neandertal remains (layers e and f), allowing for comparison of the different meat-eating taxa. Coexisting herbivores from three different types of environmental contexts are homogeneously represented in layers e, f, and g: mountains (Iberian ibex [Capra pyrenaica], chamois [Rupicapra rupicapra]), forest (cervids including red deer [Cervus elaphus]), and open environments (horses [Equus ferus], European wild asses [Equus hydruntinus]).  相似文献   
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